..so that pursuit of peace
will take precedence ~MLK
April 8, 2008
* World campaign against Fair Use
* Cognitive Liberty slowly eroding
* Clay inhibits drug resistant MRSA
* Lower Manhattan vehicle toll dead
* I'm heading to the Bay Area today
April 7, 2008
* Olympic relay staggers into Paris
* Protestors banner on Eiffel Tower
* Banners on the Golden Gate Bridge
* DVD Glastonbury [2007 ] UK hippies
* Beautiful cursive and calligraphy
* Solar systems such as ours, common
* Flinstones car driver beats ticket
* Small nuclear war: effect on ozone
* US moratorium on lethal injections
* Human values in computer interface
* Comment on new stryder.com tones ?
* Schwarzenegger medical files open
* Plight of Darfur compared to Gaza
* The Masai warrior guide to London
* "Biological rhythm " and life span
April 6, 2008
* Solar activity and global warming
* Shots fired during Tibet exorcism
* San Francisco Olympic torch relay
* Supermarkets opening near Bazaars
* Refrigerating without electricity
* Americans lost protections of law
* American requires X-Ray in France
* Touch screen vs optical scan vote
* Condoleezza seeks Vice Presidency
* Radiohead bassist curates emotion
* Heart ailment kills captive apes
* Meteors carry left handed aminos
* Fed rate plunge hits small banks
* Rummy, Addington, Yoo war crimes
* Nuke launch facility blast doors
April 5, 2008
* China to renew Tibet re-education
* Swedes find Viking era Arab coins
* Soil bacteria eats up antibiotics
* Map of gender imbalance in the US
* Lichtblau covers Bush vs NY Times
* What prevents US attack on Iran ?
* Richardson asking after hostages
* ISP's sell customers packet data
* Good variety of auroras pictured
* MAD magazine 's Al Jaffe: tribute
* Need To Know Basis hampers Intel
* Olympic flame precedes the torch
* US bars boats that stop in Cuba
* McCandless quote , Into The Wild
* Asteroid survey and deflection
April 4, 2008
* Birdsongs overcome urban din
* 81% report things going south
* Ashcroft didn't sign Yoo memo
* Fourth Amendment doesn't apply
* Purposely deviant pronunciation
* Sacred discussion of race [UCC ]
* Kuwaiti concrete blast barriers
* TSA deploys behaviour screeners
* National defense mega directory
* High security contractors SCIF
* DVD Into The Wild [McCandless ]
* 1950's Mike Wallace interviews
* Wal-Mart responds to Olbermann
* Canadian net neutrality debate
* Kids musn't know about Atheism
* Red Army sings Lynyrd Skynyrd
* On the front lines of Zionism
* Police in Tibet fire on monks
* Clinton /Leno sniper fire joke
* PF: The OpenBSD packet filter
* Inventor of packet switching
April 3, 2008
* Olympic torch relay shortened
* Dalai Lama 's envoy Lodi Gyari
* MLK assassinated 40 years ago
* Export rendition. Import coke
* Neuro-marketing of hard drink
* Radiohead Live April 1, Lucky
* Radiohead @BBC April 1, Airbag
* Radiohead April 1, The Tourist
* Banks refuse foreclosed titles
* US suspends contracts with IBM
* Designers appropriate barcodes
April 2, 2008
* Happiness is charitable giving
* DVD Calcutta , 1969 documentary
* Free document scanning service
* Alan Greenspan's padded resume
* Puffy Combs cautioned LA Times
* Iceland glacier sound recording
* Toyota denies Govt funded Prius
* Commander needs firewall access
* Iraqi army convoy through Basra
* NSFW Mike Gravel Helter Skelter
* Kashmir borders Western Tibet
April 1, 2008
* Mistakes as learned behaviour
* Fed eyes bank nationalization
* Governor Richardson editorial
* McCain volleys with Letterman
* Cape Verde Mars composite pic
* French mission to Betancourt
* Review of Trevor Paglen book
* No bar codes or credit cards
* Trademark claimed on magenta
* Pirate Bay addresses lawsuit
* RNC text-msg code subpoenaed
* Wall Street rout bottoms out
* President's burden "obvious "
* Ceasefire broker "terrorist "
* Dalai Lama may visit Europe
* When penguins learn to fly ..
March 31, 2008
* Dr's want national insurance
* Excavation inside Stonehenge
* Tiananmen hosts Olympic flame
March 30, 2008
* Journalist Dith Pran has died
* Wikileaks server briefly down
* My Stockholm 2007 picture set
* The light of our imaginations
* Epcot Center concept painting
* Obama inspires racial dialogue
* Homeland Security's curriculum
* Iraqi lawmakers broker in Iran
* Washington Nationals 1st pitch
* Cheney residence in Wilson, WY
* Carville leaving Washington DC
* Rove: My horns are retractable
* US ballot shortage is ongoing
* Wolf cull in Montana, Wyoming
* Fingerprint collector 's print
* Can't interpret sexual intent
* European space freighter demo
* Harley-Davidson Ferry , Sweden
March 29, 2008
* WH email on civilian servers
* Adobe quickly edits new EULA
* Paternity test kits sold OTC
* Hillary Clinton, NY governor ?
* My muxtape's first four songs
March 28, 2008
* DVD Scarecrow [Hackman/Pacino]
* Kurosawa's unreliable narrator
* Han Chinese migration to Tibet
* Tibetan anniversary March 10th
* Monks disrupt Tibet media tour
* Point & Click wiretap retrofit
* 370 towns turn off electricity
* Limbaugh 2008 Operation Chaos
* Starbucks bosses still tipped
* More institutional Fed loans
* Background on Spitzer's fall
* Saturn moon's features named
March 27, 2008
* Sound recorded before Edison
* Bear Stearns, Cayman Islands
* Barack Obama waxes financial
* Picture of Clinton in Bosnia
* Dodd calls on superdelegates
* E-vote integrity is for sale
* Collaborate across firewalls
* Crusaders stopped in Lebanon
* Baghdad Green Zone sat photo
* Bullet proof quantum sleeper
* US nuclear surety inspection
* Pics of pop culture in Japan
* Vegan strip club in Portland
* Barney Frank's cannabis bill
* Comcast signs with Bittorrent
* Web based "Photoshop Express "
March 26, 2008
* Color blind means love-struck
* Senate regret Florida slavery
* Miami to deploy aerial drones
* Credit crunch is 8 months old
* Bailout will bring regulation
* Oldest known European hominid
* NASA funding both Mars rovers
* Titan sea mapped , but unnamed
* Brits approve in flight cells
* Muxtape revives shared legacy
* Next Bush War NIE under wraps
* Putin/Bush plan meet in Sochi
* Gorbachev/Reagan in Reykjavik
* Tobacco funds lung scan study
* Locally supported agriculture
* DVD Real Dirt on Farmer John
March 25, 2008
* Emilie du Chatelet [1706-49 ]
* Patent shakes down prior art
* Wilkins ice shelf collapsing
* How to make "newspaper pots "
* Urban US "green collar jobs "
* US nuclear technology abroad
* al Sadr waited out the surge
* Sarkozy comments on Olympics
* Adverts suggest search terms
* Church membership's benefits
* Security professional's mind
March 24, 2008
* Peace torch ceremony protest
* Lama taking Olympics hostage
* Nuns ask Dalai Lama's return
* Communities confront bullies
* Montana Governor saddles DHS
* 13% support Vermont Republic
* Interstate nuclear detection
* US Fusion Centers conference
* New spook Sectera Edge phone
* Information overload ambient
* Influence through ignorance
* Patriot Act haunting Google
* Surge in abandoned US homes
* Zero gravity boomerang test
* MP3 Echoes , Pink Floyd/1971
* My first stryder.com layout
March 23, 2008
* Brits study patents on code
* Rush to American pawn shops
* Cramer mistook Bear Stearns
* Cheney using the word peace
* US junk food invades Mexico
* Panchen Lama child missing
* Rent intellectual property
* Monopoly on love and faith
* McCain's spiritual advisor
* McCain has "senior moment "
* Make your mistakes quickly
* Humans adapt to technology
* Big registrar yanks domain
* Comcast camera sees viewer
* Infowars on shock bracelet
* Bike powered grain crusher
March 22, 2008
* Obama on tactics & strategy
* Fusion Centers collect data
* US/Canada border troop deal
* Pictures of troops in Tibet
* Nomads lead Tibetan protest
* Thom Yorke climate optimist
* Prognostications of 1927-33
* Groups stop your initiative
* Hispanic governor for Obama
* Al Franken candidacy viable
* The Pirate Party objectives
* My top 5 favorite pop songs
* John Cage Mesostics [MP3's ]
* DVD Redacted , De Palma NSFW
* VHS TNG The Offspring , 1990
* MP3 Serenade , Miller [1976 ]
March 21, 2008
* Tribes eschew warring sides
* Anchors decry Obama bashing
* Contractors rifle passports
* Discourse on the US economy
* Starbucks chiseled baristas
* Scientology suppressed film
* Russia unsafe for reporters
* Cheney soliciting Saudi oil
* Iraq's accessable resources
* Wall St closed Good Friday
* City first defies the land
March 20, 2008
* MP3 Had to Cry Today [2008 ]
* Obama race speech [YouTube ]
* Genesis of the peace symbol
* CNN satirizes demonstrators
* Sunni fighters go on strike
* Air safety : shock bracelets
* Feds probe SC Trooper abuse
* Brit banks offer collateral
* Evidence of oceans on Titan
* Exoplanet organic molecule
* Early bipedal hominid bones
March 19, 2008
* Reporters who got Iraq right
* More costly than anticipated
* Currency kiosks decline US$
* Gold prospecting in America
* Wall Street insurance costs
* SCOTUS hear gun rights case
* Arctic ice volume decreases
* Dalai Lama threat to resign
* AP photos of Tibet protest
* Chinese CCTV pics of Lhasa
* Huckabee understands Obama
* Obama chose reconciliation
* Mammalian monogamy unusual
* VHS : TNG Skin of Evil 1988
* Do slowly and deliberately
* Comcast deny FCC authority
* Trans-Atlantic peering rift
* Vats of cloned meat culture
* Regional US drought summary
* State Troopers ram suspects
* NSFW selection of soft porn
* Very short SXSW MP3 reviews
March 18, 2008
* Author Arthur C Clarke died
* Vote machine audit disabled
* Vote machine maker v Felten
* Another large FOMC rate cut
* Arrived home from Mookberry
March 17, 2008
* Great China Firewall today
March 16, 2008
* Google Sky: browser access
* 2003 FBI CALEA VoIP spec *
March 15, 2008
* Chinese police vs Tibetans
* Scientology loses in court
* Obama spurns pastor's jibe
* Gold closes above $1000/oz
* Mugs' yard sale successful
March 12, 2008
* Church backs Net Neutrality
* Scientology black ops [via ]
* Godaddy shuts ratemycop.com
* I leave for Mookberry today
* Understand without guidance
March 11, 2008
* Peoples daily lives monitored
* Dissenting US Admiral resigns
* Muslim elected to US Congress
* Montgolfier aerostatic [1783 ]
* Small human remains 2900 y.o.
* Biodiesel byproduct glycerin
* Herzog talks up Errol Morris
* Anthrax reporter staying mum
* ABC held Cheney escort story
* DVD Yellow Submarine [1968]
March 10, 2008
* Citizens attempt Rove arrest
* Bear Stearns near insolvency
* Spitzer lost moral authority
* Camera sees beneath clothing
* Cory Doctorow: CO2 handprint
* Exiles begin march to Tibet
* Enterprise espionage resume
* "Ticking timebomb" scenario
* Devandra Banhart Live MP3's
* 15 books on a desert island
March 9, 2008
* DST spring forward unhealthy
* Bipedal ape evolved in trees
* US Air Force copyright claim
* New Clinton house abuts USNO
* New Yorker on Michelle Obama
* Obama proxy battle vs McCain
* Hastert district to Democrat
* Colbert Report: AT & Treason
* FBI permits secret WMD sales
* 9/11 perps push conspiracies
* Pakistan to reinstate judges
* China plans first space walk
* Serbian government dissolved
* Armenian poll challenge dies
* Spanish socialist re-elected
* French electorate moves left
* Chavez appeal for Betancourt
* US drinking water drug array
* Troops bathwater not potable
* Inside look at US homophobia
* Radiohead Lollapalooza rumor
* Pope to say Mass in New York
* Puerto Rican dogs mistreated
* DVD Eagle vs Shark [2007/NZ]
* Ted Nelson coined "hypertext "
* AT&T blacklist stryder email
March 8, 2008
* One way solo mission to Mars ?
* Hitchhiker's Guide 1978 debut
* Evangelical Christian torture
* Federal Reserve injects $200B
* Don't Let It Bring You Down *
March 7, 2008
* Titan moon 's hydrocarbon rain
* Hostility for Iraq War movies
* US longshoremen Mayday strike
* NDEX US domestic intelligence
* Cell carrier has FBI backdoor
* Obama won Texas primary 98-95
* Sea Shephard engages Japanese
* Software throttles bittorrent
* Santa Cruz turn off Lou Dobbs
* Day on Highway 44 in pictures
* MP3 Ambulance Blues [Shakey ]
March 6, 2008
* Grand Canyon sediment of life
* FBI national security letters
* Schneier vs Brin transparency
* Ron Paul lone dissenting vote
* Pending home sales stabilized
* $8000 cottage has roof garden
* Egypt hosts Palestinian talks
* Allocation of Texas delegates
* My seat at The Verve in Vegas
* My car stopped here yesterday
March 4, 2008
* Daylight Saving Time wasteful
* Obay mind control ad campaign
* Self transforming machine elf
* Oregon health insurance lotto
* Reactions to Favre retirement
* Fossil of a one ounce primate
* Vatican dialogue with Muslims
* Russia detains 100 protesters
* Diebold miss quarterly report
* Pity the treasonous Telecoms
* Heavy rains for Ohio Primary
* Registrar eNom blocks domain
* Neil Young plays in Edinburgh
* MP3 White Nigger , Stills/1970
* No Maps for These Territories
* My route to Northstar March 5
March 2, 2008
* Buddy Miles was percussionist
* William Buckley was no neocon
* Missing Link was misconceived
* Neural impulse actuator ready
* Navy coastal sonar ban upheld
* McMansion tomorrow's tenement
* Minsky 's "Credit Cycle model "
* Bernanke: some banks may fail
* Western US park contamination
* Photographer Gregory Crewdson
* Obama enacts Clinton mockery
* Internet brings on Polyamory
* Baghdad welcomes Ahmadinejad
* Egypt opens border with Gaza
* Columbia, Venezuela DEFCON 3
* Comic Mitch Hedberg [Videos ]
* Video of YouTube censorship
* Law of guilt by association
* Approximately 365 .2564 /year
* Local large scale structure
March 1, 2008
* Armenian protest in 11th day
* Saudi nationals leave Beirut
* Kasparov says election farce
* 1997 Word.com obsolete media
* Letterman McCain-joke medley
* Domain returned to Wikileaks
* Earth flyby velocity anomoly
* Saw Joe Craven play Ashland
February 29, 2008
* Israel vows Gaza "holocaust "
* USS Cole anchors off Lebanon
* Ron Paul: collapse of dollar
* Kremlin vows to stop protest
* Texan supports Barack Obama
* Plant pathogens cause snow ?
* Trooper rips regulation sign
* Atelier Van Lieshout Gallery
2/28/08 Turks revising Hadith
* Chief Justice defends Exxon
* Comcast deployed seatwarmers
* 1/100 US adults incarcerated
* Julius Baer emerge from cave
* Pakistan ruling party sacked
* Israeli documents zio-speak
* McCain born on Panama Canal
* Plane circling low and slow
* Billboard Liberation Front
2/27/08 Senators plan war debate
* Schwarzenegger in Washington DC
* McCain rebukes nasty radio host
* $500 trillion toxic derivatives
* Led Zeppelin 2007 bootleg MP3s
* Won't solve terrorist problem
2/26/08 MP3 No Surprises [live ]
* Senators address surveillance
* Progressives address Telecoms
* FCC grills Comcast at Harvard
* Diebold leaks election result
* Core wholesale inflation soars
* World YouTube outage forensics
* Delectable African headdresses
* NY Philharmonic play Pyongyang
* Beijing railway propoganda pic
* I installed OpenBSD today: pics
2/25/08 CBS news video subpoenaed
* Oliver Sacks Musicophilia study
* B20 biofuel airline flight test
* Doctoral student on selling out
* Profile of Midwestern atheists
* Coen Brothers take four Oscars
* Taxi To The Dark Side best doc
* Vacationing Iraqis head for US
* Capt America shield not enough
* Comedian Lee Camp on Fox News
* FISA makes spooks accountable
2/24/08 Nader launches campaign
* Anonymous address Nader [nsfw]
* DNA testing imperils insurance
* Spring bird hunters torch cars
* Americans will continue eating
* Sendak film adaptation update
* Amsterdam plans subcanal city
* Sociogenic illness : 1901-2000
* Japanese book cover slideshow
* Jon & Paulina visit Mt Shasta
2/23/08 US Congressman indicted
* Obama's Army ammunition story
* Voters pens use invisible ink
* Nudity on American network TV
* Google sponsors lunar landing
* Perry Bible Fellowship ending
2/22/08 Bacterial compartments
* Fed overstated US bank assets
* 10,000 Turkish troops in Iraq
* Video of satellite shoot down
* DIY : low impact woodland home
2/21/08 Believing can be seeing
* Montana puts SCOTUS on notice
* Libel Terrorism Protection Act
* Rendition flights landed in UK
* Serbs allow US embassy to burn
* Video of Prairie View A&M vote
2/20/08 Lessig seeks Lantos seat
* Students march 7 miles to vote
* Obama fundraises triple McCain
* US gas prices +33% in one year
* Brent Wilkes receives 12 years
* Fidel touts Cuban achievements
* Taiwan backing Kosovo republic
* DVD The Life Aquatic 2004 xmas
* Age 45-54 US suicide rate +20%
* Australia to call troops home
* Wikileaks shutdown in context
* RIAA prosecution video leaked
* Infrared LED's overwhelm CCTV
* Full moon dark orange tonight
* Report: missile hit satellite
* Rene Nunez Turbococina stove
2/18/08 Obama meets with Edwards
* Wikileaks.org under injunction
* Security Bear on wiretap fight
