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      "We are now into the first great war between
       nations and networks
" John Arquilla

7/26/06 Study asks what landscapes favor Bee Navigation.
* Violin Making flourishes in ancestral Stradivarian town.
* Hugging Saint Mata "Amma" Devi is on her yearly US Tour.
* Psalm Commentary found in Irish bog dates to 800-1000AD.

* Illusory familiarity of Deja Vu recreated in laboratory.
* What the Web looked like in 1996: corporate screenshots.
* Approval ratings of 100 US Senators. Obama Barack tops.
* Hezbollah surprised by Israeli reaction to kidnapping.

7/25/06 Senator's bill prepares Congress to sue Bush.
* Judge throws out ACLU v. AT&T on State Secrets motion.
* NYT: Second superimposed set of code discovered in DNA.
* Paleontology: rapid migration of first Primates. [Via]

* Foster Duck won't leave side of Mother Hen and chicks.
* Linklater interview covers PK Dick's mysticism. [Via]
* Bixblog: The Hermeneutics of Gumballs, such as it is.
* Clear Channel won't play Madonna; anti-Bush remarks.

* US troops redeployed to Baghdad; Iraqi PM visits US.
* Iraq's political progress has not curtailed violence.
* Increasing estrangement of Middle East from US & West.
* Chris Matthews breathless condemnation of Bush policy.

7/24/06 Personal: I found a 3 week old Tabby kitten in
  East Oakland on Saturday while driving for BORP. One
  eye was swollen shut. I learned from our Veteranarian
  that the mother would have abandoned her if she didn't
  keep up with the litter. She weighed in at 9 ounces!
  And the Vet says her eye will probably be alright..
  I call her Artemis.

* Profile of 2006 Tour de France winner Floyd Landis.
* Errol Morris presents Donald Trump on Citizen Kane.
* Seed Magazine on visualizing complex networks. [Via]
* Cell Phones may presage non-Neutral Internet. [Via]

* Programmer explains election-rigging to US Senators.
* Theses of Geek Hacktivism on Privacy, Censorship, IP..
* 3rd World ergonomic handheld generator prototype. [Via]
* Alexander the Great & Greco-Buddhist Art of Hindu Kush.

* Pics of Rural Iran. * History of Anaesthesia. [Via]
* Interactive Chart of Who Hates Who in the Middle East.
* James Wolcott Lebanon synopsis includes Beirut tour.
* Israeli DF fighting Hezbollah at Bint Jbeil, Lebanon.

* Additional Wars only benefit US Republican Candidates.
* Nobel Peace Laureate tells schoolkids about deathwish.
* Fox News consistently wishes well to it's critics. :)
* Intel chip rival AMD acquires video card maker ATI.

7/23/06 Floyd Landis stages Tour de France comeback.
* Fourfold increase in Western US wildfires since 1986.
* Six day Queens New York power outage remains unsolved.
* Doctors & Nurses react to Katrina euthanasia arrests.

* 256-bit Encrypted IM client ScatterChat - from cDc.
* Israel seeks German aid in getting European support.
* Syria wants talks with US; return of Golan Heights.
* Interview with Hezbollah Gen. Secretary Nasrallah.

7/21/06 Underwater Art Nudes. [Slideshow] [Via] [NSFW]
* Video of Huygens probe dashboard during Titan descent.
* Umberto Eco: two theories of Hollow or Convex Earth.
* Exodus to Nile after Sahara dried up 6,000 years ago.

* Judge spikes 1805 law banning unmarried cohabitation.
* VP Dick Cheney posts job opening for Press Critic.
* Text of Valerie Plame civil complaint vs. Cheney.
* Net Neutrality opponents face US Senate filibuster.

* US Senate Minority leader Reid cites Iraq Civil War.
* Israel wants Hezbollah to retreat above Litani River.
* Video of infamous 1971 Stanford Prison experiment.
* 17 US Air Marshals speak out on Homeland Security.

* Indian Gov't revises Web censorship order after debate.
* Future of Biometric spoofing [fingerprint, voice, iris].
* YouTube initiates controversial "terms and conditions".
* BellSouth approves sale to AT&T. Cingular name phaseout.

7/20/06 Judge refuses to dismiss EFF vs. AT&T. [Suit/PDF]
* Film: Good Night, & Good Luck [2005]. Newsman v. Senator.
* New Orleans doctor, nurses arrested on Katrina euthanasia.
* Indian Gov't blocked weblogging portals for two days.

* Alpha geek and former Lebanese resident responds to War.
* Iraqi Shia cleric Sistani calls for Sunni/Shiite peace.
* NYT: Iraqi PM & many Sunnis support Hezbollah v. Israel.
* Ralph Reed defeat shows traction of US corruption issue.

* NY Times on the state-of-the-art in book self-publishing.
* US/German effort to draft Neanderthal genome from fossils.
* A Scanner Darkly: watch the first 24 minutes here. [Via]
* Comcast Cable censors critical Nightline segment. [Via]

7/19/06 Pew Internet Life study on blogging in the USA.
* Berners-Lee, Google AI exec on barriers to Semantic Web.
* Milky Way core image reveals massive star clusters. [rw]

* Ohio Senator campaign attack-ad uses doctored 9/11 video.
* Scotland Yard officially identifies Jack The Ripper. [Via]
* Iraqi Gov't agencies report 3000+ civilian deaths in June.

7/18/06 I'll return home tonight from Mt. Shasta. [Map]
  ...And expect to be posting at my usual rate soon...
  Yesterday we hiked Panther Meadows below Mt. Shasta.
  The day beforehand we car camped above Lake Siskiyou.
  Plenty of humorous quips amongst Enzo, Ainslie and I.
  Card games included "Reduction" and "Hearts". [Comment]

* Boy who lost sight at 3 yrs; uses echolocation to "see".
* Virtual world designed to test inter-personal telepathy.
* Charlie Kaufman also wrote "A Scanner Darkly" screenplay.
* Tesla roadster. * Laser atom tweezers. * Netflix paradox.
* Viacom rumored courting The Onion. [...retrospective via]
* Bush tries giving German Chancellor shoulder massage. [rw]
* Atty General says Bush personally blocked wiretap probe.

7/15/06 "Courage in Journalism", by WaPo's Walter Pincus.
* Rembrandt's 400th birthday celebration in the Netherlands.
* Cody's Books on Telegraph in Berkeley closed July 10th.
* Syd Barrett has died. Retired after founding Pink Floyd.

* Shuttle Discovery departs ISS. Landing gear issue remains.
* Malware sites uncovered using obscure Google search feature.
* Syrian official says Israel has not breached Syrian border.
* Desert Fathers. * Vintage Calculators. * Elevator Etiquette. [Via]

7/14/06 Non-Errors: grammar mistakes that aren't. [Via]
* Thom Yorke doing interviews; plays for Rollins tomorrow.
* Princeton Composer models musical structure with geometry.
* Suspended animation tests successful; several pigs/1 hour.
* Wall St. Journal's upbeat article on Psilocybin mushrooms.

* Fig likely first domesticated crop approx 11,000 years ago.
* Pictures of Rainbow and Lightning together [over Arkansas].
* Mice feel their Cagemates' pain. * The Occult Life of Things.
* Political allegiance affects brain's response to candidates.
* Online news stories typically have a 36 hour shelf life.

* Senator arranging rubber stamp for warrantless US wiretaps.
* US Congress renews 1965 Voting Rights Act for 25 year term.
* Plame sues VP Cheney and Republican Operatives. [Precedent]
* Some Christians excited by widening Middle East conflict.
* Chronology of events in the Middle East [since June 25th]

Opinion: Just a few weeks ago the Palestinian and Israeli Prime Ministers were preparing to negotiate final Israeli and Palestinian borders. But there are always people who will do whatever is necessary to stop peace between Israel and Arabs. Hamas, newly elected to be in charge of Palestinian government, had a secret and very practical flirtation with peace. Those concerned about an impending detente between Hamas and Israel include the government of Syria, an Iranian government that calls for Israel's removal, and a small Lebanese political party called Hezbollah that is financed by Iran and operates autonomously and unchallenged in southern Lebanon, where officials recently reiterated that the government cannot control it's own southern border. Wikipedia names Hezbollah's leader as Hasan Nasrallah, currently residing in southern Beirut "with his wife and three children", but I heard today on KGO he may instead be in a "protected neighborhood" in Syria. An Israeli incursion on Syria might well provoke/justify an Iranian attack on Israel, but I don't think that is Iran's immediate aim. Nor is it a practical aim.

Iran's motive in all this is in part to demonstrate that it can cause trouble. Iran is exerting it's power in the face of the prospect of European economic sanctions that are in response to Iranian uranium enrichment. Iran demonstrates it's power by manipulating regional events to the point of war, and successfully scuttling impending detente between Hamas and Israel. Agitators elicited a predictably strong response from Israel to the kidnapping of two of it's soldiers.

But in the event of Iran's entry into the war, other Arab nations might be hard pressed to sit by... And in that scenario the US would be the first external power available to enter the theatre of battle, wherever it might be - strategic Iraq borders five countries.

Alas, the Israeli/Arab conflict once again seems intractable, and at the very center of broader global conflicts. When peace seems within reach, a radical will disrupt the process - with predictable results, more retribution. At times like this the peace process itself seems to become part of the cycle of violence. [Comment]

7/13/06 Personal: I am back from Desolation with my buddies.
  We hiked in from Glen Alpine at Fallen Leaf Lake on Sunday
  morning, day hiked to Heather Lake on Monday and all the
  way up to Lake Aloha on Tuesday, where we found some small
  icebergs. My Kodak out of commission, I captured images of
  lakes and fauna on a cellphone, and I'll have use of pics
  from Gary's topline Nikon. All to be posted in coming days.

  Off tonight to see the film A Scanner Darkly...

7/12/06 US extends the Geneva Conventions to all it's POW's.

7/7/06 I'm offline to Desolation Wilderness for several days.
  [I plan to post from the road on the evening of July 12th]

* Stephen Hawking: How can humanity survive the next 100 years?
* Linklater's Scanner [2006] stars Downey Jr, Harrelson, Ryder.
* Britian marks London bombing anniversary with 2 min silence.
* Web 2.0 Japan * Anil Dash Making Something Meaningful. [Via]

* Negro Leagues legend Satchel Paige born 100 years ago today.
* Federer at Wimbledon vs Nadal, the only man who can beat him.
* Larry King fields non-sequiturs about Graceland from GW Bush.
* Coulter publisher investigates plagiarism, she doesn't deny.

7/6/06 Gay Marriage set back in New York and Georgia courts.
* Western Union blocks money transfers to and from Arab names.
* Mexican Moderate again claims win & offers post to opponent.
 [2.6mil more ballots in recount. New margin 35.88 to 35.31%]

* Shuttle docks at ISS. A German is first European resident.
* Cindy Sheehan gracefully answers pointed questions. [Via]
* US Senator starts meme: "The Internet, A Series Of Tubes".
* Church/State Mashup Statue of Liberation Through Christ.


7/5/06 Mexicans recounting 36%-35% Presidential election tally.
* Indian Space Research Organization deploying GPS-like system.
* Canadian study finds no link between Thimerosal and Autism.
* The Bikini debuted on a French stripper 60 years ago today.

* History of Science Illustration. * Urban Etiquette. [Via]
* Oil breaks $75. Cheney's investment strategy. Ken Lay Obit.
* Tony Snow corrects man who calls Ken Lay President's friend.
* Vanity Fair covers Hookergate. McCain-Norquist spat grows.

* Memphis' new Statue of Liberation through Christ. [SWAG]
* Tom Waits on August tour of Southern & Midwestern States.
* Acetaminophen causes liver damage, even in small doses.
* Blue Pill prototype rootkit malware is 100% undetectable.

* Class action lawsuit over "Windows Update" trojan malware.
* Sysinfo controls what applications start when a PC boots.
* Diebold E-Voting Opti-Scan hacking demo docs & pics. [BBV]
* Rocketboom lets go of Amanda. * Mastercard has a new logo.

7/4/06 US Judge grants restraining order on shrill Navy Sonar.
* US Freedom Of Information Act [FOIA] is 40 years old today.
* Federation of American Scientists Project on Gov't Secrecy.
* US Army Counter Insurgency [COIN] Manual lays out paradoxes.

* Neil Young's "Looking For A Leader" [MP3] [Living With War]
* Al Qaeda becomes Ideology. Tells followers to fire at will.
* Europeans concerned about attacks on Press over SWIFT story.
* US short-range missiles follow Japanese Prime Minister home.

* Bombs bursting in air outside my window. So tonight I'm
  playing guitar... louder to drown out booms, pops, thuds,
  and whistles. And my fingers move confidently. Who is it
  lighting fireworks while our nation is at war? Celebrating
  the birth of our country with the sounds of war. War, it's
  said, is hell, but war and nations are part and parcel. If
  not for bombs bursting in air at The War of 1812, Francis
  Scott Key
may not have had his "proof through the night
  that our flag was still there." [Contact]

* Film: Slaughterhouse Five [1972] is playing on the new cable
  channel Retroplex. I see the tragic absurdity of war through
  the eyes of a time traveling character born the 4th of July.

* Parable: Those Who Walk Away From Omelas, by Ursela Le Guin,
  portrays a place called Omelas where everyone is happy - with
  the exception of one single solitary person who is kept in a
  dark cell. Everyone who lives in Omelas knows where to find
  the prison, and it's prisoner. They accept this "price" for
  their happiness. Not everyone can be happy in Omelas, but for
  those who agree to sacrifice the freedom and happiness of a
  single solitary person, Omelas enjoys complete social harmony.

7/3/06 Johnny Depp interview: I felt weirdness for many years
* Half mile wide asteroid was as close as the moon 0425 GMT.
* Would Creationists accept antibiotics outdated by evolution?
* Woody Allen for The New Yorker: Thus Ate Zarathustra [Via]

* Journalist's Standard for "When and Why I Reveal Secrets."
* Ann Coulter plagiarized SF Chron, LA Times for latest book.
* Senate briefed on SWIFT once NY Times decided to run story.
* NASA plans July 4th launch despite crack in fuel tank foam.

* Kids US History Magazine features military bootcamp primer.
* Former Gitmo prisoners on trial in France for al Qaeda ties.
* Salvadore Allende, Freemason & bon vivant, died 9/11/73. [*]
* Cooperative viral video business plan: get played, get paid.

7/2/06 NSA asked AT&T to track phonecalls before 9/11. [Alt]
* US Voting Rights Act renewal still blocked by Republicans.
* Yale statistitian says everyone has ancestors of all races.
* Long haul migratory birds adjust arrival to earlier Spring.

* UK Newspaper finds Afghan witness needed by Gitmo prisoner.
* Christian Science Monitor on how US media leaks affect War.
* Western Union help for US Intelligence dates to Civil War.
* Duke related Washington DC scandals leading to the Pentagon.

* London's Serpentine Gallery, annual architects' playground.
* Prefab Housing kits; quick; modular; some assembly required.
* Exposed interior walls, hyperdensity & urban installations.
* Public Art: strange outdoor statues from around the world.

* The war for privacy: lost. War for personal data: in play.
* Once jailed by opponents, Mexico City mayor new President?
* Lost Words have OED entry; are not found on Web in context.
* Muslim History in brief. Ukiyo-e Woodblock Prints. [Via]

* Astronomy: conditions under which stars form. [Galaxy pic]
* Nine defining characteristics of a Christian Conservative.
* Americans setting fireworks may be unaware of inspiration.
* Materials science raises prospect of tiny flying robots.

7/1/06 NY Times/LA Times editorial explains decision to print.
* Leaderless Rainbow Family gathers under Federal crackdown.
* Alexa: rightwing US websites in double digit decline. [RW]
* Social experiment site finds itself perceived as a threat.

6/30/06 NY Times executives respond to WS Journal editorial.
* Bush has repeatedly described US surveillance techniques.
* USA Today acknowledges Telco denials; Notes AT&T silence.
* Mohorovicic discontinuity between Earth's crust & mantle.

6/29/06 Personal: I'll be away several days beginning July 7.
 [I hope to return from the backcountry w/ pics & narrative]
* NSFW but tasteful indoor met art nude series: 1 2 3 4 5 6
* Mega-rave for Cirque de Soleil's Vegas Beatles show. [RW]

* SCOTUS says Bush Gitmo military trials bypassed Congress.
* Exxon/Mobile hasn't paid court ordered Valdez settlement.
* Net Neutrality: Senate Commerce Committee deadlocks 11-11.
* 27B\6: check if your data routes through AT&T. [Mine does.]

* Man arrested for videotaping detective and filing complaint.
* Ants use internal pedometer to find way back to their nest.
* Olfactory memory device records smells for later playback.
* Mathematics and renderings of recursive Droste Effect. [Via]

* Ayaan Hirsi Ali passport dispute brings down Dutch Gov't.
* European bank scandal Clearstream Affair, Part II. [Via]
* China's new Tibetan railcars are UV-filtered, oxygen-fed.
* Japanese PM Junichiro Koizumi visits Memphis' Graceland.

6/28/06 Pictures of downtown Ulan Bator, Mongolia. [Via]
* NASA says Hubble's main camera back online by July 3rd.
* Relationships between Math and Musical Instrument design.
* NYU study shows a single hacker could throw a US Election.

* Press Shield: The Bush Administration notified Legislators
  of it's broad access to SWIFT data *only* after it learned
  that the NY Times was informed about it and was considering
  running a story. Any claim that Congress had been "briefed"
  is false. Only because the NY Times was considering running
  a story about the massive data scoop did the Administration
  consider it's duty to keep members of Congress informed.
  Update: Senate Intelligence Committee's Diane Feinstein
  says this plainly on July 2nd.

* Senators urge damage study on NYT surveillance reports. [NYT]
* US flag burning Amendment narrowly fails in the Senate. [NYT]
* A/V report on demographics of Baghdad, Mosul, & Kirkuk. [NYT]
* Sunni groups offer to halt attacks on Americans in Iraq. [AP]

* Iran grand poobah Khamenei says talks with US "no use". [BBC]
* Indian Ocean Tsunami warning system is "up and running". [BBC]
* Archbishop of Canterbury offers terms to Episcopalians. [NYT]
* Fed Net Neutrality backed by NY & CA Attorneys General. [Reg]

* Study: people regret not partying more than not working. [BB]
* Study: cardboard cutout cop makes people act honestly. [/.]
* Amazon "stonehenge" ruins align with winter solstice. [Via]
* Raves for Linklater's a daptation of PK Dick's Scanner. [RW]

* Film Spoilers: Shadowlands [1993]; Finding Neverland [2004]
  Both films portray writers of fantasy fiction, and their
  involvement with families losing a loved-one to terminal
  illness. In the first film Anthony Hopkins is Irish writer
  CS Lewis. I found many of his statements about prayer and
  suffering oddly akin to my own thoughts in recent years.
  In the latter film my favorite actor Johnny Depp gets yet
  another chance to talk like a pirate on film in portrayal
  of Scottish JM Barrie, creator of Peter Pan & Tinkerbell.

* Scores of trailers for historically significant films. [JK]
* Man patiently captures extraordinary images of insects. [BB]
* US nickles, pennies now cost more than face value to make.
* Rush Limbaugh wonders how he got Bob Dole's luggage. [C&L]

6/27/06 How to assert 4th Amendment rights [and avoid arrest].
* Sen. Clinton declares privacy synonymous with liberty. [Via]
* Bruce Schneier on defeating China's National Firewall config.
* Hamas reaches deal w/ Abbas, as Israeli troops mass at Gaza.

* Biologically Inspired Mimicry: Mother Nature design workshop.
* AP Poll: Climatologists give Gore film 5 stars for accuracy.
* Octogenarian Harper Lee writes about how she began reading.
* Warner Bros selling film/TV shows at former pirate website.

* Opinion: Where I live we have Internet Access over one
  of two existing networks, our legacy Phone Network and
  the generally much newer legacy Cable TV network. One
  could call this a "Duopoly", but I believe the Cable
  lines ultimately connect to the phone company Internet
  Backbone. For all intents and purposes, AT&T controls
  Internet access where I live in Alameda - less than one
  hundred miles from "Silicon Valley", and just across
  the Bay from San Francisco. Net Neutrality is necessary
  because in the forseeable future connecting to computers
  in any other part of the world will require connecting
  to large legacy Telcos like AT&T. Google may one day
  offer access over their own independent nation-wide
  next-generation network capable of delivering to each
  home or business. Today there is a monopoly or duopoly
  in the means of Internet access. Everyone ultimately
  connects to the Phone networks. That is one reason why
  we need a renewel of Network Neutrality written into
  current law by the US Congress. If you live Stateside,
  please check here to see whether your Senator has taken
  a position. There may be a Commerce Committee vote this
  week on a neutrality amendment to a Telecommunications
  bill. For a nuanced pro-Net Neutrality perspective,
  perhaps you haven't yet seen Cory Doctorow's latest
  on the subject.   [Contact]  [Permalink]

* Senate Judiciary Committee looks at Bush signing statements.
  [CNN headline implies a proper way for Bush to ignore laws]


  The President is sworn to uphold the US Constitution.
  The Constitution gives him roles such as signing laws
  and vetoing legislation. Signing Statements were used
  by former Presidents to offer recommendations in the
  implementation of new laws, but they're commonly used
  by Mr. Bush in unprecedented ways: to avoid expected
  Senate over-ride of a Presidential veto, to place the
  Office of President above the law, and to symbolically
  cross his fingers behind his back.

  Does he use these attached statements to express his
  "dissenting opinion"? He is neither Lawmaker nor Judge,
  yet he acts just like the strawman "activist judge" so
  much maligned by his fellow American Republicans.

  President Bush uses Signing Statements to skirt laws he
  signs, breaking terms of his contract with US Citizens.
  And when the Press fullfills it's contract, faithfully
  reporting any Government [especially Executive Branch]
  incursions on Civil Liberties protected by that same
  sacred US Constitution, the President is an ignorant,
  shameless hypocrite for calling publishers disgraceful,
  and not instead condemning colleagues from his own
  political party for accusing the NY Times of treason.

  [Contact]  [Permalink]

6/26/06 US Congressman wants NY Times prosecuted for espionage.
 [Bernie Ward: Should Govt decide what newspapers print?] [QT]
* White House has adjustable partial troop withdrawal schedule.
* Bruce Springsteen sings Bring 'Em Home [QT] on Conan O'Brien..

* US Supreme Court affirms right to choose a defense attorney.
* Tax protester Norquist responds to charges of money laundering.
* Limbaugh detained by US Customs after return from Costa Rica.
 [Carrying Viagra w/out a prescription: Sex, Drugs & Hypocrisy!]

* Cory Doctorow on keeping Telcos from committing net-neutricide.
* 70% of Japanese support Whaling Ban, as Govt pays to overturn.
* Wal-Mart wants organics from Kellogg, Kraft, Nestle, etc [Via]
* Skype WiFi phone $250. Call non-Skype land or cell at 2c/min.

* Jason Kottke responds to BBC's passing critique of his weblog.
* Alexa Web Crawl over 10% of the Web Data Visualization. [Via]
* Film Today: Linklater's Waking Life [2001]. Thought provoking.
* 2000 kids at Queen's b-day. * 19th c. Siberian Life Pics [Via]

* July NASA shuttle launch begins push to finish Space Station.
* German/UK team's super-sensitive gravitational wave detector.
* Snake with ability to change color found in Borneo rainforest.
* Pre-natal origin of sexual orientation [fraternal birth order].

6/25/06 Iraq govt endorses peace plan and US troop withdrawal.
* NSA Director doesn't know the 4th Amendment. [Click to Play]
* Abramoff offered meetings w/ Bush for $100k to Norquist scam.
* Arizona state candidate calls for undocumented Labor Camps.

* Euro Muslims mute after Madrid, London, Amsterdam attacks.
* Cars waste most of the stored energy in gas. [hybrid crib]
* WiFi crusader bootstrapping via $5-router giveaway. [Via]
* Film today: Matewan [1987]... Sayles, Cooper, Strathairn.

* Early WWW: Berners-Lee, CERN, Hypertext, First Webserver.
* Green Building competition in NY City - winners announced.
* 60 Minutes profiles blind, brain-damaged musical savants.
* Principality of Sealand in ruins after lunch hour blaze.

6/24/06 Encyclopedia of all human gene "disorders" planned.
* First biometric [fingerprint] payment system goes online.
* US General in Iraq outlines plan for large troop reduction.
* Blamed for cynicism, apathy: Jon Stewart poisons Democracy.

* Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.
* Germany's foreign minister calls on Iran to stop enrichment.
* Brazil's Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva seeks October re-election.
* Sumatra: mutated bird-flu has human-to-human "family vector."

* Template for news stories on US government data gathering.
* Florida newspaper: "Rove, Satan plot GOP election strategy".
* Merrill Lynch analyst recommends Microsoft takeover Yahoo.
* Qbox code runs 200+ teraFLOPS on IBM's BlueGene/L computer.

6/23/06 King family has MLK papers up for auction June 30.
* Simple fuel combustion device produces almost no emission.
* US Science panel: climate warming due to human influence.
* Ancient jewelry implies "culture" is older than believed.

* New Jersey Librarian takes flack for requiring subpoenas.
* Internet authority ICANN Marrakech meet begins Saturday.
* User-recommended tech-news adds categories/vids.
* Marriage debate from Anthropological point of view. [rw]

* Israeli/Palestinian Prime Ministers agree to hold talks.
* US General lauds Sunnis, says Iran aids Shiite fighters.
* Iran's oil refineries meet just 57% of domestic demand.
* Clinton Defense Sec. advocates pre-emption in N. Korea.

* Pew survey reveals mutual suspicions of West & Muslims.
* Support for bin Laden is declining, esp among Jordanians.
* Cheney calls Miami 7 Seas of David group "very real threat."
  [Provided boots & uniforms, wait.. "terrorist uniforms?"]

6/22/06 Royal Society to try Open Access publishing model.
* Xuankong Hanging Monastery's walkways & elaborate facade.
* Diversification of species increased with meteor impacts.
* Scientology secret Operating Thetan III course explained.

* Extended Computer Desktop metaphor: BumpTop 3D Prototype.
* Secret subpoenas give U.S. access to int'l banking data.
* US District Court Judge requests State Secrets arguments.
* Personal: I've disconnected my "337" AT&T landline phone.

6/21/06 AT&T service requires consent to Privacy Policy.
* IBM speed testing deep frozen germanium silicon chips.
* Stem Cell therapy restores movement in paralyzed rats.
* Single-cell pathogen infects half the world's people.

* Broadcast flag DRM scheme snuck into Senate Telecom bill.
* Gaze detector headset records, "bookmarks" day's events.
* After 60 years of guilt, Germans expressing patriotism.
* Summer Solstice at 04:26 here in California [12:26 GMT].

6/20/06 Music: second wave Freak Folk, Summer of Love Redux
* Supernova watchers intrigued by anomalous explosion. [Via]
* Newfound phenomena where solar wind meets magnetic field.
* NYT falsely reports that Wikipedia has added restrictions.

* Episcopal leader defends homosexuality. [Anglican schism?]
* Don't ask: Pentagon lists homosexuality as mental disorder.
* Japan & UK announce troop withdrawals. * Rather leaves CBS.
* Gitmo 2006 spring pictures. * ACLU President submits OpEd.

* US DOJ wants to consolidate a dozen Telecom/NSA lawsuits.
* EFF attorney smokes MPAA exec. * NSFW: fictional expletives.
* Matthew Baldwin comic book: Files are not for sharing [Via]
* Namby-pamby appeasenik who suckles at the teat of terror..

6/19/06 RFK Jr. plans to litigate 2004 Ohio vote suppression.
* Birthdate, gender & ZIP code can identify 87% of Americans.
* Senate Commerce Committee, Thursday vote on Net Neutrality.
* Copyright owners paradoxically profit by free distribution.

* Arctic Seed Bank to protect biodiversity for 1000's of yrs.
* Rwanda mountain-top Gorilla habitat survived decade of war.
* Genetically at-risk parents can now select a healthy embryo.
* Researchers think pacemakers can be crafted from live cells.

* Japan succeeds in changing Int'l Whaling Commission policy.
* Klimt sold for $135 million, on display this summer in NYC.
* Comet hunter Messier compiled deep-space objects M1 to M110.
* Stunt video blogger Ze Frank farms out his script via wiki.

* WSJ estimates CraigsList ads would generate $500 million/yr.
* Vintage US magazine ad for live delivery of 12" Pet Monkey.
* Sagalassos [Turkey], well preserved ancient city excavated.
* US ignored 2003 Iranian overtures on nukes, Israel, & Iraq.

* Gitmo detainees are unaware of developments in their cases.
* Prosecution asks death penalty in Saddam closing arguments.
* Frontline journalists follow Dick Cheney on The Dark Side..
* Why doesn't US Embassy tell State Dept good news from Iraq?

6/18/06 Father's Day first designated in Spokane, WA [1910].
* Murtha offers Plan v. No Plan; Ad hominem on Rove. [Video]
* Watergate-gate's missing Duke DHS/Limosine letter turns up.
* NASA declares shuttle Discovery fit for July 1st launch.

* Stained Glass Ceiling: Episcopal Church's female leader.
* New super-hard glass developed at University of Florence.
* Narrated video clips: various principles & devices. [Via]
* Craigslist in new cities categorized by state and country.

* Artists go from Madison Wisconsin to fame in St Paul. [Via]
* Exuberant R-rated body painting parade slideshow. [*] [via]
* 1,000 Dutch remove pants to protest Budweiser sponsorship.
* Johnny Depp/Jack Sparrow look alikes. * DIY: homemade A/C.

6/17/06 Personal: Much of Dad's memorial ski video was captured by him in the mid-1990's. It was edited for - and narrated by - his skiing buddy and soul mate Hal Hill following Dad's death six months ago, and debuted at Northstar Tahoe this March 1st. For tonight's viewing, 40 copies of the DVD were minted, twenty addressed with names - and twenty without. Vicki Nakamura and her husband Koichi hosted a party on Hal and Diane's 50th Wedding Anniversary, and Hal arranged to have the memorial video shown. Vicki Nakamura was also close to my Mom, who died a year ago this week. I decided to take a sip of champagne when she toasted Hal & Diane. And just before we left, she and Cheryl and I stood on the porch for a long time, strengthening our bonds in the warm gentle evening. Also present inside were Pat Scott, Liz Martin, Bobbie Heyman, and Jen Barr. All very gracious. No doubt most of them will be on the 2nd annual David MacDonald Memorial skitrip, first Wednesday next March. My sister Cheryl and I recently received a number of Dad's things from my StepMom Betty in Washington. And I brought to the party a clear plastic sleeve containing my Father's Canadian passport [picture] and two very small B&W pictures, one of Dad and Mom in the 1950's, and another early 1950's of him [L] with Canadian Navy shipmates. The picture on Dad's Memorial DVD Cover Art is a stillshot from a video pan of a mid-1990's "apres ski" party as Dad looked directly into the camera. I will do my very best to get Dad's ski video online later this year. I might note here that video was taken at Mom's memorial last August, and I should like to post portions of that online as well.

  [Updated 6/18 1800 PDT] [Family Pictures license]

6/16/06 Nepal's Maoist rebels join interim government.
* Word of the Day: salad days, coined by Shakespeare.
* Open Linux standard chosen by mobile phone vendors.
* Participant guide for a world of computer ubiquity.
* Japan unexpectedly loses Whaling Commission vote.
* I saw Baaba Maal at Masonic Auditorium tonight.

6/15/06 Perry Farrell eloquent on Henry Rollins' IFC TV show.
* Reviews of recent Radiohead shows in Boston & NY. [Torrent]
* Hawking says Pope told him not to study Universe's origins.
* Colbert: sponsor of Ten Commandments bill can name only 3.

* SCOTUS rules evidence still valid if police didn't knock..
* US Gov't increasing spending on mining consumer databases.
* Harper's Silverstein updates Watergate-gate, blesses name.
* Democrats demote Jefferson. Duke/DHS limo docs disappeared.

* Mesozoic fossils support aquatic origins theory of birds.
* List of hundreds of wild species in your area. [WWF via]
* Kate Moss evades London drug charges on lack of evidence.
* Vintage print advertisements of pre-Revolution Iran. [Via]

6/14/06 US Democrats 2006 campaign theme is New Direction.
* World's first solar powered scooter. [Best of Tree Hugger]
* Fukuda Door opens around your body as you pass through it.
* Astrophysicist explains upper limit on size of local moons.

* Entire subculture based on a 1969 6-second drum sample.
* Tritone Paradox auditory illusion utilizes pitch height.
* Web 2.0: Flickr founder meditates on social ecosystems.
* Food & Sex: How to make the perfect fruit salad. [Via]

* Hybridization: two butterfly species evolve into a third.
* North Pole sulphur hot spring harbours extreme bacteria.
* FCC fine contested: most who complained did not see show.
* Sweden sued by owners of servers confiscated in ISP raid.

* Internet/VoIP phone-call wiretaps face technical challenges.
* Feds sue NJ Attorney General to stop Telecom/NSA subpoenas.
* Motorola dragged into Kafkaesque world of Russian justice.
* Iraqi Prime Minister initiates Baghdad security crackdown.

  Films I've watched lately include a biography of performance
  artist Ray Johnson called How To Draw A Bunny [2002], and an
  independent small town theatrical film called Dogville [2003].
  Late tonight, Robert Townsend's blaxploitation mockumentary
  Hollywood Shuffle [1987]. Tomorrow, the Jim Jarmusch directed
  Neil Young on-the-road documentary Year Of The Horse [1997].

6/13/06 Andean Aymara people's "reversed" concept of time.
* Text revealed on ancient heliocentric Antikythera mechanism.
* Super massive comet found "seeding" distant galaxy cluster.
* AI: New algorithm generates 3D model from single 2D image.

* Tropical Storm Alberto landfall animated radar loops here.
* Yoga studios as indoctrination facilities for gentrifiers.
* Oxford Journals share evidence-based Open Access results.
* NIH research scientist sold human tissue samples to Pfizer.

* Newly stacked Int'l Whaling Commission may end 20 year ban.
* Lengthening summers may turn Polar Bears to cannibalism.
* Task Force 145 no longer; seventh name change in 3 years.
* Rove off the hook in Plame leak case. [A formidable man]

* Disingenuous Republicans: "Iraq is safer than Washington DC."
* Eyeballing the Zarqawi hit. CIA Career Opportunites c. 1986.
* Olmert: '67 borders indefensible, can't withdraw West Bank.
  [Israel may soon unilaterally define it's final borders]

* Aspiring Spooks! Spy Gadgets that anyone can buy.
* Farmers & Celebrities evicted from L.A. urban plot.
* Virginia wants to buy 1000 yr old Cypress forest.
* World-wide financial markets sell-off continues.

6/12/06 Where US Senators stand on Net Neutrality.
* Founders of Flickr & invest in
* US wiretap program goes before a Federal judge today.
* Arlen Specter to prosecute Bush wiretapping, unless..
* Palestinian "prisoners covenant" drafted in Israel.

* Court rules on MD's refusal to give lethal injection.
* Definition of "planet" to be announced in September.
* Chip developed to detect Martian "life molecules."
* Why Startups condense in America. * Space Couture.
* Three 3D web browsers. * Driving in India. [Via]

6/11/06 Martian "road" to Victoria Crater. [Via]
* Marine microbe fossil among the oldest on Earth.
  [May aid in search for signs of life on Mars, etc]
* Powers Of 10: short video on relative size. YouTube

* Students self-medicating with newer pharmaceuticals.
* DRM law would require license for all cached copies.
* British Petroleum CEO predicts Oil prices will fall.
* One Less Car: World Naked Bikeride slideshow. [Via]

* Nadal beats Federer. A's sweep Yankees. World Cup..
* Russians fly Confederate flag on ISS for eBay sale.
* I now have an FR300 hand-crank radio/phone charger!
* Rare atypical BSE [Mad Cow] strain tentatively ID'd.

6/10/06 Gitmo C.O. calls triple suicide "act of war."
* Republicans offer Bush "get out of jail free" card.

Opinion: last week on C-SPAN I saw the new Iraqi Prime Minister addressing hundreds of assembled members of the new government. They were indoors, in a great room. Women were seated in rows of sofa chairs. Many men stood, or sat in simpler chairs. I was reminded of a scene in the historical World War I-era drama Lawrence of Arabia - when Lawrence attempts to bring leaders of competing Arab groups into face-to-face discourse. In that scene, it's not too long before the men are yelling at each other and, one by one storming out of their ad-hoc pan-Arab parliament. In part because the Arabs could not find a unified political voice, because they were unable to form alliances, the Franco-English alliance went on to draw the current boundaries of Iraq and her neighbors. The German's had allied themselves with the Turkish Ottoman Empire of the time, which until World War I controlled much of the Middle East. Even as that war was fought, The Brits and French drew up the Sykes-Picot accord in diplomatic secrecy. The Sykes-Picot accord laid out British & French post-war plans for the Middle East - dividing up the spoils of War. Today, al Qaida wants a return to some kind of Ottoman Empire type boundaries and beyond - stretching from North Africa to Kashmir. And beginning at least as far back as the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1923 and the creation of Middle Eastern states like Iraq and Jordan by Western powers, Arabs have not been able to stop argueing, join together, and achieve geo-political power. Arabs and Middle Eastern Muslims (Sunni, Shiite, Bedouin, Sufi) cannot find a reason to form strong alliances and gain geo-polical power despite 1.) the West's utter dependence on Middle Eastern oil, and 2.) despite their own avowed common enemy in Israel, itself annexed by World War II victors and given to the Zionists by the United Nations. My point here is to say that al Qaida doesn't so much hate American values as they want political power in the Middle East and beyond. The US does represent the accumulated power of Representative Democracies, and the World Trade Center represented Western Capitalism, but al Qaida's aim in attacking the WTC is a unified Muslim Theocracy stretching all the way to Kashmir, and the US and the West are a historic threat to any such destiny. Al Qaida succeeded in precipitating a Western invasion of the Middle East, which they hope will unify Arabs and Muslims into all out holy war - followed by the creation of this Islamic superstate.

Last week when I saw the new Iraqi Prime Minister addressing the new government, he stressed the need for a respect for the rule of law. He lamented the fact that people are afraid to support the work of the police. He reiterated the now cliched three most important issues in Baghdad, security, security.. and security. I was moved by his speech as it was translated into English and bradcast over C-SPAN. And, typical of Western Values, I was optimistic for his success, and for the success of everyone represented in the large and diverse gathering of Iraqi politicians.

6/9/06 Lawrence "Larry" Lessig on Copyright reform.
* EFF co-founder Barlow debates MPAA prez Glickman.
* NSA datamining Social Network sites for profiles.
* Prairie Home Companion film opens in the Bay Area.
  [Cold night. Saw the film... GK is a great man.]

6/8/06 Bush says Immigrants must embrace American Values.
  [Such as Diversity, Freedom of Information, and Charity]
* Bill Bennett & Jon Stewart on the Definition of Marriage.
* Google CEO Eric Schmidt's Open Letter on Net Neutrality.

Opinion: After reports of a leadership struggle earlier this year within al Qaida in Iraq, the US has gone ahead and removed al-Zarqawi from office - after a tip on his whereabouts from within his own organization. His death by Americans also serves al Qaida's purposes by inflaming emotions in it's followers. It serves the purposes of anyone who wants the War to get worse, including those who take this all very personally. Anyone who thinks Zarqawi's violent death "teaches" other potential mass murderers a lesson is a whore to blood-lust. Better to try to smoke him out or force him to consider taking his own life - before taking him out. Whenever possible, mass murderers should be kept alive, powerless, with little or no privacy, and forced to wake up alone every morning, in empty silence, looking at a blank wall, for thousands of days on end. But this blood-lust Old Testament Justice sees no end. Will his execution save lives, or cost them? US leaders say his death will not stop his fighters. Did the US kill al Zarqawi to teach people that killing is wrong? Or is there another reason? What message do we send to the world, that we must kill to be "right"? Or that we know a better way? We win when we fight for hearts and minds, and not for revenge. Zarqawi and his followers no doubt prefered his martyrdom in battle to his withering away in prison. His violent death serves the worst of human instincts, and will ultimately increase the death toll in this War, rather than serving to bring the War to an end.

  [Comment] [Permalink] Thanks to the NY Times and LA Times.

6/7/06 Google founder regrets compromise with Chinese Gov't.
* US Senators see new need to protect Journalists from Feds.
* US Senators postpone quizzing Telco execs on NSA collusion.
* US Gov't and 5 Media Companies to pay Wen Ho Lee $1.6 mil.

* Net Neutrality also backed by big Corporations and the NRA.
* "Farecast" uses historical pricing data to predict airfares.
* 3 billion yr old dirt mounds may be Earth's oldest fossils.
* How-To's: 20 life skills. * Top 25 FOIA search-strings. [RW]

* Ancient mystery solved. Why water freezes faster when heated.
* Jupiter storms Great Red Spot and Red Jr will meet on July 4.
* Press Photographers' Year Awards 2005 (157 image slideshow).
* NeoCons successfully block Juan Cole's appointment at Yale.

6/6/06 Abbas pushes referendum implicitly recognizing Israel.
* Iran's chief negotiator sees ambiguities in six nation offer.
* New US Fed Chair again startles world markets. Selloff ensues.
* US law would redefine Copyright & Fair Use for digital files.

* Scores of accounts of social & cosmological beginnings. [Via]
* Harvard begins large privately funded human stem-cell study.
* NASA fleet of lunar robots may begin launching in two years.
* Engineering: Athletes use LASIK to enhance performance. [Via]

* Warner Brothers 1943 black Snow White cartoon. [YouTube Via]
* Associated Press rewards bamboozling report on US Sen. Reid.
* AT&T Chutzpah: "Unworthy of standing in the way of a scoop."
  [Press joins ACLU, EFF & CCR to see Govt's secret evidence]

* US Venezuelan Ambassador at Chavez' hometown baseball field.
* Washington high school's mascot is a Mushroom Cloud. [Swag]
* Abandon Hope, All Ye who submit FOIA requests to the NSA.
* NSFW: low bandwidth ASCII art porn directory. [Via]

6/5/06 EU countries will begin issuing biometric passports.
* First medical description of AIDS published 25 years ago.
* USRP Software Radio tunes in entire spectrum, DC to 2.9Ghz.
* Gambler's fallacy: Sony's obsession with Proprietary Format.

* Colbert commencement speech is fresh wingnut pundit parody.
* US Senate plans divisive votes in election year pandering.
* Bush Press Sec refers to gay marriage ban as "civil rights".
  [But Tony Snow is then unable to define term "civil rights"]

* Judge: Libby trial won't be about Plame, Wilson, or Iraq War.
* Improvised Explosive Device [IED] components come from Dubai.
* Chinese Cardinal Joseph Zen calls for new Tiananmen inquiry.
* 2006 Saudi text book: "Jews are apes.. swine are Christian."

6/4/06 Technique reveals more of damaged ancient manuscripts.
* Florida folk hero Carl Hiaasen ridicules corrupt culture.
* Cells from 2001 red rain seem to reproduce without "DNA".
* DNA police database increasing by 80,000 people per month.

* Bush Admin increasingly invoking State Secrets privilege.
* Bar Assoc. to review legality of Bush signing statements.
* IEEE reports DMCA "eliminated whole classes of devices".
* Pirate Bay back online 2 days after Swedish police raid.

6/3/06 Flora's estate Buddha, Westline porch yesterday.
  Flora was our 100+ year old neighbor, now at peace.


* US Govt helping defend Telcos sued for NSA wiretapping.
* Iran stops short of rejecting Int'l terms for nuke accord.
* Yosemite's west entrance closed indefinitely by landslide.
* DoS attack on Swedish Police website after Pirate Bay raid.

* Audio Archive of New Yorker, Harper's, Wired, Sci Am. [RW]
* US Copyright office jacks price of rescuing Orphan Works.
* NSA plan for Global Information Grid [GIG] Architecture.
* 1500 pics of Russian propaganda and advertising posters.

* 300 mile Antarctic crater tied to Paleozoic mass extinction.
* Coulter gets Bush Florida recount lawyer for voter felony.
* Author of Iran Yellow Stripe hoax invited to White House.
* Ku Klux Klan anti-immigration rally north of Birmingham.

6/2/06 RFK Jr. claims GOP suppressed 350k votes in Ohio, 2004.
* Russia, China, US, UK, France & Germany unite on Iran terms.
* Army Engineers say NOLA levees were a "system in name only."
* Culture Jamming transforms mass media into self-criticism.

   "Beware of he who denies you access to information,
    for in his heart he dreams himself your master.
     ~ Pravin Lal, UN Declaration of Rights [via]

6/1/06 Lance Armstrong exonerated of trumped up doping charge.
* Speciation, quantified in terms of metabolized energy. [RW]
* Chilean police using water canons and tear gas on students.
* Thom Yorke's new project is The Eraser. First tracks. [Via]

* Who Controls The Internet? Illusions of a Borderless World.
* Simply Google, utilitarian portal to all Google's offerings.
* had 35,000 unique visitors in May, up about 20%.
* Fabled taken offline by Swedish police. [Via]

* War: Two editorials on the Haditha Iraq Massacre and cover-up.
  [In March, Time uncovered the story of November '05 tragedy]

5/31/06 Beautiful Paintings at auction next month... slide show.
* Underground imaging device used to detect archeological sites.
* Active 5 million year old ecosystem found deep in Israeli cave.
* Sediment cores show 55 million years ago the Arctic was tropical.

* US offers direct talks with Iran if uranium enrichment is halted.
* Alabama Supreme Court candidates not bound by SCOTUS precedent.
* Unrepentant Dixie Chicks are #1 on Pop & Country Music charts.
* F5: Please contact me if images load slowly onto this weblog.

5/30/06 SCOTUS addresses free speech pursuant to Govt duties.
* US Treasury nominee is Environmentalist, Christian Scientist.
* Watergate-gate: update of hookers/spooks/congressmen scandal.
* NY Democrats prepare to endorse Eliot Spitzer for Governor.

* New Film: A Prarie Home Companion in American theatres now.
* Final Edition: New version of Blade Runner will be released.
* Style: Slashdot announces winning redesign. Online next week.
* 12,000 year old remains of female found beneath Central Rome.

* EU High Court rules EU/US passenger data pact is illegal.
* Web 2.0: Illumio reverse auctions for experts among friends.
* US Home Chemistry kits increasingly being criminalized.
* Flickr photos chronicle underwater baby birth. [RW]

* Artist Joseph Gandy [b. 1771] was placed in an asylum.



5/29/06 Democrat got ringside seat but voted against boxing.
* Medics treating Post Traumatic Stress with tranquilizers.
* Korean War era letter reveals policy on shooting refugees.
* Veteran's groups want Memorial Day returned to May 30th.

* FCC suspects Govt propaganda aired as News w/out credits.
* NSA & State Secrets motions in ACLU v. NSA & CCR v. Bush.
* US Attorney Gen. pressures Telcos to retain Customer Data.
* Software Industry patch mentality is Natl Security issue.

* Grieving Indonesian quake survivors scavenge for food..
* Manhattan Solstice is last 15 minutes of daylight today.
* New technique could derive oxygen from the Moon's soil.
* NY Mayor Bloomberg "ready" to perform same-sex marriages.

5/28/06 Amnesty Int'l campaign vs Govt Internet Censorship.
* Blogger makes FOIA request to NSA; publishes reply [1/2].
* World in shock as naked Sherpa stands atop Mount Everest.
* Mars Rover software upgrades increase robots' autonomy.

* Origin & trajectory of the Iran Yellow Star Badge story.
* Hypocrisy of outrage at FBI Congressional office search.
* Bush compares himself to Truman in speech to Army Grads.
* Significance of Mao's iconic Tiananmen Square portrait.

* German Pope publicly asks why God was silent at Auschwitz.
  [Response to grief about Catholic Church's own "silence"]

5/27/06 Big earthquake on Java, world's most populous island.
* Man left for dead on Everest found alive the next morning.
* Bittorrent's Bram Cohen is against Network Neutrality. [*]
* Lost in Time, Coney Island is planning $1 billion makover.
* Bush offers mea culpa, laments his unsophisticated lingo.

5/26/06 Experts agree, the egg came before the chicken.
* EFF court win affirms bloggers' sources are protected.
* Murray Waas reports Rove and Novak hatched cover story.
* US Senate confirms Gen. Hayden to head CIA [Roll Call].

* AT&T lawyers accidentally leak whistleblower's statements.
* The Morning News 2006 Awards for Online Excellence. [Via]
* Pictures of Kate Moss getting medieval on Paparazzi. [rw]
* Partisan Hamas militia withdrawn from Gaza City streets.

* Expanding tropics pushing jet streams away from equator.
* NASA mission will study newly forming noctilucent clouds.
* Hybrid genomes show complexity of human-chimp divergence.
* Malaria, Potato Famine pathogens start infection same way.

5/25/06 Telescope will seek signs of biology in planet shine.
* Google founder predicts clairevoyant Artificial Intelligence.
* Net Neutrality bill passes US House Judiciary Committee 20-13.
* Marijuana smoking doesn't appear to increase lung cancer risk.

* Live Recordings offer better versions than studio tracks. Via
* Colorful Maps of world language distribution. [Sudan map PDF]
* Bird-flu cluster with no birds. And no signs of mutated virus.
* Scientists confirm AIDS originated in Cameroon Chimpanzees.

* Film: Strathairn to portray Richard Feynman in "Challenger".
* Dell PC's will have Google homepage preloaded, not Microsoft.
* Abbas wants ballot on recognizing the state of Israel. [map]
* Kenneth Lay & Jeffrey Skilling are going away for a long time.

* Report on the Competitive Enterprise Institute Awards Dinner.
  [Small govt hipsters curse the nanny-state and smoke cigars]

5/24/06 Wired Magazine: NSA whistleblower's evidence, uncut.
* McCain's plan to end the Iraq War. [Who do Americans trust?]
* Separation of Powers debate after FBI raid on Capitol Hill.
* DOJ denies ABC report House Speaker Hastert under FBI probe.
* CNN's Lou Dobbs cites White segregationist group as source.

* US Laws abridging Freedom of the Press are Unconstitutional.
* Bush OK's US companies' non-disclosure of "secret" projects.
* Firm wants unused radio band for Free WiFi to 95% of the US.
* Copyright: "Orphaned Works" bill introduced to US Congress.

* Irony Lost on defenders of Tom DeLay who make use of Colbert.
* Joan Baez & Julia Butterfly Hill tree sitting in Los Angeles.
* Insomnia Drug found to reverse persistant vegetative state.
* Software monoculture cited in Microsoft Word trojan havoc.

* Galleries of 70's Space Colony Art & 80's Music Videos. Via
* G8 stock markets down. 3rd world markets plunged last week.
* Egypt says El-Arish Gaza Bedouins aided Dahab Sanai bombers.
* $100 Laptop prototype photos & FAQ. Native wireless network.

5/23/06 Revival of Sufi ritual "zikr" dance in Chechnya.
* How Antarctic trekker geeks will post to the Internet.
* WWW Inventor warns against two-tiered Internet breakup.
* Secure cell phone can make new 128 bit key for each call.

* The 1st video game was on an EDSAC at Cambridge in 1952.
* FBI's US Capitol Hill office search was 1st of it's kind.
* High ranking CIA officer witness to Scooter Libby perjury.
* Parminder Nagra in 1st ever live theatrical commercial.

* | * | *

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-Charlie Kaufman, Adaptation, 2002

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files temporary.

Carl Sagan
Pale Blue Dot
Wanderers [20 min.]

Beethoven's Adagios
Mass for Soloists 4'48
Moonlight Sonata 5'28

Bob Marley
Corner Stone 2:18
All In One 3:27
There She Goes 2:37

Jack Kerouac
Spoken Word [Live]
[Steve Allen, piano]
About Charlie Parker [3'42]

High Jazz-Rock - McLaughlin
& Santana cover Coltrane..
Carlos Santana and
Mahavishnu Orchestra

Love Devotion Surrender [1972]
A Love Supreme [7'50]
Meditation [2'40]

The Verve EP [1992]
A Man Called Sun 5:44
She's A Superstar (Edit) 5:05

Disraeli Gears [1967]
Dance The Night Away 3:34

Brian Eno
Music For Airports
2/2 12:00

Artist: Matisyahu
Live At Stubb's
[Austin TX, 2005]
Close My Eyes 4:24
Lord Raise Me Up 3:52

Van Morrison
Astral Weeks [1968]
Cypress Avenue [7:00]
Beside You [5'16]

Natalie Merchant
Tigerlily [1995]
I May Know The Word [8'08]

David Bowie
Wild is the Wind [6'01]

Talking Heads
Little Creatures [1985]
Give Me Back My Name [3'22]

Joan Osborne
Relish [1995]
Ladder [4'10]
Spider Web [5'29]

M. Ward
Transistor Radio [2005]
Hi-Fi [4'14]

Stevie Wonder
Innervisions [1973]
Don't You Worry
'Bout A Thing 4'44
Higher Ground 3'42
Visions 5'23

Jeff Buckley
Live at Sin-E [2003]
Grace [6'49]
Mojo Pin [5'37]
Eternal Life [5'51]
Hallelujah [9'15]
Sweet Thing [10'36]
The Way Young
Lovers Do [10'06]

Cowboy Junkies
Whites Off Earth Now [1986]
Shining Moon [4'05]
Decoration Day [3'58]
Crossroads [6'15]
I'll Never Get Out Of
These Blues Alive
Forgive Me [5'28]

Iron and Wine
Garden State OST [2004]
Such Great Heights  [4:10]

Toad the Wet Sprocket
Acoustic Set [1994]
All I Want [2'57]
Walk On The Ocean [2'59]

Jefferson Airplane
Surrealistic Pillow [1967]
Today [3'02]

k.d. lang
Absolute Torch & Twang [1989]
Pullin Back The Reins [4'23]

The Magic Numbers
The Magic Numbers [2005]
Oh Sister [4'28]
[Post-rock/Bonus track]
The Mule [5'10/Rock]
Long Legs [3'19/Pop]

Camper Van Beethoven
Our Beloved Revolutionary
Eye Of Fatima, Part 1 2'37
One Of These Days 3'27
Change Your Mind 3'03
She Divines Water 3'52
Devil Song 1'58

