  bbc int'l
  herald trib
  cs monitor
  new yorker
Big O
craigs list
43 places
tiny url
Embody Intel
The Long Tail
Punch Scan
Fair Use
the onion
ping mag
paglen that pursuit of peace
   will take precedence

April 8, 2008

* World campaign against Fair Use
* Cognitive Liberty slowly eroding
* Clay inhibits drug resistant MRSA
* Lower Manhattan vehicle toll dead
* I'm heading to the Bay Area today

April 7, 2008

* Olympic relay staggers into Paris
* Protestors banner on Eiffel Tower
* Banners on the Golden Gate Bridge
* DVD Glastonbury [2007] UK hippies
* Beautiful cursive and calligraphy

* Solar systems such as ours, common
* Flinstones car driver beats ticket
* Small nuclear war: effect on ozone
* US moratorium on lethal injections
* Human values in computer interface

* Comment on new tones?
* Schwarzenegger medical files open
* Plight of Darfur compared to Gaza
* The Masai warrior guide to London
* "Biological rhythm" and life span

April 6, 2008

* Solar activity and global warming
* Shots fired during Tibet exorcism
* San Francisco Olympic torch relay
* Supermarkets opening near Bazaars
* Refrigerating without electricity

* Americans lost protections of law
* American requires X-Ray in France
* Touch screen vs optical scan vote
* Condoleezza seeks Vice Presidency
* Radiohead bassist curates emotion

* Heart ailment kills captive apes
* Meteors carry left handed aminos
* Fed rate plunge hits small banks
* Rummy, Addington, Yoo war crimes
* Nuke launch facility blast doors

April 5, 2008

* China to renew Tibet re-education
* Swedes find Viking era Arab coins
* Soil bacteria eats up antibiotics
* Map of gender imbalance in the US
* Lichtblau covers Bush vs NY Times

* What prevents US attack on Iran?
* Richardson asking after hostages
* ISP's sell customers packet data
* Good variety of auroras pictured
* MAD magazine's Al Jaffe: tribute

* Need To Know Basis hampers Intel
* Olympic flame precedes the torch
* US bars boats that stop in Cuba
* McCandless quote, Into The Wild
* Asteroid survey and deflection


April 4, 2008

* Birdsongs overcome urban din
* 81% report things going south
* Ashcroft didn't sign Yoo memo
* Fourth Amendment doesn't apply
* Purposely deviant pronunciation

* Sacred discussion of race [UCC]
* Kuwaiti concrete blast barriers
* TSA deploys behaviour screeners
* National defense mega directory
* High security contractors SCIF


* DVD Into The Wild [McCandless]
* 1950's Mike Wallace interviews
* Wal-Mart responds to Olbermann
* Canadian net neutrality debate
* Kids musn't know about Atheism


* Red Army sings Lynyrd Skynyrd
* On the front lines of Zionism
* Police in Tibet fire on monks
* Clinton/Leno sniper fire joke
* PF: The OpenBSD packet filter

* Inventor of packet switching

April 3, 2008

* Olympic torch relay shortened
* Dalai Lama's envoy Lodi Gyari
* MLK assassinated 40 years ago
* Export rendition. Import coke
* Neuro-marketing of hard drink

* Radiohead Live April 1, Lucky
* Radiohead @BBC April 1, Airbag
* Radiohead April 1, The Tourist
* Banks refuse foreclosed titles
* US suspends contracts with IBM

* Designers appropriate barcodes

April 2, 2008

* Happiness is charitable giving
* DVD Calcutta, 1969 documentary
* Free document scanning service
* Alan Greenspan's padded resume
* Puffy Combs cautioned LA Times

* Iceland glacier sound recording
* Toyota denies Govt funded Prius
* Commander needs firewall access
* Iraqi army convoy through Basra
* NSFW Mike Gravel Helter Skelter


* Kashmir borders Western Tibet

April 1, 2008

* Mistakes as learned behaviour
* Fed eyes bank nationalization
* Governor Richardson editorial
* McCain volleys with Letterman
* Cape Verde Mars composite pic

* French mission to Betancourt
* Review of Trevor Paglen book
* No bar codes or credit cards
* Trademark claimed on magenta
* Pirate Bay addresses lawsuit

* RNC text-msg code subpoenaed
* Wall Street rout bottoms out
* President's burden "obvious"
* Ceasefire broker "terrorist"
* Dalai Lama may visit Europe

* When penguins learn to fly..


March 31, 2008

* Dr's want national insurance
* Excavation inside Stonehenge
* Tiananmen hosts Olympic flame

March 30, 2008

* Journalist Dith Pran has died
* Wikileaks server briefly down
* My Stockholm 2007 picture set
* The light of our imaginations
* Epcot Center concept painting


* Obama inspires racial dialogue
* Homeland Security's curriculum
* Iraqi lawmakers broker in Iran
* Washington Nationals 1st pitch
* Cheney residence in Wilson, WY

* Carville leaving Washington DC
* Rove: My horns are retractable
* US ballot shortage is ongoing
* Wolf cull in Montana, Wyoming
* Fingerprint collector's print

* Can't interpret sexual intent
* European space freighter demo
* Harley-Davidson Ferry, Sweden

March 29, 2008 

* WH email on civilian servers
* Adobe quickly edits new EULA
* Paternity test kits sold OTC
* Hillary Clinton, NY governor?
* My muxtape's first four songs

March 28, 2008 

* DVD Scarecrow [Hackman/Pacino]
* Kurosawa's unreliable narrator
* Han Chinese migration to Tibet
* Tibetan anniversary March 10th
* Monks disrupt Tibet media tour


* Point & Click wiretap retrofit
* 370 towns turn off electricity
* Limbaugh 2008 Operation Chaos
* Starbucks bosses still tipped
* More institutional Fed loans

* Background on Spitzer's fall
* Saturn moon's features named

March 27, 2008 

* Sound recorded before Edison
* Bear Stearns, Cayman Islands
* Barack Obama waxes financial
* Picture of Clinton in Bosnia
* Dodd calls on superdelegates

* E-vote integrity is for sale
* Collaborate across firewalls
* Crusaders stopped in Lebanon
* Baghdad Green Zone sat photo
* Bullet proof quantum sleeper

* US nuclear surety inspection
* Pics of pop culture in Japan
* Vegan strip club in Portland
* Barney Frank's cannabis bill
* Comcast signs with Bittorrent

* Web based "Photoshop Express"

March 26, 2008 

* Color blind means love-struck
* Senate regret Florida slavery
* Miami to deploy aerial drones
* Credit crunch is 8 months old
* Bailout will bring regulation

* Oldest known European hominid
* NASA funding both Mars rovers
* Titan sea mapped, but unnamed
* Brits approve in flight cells
* Muxtape revives shared legacy


* Next Bush War NIE under wraps
* Putin/Bush plan meet in Sochi
* Gorbachev/Reagan in Reykjavik
* Tobacco funds lung scan study
* Locally supported agriculture

* DVD Real Dirt on Farmer John

March 25, 2008 

* Emilie du Chatelet [1706-49]
* Patent shakes down prior art
* Wilkins ice shelf collapsing
* How to make "newspaper pots"
* Urban US "green collar jobs"


* US nuclear technology abroad
* al Sadr waited out the surge
* Sarkozy comments on Olympics
* Adverts suggest search terms
* Church membership's benefits

* Security professional's mind

March 24, 2008 

* Peace torch ceremony protest
* Lama taking Olympics hostage
* Nuns ask Dalai Lama's return
* Communities confront bullies
* Montana Governor saddles DHS

* 13% support Vermont Republic
* Interstate nuclear detection
* US Fusion Centers conference
* New spook Sectera Edge phone
* Information overload ambient

* Influence through ignorance
* Patriot Act haunting Google
* Surge in abandoned US homes
* Zero gravity boomerang test
* MP3 Echoes, Pink Floyd/1971

* My first layout

March 23, 2008 

* Brits study patents on code
* Rush to American pawn shops
* Cramer mistook Bear Stearns
* Cheney using the word peace
* US junk food invades Mexico

* Panchen Lama child missing
* Rent intellectual property
* Monopoly on love and faith
* McCain's spiritual advisor
* McCain has "senior moment"

* Make your mistakes quickly
* Humans adapt to technology
* Big registrar yanks domain
* Comcast camera sees viewer
* Infowars on shock bracelet

* Bike powered grain crusher

March 22, 2008 

* Obama on tactics & strategy
* Fusion Centers collect data
* US/Canada border troop deal
* Pictures of troops in Tibet
* Nomads lead Tibetan protest

* Thom Yorke climate optimist
* Prognostications of 1927-33
* Groups stop your initiative
* Hispanic governor for Obama
* Al Franken candidacy viable

* The Pirate Party objectives
* My top 5 favorite pop songs
* John Cage Mesostics [MP3's]
* DVD Redacted, De Palma NSFW
* VHS TNG The Offspring, 1990

* MP3 Serenade, Miller [1976]

March 21, 2008 

* Tribes eschew warring sides
* Anchors decry Obama bashing
* Contractors rifle passports
* Discourse on the US economy
* Starbucks chiseled baristas

* Scientology suppressed film
* Russia unsafe for reporters
* Cheney soliciting Saudi oil
* Iraq's accessable resources
* Wall St closed Good Friday

* City first defies the land

March 20, 2008 

* MP3 Had to Cry Today [2008]
* Obama race speech [YouTube]
* Genesis of the peace symbol
* CNN satirizes demonstrators
* Sunni fighters go on strike

* Air safety: shock bracelets
* Feds probe SC Trooper abuse
* Brit banks offer collateral
* Evidence of oceans on Titan
* Exoplanet organic molecule

* Early bipedal hominid bones

March 19, 2008 

* Reporters who got Iraq right
* More costly than anticipated
* Currency kiosks decline US$
* Gold prospecting in America
* Wall Street insurance costs

* SCOTUS hear gun rights case
* Arctic ice volume decreases
* Dalai Lama threat to resign
* AP photos of Tibet protest
* Chinese CCTV pics of Lhasa


* Huckabee understands Obama
* Obama chose reconciliation
* Mammalian monogamy unusual
* VHS: TNG Skin of Evil 1988
* Do slowly and deliberately

* Comcast deny FCC authority
* Trans-Atlantic peering rift
* Vats of cloned meat culture
* Regional US drought summary
* State Troopers ram suspects

* NSFW selection of soft porn
* Very short SXSW MP3 reviews

March 18, 2008 

* Author Arthur C Clarke died
* Vote machine audit disabled
* Vote machine maker v Felten
* Another large FOMC rate cut
* Arrived home from Mookberry


March 17, 2008 

* Great China Firewall today

March 16, 2008 

* Google Sky: browser access
* 2003 FBI CALEA VoIP spec *

March 15, 2008 

* Chinese police vs Tibetans
* Scientology loses in court
* Obama spurns pastor's jibe
* Gold closes above $1000/oz
* Mugs' yard sale successful

March 12, 2008 

* Church backs Net Neutrality
* Scientology black ops [via]
* Godaddy shuts
* I leave for Mookberry today
* Understand without guidance

March 11, 2008 

* Peoples daily lives monitored
* Dissenting US Admiral resigns
* Muslim elected to US Congress
* Montgolfier aerostatic [1783]
* Small human remains 2900 y.o.

* Biodiesel byproduct glycerin
* Herzog talks up Errol Morris
* Anthrax reporter staying mum
* ABC held Cheney escort story
* DVD Yellow Submarine [1968]


March 10, 2008 

* Citizens attempt Rove arrest
* Bear Stearns near insolvency
* Spitzer lost moral authority
* Camera sees beneath clothing
* Cory Doctorow: CO2 handprint

* Exiles begin march to Tibet
* Enterprise espionage resume
* "Ticking timebomb" scenario
* Devandra Banhart Live MP3's
* 15 books on a desert island

March 9, 2008 

* DST spring forward unhealthy
* Bipedal ape evolved in trees
* US Air Force copyright claim
* New Clinton house abuts USNO
* New Yorker on Michelle Obama

* Obama proxy battle vs McCain
* Hastert district to Democrat
* Colbert Report: AT & Treason
* FBI permits secret WMD sales
* 9/11 perps push conspiracies

* Pakistan to reinstate judges
* China plans first space walk
* Serbian government dissolved
* Armenian poll challenge dies
* Spanish socialist re-elected

* French electorate moves left
* Chavez appeal for Betancourt
* US drinking water drug array
* Troops bathwater not potable
* Inside look at US homophobia

* Radiohead Lollapalooza rumor
* Pope to say Mass in New York
* Puerto Rican dogs mistreated
* DVD Eagle vs Shark [2007/NZ]
* Ted Nelson coined "hypertext"

* AT&T blacklist stryder email

March 8, 2008 

* One way solo mission to Mars?
* Hitchhiker's Guide 1978 debut
* Evangelical Christian torture
* Federal Reserve injects $200B
* Don't Let It Bring You Down *

March 7, 2008 

* Titan moon's hydrocarbon rain
* Hostility for Iraq War movies
* US longshoremen Mayday strike
* NDEX US domestic intelligence
* Cell carrier has FBI backdoor

* Obama won Texas primary 98-95
* Sea Shephard engages Japanese
* Software throttles bittorrent
* Santa Cruz turn off Lou Dobbs
* Day on Highway 44 in pictures

* MP3 Ambulance Blues [Shakey]

March 6, 2008 

* Grand Canyon sediment of life
* FBI national security letters
* Schneier vs Brin transparency
* Ron Paul lone dissenting vote
* Pending home sales stabilized


* $8000 cottage has roof garden
* Egypt hosts Palestinian talks
* Allocation of Texas delegates
* My seat at The Verve in Vegas
* My car stopped here yesterday

March 4, 2008 

* Daylight Saving Time wasteful
* Obay mind control ad campaign
* Self transforming machine elf
* Oregon health insurance lotto
* Reactions to Favre retirement

* Fossil of a one ounce primate
* Vatican dialogue with Muslims
* Russia detains 100 protesters
* Diebold miss quarterly report
* Pity the treasonous Telecoms


* Heavy rains for Ohio Primary
* Registrar eNom blocks domain
* Neil Young plays in Edinburgh
* MP3 White Nigger, Stills/1970
* No Maps for These Territories

* My route to Northstar March 5

March 2, 2008 

* Buddy Miles was percussionist
* William Buckley was no neocon
* Missing Link was misconceived
* Neural impulse actuator ready
* Navy coastal sonar ban upheld

* McMansion tomorrow's tenement
* Minsky's "Credit Cycle model"
* Bernanke: some banks may fail
* Western US park contamination
* Photographer Gregory Crewdson


* Obama enacts Clinton mockery
* Internet brings on Polyamory
* Baghdad welcomes Ahmadinejad
* Egypt opens border with Gaza
* Columbia, Venezuela DEFCON 3


* Comic Mitch Hedberg [Videos]
* Video of YouTube censorship
* Law of guilt by association
* Approximately 365.2564/year
* Local large scale structure

March 1, 2008

* Armenian protest in 11th day
* Saudi nationals leave Beirut
* Kasparov says election farce
* 1997 obsolete media

* Letterman McCain-joke medley
* Domain returned to Wikileaks
* Earth flyby velocity anomoly
* Saw Joe Craven play Ashland

February 29, 2008 

* Israel vows Gaza "holocaust"
* USS Cole anchors off Lebanon
* Ron Paul: collapse of dollar
* Kremlin vows to stop protest

* Texan supports Barack Obama
* Plant pathogens cause snow?
* Trooper rips regulation sign
* Atelier Van Lieshout Gallery


2/28/08 Turks revising Hadith
* Chief Justice defends Exxon
* Comcast deployed seatwarmers
* 1/100 US adults incarcerated
* Julius Baer emerge from cave

* Pakistan ruling party sacked
* Israeli documents zio-speak
* McCain born on Panama Canal
* Plane circling low and slow
* Billboard Liberation Front


2/27/08 Senators plan war debate
* Schwarzenegger in Washington DC
* McCain rebukes nasty radio host
* $500 trillion toxic derivatives
* Led Zeppelin 2007 bootleg MP3s

* Won't solve terrorist problem

2/26/08 MP3 No Surprises [live]
* Senators address surveillance
* Progressives address Telecoms
* FCC grills Comcast at Harvard
* Diebold leaks election result

* Core wholesale inflation soars
* World YouTube outage forensics
* Delectable African headdresses
* NY Philharmonic play Pyongyang
* Beijing railway propoganda pic

* I installed OpenBSD today: pics

2/25/08 CBS news video subpoenaed
* Oliver Sacks Musicophilia study
* B20 biofuel airline flight test
* Doctoral student on selling out
* Profile of Midwestern atheists

* Coen Brothers take four Oscars
* Taxi To The Dark Side best doc
* Vacationing Iraqis head for US
* Capt America shield not enough
* Comedian Lee Camp on Fox News

* FISA makes spooks accountable

2/24/08 Nader launches campaign
* Anonymous address Nader [nsfw]
* DNA testing imperils insurance
* Spring bird hunters torch cars
* Americans will continue eating

* Sendak film adaptation update
* Amsterdam plans subcanal city
* Sociogenic illness: 1901-2000
* Japanese book cover slideshow
* Jon & Paulina visit Mt Shasta


2/23/08 US Congressman indicted
* Obama's Army ammunition story
* Voters pens use invisible ink
* Nudity on American network TV
* Google sponsors lunar landing

* Perry Bible Fellowship ending

2/22/08 Bacterial compartments
* Fed overstated US bank assets
* 10,000 Turkish troops in Iraq
* Video of satellite shoot down
* DIY: low impact woodland home


2/21/08 Believing can be seeing
* Montana puts SCOTUS on notice
* Libel Terrorism Protection Act
* Rendition flights landed in UK
* Serbs allow US embassy to burn

* Video of Prairie View A&M vote

2/20/08 Lessig seeks Lantos seat
* Students march 7 miles to vote
* Obama fundraises triple McCain
* US gas prices +33% in one year
* Brent Wilkes receives 12 years

* Fidel touts Cuban achievements
* Taiwan backing Kosovo republic
* DVD The Life Aquatic 2004 xmas
* Age 45-54 US suicide rate +20%
* Australia to call troops home

* Wikileaks shutdown in context
* RIAA prosecution video leaked
* Infrared LED's overwhelm CCTV
* Full moon dark orange tonight
* Report: missile hit satellite

* Rene Nunez Turbococina stove

2/18/08 Obama meets with Edwards
* under injunction
* Security Bear on wiretap fight
* US Press Secretary on wiretaps
* Internet Freedom Preservation

* DHS flashlight induces nausea
* 2008 Errol Morris documentary
* Sibel Edmonds officially news
* Kish Iranian Oil Bourse opens
* Kush mountain glacier farmers

* Corner houses, curved facades
* Dust storms affect hurricanes
* Summary of Australian culture
* Un-insured diagnosed too late
* Kottke's single serving sites

* Sony finally wins a format war
* Qatar talking up Credit Suisse
* $45.5B in Credit Default swaps
* Fed Reserve lends another $50B
* Pop music audible only to dogs

* Village People sue Pirate Bay

2/17/08 Bayer profits from death
* Cheap, stable way to absorb CO2
* 79% of Americans heliocentrists
* Payday lenders favor Bible belt
* People avoid natural selection

* 1772 Guadagnini violin crushed
* Dallas JFK documents revealed
* Kosovars declare independence
* UK nationalizes Northern Rock
* DVD Romance & Cigarettes 2005

2/16/08 Olympians allowed blogs
* Physicians group sanctions pot
* US analog cell networks opt out
* Olbermann: you fascist, Mr Bush
* Homeland Security, by Shambroom


2/15/08 Solar systems like ours
* Rainbow Family Wyoming annual
* American TV sign-off messages
* US surveillance law to expire
* Bully Baltimore cop 2nd video

* Arcimboldo composite portrait
* Rio Carnival costumes of 2008
* Wild gorilla sex face-to-face
* Feds overturn Texas dildo law
* Fed lab makes petrol from CO2

* Saudi convicted of witchcraft
* Olympians mustn't impugn host
* Steve Fossett is legally dead
* GM crop trial sites destroyed
* Jury rig missile defense test

* Wii to displace Xbox in 2008

2/14/08 MP3 All My Tears [Demo]
* Islamist material not illegal
* Rendition company not illegal
* Pentagon missile defense test
* DVD Doctor Zhivago, art & war

* Whitehouse Staff in contempt
* New York bond insurer rescue
* Swiss bank subprime exposure
* Clooney wants union in talks
* Printer watermark is private

* Strange Maps blog plans book

2/13/08 Comcast as traffic cop
* McCain calls Obama a Liberal
* McCain votes vs. torture ban
* Bill hides police misconduct
* Tragic deathwish prevents us

* Perfect dates lousy partners
* Sport coach spied since 2000
* Marijuana smoke insufficient
* DVD Touch the Sound, Glennie
* Word of the Day Antinomianism


2/12/08 Foreclosure moratorium
* Dodd-Feingold amendment 31-67
* Obama wins all 39 WA counties
* I witnessed COS Trustees meet
* Anonymous don Guy Fawkes mask


2/11/08 Zurich modern art heist
* I support Code Pink, Berkeley
* Conyers discusses impeachment
* World oil production flatline
* Iranian oil nationalized 1953

* US prepares visa-waiver rules
* Anonymous vs Scientology live
* Discovery in HIV pathogenesis
* Deflation affects prime loans
* Investors borrow to buy debt

2/10/08 has new DNS
* Gottfrid Svartholm interview

2/9/08 MP3 Addicted, Winehouse
* Nebraska bans electric chair
* Dems like leading candidates
* Base loathes McCain, Clinton
* Archbishop ventilates Sharia

* Neanderthal mobility polemic
* Collected Linux cheat sheets
* Encrypted laptop legal issue
* DVD The Conversation Hackman
* Emergent theory of Earth core

* Eisner: writer strike is over

2/8/08 Obama wins in our county
* US tax rebate just an advance
* Kucinich swiftboat ad tsunami
* Gaza generator bombed in 2006
* Yard says bomb killed Bhutto

* 1855 daguerrotype lab intact
* Amy Winehouse denied US visa
* Canburger may be art project
* Limbaugh party needs Clinton
* Fox labels McCain a Democrat

2/7/08 Healthy people expensive
* Torture legal under what law?
* All secret laws are arbitrary
* SoCal surfers block toll road
* Israel restarting Sinai fence

* Muslim groups after Wikipedia
* McCain addesses conservatives
* Knee brace electric generator
* Victoria Crowe's Plant Memory
  [Brochure from Edinburgh RSA]


* MP3 Weeping Willow [shoegaze]

2/6/08 Internet cable cut fever
* Perepiteia regenerative motor
* Toddlers datamine word-object
* Key copied from Diebold image
* US spy chiefs on Capitol Hill

* "Euros Accepted" signs in NYC
* New series of market declines
* Google's reaction to Microhoo
* Growth of cisco sales slowing
* IBM's Blue Gene runs web apps

* Backcountry laptops, gadgetry
* Decline in outdoor activities
* NASA mission to outer planets
* ESA Lab modules launch window
* Best view of space from Earth

* Spatial lingo of Meso-America
* Late Ginsberg & Beck converse
* MP3 Meditation Mahavishnu [*]
* Sex/Aggression rewarded alike
* Pix of stranded, domesticated

* FBI probing House Republicans
* Kos on Super Tuesday, briefly
* Spurlock film seeks bin Laden
* Film roles Jack Black joneses
* Peter Doig show, Tate Britian


2/5/08 Bush sonar order invalid
* Folate deficiency in demented
* 1997 US crop distribution map
* Commercial aircraft biodiesel
* Mayo Clinic near "index case"

* Satellite "spotter" community
* Christo: Mastaba of Abu Dhabi
* RIAA wants song royalties cut
* Belichick's bad sportsmanship
* Manning pass to Tyree [video]

* Azores Islands 2008 festivals
* Return to place of citizenship
* TM founder Maharishi Yogi dies
* Winehouse in rehab since Jan24
* Pirate Bay moves beyond Sweden

* US debating drift net evidence
* UK to admit intercept evidence

2/4/08 Iranian Internet offline
* Iran Oil Bourse poised to open
* Iran rocket launch makes orbit
* In God We Trust size increased
* Canadian child soldier's trial

* Google CEO called up Yahoo CEO

2/3/08 DVD V for Vendetta [2005]
* Progressives back Barack Obama
* Boston paper: more Pats spying
* Winning candidates unprophetic
* Pariah inspires Clinton cough

* David Byrne interprets culture
* Raising issues of human rights
* Chad oil boon and coup attempt
* Fiber cuts unlikely by anchors
* Cory Doctorow report at Forbes

* Cory Doctorow's daughter Poesy

2/2/08 3rd Middle East cable cut
* Serbian runoff is East vs West
* NFL commish destroys spy tapes
* Olberman on "textbook" fascism
* Silver eases off 28 year high

   Casting Frozen Grand Central

2/1/08 Obama raising $1M per day
* O'Reilly seeking homeless vets
* Received Lloyd Kahn's Home Work
* Local Area Network LAN turns 30
* "FLAG" cable: England-UAE-Japan

* 700MHz $4.7B reserve price met
* Microsoft $44.6B bid for Yahoo
* IRS clears Snipes of tax fraud
* Death penalty for distribution
* Great snow skiing on Mt Shasta


1/31/08 Cable cut off Alexandria
* 1996 Mother Earth Mother Board
* Chinese snowed in for holidays
* Israeli judge defends blackout
* Carnival bans Holocaust dancer

* Waterboarding ban needs support
* UN Palais former Rothchild home
* New UK-Russian extradition case
* Satellite 8km/day; accelerating
* Fox affiliates take down Montel

1/30/08 Burmese activists charged
* Perception of security provided
* UK OK'd 250k phone taps in 2006
* 1906 geography text: race types
* Dandy New Yorker Eustace Tilley

* College trustee reveals bigotry
* Marcion set Jesus above Jehovah
* Jikji early movable type [1377]
* Bronze Age "book" Phaistos Disc
* Burger and bottled water canned

* Gold price suppression failing
* Kansas governor endorses Obama
* E-voting undermines confidence
* Brattleboro vote on indictment
* Bush signing statement earmark

* Musharraf disrespects Chaudhry
* India, Egypt Internet disrupted
* LA Medical Pot vending machines
* Shock treatment restores memory
* 17,000 manmade objects returned

* 2 Fed cuts in 8 days total 1.25%

1/29/08 6500+ spacecraft launched
* Asteroid WD5 next to Mars Jan 30
* Surveillance law to expire Jan 31
* SOTU: US only spies on terrorists
* Soldiers killed on patrol in Iraq

* California health initiative dead
* Flashlight lights fire, fries egg
* Royal Academy exhibit From Russia
* Havana's real estate black market
* New accuracy in face recognition

1/28/08 Pakistani stock market hot
* Incoming satellite NRO's USA 193
* Asteroid passing Earth on Jan 29
* Stanford site converts pix to 3D
* Situationist 1956-72 documentary

* Adoption of solid state SSD disk
* Auction of analog TV frequencies
* Stallone tells HGH from steroids
* High school credit at McDonald's
* Gandy Dancer maintained railroad

1/27/08 Cease & Desist copyrighted
* Europeans following US campaigns
* Bill Clinton jumps shark Jan 1st
* McGovern for impeachment Jan 6th
* Jon Stewart on campaign coverage

* Minor Russian candidate removed
* MP3 Le Pont Mirabeau Apollinaire
* MP3 Sestina Altaforte Ezra Pound
* Geologists revise Climate Change
* Helsinki bus and tram Linux WAN

* NY probing Pharma Vytorin study
* Radiohead 1995 Music Video Just
* Area 51 renamed "Homey Airport"
* NSFW: False Bay jumping sharks
* Explaining NFL Patriots season

* Federer loses semi to Djokovic

1/26/08 Scientology reality tunnel
* NH Primary sham chain of custody
* Testing NYC air without a permit
* EU fails to buy Serbian pipeline
* Hamas buying groceries in Egypt

* 10 ton satellite nears re-entry
* Anonymous admonishes news media
* Anonymous DDoS Scientology site
* Fox host John Gibson apologizes
* Guest repeats Fox office gossip

* Double helixes seek one another
* Gustav Courbet coined "Realism"
* Israel under Ehud Olmert [NYRB]
* History Channel sources Anthrax
* Germany solicits Skype malware

* DVD Electra Glide in Blue 1973

  Dinner: fried eggs on fougasse

1/25/08 Alltime widest Dow bounce
* Kucinich drops presidential bid
* FISA authority over NSA removed
* Telecom immunity bill next week
* Computer use in Design, c. 1989

* Iberian Peninsula's oldest well
* Yucatan Chicxulub impact crater
* Asteroid 40% outside Moon orbit
* Earth mantle softer than known
* Oceanographer found Black Swan

* First man-made genome complete
* Anonymous vs Scientology on TV
* Spymaster Mike McConnell: file
* ICANN appeals for independence
* Guerilla flower pots of Tokyo



* DVD Casshern [2004/1973/Japan]
* Japan's inflation rate doubles
* Atlantic Monthly opens archive
* Tufte on the iPhone interface
* John Edwards backs Chris Dodd

* MP3 Cornerstone, Marley, 1971
* Missed Garrison Keillor visit
* Drove to Oregon between snows
* Large bulk food order came in
* Buying hella books from Amazon

1/24/08 IP address personal data
* Dodd anti-wiretap barn-stormer
* Video: Anonymous vs Scientology
* Japan's PM cites violent attack
* EPA expects loss vs California

* The Verve book California show
* Bono talks poverty at Pentagon
* Banks to support bond insurers
* KDE desktop ports Windows, OSX
* Hacker shows Comcast filtering

   A 2,500 year old family seal
   from the Hebrew First Temple
   in Jerusalem depicts priests
   worshipping a crescent moon,
   symbol of Babylonian god Sin.

* DVD Festival Express 1970/2003

1/23/08 Fed cut buoys Asia stocks
* British FTSE index up overnight
* Rate cut "once in a generation"
* Bin Laden son Omar and his wife
* Project chronicles pre-War lies


* Exercise of sovereignty in Iraq
* BoingBoing takes battle to AT&T
* Piracy numbers grossly inflated
* Received copy BibliOdyssey book
* My new desk: under the cat rule

1/22/08 Euro/Asian markets tumble
* Nikkei falls 1.5% in 1st minute
* 3/4% Fed rate cut; dollar drops
* Parody anticipates gold seizure
* Maryland scraps Diebold systems

* Whale hunt prevented for 10 days
* Kite reduces cargo ship emission
* Whole Foods without plastic bags
* Hackers fight Scientology Church
* ISP filter & copyright extension

* Orwellian inquisitions in Canada
* DVD Renegade 1994 Peyote Western
* Vermont weighs decriminalization
* Padilla credit for time served
* Winehouse filmed smoking crack

1/21/08 FBI case # 203A-WF-210023
* Watchlist haunts interstate trip
* Less popular than any politician
* Pentagon posts more Hormuz video
* Martin Luther King Day gathering

1/20/08 First day second hand desk
* Privacy and Security not at odds
* Schwarzenegger declines to state
* 1957 New Yorker on Bobby Fischer
* Strange lives of polar dinosaurs

* EPA redaction executive privilege
* Feist must decline Colbert invite
* Favre just short of 3rd Superbowl
* Branson still wants Northern Rock
* Mad Money Cramer lost $50,000 bet

* 30% Off: America is on Sale [NYT]
* Astrophysicists refer to monsters
* Algorithm idiom of modern science
* Google calculator does potrzebie
* Internet via TV white space test

* Serbian choice between EU/Russia

1/19/08 DVD today Zeitgeist [2007]
* Science website covers 9/11 study
* Two days on Canadian torture list
* Steve Howards sued Secret Service
* 1943 Rosie Riveter working in red


* Detroit schoolbook depository pix
* Legal battle over Scientology vid
* MTV surveys idioms of Scientology
* Writer's obsession, Bobby Fischer
* North American Union corridor [$]

1/18/08 Kucinich refuses Texas oath
* Huckabee obliges Confederate flag
* Presidential candidate milkshakes
* DVD Northern Exposure, 2nd Season
* MP3 I May Know The Word, Merchant

1/17/08 Dow Jones -9% since Jan 1st
* Sharp decline in US manufacturing
* Merrill Lynch 4th qtr loss $9.8B
* Nevada Democrats vote in casinos
* Paper ballots facilitate recount

* Police taser kills uncooperative
* Canada places US on torture list
* Privatized domestic surveillance
* The Web as programmable computer
* For people with large data sets

* UK permits hybrid human embryos
* Berlin Alexanderplatz, in brief

1/16/08 Global warming trends 2007
* Genetic engineering as gardening
* Cloned meat entering food supply
* CDC study new Morgellons disease
* Prozac barely outperform placebo

* Fed Reserve backs $150B stimulus
* Pentagon video of Iranian threat
* Whaling halted in Southern Ocean
* Favored explanation for the moon
* Hitherto unseen side of Mercury

* Material absorbs 99.9% of light
* CIA lawyer Rizzo hearing closed
* Bush lawyer shrugs his shoulder
* NH primary recount inconclusive
* Michigan GOP primary conclusive

* Uncertainty principle prohibits
* Aussie cops protect themselves
* DVD Nuovo cinema Paradiso 1988
* MP3 Howl, Ginsberg 1955/poetry
* Pic of where I've been sitting

1/15/08 Bush bestowed Arab bling
* MSNBC told to include Kucinich
* Later school start time better
* Neanderthal stitching too late
* MRSA clone USA300 skin to skin

* Pope called Galileo trial fair
* Depp donating million sterling
* MacBook Air, 3/4", 5hr battery
* Mine company profits protected
* Aussie judge backs whaling ban

* Activists board Japanese whaler
* Japanese banks $10B for Wall St
* Impeachment call on House floor
* Facebook's transhumanist neocon
* Pirate Bay admins served papers

* Unix Y2K38 bug starts Saturday

1/14/08 Australia to NZ by kayak
* Airline passenger rights in NY
* Olympics & amputee prosthetics
* Nano-hazard design competition
* Jon Stewart vs. Chris Matthews

* Solar physicists announce cycle
* Ulysses fourth visit to the Sun
* The Dubious Data awards of 2007
* EU may ban some biofuel imports
* Email is de facto Govt Property

* Lula da Silva in Havana tonight
* Bush forgoing bedtime in Riyadh


1/13/08 Dollar to yuan, 5yr graph
* Bush visit, Arab press synopsis
* Yue MinJun's laughing character
* Married discover they are twins
* Straight of Hormuz radio troll

* Individualism destructive force
* Secessionist 2008 meet Carolina
* Impeachment activist arrives DC
* I redirected [audio]
* RIAA's Making Available theory

