Briefly, the U.S. enlisted the Saudi's to drive the Russians out of Afghanistan [1980's]. Emboldened by their success, the Taliban & al Qaeda then hoped to create a pan-Islamic federation. So with the aim of creating hatred for the West and non-Islamic regimes, they started bombing U.S. embassies [1990's] - aiming "less at damaging the US than provoking it to a reckless assault on Islam", thereby indirectly leading to establishment of the foundations of a pan-Islamic federation. The lack of such a U.S. response lead to al Qaeda's attack on September 11th, which in turn lead to the U.S. obsession with WMD's that might be provided to it's enemies for use on U.S. cities [2000's]. After overtaking Afghanistan and dispersing the Taliban & al Qaeda, and knowing that much of the support for al Qaeda came from Saudi Arabia, the "invasion of Saudi Arabia presented the tactical problem of waging war against a country of vast area and the strategic one of disrupting the world's oil supplies. The Americans had established and then strengthened a military presence in countries surrounding Saudi Arabia - Yemen, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait. Invasion of Iraq would complete the encirclement. From a purely military view, Iraq is the most strategic single country in the Middle East, [bordering] six other countries: Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Turkey and Iran." Source: