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       "An invasion of armies can be resisted,
        but not an idea whose time has come
" ~Hugo

5/4/06 Democrats introduce Net Neutrality bill to US Congress.
* Arrest of undocumented Day Laborers ruled Unconstitutional.
* NSA Massachusetts transatlantic landing and listening post.
* Vatican City's IT Manager/Webhost is a Nun: profile. [Via]

* Cyclic Universe: scientific theory of cosmological ebb & flow.
  [Pulse! I want to send a message to the next universe. ~Ross]
* Fermi's Paradox: theory as to why we haven't met aliens.
* 12 year correspondence between Van Gogh & Gauguin. [Via]

* Freakonomics exemplified by musician Jane Siberry [rw]
* Haute Cuisine - high-tech. [molecular gastronomy] [Via]
* PSA: Good info about what to do in an emergency. [CERT]
* Consumerist: How to get through identity theft. [rw]

* Veteran CIA analyst makes Rumsfeld eat his words in public.
  [Patriotic Man tells Secretary Rumsfeld "This is America"]

5/3/06 Telecommunications bill blocks digital receiver recorders.
* 3D Cover of Rolling Stone's 1000th issue features 150 artists.
* Radiohead debut songs at London Friends of the Earth benefit.
* US Kids' antipsychotic drug prescriptions up 73% since 2001.
* Poll: people worldwide trust media more than governments.

5/2/06 Short videos on sea bourne research done by Greenpeace.
* Rove blew Plame's cover while she was tracking Iran nukes.
* Business as usual after Bolivian natural resources decree.
* Full freedom of movement in 25 State EU expected by 2011.

* UK healthier than US, but health care is 50% less per capita.
* Top CIA Official caught up in GOP/DoD/Prostitution scandal.
* $100 Check: No mistaking what US Republicans stand for...
* Stephen Colbert profiled by Morley Safer on 60 Minutes.

* US Govt website promotes 4 Spanish versions of Nat'l Anthem.
* US Library of Congress 1919 Spanish version of Nat'l Anthem.
* Bush 2001 Inaugural performance of Nat'l Anthem in Spanish.
* Morse Code and Binary Code versions of the US Nat'l Anthem.

* EFF vs. AT&T: US Feds Go All Out To Kill Data Mining Spy Suit.
  [State Secrets Privilege first recognized by SCOTUS in 1953]

5/1/06 Thanks to Stephen Colbert for his stunning performance.
* David Blaine begins week long stay in water filled sphere.
* Fibonocci Numbers and the Golden Section in Nature. [Via]
* Tommy Lasorda comments on Barry Bonds. [He's no Hank Aaron].
* Day Without An Immigrant in San Francisco: aerial pictures.

4/30/06 Colbert roasts Bush at annual Correspondents' Dinner.
* Egyptians support Judges who dared not rubberstamp election.
* Darfur genocide of blacks who adopt Islam -but not Arab ways.
* Music: Medieval fear of Devil's Interval created a mythology.

* Old Marketing Brochures used to sell the Computer Revolution.
* Scientists cause water to flow uphill at a 12 degree angle.
* Physicists increasingly finding the "Laws of Nature" broken.
* Bush claimed power to disobey 750 laws since taking office.

   Murals near Fruitvale Ave and International Blvd.


4/29/06 Web 2.0: Grand Unified Theory of YouTube and MySpace.
* US Feds move to toss out EFF vs AT&T domestic spying suit.
* Wired revisits "Gore claims he invented the Internet" meme.
* Murray Waas does background on Rove's latest testimony.

* US Congress may consider mandatory ISP & Website snooping.
* Mexico's Congress votes to legalize drugs for personal use.
* American Confederate Flag represents secession from the USA.
  [But patriotism of those who wave it is seldom questioned]

4/28/06 Several US Congressmen arrested at Sudan's US Embassy.
* Govt lawyers file briefs to classify challenges to NSA taps.
* FBI searched 3500 US Citizens without Court Order in 2005.
* Oversight of Vegas slots vs that of Diebold voting machines.
* DMCA II: Congress readies broad new digital copyright bill.

* Scientists create a pinhead size 8,500 lens artificial eye.
* Singularity: Interview w/ Hugo winner, author Vernor Vinge.
* Researchers: Male hormonal contraceptive effects reversible.
* Washington DC Scandal involves GOP Congressmen & Hookers!

* Drug Abuse Crusader Rush Limbaugh arrested on drug charge.
* Democracy: Bush tells Congress before signing new Dubai deal.
* Head of DHS US-VISIT tracking program wants global ID system.
* US National Anthem Spanish version precedes nationwide march.

* Audit: 8000 US Nat'l Archives wrongly reclassified since 1999.
* Lobbyists have successfully biased Wikipedia's Wal-Mart page.
* Sr. Iraqi Shia cleric calls for disarming factional militias.
* Israeli Kadima and Labor Parties form coalition government.

4/27/06 US Congress drops amendment banning Two-Tier Internet.
* Consumer Electronics Association ad campaign slams the RIAA.
* Chicago's This American Life radio show moves to NYC and TV.
* Matthew Baldwin surveys loophole practitioners & their tales.

* King & King: US school sued after teacher reads Gay fairytale.
* Grows in the Dark: Endive varieties and grower profiled. [alt]
* Ambient Music pioneer Brian Eno on the genre's origins. [rw]
* Inside Bjork documentary from the BBC. [37 min/YouTube] [rw]

* Google releases free online 3D modeling tool Sketchup [Via]
* Endless Forest multi-player online game is also a screen saver.
* New documentary features Open Source and IP Law luminaries.
* Migration to Linux saves Federal Aviation Administration $15M.

  (Content Providers) RIAA VS. CEA (Hardware Makers).

* Old tired journalists decry Wikipedia, and we love it more!
* Pink sings "Dear Mr President, how do you sleep at night?" Live
* US Latino Immigrants' May 1st march backed by Unions, Church.
* US steps up attempt to lure Russia away from Iran nuke deal.

* Search for clues in Egypt's Sinai peninsula resort bombings.
* Rice & Rumsfeld in Baghdad. Sister of Sunni leader killed.
* US Senators have no assurance Bush follows laws they enact.
* MLB has no plans to celebrate Bonds' record breaking homerun.

4/26/06 Apple holds patent on monitor that also takes pictures.
* Lithium battery powered cars for $35k go 300 mi/5hr charge.
* Ethanol FAQ. Benefits, emissions, and economy in brief..
* Urban Sprawl: outer space perspective on land consumption.

* Revered Thai King personally asks Supreme Court to solve mess.
* Burmese junta threatens Aung San Suu Kyi's opposition party.
* Ohio evidence of ballot tampering in the 2004 US election.
* Rove makes fifth Grand Jury appearance in CIA leak case.

* European Inquiry finds 1000+ CIA flights in EU since 2001.
* 750GB Seagate almost as fast as 10,000rpm Western Digital.
* Packers coach expects Favre will attend mini-camp May 5-7.
* Psycholigists publish study of Winnie-the-Pooh & Friends.

* Director Wes Anderson's American Express TV Ad. [YouTube]
* The Meaning of Marriage. Tokyo Harajuku Girls. Odd Books.

4/25/06 Surfing sand dunes in the Sahara Desert... Pictures.
* Free Ice Cream cone today at your local Ben & Jerry's. [rw]
* Elderly Pete Seeger is interviewed as tribute album debuts.
* California named after fictional island home of Queen Calafia.

* The Save The Internet Coalition sounds off on Net Neutrality.
* In the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, why does HAL sing "Daisy"?
* Virtual world Second Life featured on cover of Business Week.
* Feedburner tracks more Podcasts than sum of all radio stations.

* FOX News reporter chosen as new White House Press Secretary.
* Unembedded: Pics from independent photographers in Iraq. [NSFW]

4/24/06 Loktantra is Nepali for Democracy. [Protest Photoblog]
* Cat 5 perfect storm Monica nears Darwin, Australia. [Sat Pic]
* Sinai resort Dahab bombed. [Former Bedouin fishing village.]
* US Dems link 2002 NH phone-jamming scandal to White House.

* Bruce Springsteen's Pete Seeger folk tribute out tomorrow.
* Electricity prices doubled after US markets' deregulation.
* Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster 20 years ago. [IHT Slide Show]
* Pope will may reverse condom ban to slow spread of AIDS.

4/23/06 Internet Country Code map [4080x2080px/2.8 MB] [alt]
* Internet Neutrality! US Law would cede power to Telecoms.
* Scientists study brain during loss of self-awareness. [Via]
* Benjamin Franklin aspired daily to several virtues. [Via]

* Bush domestic policy is to retain legislative majorities.
  [GOP leaders warn: Rummy could cost them their majority]
* Balad: largest US Base in Iraq. [15 sq mi./population 25k]
* Fatah, Hamas vie for control of Palestinian security forces.

4/22/06 Iraq endorses new PM. [Has 30 days to form cabinet]
* Italian court confirms election of PM. [Overseas voters key]
* Nepalese defy daytime curfew after 100,000 march on capital.
* New Orleans Mayoral election requires runoff next month.

* Extreme Globetrotter's ethnographic profile & slideshow. [rw]
* Unique Meteorite may yield ice from before our solar system.
* Microsoft racing to offer free online storage before Google.
* Faces of Fallen US Military Personnel in Iraq & Afghanistan.

4/21/06 Neil Young Living With War. [Download album April 28]
* YouTube 7 min. interview w/ Neil Young outside L.A. studio.
* June's Nevada weapon test will create mushroom cloud. [Pics]
* Low US jobless rate yields no Republican political capital.

* Egyptian Pres. Mubarak invites acting Israeli PM to Cairo.
* Crude Oil price closes @ $75. Up 8% last week, 40% in a year.
* Condi Rice subpoena. Stanford protest dislocates Bush visit.
* Pop Art gallery of hypothetical US Postage Stamp Designs.

4/20/06 US Voter Reg drive focuses on Immigrants. [NY Times]
* Midwest US Mumps outbreak statistics worst in 20 years.
* Report: Yahoo implicated in a 3rd China dissident case.
* Judges protest Egyptian Govt prosecution of colleagues.

* Valerie Plame to attend White House correspondents dinner.
 [Novak: Feds know original source, but it wasn't a crime]
* US Pentagon reveals names of Guantanamo detainees.[pdf]
* Abductions unite S. Korea & Japan. DNA clues aid old cases.

* Digital photo forensics: patents on identifying the camera.
* DIY Coffee roasting at home with a popcorn popper. [Pics]
* Internet: State of the Blogosphere, April, 2006.

4/19/06 DIY Wind Generator competition [w/ avail parts; <$175]
* Widow refuses FBI access to Columnist Jack Anderson's papers.
* Autistic hoops player scores 6 three-pointers in final 4 min.
* 100 Voice Choir: More about Neil Young's anti-W album. [rw]

* VC Funding going into Web 2.0/Social Computing startups. [Pic]
* Bush: I am the decider. McLellan out; Wrist slap for Rove.
* Hamas leader calls Tel Aviv suicide bombing "self-defence".
* Case of Bubonic Plague is 1st in Los Angeles since 1984.

4/18/06 San Francisco 1906 Earthquake & Fire 100 yrs ago. [Pics]

2006: The Bay Area saw rain almost every day for the last 7 weeks.
The clouds lifted this week. The bay, the hills, the horizon, the
stars. Pristine views, warm ocean air. And our domestic goldfish
came out to enjoy sunlit water beneath a gleaming cala lily...

  Propaganda War: Yesterday Donald Rumsfeld told Rush Limbaugh
  that bin Laden and Zarqawi "Media Committees" are better at
  manipulating News Media "than we are". Criticized by Four
  Generals who served under him, not even during the Vietnam
  War did the US Defense Secretary see such open defiance.
  According to a decorated Vietnam Vet, Republican Nebraska
  Senator Chuck Hagel, the military's civilian leadership
  "needs to command the respect and confidence of our men
  and women in uniform." [opine: albion at stryder dot com]

4/16/06 Unexpected sensitivities of sight & hearing. [rw]
* Evolution: contemporary African Catfish hunts on land.
* Gay/Lesbian Parents attend White House Easter Egg Roll.
* 100's fired for attending US Immigration rallies. [alt]

* Tony Blair refuses to back a Bush airstrike on Iran.
* Republican Senators urge US to talk directly with Iran.
* Iran pledges $50 mil to ailing Palestinian Authority.
* Iraq yet again postpones formation of a new government.

* Italian Foreign Nat'l voters pivotal in close election.
* Peruvian Presidential run-off election in about 6 weeks.
* Nepal Thamel tourist area sees protests, rubber bullets.
* Eastern Europe's Danube River crests highest since 1895.

* Megacryometeors: explanations for California ice falls.
* Air passenger detained after cabby reports song choices.
* 9/11 documentation [Moussaoui trial exhibits]. [via]
* Overview: US bird-flu pandemic plan expected soon.

4/15/06 Data Mining: AT&T wants leaked NSA "spy room" docs.
* Project to put Bill of Rights monuments in US Capitols.
* Anticipated book making retired US Military Brass talk?
* US Senator suggests Colin Powell replace Donald Rumsfeld.

* Bald Eagle hatches on California's Santa Cruz Island.
* FCC sued by 4 Networks/800 affiliates over indecency rule.
* Boston child shows amazing grace in forgiving shooter.
* Wal-Mart stops sales of guns and ammo in 1000 stores.

* William Burroughs' Kansas cabin is for sale on eBay.
* Math History: first use of the equal sign was in 1557.
* Wile E. Coyote Acme Co product catalog. [Via Mirabilis]
* NOLA Candidate uses Disneyland's French Qtr as backdrop.

* Nepalese political parties call King Gyanendra's bluff.
* Bush plans visit to San Jose, California on April 21st.
* US Immigration debate continues. Houston marchers fired.
* Texas undercover agents stop arresting drunks in bars.

4/14/06 Standard & Poors Econ 101 on Illegal Immigration.
* Unreleased Beatles songs to be used by Cirque du Soleil.
* Goth culture correlated w/ reduction in youth self-harm.
* Evolution: fossils link two types of pre-human species.
* Blind motivational skier sets downhill record of 100mph.

* New Neil Young song "Impeach the President" due in June May.
* Federal Grand Jury may indict Barry Bonds on perjury.
* Globe circling hiker stopped after crossing Bering sea.
 [Russian officials holding Karl Bushby for deportation]

* Magician David Blaine to spend 7 days in an aquarium.
* Bioengineering: Cell Division reversed for 1st time.
* Pope Benedict reaffirms anti-Semitic image of Judas.
 [Jesus to Judas: That thou doest, do it quickly] [ref]

4/13/06 Singularity Summit at Stanford University, 5/13.
* Harvey Pekar and Josh Kornbluth in San Francisco, 4/17.
* Nepalese lawyers teargassed. King seeks political talks.
* A 5th retired US General calls for Rumsfeld resignation.

4/12/06 AT&T built warrantless wiretap rooms for NSA.
* Top Shiite cleric rebuffs Egyptian President Mubarak.
* Detroit workers fired after attending immigration rally.
* Republicans remove felony clause from immigration bill.

* Dalai Lama not invited to China's World Buddhist Forum.
* Hubble finds 10th Planet Xena is smaller than thought.
* 200 lb ice chunk fell on park in Oakland, California.
* Google patents "voice interface for a search engine."

4/11/06 NeoCon Fukuyama changes his mind about Iraq.
* Newt Gingrich calls Iraq occupation "huge mistake".
* ESA Venus Express in orbit around Earth's evil twin.
* Mafia boss Provenzano arrested near Corleone, Sicily.

* Google's DNA ready to be all things to all markets.
* US Nat'l Archivist kept mum about reclassifying docs.
* Tough US Immigration bill costs Republican Latino vote.
* Pakistan: Karachi bomb targets Sunni prayer service.

4/10/06 The 5 most important numbers yet found. [via]
* Inflight Reading: David Lynch talks about Meditation.
* American right wing Christian Coalition is in decline.
* Jesus said pretenders prefer Public Prayer. Mat 6:5-6

* US Founding Fathers comfortable w/ Christian & Secular.
* Italy's center-left & center-right parties split vote.
* Peruvian nationalist Humala leads going into runoff.
* Bjork and Matthew Barney talk about their new film.

* Mars Spirit Rover positioned successfully for winter.
* NASA to crash probe into the moon; looking for water.
* Loss: Guidelines for Grieving and Bereavement. [via]
* What European city do you belong in? Paris for me. [via]

* Sopranos mobster character comes out of The Closet.
* Supermodel Kate Moss signs contract with Calvin Klein.
* Pun Watch: All The President's Leaks... Trickle Down.
* The San Francisco Burrito is World Renowned. [via]

4/9/06 Glasswing Butterfly pics. [Greta oto; espejitos]
* Galaxies are grouped in cosmic strands, or filaments.
* Blog handbook, participatory media, digital identity.
* Startup Webaroo puts the 'Web on an 80GB Hard Drive'?

* Nepalese pro-democracy leaders defy King & Curfew.
* On Sunday Italians and Peruvians head to the polls.
* Mubarak says regional Shiites overly loyal to Iran.
 [US: 1,313 Iraqi civilians died in March violence]

* US poll #'s portend minority status for Republicans.
* Vermont first to call for Nixon impeachment in 1974.
* Leaker In Chief Bush is outspoken critic of leakers.
* Scooter Libby still welcome at the Cool Kid's table.

* Gospel of Judas has alternate version of betrayal.
* NSA: architecture of AT&T Narus monitoring system.
* Journalist Bob Schieffer rips the Bush White House.
* Bush forum critic Harry Taylor new Democratic icon.

* Venezuelan President trades words w/ US State Dept.
* London Times names forgers of Niger Yellowcake docs.
* Exxon still compensating Alaskans for Valdez spill.
* American salmon fishermen face severe restrictions.

4/8/06 Hamas prepares to announce "two state solution".
* Mosques & Flags symbolize warring groups' identities.
* Iraq's militias further polarize regional sectarians.
* The New Yorker reports Bush plans airstrikes on Iran.
* US Att. Gen. won't rule out warrantless domestic taps.

* Computer columnist Cringley predicts OSX for any PC.
* Scientists reconstruct genes of long-extinct animals.
* 300 year old book appears to be bound in Human Skin.
* Altruists beat Capitalists in 1998 ideology Sim. [rw]

* Nigeria hosts conference on Darfur conflict resolution.
* Nepal extends curfew 2nd day. Police gas protesters.
* Venezuela: US Ambassador's convoy pelted w/ tomatoes.
* Bush releases classified material for political gain.

4/6/06 Arctic Fossil of fish with limb like fins.
 [Adaptation was to escape prey! Not to get food.]
* The evolution of science as recursive boot-strapping.
* How architecture is affecting science, and visa versa.

* Libby told Grand Jury "Bush OK'd classified leak."
 [White House Press Corp failed to ask about it today.]
* Bush faces strong, polite criticism at public forum.
* Netflix sues Blockbuster for patent infringement.

4/5/06 The Simpsons Movie confirmed for 2007.
* Apple releases beta dual boot loader Boot Camp.
* Jon Stewart interview with John McCain. [QT/txt]
* Backlog of background checks on new Federal hires.

* Archeologists discern 9000 yr old dental drill bits.
* Cross Bering Strait on foot, get arrested in Russia.
* Chameleon T-Shirts change color at flick of a switch.
* Implants enable the blind to see. * Chess Openings.

4/4/06 Censure sponsor Russ Feingold appears on FOX. [Video]

Opinion: the far right of the American blogosphere is condemning US Immigrants for waving Mexican flags. I read this opinion piece by Michelle Malkin in which she frames the issue in terms of Racism. On TV, CNN's Lou Dobbs refered to Latino protests as "riots", after which the guest on his show noted that the Los Angeles police chief "said the kids have mainly been well behaved." Lou Dobbs also quoted Teddy Roosevelt to suggest that only American Flags be flown in the United States. And on AM Radio, nationally syndicated shock jock Michael Savage told listeners to go out and burn Mexican flags in the streets... My own longtime friend Eric Rhodes is predicting as much.

President Bush narrated a campaign ad that he distributed to Latinos during his 2004 campaign. In the ad he appears waving a Mexican flag. Let President Bush explain the issue for Republicans, and save Liberals the trouble. Here's where I found the three minute Bush video. I've cached it here in .mov Quicktime format. It's also at at

  [albion at stryder dot com]  [Permalink]

4/3/06 Scooter Libby defense team blames leak on State Dept.
* US Sen. Barack Obama addressed today's annual AP luncheon.
* Fmr US Majority Leader Tom DeLay won't seek re-election.
* McCain reverses opinion of Falwell for Presidential bid.

* Did Human musicality evolve as form of social cohesion?
* First Internet Only #1 song. [No physical copies sold.]
* Web 2.0 gaining credibility [See also Social Computing].
* I've read RSS is dead. may use Atom instead.

* Interview with the founder of Sweden's new Pirate Party.
* Thai Prime Minister Thaksin re-election won't end crisis.
* Leadership shakeup within al Qaeda in Mesopotamia [Iraq].
* Baseball Fan tosses sirynge near Bonds at season opener.

4/2/06 Rice & Straw fly to Iraq. Urge leaders to form gov't.
* Arch-Conservative William Buckley calls Iraq War failure.
* Pollster John Zogby looks ahead to US midterm elections.
* Ret. Gen. Wesley Clark shares views on Bush leadership.

* EFF motion in AT&T/NSA lawsuit draws DOJ intervention.
* Forensics: fingerprints reveal clues about lifestyle.
* No Biblical reference to harlot Magdalene, but Bride.
* All American Church of Religious Right newlook Jesus.

* | * | *

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-Charlie Kaufman, Adaptation, 2002

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files temporary.

Carl Sagan
Pale Blue Dot
Wanderers [20 min.]

Beethoven's Adagios
Mass for Soloists 4'48
Moonlight Sonata 5'28

Bob Marley
Corner Stone 2:18
All In One 3:27
There She Goes 2:37

Jack Kerouac
Spoken Word [Live]
[Steve Allen, piano]
About Charlie Parker [3'42]

High Jazz-Rock - McLaughlin
& Santana cover Coltrane..
Carlos Santana and
Mahavishnu Orchestra

Love Devotion Surrender [1972]
A Love Supreme [7'50]
Meditation [2'40]

The Verve EP [1992]
A Man Called Sun 5:44
She's A Superstar (Edit) 5:05

Disraeli Gears [1967]
Dance The Night Away 3:34

Brian Eno
Music For Airports
2/2 12:00

Artist: Matisyahu
Live At Stubb's
[Austin TX, 2005]
Close My Eyes 4:24
Lord Raise Me Up 3:52

Van Morrison
Astral Weeks [1968]
Cypress Avenue [7:00]
Beside You [5'16]

Natalie Merchant
Tigerlily [1995]
I May Know The Word [8'08]

David Bowie
Wild is the Wind [6'01]

Talking Heads
Little Creatures [1985]
Give Me Back My Name [3'22]

Joan Osborne
Relish [1995]
Ladder [4'10]
Spider Web [5'29]

M. Ward
Transistor Radio [2005]
Hi-Fi [4'14]

Stevie Wonder
Innervisions [1973]
Don't You Worry
'Bout A Thing 4'44
Higher Ground 3'42
Visions 5'23

Jeff Buckley
Live at Sin-E [2003]
Grace [6'49]
Mojo Pin [5'37]
Eternal Life [5'51]
Hallelujah [9'15]

Cowboy Junkies
Whites Off Earth Now [1986]
Shining Moon [4'05]
Crossroads [6'15]
Forgive Me [5'28]

Iron and Wine
Garden State OST [2004]
Such Great Heights  [4:10]

Arlo Guthrie
Alice's Restaurant [1966]
Alice's Restaurant 18'35

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot [2002]
Pot Kettle Black 4'00
Reservations 7'24

Tori Amos
The Beekeeper [2005]
Sleeps with Butterflies 3'36
Mother Revolution 3'58
The Beekeeper 6'50

Thom Yorke Acoustic
Le Reservoir 3/7/03
No Surprises 4:05 [link fixed]
There There 4:58

CSNY So Far [1974]
Wooden Ships 5:29
Helpless 3:39

Sarah McLachlan
Fumbling Toward Ecstasy [1994]
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy [9'43]
Possession [4'39]

J.J. Cale
Five [1979]
Sensitive Kind [5'10]

Neil Young
Freedom [1989]
Eldorado [6'04]
Don't Cry [5'01]

Marvin Gaye
What's Going On ? [1971]
What's Going On? [3'54]

Led Zeppelin I [1969]
Communication Beakdown 2:42
Dazed And Confused 6:26

The Velvet Underground
All Tomorrow's Parties 5:57

The Verve
Urban Hymns [1997]
Weeping Willow [4'49]
Come On [15'15] {nsfw}

The Verve
A Storm In Heaven [1993]
Blue [3'25]

Band Of Horses
Everything All The Time [2006]
The Funeral 5:22
The First Song 3:43
Wicked Gil 2:57

Led Zeppelin cover..
Jeff Buckley
Unreleased Demos
When The Levee Breaks 7:56
Opened Once (Inst.) 2:30

U. Utah Phillips
with Ani DiFranco
Fellow Workers [1999]
The Long Memory 5:33
The Silence That Is Me :41
The Internationale 2:48
Bread And Roses 1:45
Joe Hill (Inst.) 2:36
Joe Hill 1:37

Pi [OST/1998]
Pi R Squared 1:29

Seo Taiji [1998]
Take Two 3:59
Take One 4:17

Sleepy Jackson
Lovers [2003]
Miniskirt 4:08
Acid In My Heart 3:31
Wind Falls For Rain 4:03
Mourning Rain 2:08
This Day 3:48

The Poet Robert Creeley
died March 30th, 2005. [Via]
Intervals :38
Heroes :48
Thinking :54

John McLaughlin
Live at the RFH [1989]
Florianapolis 15:12

Hemispheres [1978]
La Villa Strangiato 9:35

Herbie Hancock
Maiden Voyage [1965]
Maiden Voyage 7:57

Frank Zappa
Imaginary Diseases [2006]
Imaginary Diseases 9:45

3121  [Advance 2006]
Te Amo Corazon 5:43
The Dance 8:38
Satisfied 4:05

Vic Chesnutt
West of Rome [1992]
Withering 4:30

Burt Bacharach
Casino Royale [OST/1967]
Venerable Sir James 2'33
Dream On James 1'20

Louis Armstrong
& Duke Ellington

The Great Summit [1961]
I Got It Bad, And
That Ain't Good
In A Mellow Tone 3'48
The Mooche 3'39
Solitude 4'55

Dengue Fever
Escape from the
Dragon House
Sui Bong [4'26]
Sleep Walking Through
the Mekong
Saran Wrap [2'47]

U2 Fire EP [1981]

Ocean [2'12/Live]
11 O'Clock [4'53/Live]

Mogwai Mr Beast [2006]
Friend of the Night [9'22]
Folk Death 95 [5'55]

Ken Nordine
Colors [Word Jazz]
Azure [1'35]
Magenta [1'35]
Mauve [1'35]

Ash Ra Tempel [1974]
Quasarsphere [6'37]

Monty Python and the
Holy Grail
King Arthur and the
Old Woman
Knights Who Say "Ni" [2'34]
Soul Asylum [1993]
Runaway Train [4'27]

O Brother Where Art Thou OST
Big Rock Candy Mountain [2'17]

Playful Big Band Jazz
Henry Mancini [1963/OST]
Pink Panther Theme [2'36]

Tori Amos
Over It [2'11]
God [3'59]

RZA Ghost Dog OST [1999]
Flying Birds [1'13]

Arctic Monkeys [2006]

When The Sun Goes Down [3'20]
Fake Tales of San Francisco [2'57]
The View from the Afternoon [3'38]

Life on Other Planets [2002]
Can't Get Up [4'02]
Prophet 15 [4'05]
Run [5'28]

William Orbit
Strange Cargo III [1993]

Best Friend, Paranoia [4'36]
Water From A Vine Leaf [7'06]
Gringatcho Demento [6'39]
Harry Flowers [4'32]
Water Babies [3'43]

Radiohead [Thom Yorke]
Hail to the Thief [2003]
Go To Sleep [3'30]
Sail To The Moon [4'28]

Anne Sexton [Poet]
The Truth The Dead Know [1'17]

Sesame Street [1991]
Imagination [2'23]
I Wonder 'Bout The World
Above Up There
I Don't Want To Live
On The Moon

Punch Drunk Love [OST/2002]
Punch Drunk Melody [1'43]
Punchy Tack Piano [1'25]
Hands and Feet [3'42]

Ken Nordine
Best of Word Jazz Vol. 1
Fliberty Jib [4'47]
Down The Drain [3'14]
You're Getting Better [2'07]
Anytime, Anytime [2'47]

Neville Brothers
Yellow Moon [1989]
My Blood [4'12]
Yellow Moon [4'04]
Healing Chant [4'37]

Richard Ashcroft
Keys To The World [2006]
75 Degrees [4'48/Bonus Track]
Music Is Power [3'58]
Break The Night With Colour [3'56]

The Police
Regatta de Blanc [1979]
Regatta de Blanc [3'06]
Bring On The Night [4'16]

David Bowie
Man Who Sold The World [1970]
Man Who Sold The World [3'58]
Saviour Machine [4'29]
All The Madmen [5'41]
Black Country Rock [3'36]

Jack Kerouac [1959]
The Last Hotel [3'51]

Sting [1987]
Nothing Like The Sun...
Be Still My Beating
Lazarus Heart [4'35]
Rock Steady [4'28]
Fragile [3'56]

Tom Waits
Nighthawks at the Diner [1975]
Emotional Weather Report

Jane Siberry
Maria [1995]
Maria [4'27]
Caravan [7'34]
Begat Begat [6'36]
Oh My My [20'15]

Angelo Badalamenti
City of Lost Children [OST]
Les Infants Sauvent One [3'13]
Miette [4'16]

Neil Young
Dead Man [OST]
Time for you to leave,
William Blake
Guitar Solo 2 [2'03]
Guitar Solo 3 [4'31]
Guitar Solo 4 [4'22]
Organ Solo [1'33]

The Verve
No Come Down [1994]
No Come Down [3'17]
Where The Geese Go [3'15]
One Way To Go [7'16]

Herb Alpert's
Tijuana Brass
A Taste of Honey [2'46]
Lollipops & Roses [2'28]
Tangerine [1'33]

Elton John
Mona Lisas &
Mad Hatters [4'58]

Disney Jungle Book [1967]
That's What Friends
Are For

King Crimson
Court of the... [1969]
Epitaph [8'47]

Chumbawamba [1997]
Tubthumping [4'38]

Paula Cole
This Fire [1996]
Carmen [3'45]

The Shins [EP/2000]
The Gloating Sun [1'43]

DJ Cheb i Sabbah
Shri Durga [1999]

Shri Durga [11'13]
Ganga Dev [6'44]
Mere Kabu [12'35]
Durga Puja [6'56]

Velvet Underground
Rock & Roll [4'45]

David Bowie
Scary Monsters [1980]
It's No Game (Pt 1) [4'20]
Up The Hill Backwards [3'15]
Ashes to Ashes [4'25]

TV Theme Oldies [coverart]
Batman [1'12]
Peter Gunn [1'05]
Bonanza [39 seconds]

Devendra Banhart [2004]
Little Yellow Spider [3'42]

Blind Faith [1969]
Had To Cry Today [8'48]
Do What You Like [15'22]

The Minutemen
Double Nickel on the Dime [1984]
#1 Hit Song [1'48]
The Glory of Man [2'57]
Shit from an Old Notebook [1'35]
One Reporter's Opinion [1'50]
History Lesson Part II [2'12]
Take 5 D [1'39]

Starless & Bible Black [1974]
Trio [5'39]

King Crimson
Larks' Tongue in Aspic [1973]
Exiles [7'40]

Glenn Gould
Goldberg Variations [1955]
Variation One [45 seconds]

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band [1970]
Mr Bojangles [3'36]

Hope Sandoval
and the Warm Inventions
Bavarian Bread Fruit [2001]
Butterfly Mornings [3'37]

The Doors
Strange Days [1967]
My Eyes Have Seen You [2'29]

Boston [1976]
More Than A Feeling [4'45]

Seu Jorge
Life Aquatic (Studio) [2005]
Changes [3'40/Bowie]
Life on Mars? [3'29/Bowie]

The Talking Heads
Naked [1988]
Mr. Jones [4'20]

Bjork Vespertine [2001]
it's not up to you [5'09]

John Lennon
Shaved Fish [1967]
Happy Christmas
(War Is Over) [4'14]

Yann Tiersen
Amelie [OST/2001]
Comptine d'un Autre Ete: l'apres Midi

Velvet Underground
Peel Slowly & See (Box Set)
I Found A Reason [4'18]
Oh! Sweet Nuthin [7'30]

"Those who know what is best for us must rise up and save us from ourselves." - Rush, "Witch Hunt"
Moving Pictures [1981]

Witch Hunt [4'45]
Red Barchetta [6'10]

Frank Zappa
Shut Up and Play Yer Guitar [1981]
Pink Napkins [4'40]
Stucco Homes [8'56]

Future Days [1973]
Future Days [9'32]

Jimi Hendrix
Blues [1994]
Once I Had A Woman [7'49]

Devendra Banhart
Cripple Crow [2005]
Now That I Know [4'53]
I Feel Just Like A Child [4'46]

2112 [1976]
2112 [20'34]

Patrick Fitzgerald
Libby Indictment [Oct 28, 2005]
Opening Statement [QT 17min]

Glenn Miller
In The Mood [1940]
Stardust [3'22]
A String of Pearls [3'13]

The Beatles
The White Album [1968]
Glass Onion [2'17]
Dear Prudence [3'56]
Revolution #9 [8'21]
I Will [1'45]
Blackbird [2'18]
Long, Long, Long [3'04]
While My Guitar
Gently Weeps [4'44]

Herbie Hancock
Inventions & Dimensions [1963]
Triangle [11'01]

The Red Violin [OST/1998]
Featuring Joshua Bell
Overture [2'50]
Reprise [1'34]
Reprise Voice [1'55]

NPR [Oct 11, 2005]
All Things Considered
A Stroll Along The Malecon [5'36]
[12 mile Sea Wall in Havana]

Steve Miller Band [1968-73]
Evil [4'36]

Sun Kil Moon
Tiny Cities
[Advance 2005]
Dramamine [2'48]
Space Travel Is Boring [3'43]

McLaughlin, Di Meola, De Lucia
Friday Night in San Francisco [1980]
Mediterranean Sundance, Rio Ancho [11'34]
Fantasia Suite [8'53]

October 5th, 2005 was the 50th anniversary of Ginsberg's first public reading of Howl.

Allan Ginsberg [1955]
Howl [32 min.]

Creedance Clearwater Revival
Cosmos Factory [1970]
Ramble Tamble [7'12]

Amorphous Androgynous
Alice in Ultraland [2005]
Yes My Brother [4'59]
All Is Harvest [6'39]
Indian Swing [5'10]

Penguin Cafe Orchestra
Signs of Life [1987]
Sketch [3'25]
Horns of the Bull [4'35]
Wildlife [10'59]

~ Poets in their own words..

America [0'37]
Walt Whitman

next of course god america
[0'59] e. e. cummings

The Hollow Men [3'53]
T. S. Eliot

Do Not Go Gentle Into
That Good Night
Dylan Thomas

The Red Wheelbarrow [0'15]
William Carlos Williams

Epilogue [1'25]
Robert Lowell

The Secret of My Endurance
[NSFW/2'16] Charles Bukowski

Amazing Grace [2'50]
Allan Ginsberg

The Sea and the Bells [1996]
All Is Calm [3'20]
With More Air Than Words [2'15]
Tea Merchants [4'56]

Camper Van Beethoven [1986]
Peace and Love [2'40]
History of Utah [2'52]
Interstellar Overdrive
[7'45/Pink Floyd Cover]

Miles Davis
Pangaea [1975]
Gondwana [45 min]
Zimbabwe [40 min]

9/7: the edges of the radio spectrum, subatomic particles with no weight and no charge, truths that hang in the air unspoken, and all the places you aren't supposed to go...
National Public Radio
This American Life
Invisible Worlds [60 min.]

9/6: back-slapping politicians.
Frank Zappa
Orchestral Favorites [1979]
Bogus Pomp [13'28]

Brian Jonestown Massacre
Tschusse [4'37]

Patti Smith - Land [1975-2002]
Wing [5'05/live]
Summer Cannibals,

Circulus [2005]
Orpheus [3'07]
The Scarecrow [3'56]

Maria Taylor
11:11 [2005]
Nature Song [4'08]
Light House [3'36]
Leap Year [4'28]
Speak Easy [3'36]

Hymns of the 49th Parallel
After The Gold Rush
[Neil Young/4'04]

Richard Ashcroft
Alone With Everybody [2000]
Crazy World [4'57]
Brave New World [5'59]

Simon & Garfunkel
The Sound Of Silence [3'09]
I Am A Rock [2'59]

Christopher Walken
Reads Edgar Allen Poe
The Raven [8'30]

Faith No More
The Real Thing [1989]
Epic [4'53]
War Pigs [7'46]

Selenography [1999]
Forgiveness [6'38]
French Galleasse [6'13]
An Evening of Long
Artemesia [3'13]
Kentucky Nocturne [5'46]

Jauquo III-X
Track 01 [9'31]
Track 02 [4'38]
Track 03 [2'50]

Jane Siberry & k.d. lang
Until The End Of
The World [OST/1991]
Calling All Angels [5'11]

Jack Kerouac [1959]
[Steve Allen, piano]
The Moon Her
October In The
Railroad Earth
One Mother [0'49]

Scott Joplin
Solace [4'43]
[Slow Ragtime]

Yo-Yo Ma
Japanese Melodies [1990]
Kojo No Tsuki [4'37]

Brian Eno
Curiosities Vol. 2
Church [8'07]
Asteroid Dawn [4'31]

Boards of Canada
Aquarius [5'57]

Grateful Dawg
Intro [1'04]
Grateful Dawg [3'46]
Dawg's Waltz [4'49]
Old and In The Way [1'35]
Off To Sea Once More [5'32]

Pink Floyd [reunited]
Live8 - Hyde Park - 7/2/05
Breathe [3'54]
Money [6'49]
Wish You Were Here [4'44]
Comfortably Numb [7'39]

Orson Welles
Dramatization of HG Wells'
War Of The Worlds [1938]
Original Broadcast [1 hour]
Post Broadcast Anger [2'01]
Commentary [3'26]

Blade Runner
[Esper Edition]
Bicycle Riders [2'11]
Deckard's Dream [1'11]
Thinking of Rachel [1'17]
Rachel Sleeps [2'01]
Blade Runner Blues [10'07]

Steve Miller
Fly Like An Eagle [1976]
Wild Mtn Honey [4'49]
Serenade [3'11/ballad]
The Window [4'17/ballad]

Steely Dan
Aja [1977]
Aja [7'57]
Deacon Blues [7'37]

Allston Way, Berkeley, May 4

Berkeley, CA [May 4, 2006]

On Public Land at Westline

Former Sea Wall at Westline.

Calla Lilies, Westline porch.

San Pablo Ave mural, Oakland

Sky above Westline Drive

Late sun, radiant clover.
Westline, January 2006.

"No Sweat" Mojo Sneakers

Glass Art Violin [Seattle]

snapshots of saint helena

California, 1861, Marble
[Hiram Powers, De Young]
Westline, Alameda, CA [2006]

Illuminated Calla, Westline.

Web at Westline, Winter 2006

Backyard at Westline
February 2006

Creative Commons License


Jasper Johns at the De Young

What's the next best medicine?

Neil Young, US Immigrant.

Habeas Corpus, Human Right.

Tracking Lost Liberty, Daily.

FBI's Network Packet Sniffer.

Fruitvale Barrio, Oakland, CA

Telecoms lobby Congress
for Internet power grab.

Mars: first color image from
Reconnaissance Orbiter. [via]

Rev. John Thomas of the UCC
confronts the conservative IRD
and is profiled by the NY Times.

Alt Fashion, London [2006]


By the editor-in-chief
of Wired Magazine.

Baaba Maal [Senegal]

Frida Kahlo [Self Portrait]

Fractal Bacteria
Petri Dish Pics  [via]
19th c. Catholic temple built
over Teotihuacan pyramid.

US First Lady on the set
of India's Sesame Street

Fair Use vs Cosby lawyers

David Letterman faux TV Ad.
[ MOV ][ WMV ][ C & L ]

SF's new De Young Museum


Home Still Life.

CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked
DNC Chairman if Democrats
should return Abramoff $.

al brooks' film now playing.

AntiWar Sermon Brought
Warning Letter from IRS


nndb tracker
dullest blog
lynch daily
mr. pants


individual rights


blogger profile


2001-03 archives
thanks to the
wayback machine

Check Page Rank

IP Geolocator

Banned Books Online

*All In The Mind*

Lost Amnesiac Man
finds self online

A Network Called Internet
[circa 1993]


My Favorite
Garrison Keillor
San Francisco
Fresh Basil
Barton Fink
Life Against Death
Santa Maria
del Fiore Duomo


Martin Luther King, Jr.
I have a Dream [4'55]
I have been to the Mountaintop [27'48]

Jack Kerouac [1922-1969]
Friday Afternoon
In The Universe

Jack Kerouac
Spoken Word [Live]
[Steve Allen, piano]
From On The Road [3'30]

Revolution [2004]

Philip Glass
Koyaanisqatsi [OST 1983]
Koyaanisqatsi [3'30]

George Carlin
Complaints and Grevances
[2001] [NSFW]
Why We Don't Need
Ten Commandments

Robin Williams
Live 2002 [NSFW]
Something Aweful Is
Going To Happen

David Crosby
If I Could Only
Remember My Name...
Mt. Tamalpais High [3'32]
Song With No Words [6'00]
Laughing [5'25]
Orleans [2'00]

Bill Cosby [Live/1969]
Old Weird Harold [5'13]
Fat Albert {Buck Buck} [9'13]
Revenge [6'04]

Roxy Music
Avalon [1982]
India [1'45]
Tara [1'31]

Bright Eyes [2005]
When the President
talks to God

Jefferson Airplane
Volunteers [1969]
Volunteers [2'08]

Jimi Hendrix
Blues [1994]
Born Under A Bad Sign
[instrumental] [7'37]

Donald Fagen
The Nightfly [1982]
New Frontier [6'21]
Int'l Geophysical Year [6'04]
The Goodbye Look [4'50]

Automatic for the People [1992]
Try Not To Breathe [3'50]

2001 A Space Odyssey [1968/OST]
Lux Aeterna [6'00]
Blue Danube Excerpt [5'43]
Gayane Ballet Suite [5'17]
Hal 9000 Montage [9'41]

War [1975]
Low Rider [3'13]

Ray Lamontagne
Green (Demo)
I Go All To Pieces 3'46
Lead Me On 3'08
Write You A Letter 2'46

Spencer Davis Group
I'm A Man [2'56]

Jack Kerouac
Early History of Bop [10'57]

Jack Logan
Bulk (Demos) [1994]
Female Jesus [2'47]
Escape Clause [1'45]
Floating Cowboy [3'15]
On The Beach [7'00]
Optimist [4'26]
Fuck Everything [2'09]

Tosca Tango Orchestra
Waking Life [OST/2001]
Nocturne E Flat Opus 9 #2 [4:00]
Ballade 4 part 2 [2:07]

The Beatles
Acoustic Masterpieces
{The Esher Demos}
Yer Blues [3'32]
Cry Baby Cry [2'32]
Not Guilty [3'01]
Piggies [2'01]

U2 [Live/1983]
Under A Blood Red Sky
I Will Follow 3:42
New Year's Day 4:36

Topic: greatest novel
ever written about war.
J. Rufus Fears
Lectures in Literature
All Quiet On The Western
, Remarque, 31:00

Camper Van Beethoven
Key Lime Pie [1989]
When I Win The Lottery 3'38
All Her Favorite Fruit 5'16
The Light From A Cake 2'42
Come On Darkness 3'15
Borderline 3'52
Jack Ruby 5'25
Flowers 3'00

Grateful Dead
Fillmore East
February 11, 1969.
Dark Star [12'29]

Live, acoustic version of
favorite song of mine. [lyrics]
Broken Social Scene
Radio Aligre FM, Paris [2005]
Cause=Time [5'28]

Zappa & Beefheart
Live, El Paso [5/23/75]
Apostrophe (') [3'38]
Velvet Sunrise [5'22]

The Beatles

Rooftop Concert [1969]
Don't Let Me Down [3'19]
Gone, Gone, Gone [1'58]
The Walk [4'06]
Maxwell's Silver
She Came In Through
The Bathroom Window

Golden Morning Breaks [2005]
Floating In The
Clearest Sea
I'll Read You
A Story
The Heart Harmonicon

Tortoise [1994]
His Second Story

Cheech & Chong
Big Bambu [1972]
Empire Hancock [1'08]

Steve Martin
Let's Get Small [1977]
Excuse Me [3'02] [nsfw]

Bobby McFerrin
w/ Robin Williams

Spontaeneous Inventions [1986]
Beverly Hills Blues [3'52]

Garrison Keillor
Religion and Sex [3'21]
Getting Older [15'21]
Secret Lutherans [17'35]
The Do-Rites [17'46]
The Ethics of Jokes [19'45]
The Cat Came Back [3'40]

Toad the Wet Sprocket
Acoustic Set [1994]
All I Want 2'57
Walk On The Ocean 2'59

Jefferson Airplane
Surrealistic Pillow [1967]
Today [3'02]

k.d. lang
Absolute Torch & Twang [1989]
Pullin Back The Reins [4'23]

The Magic Numbers
The Magic Numbers [2005]
Oh Sister [4'28]
[Post-rock/Bonus track]

Camper Van Beethoven
Our Beloved Revolutionary
Eye Of Fatima, Part 1 2'37
One Of These Da ys 3'27
Change Your Mind 3'03
Devil Song 1'58

Arlo Guthrie
Alice's Restaurant [1966]
Alice's Restaurant 18'35

Pink Floyd
Meddle [1971]
Echoes [Epic cycle/23'29]
Seamus [Blues; humour/2'15]

Michael Hedges
Aeriel Boundaries [1984]
Aeriel Boundaries
[Acoustic Instr./4'42]

Philip Glass
Solo Piano [1989]
Mad Rush [13'47]
Metamorphosis Two [7'21]

II & III [1986]
Cattle (Reversed)
Four Year Plan
ZZTop goes to Egypt
Circles [2'53]
Sometimes [2'38]

Michelle Shocked
Short, Sharp, Shocked [1988]
V. F. D. [2'49]
Black Widow [2'44]
The L&N Don't Stop
Here Anymore
If Love Was
A Train

OK Computer [1997]
The Tourist
Subterranean Homesick Alien
Paranoid Android

Brian Eno
Music For Airports [1978]

1/1 [16'32]
1/2 [9'00]
2/1 [11'45]
2/2 [12'00]

Classic Disney
Jungle Book [1967]
Bare Necessities [4'50]
That's What Friends
Are For
My Own Home [3'32]

Fantasia [1940]
Dance of the Reed

101 Dalmations [1961]
Cruella De Vil [1'18]

Dumbo [1941]
When I See An
Elephant Fly

Jon Stewart
On NPR's Fresh Air
July 22nd, 2005 [30 min.]

Charlie Hunter
8 String Guitar, Solo
Track 5 [4'18]
Track 10 [1'32]

Lewis Carroll
Alice's Adventures
in Wonderland

All In The Golden

Broken Social Scene
Accelerator Radio
[Live in Sweden 8/7/04]
Looks Just Like The Sun [4'17]
K.C. Accidental [4'23]
Cause=Time [5'35]

The Talking Heads
Naked [1988]
Democratic Circus [5'04]

Damien Rice and
Lisa Hannigan

Unplayed Piano [2005]
Chris Lorde Alge [3'48]
Instrumental [3'49]

Toad The Wet Sprocket
Acoustic Set [1994]
All I Want [3'00]

Camper Van Beethoven [1988]
Never Go Back 3'25
Tania 3'47

James Laid [1993]
Low Low Low [2'52]
Knuckle Too Far [4'40]

Soft Machine
Volume 1 [1968]
Joy Of A Toy [2'49]
Why Am I So Short! [1'37]]
So Boot If At All [7'24]

The Mars Volta
Francis The mute [2005]
Track 01 [13'09]

It's All Around You [2000]
It's All Around You [4'09]

Caribou  EP  [2000]
Skunks [.mov/3'47]
Cherrybomb II [4'34]
Seaweed [6'20]`
Ole [4'33]

Brian Jonestown Massacre
Give It Back [1997]
Whoever You Are 4'41

Bruce Springsteen
Nebraska [1982]
My Fathers House [5'07]

Dylan Thomas
Do Not Go Gentle Into
That Good Night

Merle Haggard [1969]
Okie From Muskogee [2'44]

David Gray [2000]

Pearl Jam [Live in Rio 12/4/05]
Even Flow [7'52]

Gov't Mule Deepest End
Goin' Down [5'58]

The Libertines Whitechapel Demos
Pipey Magraw [3'14]

Brian Jonestown Massacre
Give It Back [1997]
Whoever You Are 4'41
Satellite [3'39]
Malela [3'09]

British Sea Power
Heavenly Waters [6'35]

Edgar "Jones" Jones
Soothing Music for
Stray Cats
Soothing Music for
Stray Cats
Freedom [2'00]
Hangin With Wulf
And Bear

Gentle Giant
Acquiring The Taste [1971]
Black Cat [3'54]

Leslie Feist
Let It Die [2004]
Gatekeeper [2'16]
Mushaboom [3'44]
Secret Heart [3'49]