* Edward Tufte comment on Bullets
* Eternity and a Day no subtitles
* Sri Lankan 50 yrs without trial
* Polish teen hacks train network
* Deconstructing Omaha Beach CGI

* Mike McConnell calls it torture
* Cruelty with a good conscience?
* Anonymity as route to notoriety
* Ethanol Hummer Detroit debutant
* Roger Clemens snubbed Mitchell

* Boomtimes for Boeing and Airbus
* Fed Reserve: "truth in lending"
* Rate cut expected January 29-30
* Parallel print C-notes perfect
* Deconstructing Wired then, now

* Mercury flyby first since 1974

1/12/08 100 year snow in Baghdad
* States probe no-doc bank loans
* Wrongful conduct is incidental
* Chocolate cookie aroma impulse
* PCR in vitro DNA amplification


* Politician pranks French media
* Straussian myth is neocon truth
* Keith Olbermann "running" MSNBC
* Gold $900. Reached $850 in 1980
* iTaser in leopard, red, or pink


* Americans able to count by hand
* Analysis of "Hillary hacked NH"
* Southwest governor backs Obama
* Young IT workers disillusioned
* 3D sound cloak is now possible

* DVD The Gods Must Be Crazy 1980

1/11/08 Could the RIAA disappear?
* Four major song labels DRM free
* New Hampshire announces recount
* DoJ voting section staff canned
* Drivers License as airtravel ID

* DC Mall to ban public assembly
* NBA orders 52 seconds replayed
* Beijing 2008 sport shoe advert
* Cambodia waterboarding exhibit
* Naples swallowed by own refuse

1/10/08 Berlin's Checkpoint Curry
* Hurt nervous system reorganizes
* Housing covered in trees [camo]
* Soliciting Arab sovereign funds
* World of Warcraft pacifist Noor

* Sir Edmund Hillary has died [*]

1/9/08 ISP's ready network filters
* Free Radiohead MP3 top seller CD
* Letterman shaves his strikebeard
* My 1000th picture post at flickr
* Albany Bulb garbage becomes art

1/8/08 Depression masks olfactory
* O'Reilly upholding constitution
* Constitutionalist greets police
* Lawsuits seek White House email
* Obama: no warrantless wiretaps


* Israel privatizing land siezure
* Nerve war on influential people
* North Vietnam hacked airstrikes
* FCC notes Comcast packet filter
* Legality of laptop inspections

* Gazans dismiss last minute Bush
* Micronations author interviewed
* Japanese "Article 9" exhibition
* Krishnamurti via Jack Nicholson
* Triathlete Chrissie Wellington

* Modern deworming brings disease
* Southpole drift marker ceremony
* Mars rover ready for 3rd winter
* New Johnny Greenwood film score
* British home prices bottom out

* McCain tops New Hampshire poll
* NH the only northeast redstate
* Formula One team caught spying

1/7/08 Iranian boats provocative
* Violence preceding Bush arrival
* US holding 630 at Bagram prison
* Congressmen not allowed to read
* Snubbed candidate holds NH forum

* Colleagues address Jared Diamond
* Cable TV set top boxes now 2 way
* Vegas consumer electronics show
* BitTorrent site "admins" outed
* NY Times columnist debut noted

Dear fellow US citizens: subjecting
people to simulated drowning serves
no purpose to good men. Suggestions
that "waterboarding" serves freedom
are absurd. Any implicit bargain in
which CIA representatives trade the
extreme duress of fellow humans for
my "freedom" - I explicity reject!

No government or institution of men
can pretend to safeguard my freedom.

I'd rather be dead than give assent
to sadism in exchange for security.

~Michael Ross MacDonald [Permalink]

1/6/08 Up to 6' of snow expected
* 12" of snow at Shasta this week
* Hydrocarbon combustion reversed
* Neuros OSD open source hardware
* Disney restaurant bans children

* Fox removes Ron Paul from APWIRE
* Caucus losers weathervane effect
* DVD Never Cry Wolf, Farley Mowat
* Lethal injection as state secret
* Checkmate insecticide makes ill

* Princeton mapping globalization
* Pope's antonym for "world order"
* Great stroke of decolonizing pen
* Sunday Parade Bhutto cover story
* Pakistanis flee into Afghanistan


* Miami Model: pre-emptive arrests

1/5/08 Clear skies over Jerusalem
* Secret Service nab Bill O'Reilly
* Populism another name for terror
* Corporate Media blackout Edwards
* Torture victim sues DoJ official

* New Hampshire GOP, vis a vis Fox
* Chuck Norris joins Mike Huckabee
* Seymour Hoffman in Chicago Seven
* South Carolina computer forensic
* Diplomat: Kenyan election rigged

* Solitaire patent owner files suit
* Physicist suggests universe is VR
* Theories are models, not pictures
* Employers beseech Bank of England
* Hell's Angels' Amsterdam brothel

* I've begun posting Helsinki pix

1/4/08 Purchase history is public

1/3/08 Lindsay Lohan takes a swig
* Texas wins wrongful convictions
* I saw the film Walk Hard [2007]

1/2/08 Immigrant default bogeyman
* Whites more likely to get drugs
* Russian post-oligarchic Silovik
* MP3 Piggies, Beatles [acoustic]
* Stryder vanity

1/1/08 MP3 Maiden Voyage, Hancock
* Word of the day victual [vivere]
* Monkeys impute feelings to others
* Orangutan Nonja dies in captivity
* Van Gogh notebook found in Athens

* Parallel universes beguile science
* Scientist changed his mind in 2007
* Remains of Inuit predecessor Thule
* John Cage strangest work, UK debut
* Slovenia's six month EU presidency

* Democrats obstructing impeachment
* Bill Clinton redeems his marriage
* New Hampshire Republicans and Fox
* Pakistan opposition want election
* Ancient Egyptian glassmaking oven

* Tintin news, articles & reference
* Classic texts of computer science
* When everybody knows, nobody does
* War and censorship by journalism
* TV News editors emotional center

* 2007 favorite story


12/31/07 Radiohead midnight webcast
* Edwards: no corporate lobby in WH
* US home sales stats bottoming out
* Cellphone radiation affects sleep
* Joybubbles transcendent character

* DVD tonight Rob Roy, Liam Neeson
* Terror excuses amoral leadership
* Upset traveler died in detention
* London 7/7 bombers not soldiers
* 11 years to the day before 9/11

* Eavesdropping Bluetooth headsets
* NASA release airline safety data
* Iris, face, fingerprint database
* Reversal of global dimming trend
* Local Cops Organized Nationally


* Pictoral study of jet emissions
* Big year for comets & asteroids
* Paris & Berlin ban cafe smoking
* Bhutan holds it's first election
* Ken Miller on Intelligent Design

12/30/07 9 intriguing door designs
* Pilot to TSA: "Let my people go!"
* Distribution models for musicians
* Connecticut personal info opt-out
* Sponsors of Fox Republican forum

* Vermont petition for Bush warrant
* Military Commissions and citizens
* Cause of Bhutto's death concocted
* Bluetongue affects only ruminants
* Old UK photos look like paintings

* Scotland beach mystery container
* Virtual humans of Uncanny Valley
* Closed-source software nostalgia
* MP3 Tschusse, Anton Newcombe 2003
* San Francisco expands health care

* Balance sheet determines who dies
* Wall Street's Greater Fool theory
* MerrillLynch seek sovereign funds
* Signs your country may be fascist
* Fascism blamed on corporate media

* Sacha Cohen cast as Abbie Hoffman
* Strikebeards of the Writers Guild
* New Museum of Contemporary Art NY
* Dominican Church become bookstore
* Privacy International 2007 report

* 2008 return of Iraqi War refugees
* Hajj pilgrims choose the way home
* Asylum seekers in Europe confined
* Road.. paved with good intentions
* Nepal assembly abolishes monarchy

* MP3 ZZ Top Goes To Egypt, Camper
* NSA controls encryption services
* Bobbies can't protest parliament
* Borges, On Exactitude in Science
* Atlanta's driest year since 1954


12/29/07 New Coen Bros film trailer
* Tom Edison 1910 film Frankenstein
* Letterman signs deal with Writers
* String of scandals at Smithsonian
* Kyoto Geisha Flower & Willow pics

* Balanced network refuses Ron Paul
* John Edwards excoriates corporate
* Barack Obama adopts populist tone
* Hillary Clinton refuses questions
* Monkeys sleep replaced chemically

* China permits yuan's appreciation
* China cancels Yangtze dam project
* South Pole brawl requires medevac
* Cheating NFL Patriots record wins
* Bhutto named suspects, previously

* Gravity's Rainbow Illustrated pdf
* Emergency eyeglasses using a leaf
* Mars asteroid impact chance of 4%
* Community surrounds genetic rarity
* Pataphysic pataphor patapsychology

12/28/07 CPR without mouth to mouth
* Clandestine chief to seek immunity
* Milgam experiment tested obedience
* Blackwater Worldwide greeting card
* David Hicks released in Australia

* Google's 1996 precursor "Backrub"
* Apple retail store model "hangout"
* Job growth lags population growth
* Pentagon's space based solar power
* Earth as circuit built by microbes

* Just resting, learning to be still
* TV preacher Osteen answers critics
* Dallas DA clears wrongly convicted
* 98% of Guatemalan murders unsolved
* Email from a vacationer in Karachi

12/27/07 Benazir Bhutto assassinated


* Sovereign Wealth Funds buy Wall St.
* Giuliani/Motorola no-bid FDNY radio
* Christians trade blows over Nativity
* Organisms decide to survive extremes
* Anniversary of Flushing Remonstrance

* Elected Thai leader Thaksin in exile
* French aid workers sentenced in Chad
* 10 archeological discoveries of 2007
* Decontextualized irisis or eyescapes
* Minneapolis & Seattle pass literacy

* Colorado official backs paper ballot
* NSA admin access via ports 1024-1030
* Contractors & State Secrets doctrine
* Private sector helps fuel US bombers
* EPA to reveal green house gas papers

12/26/07 Athlete waterboards himself
* Police Academy slogan "cause PTSD"
* Phoenix cops ask about citizenship
* Prosecutors help GOP win elections
* Kansas GOP boast of "voter caging"

* American Fascists author interview
* Noise reduction compound FeSi-1000
* Madison couple tasered at the mall
* Daytona Best Buy customer tasered
* Book argues Bell stole phone idea

* Singapore 10% Merrill Lynch stake
* US home prices down 6% in October
* Criminalizing Bicarbonate of Soda
* Ingrid Betancourt recovery effort
* Juliette Binoche working in Iran

* DVD tonight Dark Star, Carpenter
* Unconquerable, unconquering evil
* Blind people see sunrise, sunset
* National Archives recount Cheney
* Marijuana smokers feel accepted

12/25/07 Pagan Holiday [Surprise!]

12/24/07 Origami picnic/camping set
* Near Earth Object monitor program
* Jerusalem discussed at Annapolis?
* Top terrorist is still on the run
* Libertarian calls Fire Department

12/23/07 MP3 Jah Work, Harper 1997
* Turks bomb PKK 3 times this week
* Zionists building East Jerusalem
* Bible scholar blasts Dominionism
* Scientists reject global warming

* Early Dylan biopic I'm Not There
* Police fingerprint traffic stops
* US analog cellular shutdown soon
* US Governors at 2007 Bilderberg
* Nationalist Hindu incorruptible

12/22/07 Sacha Cohen retires Borat
* Hajj makeover, homepage, and WiFi
* Miss USA & Robin Williams USO tour
* Gitmo prisoner charged with crime
* 1000 lawyers denounce Whitehouse

* Criticizing officials anonymously
* Shock therapy on mentally retarded
* Jekyll Island hunt club circa 1910
* Private sector subprime hedgefund
* DVD tonight They Live [Carpenter]

* Horse breeding is mostly nurture
* John Edwards is ready for a fight
* Hoover planned mass arrest in 1950
* 27 million FBI/FISA phone sessions
* FBI's billion $ biometric database

12/21/07 Nanosolar flex panels ship
* New Orleans cops battle protestors
* Fed auctions another $20M to banks
* Japan suspends Humpback whale hunt
* Taiwan referendum on UN membership

* MPAA says film poster not suitable
* Retired, Nat'l Clandestine Service
* Information extracted by coercion
* US health insurance company kills
* California environmental standard

* Lakota leaders call for diplomacy
* Apology from Communication Bureau
* Best blogs you may not be reading
* DVD: Making Dark Side of the Moon
* VHS: Space is the Place [Sun Ra]

* Solstice 2200 PST [0600 GMT/UTC]

12/20/07 Baby Friday ordered renamed
* Judiciary impeachment OpEd rejected
* Republicans scaremonger, Dems cower
* Whitehouse appropriates "good will"
* Senator blocks recess appointments

* American Jewish Lobby bad for jews
* New Orleans to demolish 4500 homes
* Evacuees subject to criminal check
* FTC approve Google con doubleclick
* Bear Stearns huge loss also first

* FOIA reform enfranchises bloggers
* DHS plans domestic spy satellites
* Gitmo prisoners out on bail in UK
* Drivers on the phone face slammer
* Europe's border-free zone expands

* Lakota activists report secession
* Bolivia's secessionist oligarchy
* World map of human lifespans via

12/19/07 MP3 Changes, Jorge [2005]
* Men were held at Gitmo for Spain
* Whitehouse lawyers spoke of tapes
* Cheney's 2nd floor utility closet
* Comet vanishes before probe visit

* The act of reading is not natural
* $8,000/gallon ink anti-trust suit
* Myth of scarcity permits zero-sum
* Voting system allows corrections
* Female monkeys shout during sex


* MP3 Sun Kil Moon, Space Travel
* Pics of Earth from spacecraft
* Empty space acts like crystal


* | * | *

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"You are who you love, not who loves you."
-Charlie Kaufman, Adaptation, 2002

We came whirling out of nothingness ...



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joichi ito
justin's links
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brain off

files temporary

Beethoven's Adagios
Mass for Soloists 4'48
Moonlight Sonata 5'28

Bob Marley
Corner Stone 2:18
All In One 3:27
There She Goes 2:37

Jack Kerouac
Spoken Word [Live]
[Steve Allen, piano]
About Charlie Parker [3'42]

High Jazz-Rock - McLaughlin
& Santana cover Coltrane..
Carlos Santana and
Mahavishnu Orchestra

Love Devotion Surrender [1972]
A Love Supreme [7'50]
Meditation [2'40]

Bang On A Can [1998]
2/2 12:00

Van Morrison
Astral Weeks [1968]
Beside You [5'16]

Natalie Merchant
Tigerlily [1995]
I May Know The Word [8'08]

David Bowie
Wild is the Wind [6'01]

Talking Heads
Little Creatures [1985]
Give Me Back My Name [3'22]

Joan Osborne
Relish [1995]
Ladder [4'10]

M. Ward
Transistor Radio [2005]
Hi-Fi [4'14]

Stevie Wonder
Innervisions [1973]
Don't You Worry
'Bout A Thing 4'44

Cowboy Junkies
Whites Off Earth Now [1986]
Crossroads [6'15]

Camper Van Beethoven
Our Beloved Revolutionary
Devil Song 1'58

Arlo Guthrie
Alice's Restaurant [1966]
Alice's Restaurant 18'35

Thom Yorke Acoustic
Le Reservoir 3/7/03
No Surprises 4:05

CSNY So Far [1974]
Wooden Ships 5:29

Sarah McLachlan
Fumbling Toward Ecstasy [1994]
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy [9'43]
Possession [4'39]

J.J. Cale
Five [1979]
Sensitive Kind [5'10]

Neil Young
Freedom [1989]
Eldorado [6'04]
Don't Cry [5'01]

Marvin Gaye
What's Going On ? [1971]
What's Going On? [3'54]

Led Zeppelin I [1969]
Communication Beakdown 2:42
Dazed And Confused 6:26

Jeff Buckley
Unreleased Demos
When The Levee Breaks 7:56

The Velvet Underground
All Tomorrow's Parties 5:57

The Verve
Urban Hymns [1997]
Weeping Willow [4'49]
Come On [15'15] {nsfw}

U. Utah Phillips
with Ani DiFranco
Fellow Workers [1999]
The Long Memory 5:33
The Silence That Is Me :41
The Internationale 2:48
Bread And Roses 1:45
Joe Hill (Inst.) 2:36
Joe Hill 1:37

Pi [OST/1998]
Pi R Squared 1:29

Sleepy Jackson
Lovers [2003]
Miniskirt 4:08

The Poet Robert Creeley
died March 30th, 2005. [Via]
Intervals :38
Heroes :48
Thinking :54

Hemispheres [1978]
La Villa Strangiato 9:35

Herbie Hancock
Maiden Voyage [1965]
Maiden Voyage 7:57

Frank Zappa
Imaginary Diseases [2006]
Imaginary Diseases 9:45

3121  [Advance 2006]
Te Amo Corazon 5:43

Vic Chesnutt
West of Rome [1992]
Withering 4:30

Burt Bacharach
Casino Royale [OST/1967]
Venerable Sir James 2'33

Louis Armstrong
& Duke Ellington

The Great Summit [1961]
I Got It Bad, And
That Ain't Good
In A Mellow Tone 3'48
The Mooche 3'39
Solitude 4'55

Mogwai Mr Beast [2006]
Friend of the Night [9'22]

Ken Nordine
Colors [Word Jazz]
Azure [1'35]
Magenta [1'35]
Mauve [1'35]

Ash Ra Tempel [1974]
Quasarsphere [6'37]

Monty Python and the
Holy Grail
King Arthur and the
Old Woman
Knights Who Say "Ni" [2'34]

Soul Asylum [1993]
Runaway Train [4'27]

O Brother Where Art Thou OST
Big Rock Candy Mountain [2'17]

Henry Mancini [1963/OST]
Pink Panther Theme [2'36]

RZA Ghost Dog OST [1999]
Flying Birds [1'13]

Arctic Monkeys [2006]

When The Sun Goes Down [3'20]

William Orbit
Strange Cargo III [1993]

Best Friend, Paranoia [4'36]
Gringatcho Demento [6'39]

Radiohead [Thom Yorke]
Hail to the Thief [2003]
Go To Sleep [3'30]
Sail To The Moon [4'28]

Sesame Street [1991]
Imagination [2'23]
I Wonder 'Bout The World
Above Up There
I Don't Want To Live
On The Moon

Punch Drunk Love [OST/2002]
Punch Drunk Melody [1'43]
Punchy Tack Piano [1'25]
Hands and Feet [3'42]

Ken Nordine
Best of Word Jazz Vol. 1
Fliberty Jib [4'47]
Down The Drain [3'14]
You're Getting Better [2'07]
Anytime, Anytime [2'47]

Neville Brothers
Yellow Moon [1989]
Healing Chant [4'37]

Richard Ashcroft
Keys To The World [2006]
75 Degrees [4'48/Bonus Track]

Sting [1987]
Nothing Like The Sun...
Be Still My Beating
Fragile [3'56]

Tom Waits
Nighthawks at the Diner [1975]
Emotional Weather Report

Jane Siberry
Maria [1995]
Maria [4'27]
Caravan [7'34]
Begat Begat [6'36]
Oh My My [20'15]

Angelo Badalamenti
City of Lost Children [OST]
Les Infants Sauvent One [3'13]

Neil Young
Dead Man [OST]
Time for you to leave,
William Blake
Guitar Solo 2 [2'03]
Guitar Solo 3 [4'31]
Guitar Solo 4 [4'22]
Organ Solo [1'33]

The Verve
No Come Down [1994]
No Come Down [3'17]

Disney Jungle Book [1967]
That's What Friends
Are For

DJ Cheb i Sabbah
Shri Durga [1999]

Shri Durga [11'13]
Ganga Dev [6'44]
Mere Kabu [12'35]
Durga Puja [6'56]

Velvet Underground
Rock & Roll [4'45]

David Bowie
Scary Monsters [1980]
It's No Game (Pt 1) [4'20]
Up The Hill Backwards [3'15]
Ashes to Ashes [4'25]

TV Theme Oldies [coverart]
Batman [1'12]
Peter Gunn [1'05]
Bonanza [39 seconds]

Blind Faith [1969]
Had To Cry Today [8'48]
Do What You Like [15'22]

The Minutemen
Double Nickel on the Dime [1984]
#1 Hit Song [1'48]
The Glory of Man [2'57]
Shit from an Old Notebook [1'35]
One Reporter's Opinion [1'50]
History Lesson Part II [2'12]
Take 5 D [1'39]

King Crimson
Starless & Bible Black [1974]
Trio [5'39]

King Crimson
Larks' Tongue in Aspic [1973]
Exiles [7'40]

Glenn Gould
Goldberg Variations [1955]
Variation One [45 seconds]

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band [1970]
Mr Bojangles [3'36]

Hope Sandoval
and the Warm Inventions
Bavarian Bread Fruit [2001]
Butterfly Mornings [3'37]
Around My Smile [4'10]

Boston [1976]
More Than A Feeling [4'45]

Leslie Feist
Let It Die [2004]
Mushaboom [3'44]
Secret Heart [3'49]

Seu Jorge
Life Aquatic (Studio) [2005]
Changes [3'40/Bowie]
Queen Bitch [3'42/Bowie]

The Talking Heads
Naked [1988]
Totally Nude [4'11]
Mr. Jones [4'20]

Vespertine [2001]
it's not up to you [5'09]
undo [5'38]

John Lennon
Shaved Fish [1967]
Happy Christmas
(War Is Over) [4'14]

Yann Tiersen
Amelie [OST/2001]
Comptine d'un Autre Ete: l'apres Midi
Amelie La Valse d'Amelie (piano)

"Those who know what is best for us must rise up and save us from ourselves." - Rush, "Witch Hunt"
Moving Pictures [1981]

Witch Hunt [4'45]
Red Barchetta [6'10]

Frank Zappa
Shut Up and Play Yer Guitar [1981]
Pink Napkins [4'40]
Stucco Homes [8'56]
Deathless Horsie [6'19]

Future Days [1973]
Future Days [9'32]

Jimi Hendrix
Blues [1994]
Once I Had A Woman [7'49]

Devendra Banhart
Cripple Crow [2005]
Now That I Know [4'53]
I Feel Just Like A Child [4'46]
Queen Bee [2'44]

2112 [1976]
2112 [20'34]

Glenn Miller
In The Mood [1940]
Stardust [3'22]
A String of Pearls [3'13]

The Beatles
The White Album [1968]
Glass Onion [2'17]
Dear Prudence [3'56]
Revolution #9 [8'21]
Blackbird [2'18]
Long, Long, Long [3'04]
While My Guitar
Gently Weeps [4'44]

The Red Violin [OST/1998]
Featuring Joshua Bell
Overture [2'50]
Reprise [1'34]
Reprise Voice [1'55]

Steve Miller Band [1968-73]
Evil [4'36]

Sun Kil Moon
Tiny Cities
[Advance 2005]
Dramamine [2'48]
Space Travel Is Boring [3'43]

McLaughlin, Di Meola, De Lucia
Friday Night in San Francisco [1980]
Mediterranean Sundance, Rio Ancho [11'34]
Fantasia Suite [8'53]

October 5th, 2005 was the 50th anniversary of Ginsberg's first public reading of Howl.

Allan Ginsberg [1955]
Howl [32 min.]

Creedance Clearwater Revival
Cosmos Factory [1970]
Ramble Tamble [7'12]

~ Poets in their own words..

America [0'37]
Walt Whitman

next to of course god america
[0'59] e. e. cummings

The Hollow Men [3'53]
T. S. Eliot

Do Not Go Gentle Into
That Good Night
Dylan Thomas

The Red Wheelbarrow [0'15]
William Carlos Williams

Epilogue [1'25]
Robert Lowell

The Secret of My Endurance
[NSFW/2'16] Charles Bukowski

Amazing Grace [2'50]
Allan Ginsberg

The Sea and the Bells [1996]
All Is Calm [3'20]
With More Air Than Words [2'15]
Tea Merchants [4'56]

Camper Van Beethoven [1986]
Peace and Love [2'40]
History of Utah [2'52]
Interstellar Overdrive
[7'45/Pink Floyd Cover]

Miles Davis
Pangaea [1975]
Gondwana [45 min]
Zimbabwe [40 min]

National Public Radio
This American Life
Invisible Worlds [60 min.]

Frank Zappa
Orchestral Favorites [1979]
Bogus Pomp [13'28]

Brian Jonestown Massacre
Tschusse [4'37]
Some Things Go Without

Patti Smith - Land [1975-2002]
Wing [5'05/live]
Beneath The Southern Cross [4'36]
Summer Cannibals [4'09]

Maria Taylor
11:11 [2005]
Nature Song [4'08]
Hymns of the 49th Parallel
After The Gold Rush
[Neil Young/4'04]

Richard Ashcroft
Alone With Everybody [2000]
Crazy World [4'57]
Brave New World [5'59]

Simon & Garfunkel
The Sound Of Silence [3'09]
I Am A Rock [2'59]

Faith No More
The Real Thing [1989]
War Pigs [7'46]
The Real Thing [8'13]

Selenography [1999]
Forgiveness [6'38]
French Galleasse [6'13]
An Evening of Long
Artemesia [3'13]
Kentucky Nocturne [5'46]

Toad The Wet Sprocket
Acoustic Set [1994]
All I Want [3'00]

Camper Van Beethoven [1988]
Tania [3'47]

James Laid [1993]
Low Low Low [2'52]
Knuckle Too Far [4'40]

Soft Machine
Volume 1 [1968]
Joy Of A Toy [2'49]
Why Am I So Short! [1'37]]
So Boot If At All [7'24]

The Mars Volta
Francis The mute [2005]
Track 01 [13'09]

It's All Around You [2000]
It's All Around You [4'09]

Caribou  EP  [2000]
Skunks [.mov/3'47]

Jauquo III-X
Track 01 [9'31]
Track 02 [4'38]
Track 03 [2'50]

Jane Siberry & k.d. lang
Until The End Of
The World [OST/1991]
Calling All Angels [5'11]

Jack Kerouac [1959]
[Steve Allen, piano]
The Moon Her
October In The
Railroad Earth
One Mother [0'49]

Scott Joplin
Solace [4'43]
[Slow Ragtime]

Jon Stewart
On NPR's Fresh Air
July 22nd, 2005 [30 min.]