* US Press Secretary on wiretaps
* Internet Freedom Preservation
* DHS flashlight induces nausea
* 2008 Errol Morris documentary
* Sibel Edmonds officially news
* Kish Iranian Oil Bourse opens
* Kush mountain glacier farmers
* Corner houses , curved facades
* Dust storms affect hurricanes
* Summary of Australian culture
* Un-insured diagnosed too late
* Kottke 's single serving sites
* Sony finally wins a format war
* Qatar talking up Credit Suisse
* $45.5B in Credit Default swaps
* Fed Reserve lends another $50B
* Pop music audible only to dogs
* Village People sue Pirate Bay
2/17/08 Bayer profits from death
* Cheap, stable way to absorb CO2
* 79% of Americans heliocentrists
* Payday lenders favor Bible belt
* People avoid natural selection
* 1772 Guadagnini violin crushed
* Dallas JFK documents revealed
* Kosovars declare independence
* UK nationalizes Northern Rock
* DVD Romance & Cigarettes 2005
2/16/08 Olympians allowed blogs
* Physicians group sanctions pot
* US analog cell networks opt out
* Olbermann: you fascist , Mr Bush
* Homeland Security , by Shambroom
2/15/08 Solar systems like ours
* Rainbow Family Wyoming annual
* American TV sign-off messages
* US surveillance law to expire
* Bully Baltimore cop 2nd video
* Arcimboldo composite portrait
* Rio Carnival costumes of 2008
* Wild gorilla sex face-to-face
* Feds overturn Texas dildo law
* Fed lab makes petrol from CO2
* Saudi convicted of witchcraft
* Olympians mustn't impugn host
* Steve Fossett is legally dead
* GM crop trial sites destroyed
* Jury rig missile defense test
* Wii to displace Xbox in 2008
2/14/08 MP3 All My Tears [Demo ]
* Islamist material not illegal
* Rendition company not illegal
* Pentagon missile defense test
* DVD Doctor Zhivago , art & war
* Whitehouse Staff in contempt
* New York bond insurer rescue
* Swiss bank subprime exposure
* Clooney wants union in talks
* Printer watermark is private
* Strange Maps blog plans book
2/13/08 Comcast as traffic cop
* McCain calls Obama a Liberal
* McCain votes vs. torture ban
* Bill hides police misconduct
* Tragic deathwish prevents us
* Perfect dates lousy partners
* Sport coach spied since 2000
* Marijuana smoke insufficient
* DVD Touch the Sound , Glennie
* Word of the Day Antinomianism
2/12/08 Foreclosure moratorium
* Dodd-Feingold amendment 31-67
* Obama wins all 39 WA counties
* I witnessed COS Trustees meet
* Anonymous don Guy Fawkes mask
2/11/08 Zurich modern art heist
* I support Code Pink , Berkeley
* Conyers discusses impeachment
* World oil production flatline
* Iranian oil nationalized 1953
* US prepares visa-waiver rules
* Anonymous vs Scientology live
* Discovery in HIV pathogenesis
* Deflation affects prime loans
* Investors borrow to buy debt
2/10/08 Stryder.com has new DNS
* Gottfrid Svartholm interview
2/9/08 MP3 Addicted , Winehouse
* Nebraska bans electric chair
* Dems like leading candidates
* Base loathes McCain, Clinton
* Archbishop ventilates Sharia
* Neanderthal mobility polemic
* Collected Linux cheat sheets
* Encrypted laptop legal issue
* DVD The Conversation Hackman
* Emergent theory of Earth core
* Eisner: writer strike is over
2/8/08 Obama wins in our county
* US tax rebate just an advance
* Kucinich swiftboat ad tsunami
* Gaza generator bombed in 2006
* Yard says bomb killed Bhutto
* 1855 daguerrotype lab intact
* Amy Winehouse denied US visa
* Canburger may be art project
* Limbaugh party needs Clinton
* Fox labels McCain a Democrat
2/7/08 Healthy people expensive
* Torture legal under what law ?
* All secret laws are arbitrary
* SoCal surfers block toll road
* Israel restarting Sinai fence
* Muslim groups after Wikipedia
* McCain addesses conservatives
* Knee brace electric generator
* Victoria Crowe 's Plant Memory
[Brochure from Edinburgh RSA ]
* MP3 Weeping Willow [shoegaze ]
2/6/08 Internet cable cut fever
* Perepiteia regenerative motor
* Toddlers datamine word-object
* Key copied from Diebold image
* US spy chiefs on Capitol Hill
* "Euros Accepted" signs in NYC
* New series of market declines
* Google's reaction to Microhoo
* Growth of cisco sales slowing
* IBM's Blue Gene runs web apps
* Backcountry laptops , gadgetry
* Decline in outdoor activities
* NASA mission to outer planets
* ESA Lab modules launch window
* Best view of space from Earth
* Spatial lingo of Meso-America
* Late Ginsberg & Beck converse
* MP3 Meditation Mahavishnu [* ]
* Sex /Aggression rewarded alike
* Pix of stranded , domesticated
* FBI probing House Republicans
* Kos on Super Tuesday, briefly
* Spurlock film seeks bin Laden
* Film roles Jack Black joneses
* Peter Doig show , Tate Britian
2/5/08 Bush sonar order invalid
* Folate deficiency in demented
* 1997 US crop distribution map
* Commercial aircraft biodiesel
* Mayo Clinic near "index case "
* Satellite "spotter " community
* Christo : Mastaba of Abu Dhabi
* RIAA wants song royalties cut
* Belichick 's bad sportsmanship
* Manning pass to Tyree [video ]
* Azores Islands 2008 festivals
* Return to place of citizenship
* TM founder Maharishi Yogi dies
* Winehouse in rehab since Jan24
* Pirate Bay moves beyond Sweden
* US debating drift net evidence
* UK to admit intercept evidence
2/4/08 Iranian Internet offline
* Iran Oil Bourse poised to open
* Iran rocket launch makes orbit
* In God We Trust size increased
* Canadian child soldier's trial
* Google CEO called up Yahoo CEO
2/3/08 DVD V for Vendetta [2005 ]
* Progressives back Barack Obama
* Boston paper : more Pats spying
* Winning candidates unprophetic
* Pariah inspires Clinton cough
* David Byrne interprets culture
* Raising issues of human rights
* Chad oil boon and coup attempt
* Fiber cuts unlikely by anchors
* Cory Doctorow report at Forbes
* Cory Doctorow's daughter Poesy
2/2/08 3rd Middle East cable cut
* Serbian runoff is East vs West
* NFL commish destroys spy tapes
* Olberman on "textbook" fascism
* Silver eases off 28 year high
Casting Frozen Grand Central
2/1/08 Obama raising $1M per day
* O'Reilly seeking homeless vets
* Received Lloyd Kahn 's Home Work
* Local Area Network LAN turns 30
* "FLAG " cable : England -UAE -Japan
* 700MHz $4.7B reserve price met
* Microsoft $44.6B bid for Yahoo
* IRS clears Snipes of tax fraud
* Death penalty for distribution
* Great snow skiing on Mt Shasta
1/31/08 Cable cut off Alexandria
* 1996 Mother Earth Mother Board
* Chinese snowed in for holidays
* Israeli judge defends blackout
* Carnival bans Holocaust dancer
* Waterboarding ban needs support
* UN Palais former Rothchild home
* New UK-Russian extradition case
* Satellite 8km/day; accelerating
* Fox affiliates take down Montel
1/30/08 Burmese activists charged
* Perception of security provided
* UK OK'd 250k phone taps in 2006
* 1906 geography text : race types
* Dandy New Yorker Eustace Tilley
* College trustee reveals bigotry
* Marcion set Jesus above Jehovah
* Jikji early movable type [1377 ]
* Bronze Age "book " Phaistos Disc
* Burger and bottled water canned
* Gold price suppression failing
* Kansas governor endorses Obama
* E-voting undermines confidence
* Brattleboro vote on indictment
* Bush signing statement earmark
* Musharraf disrespects Chaudhry
* India, Egypt Internet disrupted
* LA Medical Pot vending machines
* Shock treatment restores memory
* 17,000 manmade objects returned
* 2 Fed cuts in 8 days total 1.25%
1/29/08 6500+ spacecraft launched
* Asteroid WD5 next to Mars Jan 30
* Surveillance law to expire Jan 31
* SOTU : US only spies on terrorists
* Soldiers killed on patrol in Iraq
* California health initiative dead
* Flashlight lights fire, fries egg
* Royal Academy exhibit From Russia
* Havana 's real estate black market
* New accuracy in face recognition
1/28/08 Pakistani stock market hot
* Incoming satellite NRO 's USA 193
* Asteroid passing Earth on Jan 29
* Stanford site converts pix to 3D
* Situationist 1956-72 documentary
* Adoption of solid state SSD disk
* Auction of analog TV frequencies
* Stallone tells HGH from steroids
* High school credit at McDonald's
* Gandy Dancer maintained railroad
1/27/08 Cease & Desist copyrighted
* Europeans following US campaigns
* Bill Clinton jumps shark Jan 1st
* McGovern for impeachment Jan 6th
* Jon Stewart on campaign coverage
* Minor Russian candidate removed
* MP3 Le Pont Mirabeau Apollinaire
* MP3 Sestina Altaforte Ezra Pound
* Geologists revise Climate Change
* Helsinki bus and tram Linux WAN
* NY probing Pharma Vytorin study
* Radiohead 1995 Music Video Just
* Area 51 renamed "Homey Airport "
* NSFW : False Bay jumping sharks
* Explaining NFL Patriots season
* Federer loses semi to Djokovic
1/26/08 Scientology reality tunnel
* NH Primary sham chain of custody
* Testing NYC air without a permit
* EU fails to buy Serbian pipeline
* Hamas buying groceries in Egypt
* 10 ton satellite nears re-entry
* Anonymous admonishes news media
* Anonymous DDoS Scientology site
* Fox host John Gibson apologizes
* Guest repeats Fox office gossip
* Double helixes seek one another
* Gustav Courbet coined "Realism"
* Israel under Ehud Olmert [NYRB ]
* History Channel sources Anthrax
* Germany solicits Skype malware
* DVD Electra Glide in Blue 1973
Dinner: fried eggs on fougasse
1/25/08 Alltime widest Dow bounce
* Kucinich drops presidential bid
* FISA authority over NSA removed
* Telecom immunity bill next week
* Computer use in Design , c. 1989
* Iberian Peninsula's oldest well
* Yucatan Chicxulub impact crater
* Asteroid 40% outside Moon orbit
* Earth mantle softer than known
* Oceanographer found Black Swan
* First man-made genome complete
* Anonymous vs Scientology on TV
* Spymaster Mike McConnell: file
* ICANN appeals for independence
* Guerilla flower pots of Tokyo
* DVD Casshern [2004/1973 /Japan]
* Japan's inflation rate doubles
* Atlantic Monthly opens archive
* Tufte on the iPhone interface
* John Edwards backs Chris Dodd
* MP3 Cornerstone , Marley, 1971
* Missed Garrison Keillor visit
* Drove to Oregon between snows
* Large bulk food order came in
* Buying hella books from Amazon
1/24/08 IP address personal data
* Dodd anti-wiretap barn -stormer
* Video: Anonymous vs Scientology
* Japan 's PM cites violent attack
* EPA expects loss vs California
* The Verve book California show
* Bono talks poverty at Pentagon
* Banks to support bond insurers
* KDE desktop ports Windows, OSX
* Hacker shows Comcast filtering
A 2,500 year old family seal
from the Hebrew First Temple
in Jerusalem depicts priests
worshipping a crescent moon,
symbol of Babylonian god Sin .
* DVD Festival Express 1970/2003
1/23/08 Fed cut buoys Asia stocks
* British FTSE index up overnight
* Rate cut "once in a generation "
* Bin Laden son Omar and his wife
* Project chronicles pre-War lies
* Exercise of sovereignty in Iraq
* BoingBoing takes battle to AT&T
* Piracy numbers grossly inflated
* Received copy BibliOdyssey book
* My new desk : under the cat rule
1/22/08 Euro/Asian markets tumble
* Nikkei falls 1.5% in 1st minute
* 3/4% Fed rate cut ; dollar drops
* Parody anticipates gold seizure
* Maryland scraps Diebold systems
* Whale hunt prevented for 10 days
* Kite reduces cargo ship emission
* Whole Foods without plastic bags
* Hackers fight Scientology Church
* ISP filter & copyright extension
* Orwellian inquisitions in Canada
* DVD Renegade 1994 Peyote Western
* Vermont weighs decriminalization
* Padilla credit for time served
* Winehouse filmed smoking crack
1/21/08 FBI case # 203A-WF-210023
* Watchlist haunts interstate trip
* Less popular than any politician
* Pentagon posts more Hormuz video
* Martin Luther King Day gathering
1/20/08 First day second hand desk
* Privacy and Security not at odds
* Schwarzenegger declines to state
* 1957 New Yorker on Bobby Fischer
* Strange lives of polar dinosaurs
* EPA redaction executive privilege
* Feist must decline Colbert invite
* Favre just short of 3rd Superbowl
* Branson still wants Northern Rock
* Mad Money Cramer lost $50,000 bet
* 30% Off: America is on Sale [NYT]
* Astrophysicists refer to monsters
* Algorithm idiom of modern science
* Google calculator does potrzebie
* Internet via TV white space test
* Serbian choice between EU/Russia
1/19/08 DVD today Zeitgeist [2007 ]
* Science website covers 9/11 study
* Two days on Canadian torture list
* Steve Howards sued Secret Service
* 1943 Rosie Riveter working in red
* Detroit schoolbook depository pix
* Legal battle over Scientology vid
* MTV surveys idioms of Scientology
* Writer's obsession , Bobby Fischer
* North American Union corridor [$ ]
1/18/08 Kucinich refuses Texas oath
* Huckabee obliges Confederate flag
* Presidential candidate milkshakes
* DVD Northern Exposure , 2nd Season
* MP3 I May Know The Word , Merchant
1/17/08 Dow Jones -9% since Jan 1st
* Sharp decline in US manufacturing
* Merrill Lynch 4th qtr loss $9.8B
* Nevada Democrats vote in casinos
* Paper ballots facilitate recount
* Police taser kills uncooperative
* Canada places US on torture list
* Privatized domestic surveillance
* The Web as programmable computer
* For people with large data sets
* UK permits hybrid human embryos
* Berlin Alexanderplatz , in brief
1/16/08 Global warming trends 2007
* Genetic engineering as gardening
* Cloned meat entering food supply
* CDC study new Morgellons disease
* Prozac barely outperform placebo
* Fed Reserve backs $150B stimulus
* Pentagon video of Iranian threat
* Whaling halted in Southern Ocean
* Favored explanation for the moon
* Hitherto unseen side of Mercury
* Material absorbs 99.9% of light
* CIA lawyer Rizzo hearing closed
* Bush lawyer shrugs his shoulder
* NH primary recount inconclusive
* Michigan GOP primary conclusive
* Uncertainty principle prohibits
* Aussie cops protect themselves
* DVD Nuovo cinema Paradiso 1988
* MP3 Howl , Ginsberg 1955/poetry
* Pic of where I've been sitting
1/15/08 Bush bestowed Arab bling
* MSNBC told to include Kucinich
* Later school start time better
* Neanderthal stitching too late
* MRSA clone USA300 skin to skin
* Pope called Galileo trial fair
* Depp donating million sterling
* MacBook Air , 3/4", 5hr battery
* Mine company profits protected
* Aussie judge backs whaling ban
* Activists board Japanese whaler
* Japanese banks $10B for Wall St
* Impeachment call on House floor
* Facebook 's transhumanist neocon
* Pirate Bay admins served papers
* Unix Y2K38 bug starts Saturday
1/14/08 Australia to NZ by kayak
* Airline passenger rights in NY
* Olympics & amputee prosthetics
* Nano-hazard design competition
* Jon Stewart vs . Chris Matthews
* Solar physicists announce cycle
* Ulysses fourth visit to the Sun
* The Dubious Data awards of 2007
* EU may ban some biofuel imports
* Email is de facto Govt Property
* Lula da Silva in Havana tonight
* Bush forgoing bedtime in Riyadh
1/13/08 Dollar to yuan , 5yr graph
* Bush visit, Arab press synopsis
* Yue MinJun 's laughing character
* Married discover they are twins
* Straight of Hormuz radio troll
* Individualism destructive force
* Secessionist 2008 meet Carolina
* Impeachment activist arrives DC
* I redirected iTaser.org [audio ]
* RIAA 's Making Available theory
* Edward Tufte comment on Bullets
* Eternity and a Day no subtitles
* Sri Lankan 50 yrs without trial
* Polish teen hacks train network
* Deconstructing Omaha Beach CGI
* Mike McConnell calls it torture
* Cruelty with a good conscience ?
* Anonymity as route to notoriety
* Ethanol Hummer Detroit debutant
* Roger Clemens snubbed Mitchell
* Boomtimes for Boeing and Airbus
* Fed Reserve : "truth in lending"
* Rate cut expected January 29-30
* Parallel print C-notes perfect
* Deconstructing Wired then, now
* Mercury flyby first since 1974
1/12/08 100 year snow in Baghdad
* States probe no-doc bank loans
* Wrongful conduct is incidental
* Chocolate cookie aroma impulse
* PCR in vitro DNA amplification
* Politician pranks French media
* Straussian myth is neocon truth
* Keith Olbermann "running " MSNBC
* Gold $900 . Reached $850 in 1980
* iTaser in leopard, red, or pink
* Americans able to count by hand
* Analysis of "Hillary hacked NH"
* Southwest governor backs Obama
* Young IT workers disillusioned
* 3D sound cloak is now possible
* DVD The Gods Must Be Crazy 1980
1/11/08 Could the RIAA disappear ?
* Four major song labels DRM free
* New Hampshire announces recount
* DoJ voting section staff canned
* Drivers License as airtravel ID
* DC Mall to ban public assembly
* NBA orders 52 seconds replayed
* Beijing 2008 sport shoe advert
* Cambodia waterboarding exhibit
* Naples swallowed by own refuse
1/10/08 Berlin 's Checkpoint Curry
* Hurt nervous system reorganizes
* Housing covered in trees [camo ]
* Soliciting Arab sovereign funds
* World of Warcraft pacifist Noor
* Sir Edmund Hillary has died [* ]
1/9/08 ISP 's ready network filters
* Free Radiohead MP3 top seller CD
* Letterman shaves his strikebeard
* My 1000th picture post at flickr
* Albany Bulb garbage becomes art
1/8/08 Depression masks olfactory
* O'Reilly upholding constitution
* Constitutionalist greets police
* Lawsuits seek White House email
* Obama : no warrantless wiretaps
* Israel privatizing land siezure
* Nerve war on influential people
* North Vietnam hacked airstrikes
* FCC notes Comcast packet filter
* Legality of laptop inspections
* Gazans dismiss last minute Bush
* Micronations author interviewed
* Japanese "Article 9 " exhibition
* Krishnamurti via Jack Nicholson
* Triathlete Chrissie Wellington
* Modern deworming brings disease
* Southpole drift marker ceremony
* Mars rover ready for 3rd winter
* New Johnny Greenwood film score
* British home prices bottom out
* McCain tops New Hampshire poll
* NH the only northeast redstate
* Formula One team caught spying
1/7/08 Iranian boats provocative
* Violence preceding Bush arrival
* US holding 630 at Bagram prison
* Congressmen not allowed to read
* Snubbed candidate holds NH forum
* Colleagues address Jared Diamond
* Cable TV set top boxes now 2 way
* Vegas consumer electronics show
* BitTorrent site "admins" outed
* NY Times columnist debut noted
Dear fellow US citizens : subjecting
people to simulated drowning serves
no purpose to good men. Suggestions
that "waterboarding " serves freedom
are absurd. Any implicit bargain in
which CIA representatives trade the
extreme duress of fellow humans for
my "freedom" - I explicity reject!
No government or institution of men
can pretend to safeguard my freedom.
I'd rather be dead than give assent
to sadism in exchange for security.
~Michael Ross MacDonald [Permalink ]
1/6/08 Up to 6' of snow expected
* 12" of snow at Shasta this week
* Hydrocarbon combustion reversed
* Neuros OSD open source hardware
* Disney restaurant bans children
* Fox removes Ron Paul from APWIRE
* Caucus losers weathervane effect
* DVD Never Cry Wolf , Farley Mowat
* Lethal injection as state secret
* Checkmate insecticide makes ill
* Princeton mapping globalization
* Pope 's antonym for "world order"
* Great stroke of decolonizing pen
* Sunday Parade Bhutto cover story
* Pakistanis flee into Afghanistan
* Miami Model : pre-emptive arrests
1/5/08 Clear skies over Jerusalem
* Secret Service nab Bill O'Reilly
* Populism another name for terror
* Corporate Media blackout Edwards
* Torture victim sues DoJ official
* New Hampshire GOP , vis a vis Fox
* Chuck Norris joins Mike Huckabee
* Seymour Hoffman in Chicago Seven
* South Carolina computer forensic
* Diplomat: Kenyan election rigged
* Solitaire patent owner files suit
* Physicist suggests universe is VR
* Theories are models, not pictures
* Employers beseech Bank of England
* Hell's Angels ' Amsterdam brothel
* I've begun posting Helsinki pix
1/4/08 Purchase history is public
1/3/08 Lindsay Lohan takes a swig
* Texas wins wrongful convictions
* I saw the film Walk Hard [2007 ]
1/2/08 Immigrant default bogeyman
* Whites more likely to get drugs
* Russian post-oligarchic Silovik
* MP3 Piggies , Beatles [acoustic]
* Stryder vanity triplespeak.org
1/1/08 MP3 Maiden Voyage , Hancock
* Word of the day victual [vivere]
* Monkeys impute feelings to others
* Orangutan Nonja dies in captivity
* Van Gogh notebook found in Athens
* Parallel universes beguile science
* Scientist changed his mind in 2007
* Remains of Inuit predecessor Thule
* John Cage strangest work , UK debut
* Slovenia 's six month EU presidency
* Democrats obstructing impeachment
* Bill Clinton redeems his marriage
* New Hampshire Republicans and Fox
* Pakistan opposition want election
* Ancient Egyptian glassmaking oven
* Tintin news , articles & reference
* Classic texts of computer science
* When everybody knows, nobody does
* War and censorship by journalism
* TV News editors emotional center
* Stryder.com 2007 favorite story
12/31/07 Radiohead midnight webcast
* Edwards : no corporate lobby in WH
* US home sales stats bottoming out
* Cellphone radiation affects sleep
* Joybubbles transcendent character
* DVD tonight Rob Roy , Liam Neeson
* Terror excuses amoral leadership
* Upset traveler died in detention
* London 7/7 bombers not soldiers
* 11 years to the day before 9/11
* Eavesdropping Bluetooth headsets
* NASA release airline safety data
* Iris , face, fingerprint database
* Reversal of global dimming trend
* Local Cops Organized
a> Nationally
* Pictoral study of jet emissions
* Big year for comets & asteroids
* Paris & Berlin ban cafe smoking
* Bhutan holds it's first election
* Ken Miller on Intelligent Design
12/30/07 9 intriguing door designs
* Pilot to TSA : "Let my people go !"
* Distribution models for musicians
* Connecticut personal info opt-out
* Sponsors of Fox Republican forum
* Vermont petition for Bush warrant
* Military Commissions and citizens
* Cause of Bhutto 's death concocted
* Bluetongue affects only ruminants
* Old UK photos look like paintings
* Scotland beach mystery container
* Virtual humans of Uncanny Valley
* Closed-source software nostalgia
* MP3 Tschusse , Anton Newcombe 2003
* San Francisco expands health care
* Balance sheet determines who dies
* Wall Street 's Greater Fool theory
* MerrillLynch seek sovereign funds
* Signs your country may be fascist
* Fascism blamed on corporate media
* Sacha Cohen cast as Abbie Hoffman
* Strikebeards of the Writers Guild
* New Museum of Contemporary Art NY
* Dominican Church become bookstore
* Privacy International 2007 report
* 2008 return of Iraqi War refugees
* Hajj pilgrims choose the way home
* Asylum seekers in Europe confined
* Road .. paved with good intentions
* Nepal assembly abolishes monarchy
* MP3 ZZ Top Goes To Egypt , Camper
* NSA controls encryption services
* Bobbies can't protest parliament
* Borges , On Exactitude in Science
* Atlanta 's driest year since 1954
12/29/07 New Coen Bros film trailer
* Tom Edison 1910 film Frankenstein
* Letterman signs deal with Writers
* String of scandals at Smithsonian
* Kyoto Geisha Flower & Willow pics
* Balanced network refuses Ron Paul
* John Edwards excoriates corporate
* Barack Obama adopts populist tone
* Hillary Clinton refuses questions
* Monkeys sleep replaced chemically
* China permits yuan 's appreciation
* China cancels Yangtze dam project
* South Pole brawl requires medevac
* Cheating NFL Patriots record wins
* Bhutto named suspects, previously
* Gravity's Rainbow Illustrated pdf
* Emergency eyeglasses using a leaf
* Mars asteroid impact chance of 4%
* Community surrounds genetic rarity
* Pataphysic pataphor patapsychology
12/28/07 CPR without mouth to mouth
* Clandestine chief to seek immunity
* Milgam experiment tested obedience
* Blackwater Worldwide greeting card
* David Hicks released in Australia
* Google's 1996 precursor "Backrub "
* Apple retail store model "hangout "
* Job growth lags population growth
* Pentagon's space based solar power
* Earth as circuit built by microbes
* Just resting, learning to be still
* TV preacher Osteen answers critics
* Dallas DA clears wrongly convicted
* 98% of Guatemalan murders unsolved
* Email from a vacationer in Karachi
12/27/07 Benazir Bhutto assassinated
* Sovereign Wealth Funds buy Wall St .
* Giuliani/Motorola no-bid FDNY radio
* Christians trade blows over Nativity
* Organisms decide to survive extremes
* Anniversary of Flushing Remonstrance
* Elected Thai leader Thaksin in exile
* French aid workers sentenced in Chad
* 10 archeological discoveries of 2007
* Decontextualized irisis or eyescapes
* Minneapolis & Seattle pass literacy
* Colorado official backs paper ballot
* NSA admin access via ports 1024-1030
* Contractors & State Secrets doctrine
* Private sector helps fuel US bombers
* EPA to reveal green house gas papers
12/26/07 Athlete waterboards himself
* Police Academy slogan "cause PTSD "
* Phoenix cops ask about citizenship
* Prosecutors help GOP win elections
* Kansas GOP boast of "voter caging "
* American Fascists author interview
* Noise reduction compound FeSi-1000
* Madison couple tasered at the mall
* Daytona Best Buy customer tasered
* Book argues Bell stole phone idea
* Singapore 10% Merrill Lynch stake
* US home prices down 6% in October
* Criminalizing Bicarbonate of Soda
* Ingrid Betancourt recovery effort
* Juliette Binoche working in Iran
* DVD tonight Dark Star , Carpenter
* Unconquerable, unconquering evil
* Blind people see sunrise, sunset
* National Archives recount Cheney
* Marijuana smokers feel accepted
12/25/07 Pagan Holiday [Surprise!]
12/24/07 Origami picnic/camping set
* Near Earth Object monitor program
* Jerusalem discussed at Annapolis?
* Top terrorist is still on the run
* Libertarian calls Fire Department
12/23/07 MP3 Jah Work , Harper 1997
* Turks bomb PKK 3 times this week
* Zionists building East Jerusalem
* Bible scholar blasts Dominionism
* Scientists reject global warming
* Early Dylan biopic I'm Not There
* Police fingerprint traffic stops
* US analog cellular shutdown soon
* US Governors at 2007 Bilderberg
* Nationalist Hindu incorruptible
12/22/07 Sacha Cohen retires Borat
* Hajj makeover , homepage , and WiFi
* Miss USA & Robin Williams USO tour
* Gitmo prisoner charged with crime
* 1000 lawyers denounce Whitehouse
* Criticizing officials anonymously
* Shock therapy on mentally retarded
* Jekyll Island hunt club circa 1910
* Private sector subprime hedgefund
* DVD tonight They Live [Carpenter ]
* Horse breeding is mostly nurture
* John Edwards is ready for a fight
* Hoover planned mass arrest in 1950
* 27 million FBI/FISA phone sessions
* FBI's billion $ biometric database
12/21/07 Nanosolar flex panels ship
* New Orleans cops battle protestors
* Fed auctions another $20M to banks
* Japan suspends Humpback whale hunt
* Taiwan referendum on UN membership
* MPAA says film poster not suitable
* Retired , Nat'l Clandestine Service
* Information extracted by coercion
* US health insurance company kills
* California environmental standard
* Lakota leaders call for diplomacy
* Apology from Communication Bureau
* Best blogs you may not be reading
* DVD : Making Dark Side of the Moon
* VHS : Space is the Place [Sun Ra ]
* Solstice 2200 PST [0600 GMT/UTC]
12/20/07 Baby Friday ordered renamed
* Judiciary impeachment OpEd rejected
* Republicans scaremonger, Dems cower
* Whitehouse appropriates "good will "
* Senator blocks recess appointments
* American Jewish Lobby bad for jews
* New Orleans to demolish 4500 homes
* Evacuees subject to criminal check
* FTC approve Google con doubleclick
* Bear Stearns huge loss also first
* FOIA reform enfranchises bloggers
* DHS plans domestic spy satellites
* Gitmo prisoners out on bail in UK
* Drivers on the phone face slammer
* Europe 's border-free zone expands
* Lakota activists report secession
* Bolivia 's secessionist oligarchy
* World map of human lifespans via
12/19/07 MP3 Changes , Jorge [2005 ]
* Men were held at Gitmo for Spain
* Whitehouse lawyers spoke of tapes
* Cheney 's 2nd floor utility closet
* Comet vanishes before probe visit
* The act of reading is not natural
* $8,000/gallon ink anti-trust suit
* Myth of scarcity permits zero-sum
* Voting system allows corrections
* Female monkeys shout during sex
* MP3 Sun Kil Moon, Space Travel
* Pics of Earth from spacecraft
* Empty space acts like crystal
* | * | *
[Since 2000] Some Rights  * Contact * Archive
"You are who you love, not who loves you."
-Charlie Kaufman , Adaptation , 2002
We came whirling out of nothingness ...