Charlie Hunter
8 String Guitar, Solo
Track 5 [4'18]
Track 10 [1'32]

Lewis Carroll
Alice's Adventures
in Wonderland

All In The Golden

Pink Floyd
Meddle [1971]
Echoes [Epic cycle/23'29]
Seamus [Blues; humour/2'15]

Classic Disney
Jungle Book [1967]
My Own Home [3'32]

Fantasia [1940]
Dance of the Reed

101 Dalmations [1961]
Cruella De Vil [1'18]

Dumbo [1941]
When I See An
Elephant Fly

Orson Welles
Dramatization of HG Wells'
War Of The Worlds [1938]
Original Broadcast [1 hour]
Post Broadcast Anger [2'01]
Commentary [3'26]

Blade Runner
[Esper Edition]
Bicycle Riders [2'11]
Deckard's Dream [1'11]
Thinking of Rachel [1'17]
Rachel Sleeps [2'01]
Blade Runner Blues [10'07]

Steve Miller
Fly Like An Eagle [1976]
Serenade [3'11/ballad]

II & III [1986]
Cattle (Reversed)
[2'51 instrumental]
ZZTop goes to Egypt [3'07]
Sometimes [2'38]

Cheech & Chong
Big Bambu [1972]
Empire Hancock [1'08]

Grateful Dawg
Intro [1'04]
Grateful Dawg [3'46]
Dawg's Waltz [4'49]
Old and In The Way [1'35]
Off To Sea Once More [5'32]

Bruce Springsteen
Nebraska [1982]
My Fathers House [5'07]

Dylan Thomas
Do Not Go Gentle Into
That Good Night

Merle Haggard [1969]
Okie From Muskogee [2'44]

David Gray [2000]

Pearl Jam [Live in Rio 12/4/05]
Even Flow [7'52]

Gov't Mule Deepest End
Goin' Down [5'58]

The Libertines Whitechapel Demos
Dilly Boys [1'46]

British Sea Power
Heavenly Waters [6'35]

The Talking Heads
Naked [1988]
Democratic Circus [5'04]

Damien Rice and
Lisa Hannigan

Unplayed Piano [2005]
Chris Lorde Alge [3'48]
Instrumental [3'49]

Yo-Yo Ma
Japanese Melodies [1990]
Kojo No Tsuki [4'37]

Jefferson Airplane
Volunteers [1969]
Volunteers [2'08]

Jimi Hendrix
Blues [1994]
Born Under A Bad Sign
[instrumental] [7'37]

Tosca Tango Orchestra
Waking Life [OST/2001]
Nocturne E Flat Opus 9 #2 [4:00]
Ballade 4 part 2 [2:07]

The Beatles
Acoustic Masterpieces
{The Esher Demos}
Yer Blues [3'32]
Cry Baby Cry [2'32]
Not Guilty [3'01]
Piggies [2'01]

Donald Fagen
The Nightfly [1982]
New Frontier [6'21]
The Goodbye Look [4'50]

Automatic for the People [1992]
Try Not To Breathe [3'50]

Steely Dan
Aja [1977]
Aja [7'57]
Deacon Blues [7'37]


Martin Luther King, Jr.
I have a Dream [4'55]
I have been to the Mountaintop [27'48]

Jack Kerouac [1922-1969]
Friday Afternoon
In The Universe

Jack Kerouac
Spoken Word [Live]
[Steve Allen, piano]
From On The Road [3'30]

Philip Glass
Koyaanisqatsi [OST 1983]
Koyaanisqatsi [3'30]

George Carlin
Complaints and Grevances
[2001] [NSFW]
Why We Don't Need
Ten Commandments

Robin Williams
Live 2002 [NSFW]
Something Aweful Is
Going To Happen

David Crosby
If I Could Only
Remember My Name...
Mt. Tamalpais High [3'32]
Song With No Words [6'00]
Laughing [5'25]
Orleans [2'00]

Bill Cosby [Live/1969]
Old Weird Harold [5'13]
Fat Albert {Buck Buck} [9'13]
Revenge [6'04]

Roxy Music
Avalon [1982]
India [1'45]
Tara [1'31]

Bright Eyes [2005]
When the President
talks to God

Camper Van Beethoven
Key Lime Pie [1989]
All Her Favorite Fruit 5'16
Come On Darkness 3'15
Jack Ruby 5'25

Broken Social Scene
[Acoustic Live]

Philip Glass
Solo Piano [1989]
Metamorphosis Two [7'21]

Steve Martin
Let's Get Small [1977]
Excuse Me [3'02] [nsfw]

Bobby McFerrin
w/ Robin Williams

Spontaeneous Inventions [1986]
Beverly Hills Blues [3'52]

Garrison Keillor
Religion and Sex [3'21]
Getting Older [15'21]
Secret Lutherans [17'35]
The Do-Rites [17'46]
The Ethics of Jokes [19'45]
The Cat Came Back [3'40]

Alt Fashion, London [2006]


Frida Kahlo [Self Portrait]

AntiWar Sermon Brought
Warning Letter from IRS


Antikythera Mechanism may
be world's oldest computer.

Computer Ubiquity circa 2025

Wiphala or emblem of
the Qhishwa-Aymara

The Art of Culture Jamming

Jasper Johns at the De Young

What's the next best medicine?

Neil Young, US Immigrant.

Habeas Corpus, Human Right.

Tracking Lost Liberty, Daily.

individual rights


Banned Books Online

*All In The Mind*

Lost Amnesiac Man
finds self online

A Network Called Internet
[circa 1993]

ZIP Codes Database


Personal Favorites

Fresh Basil
Lemon Blossom
Warm Pine Needle

Garrison Keillor
Johnny Depp
Baaba Maal

Barton Fink
Being There
Dead Man

San Francisco

Life Against Death
Genealogy of Morals
Those Who Walk Away
From Omela

Henry Miller
ee cummings


Palace of Fine Arts
in San Francisco
and the Santa Maria
del Fiore Duomo..


San Francisco April 9

Peter Doig

Home Turn Table

Stockholm October 2007

Helsinki October 2007

Finnish Vainamoinen

Copenhagen October

Glyptotek, Copenhagen

Behind the Glyptotek

Normandy, May 2007

Normandy France

Mont St Michel

[Pics or Video]


Louvre, Paris 2006

Artemis at Versailles

Florence Italy 2006

Saint Helena, California

Berkeley California 2006

Berkeley, May 2006

Santa Barbara 2007

Summer 2007

San Francisco 2006

San Francisco

Seattle, November 2005

Sierra Nevada, 2005

Desolation Wilderness, 2006

Highway 44, California, 2008

Black Butte RR Depot, 2008

Alameda California 2006

Oakland California

Artemis, 2006

Alameda, April 2006

Alameda, January 2006

Alameda, April 2006

Alameda, May 2006

Alameda, May 2006

Alameda, June 2006

Alameda, June 2006

Poulsbo, Washington 2007


East Potomac Awakening
[story] [alt] [pics]

Singapore Blogger BigO

Out of Context

Repeat the Experiment

Blessing Seeds

Ross Island volcanoes

Published in 1936

Titan's unnamed sea

Peace Sign [1958]

Yerevan Armenia Feb 23-28

Imaginative Act

Lieshout images [NSFW]

Longtime College Trustee
concerned about Arabic

Composite by Arcimboldo

Conversations with
Norman O. Brown

Documentary [2004]


Berkeley City Council
meet February 12

Voegelin corresponded
with Leo Strauss

Exhibition Book, 48pp

Painter Victoria Crowe

ESA ISS Module & Biolab

Korean movable type [1377]

visual communication

at Royal Academy, London

railroad bike, Black Butte

1915  Vorticist  [Via]


monument valley

team israel

First Temple seal found

In pre-production 500 years

Depiction of Kitkajoki River

Sami Laplanders

Shock  Doctrine  [NSFW]



Counted In Secret

Janis Joplin heard Odetta

My pictures of Europe

Blaise Cendrars

confident, obscure

celebrated genius

writers were banished

bible scholar

become the bogeyman

Ingrid Betancourt letter

Republic of Lakotah

law of the seas

design of writing

it would be a shame

yorke and byrne

corporate rights

cartoon cosmology

nothing to lose is good

David Ray Griffin on 9/11

Reading at Mookberry

Guiness World Record for
most successful literary hoax

Alex Jones  [Waking Life]

Why Bush isn't impeached

Photo Credit

Artemis at 1 year

My Father's memorial
keepsake card / back

Maenad w/ Thyrsus, Louvre

More Bacchus/Louvre 2006