Arlo Guthrie
Alice's Restaurant [1966]
Alice's Restaurant 18'35

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot [2002]
Pot Kettle Black 4'00
War on War 3'49
Reservations 7'24

Tori Amos
The Beekeeper [2005]
Sleeps with Butterflies 3'36
Cars and Guitars 3'45
Mother Revolution 3'58
The Beekeeper 6'50

Thom Yorke Acoustic
Le Reservoir 3/7/03
No Surprises 4:05 [link fixed]
There There 4:58

"If you smile, i will understand"
CSNY So Far [1974]
Wooden Ships 5:29
Helpless 3:39

Sarah McLachlan
Fumbling Toward Ecstasy [1994]
Fumbling Towards Ecstasy [9'43]
Possession [4'39]

J.J. Cale
Five [1979]
Sensitive Kind [5'10]

Neil Young
Freedom [1989]
Eldorado [6'04]
Don't Cry [5'01]

Marvin Gaye
What's Going On ? [1971]
What's Going On? [3'54]

Led Zeppelin I [1969]
Communication Beakdown 2:42
Dazed And Confused 6:26

The Velvet Underground
All Tomorrow's Parties 5:57

The Verve
Urban Hymns [1997]
Weeping Willow [4'49]
Come On [15'15] {nsfw}

The Verve
A Storm In Heaven [1993]
Blue [3'25]

Recent Release
Band Of Horses
Everything All The Time [2006]
The Funeral 5:22
The First Song 3:43
Wicked Gil 2:57

Led Zeppelin cover..
Jeff Buckley
Unreleased Demos
When The Levee Breaks 7:56
Opened Once (Inst.) 2:30

Hobo, anarchist, labor
organizer, story teller..
U. Utah Phillips
with Ani DiFranco
Fellow Workers [1999]
The Long Memory 5:33
The Silence That Is Me :41
The Internationale 2:48
Bread And Roses 1:45
Joe Hill (Inst.) 2:36
Joe Hill 1:37

Pursuing mathematical
patterns in nature..
Pi [OST/1998]
Pi R Squared 1:29

Korean prodigy & high school
drop-out's Pop Metal comeback
Seo Taiji [1998]
Take Two 3:59
Take One 4:17

Ambitious young Aussie blends
a myriad of pop music influences
Sleepy Jackson
Lovers [2003]
Miniskirt 4:08
Acid In My Heart 3:31
Wind Falls For Rain 4:03
Mourning Rain 2:08
This Day 3:48

The Poet Robert Creeley
died March 30th, 2005. [Via]
Intervals :38
Heroes :48
Thinking :54

Speedy acoustic jazz
guitar master..
John McLaughlin
Live at the RFH [1989]
Florianapolis 15:12

Perhaps the last golden
Prog Rock album..
Hemispheres [1978]
La Villa Strangiato 9:35

Title track became
a jazz standard..
Herbie Hancock
Maiden Voyage [1965]
Maiden Voyage 7:57

Newly released Live
1972 recording..
Frank Zappa
Imaginary Diseases [2006]
Imaginary Diseases 9:45

3121  [Advance 2006]
Te Amo Corazon 5:43
The Dance 8:38
Satisfied 4:05

Vic Chesnutt
West of Rome [1992]
Withering 4:30

James Bond spoof
Burt Bacharach
Casino Royale [OST/1967]
Venerable Sir James 2'33
Dream On James 1'20

Fathers of Jazz...

Louis Armstrong
& Duke Ellington

The Great Summit [1961]
I Got It Bad, And
That Ain't Good
In A Mellow Tone 3'48
The Mooche 3'39
Solitude 4'55

Strange but accessible,
Cambodian Rock
Dengue Fever
Escape from the
Dragon House
Sui Bong [4'26]
Sleep Walking Through
the Mekong
Saran Wrap [2'47]

Early U2 in concert
U2 Fire EP [1981]

Ocean [2'12/Live]
11 O'Clock [4'53/Live]

Epic post rock instrumentals
Mogwai Mr Beast [2006]
Friend of the Night [9'22]
Folk Death 95 [5'55]

Ken Nordine
Colors [Word Jazz]
Azure [1'35]
Magenta [1'35]
Mauve [1'35]

Peaceful early electronica
Ash Ra Tempel [1974]
Quasarsphere [6'37]

Classic British Comedy
Monty Python and the
Holy Grail
King Arthur and the
Old Woman
Knights Who Say "Ni" [2'34]
Ballad speaks to me of late
Soul Asylum [1993]
Runaway Train [4'27]

Oldtimey Hobo fantasy folksong
O Brother Where Art Thou OST
Big Rock Candy Mountain [2'17]

Playful Big Band Jazz
Henry Mancini [1963/OST]
Pink Panther Theme [2'36]

Amazon Siren, Pianist..
Tori Amos
Over It [2'11]
God [3'59]

Spartan Hip Hop instrumental
RZA Ghost Dog OST [1999]
Flying Birds [1'13]

Critical buzz for Sheffield youths'
debut. Reminds me of Detroit's
White Stripes, and early Police.
Arctic Monkeys [2006]

When The Sun Goes Down [3'20]
Fake Tales of San Francisco [2'57]
The View from the Afternoon [3'38]

Power Pop..
Life on Other Planets [2002]
Can't Get Up [4'02]
Prophet 15 [4'05]
Run [5'28]

Best electronica I've heard
William Orbit
Strange Cargo III [1993]

Best Friend, Paranoia [4'36]
Water From A Vine Leaf [7'06]
Gringatcho Demento [6'39]
Harry Flowers [4'32]
Water Babies [3'43]

One of my favorite artists
Radiohead [Thom Yorke]
Hail to the Thief [2003]
Go To Sleep [3'30]
Sail To The Moon [4'28]

Anne Sexton [Poet]
The Truth The Dead Know [1'17]

Ernie is the star here...
Sesame Street [1991]
Imagination [2'23]
I Wonder 'Bout The World
Above Up There
I Don't Want To Live
On The Moon

PT Anderson also directed
Magnolia, and Boogie Nights...
Punch Drunk Love [OST/2002]
Punch Drunk Melody [1'43]
Punchy Tack Piano [1'25]
Hands and Feet [3'42]

Odd, dark, tongue-in-cheek
Ken Nordine
Best of Word Jazz Vol. 1
Fliberty Jib [4'47]
Down The Drain [3'14]
You're Getting Better [2'07]
Anytime, Anytime [2'47]

New Orleans world funk soul..
Neville Brothers
Yellow Moon [1989]
My Blood [4'12]
Yellow Moon [4'04]
Healing Chant [4'37]

New from The Verve lead
Richard Ashcroft
Keys To The World [2006]
75 Degrees [4'48/Bonus Track]
Music Is Power [3'58]
Break The Night With Colour [3'56]

Bass heavy pop trio..
The Police
Regatta de Blanc [1979]
Regatta de Blanc [3'06]
Bring On The Night [4'16]

Hints of prog, & rock opera.
David Bowie
Man Who Sold The World [1970]
Man Who Sold The World [3'58]
Saviour Machine [4'29]
All The Madmen [5'41]
Black Country Rock [3'36]

Zen poet, piano & sax..
Jack Kerouac [1959]
The Last Hotel [3'51]

Smooth jazz world fusion
Sting [1987]
Nothing Like The Sun...
Be Still My Beating
Lazarus Heart [4'35]
Rock Steady [4'28]
Fragile [3'56]

Smooth Jazz, Humour..
Tom Waits
Nighthawks at the Diner [1975]
Emotional Weather Report

20 year collaboration
between pianist and
longform jazz vocalist
Jane Siberry
Maria [1995]
Maria [4'27]
Caravan [7'34]
Begat Begat [6'36]
Oh My My [20'15]

Stylized film score composer..
Angelo Badalamenti
City of Lost Children [OST]
Les Infants Sauvent One [3'13]
Miette [4'16]

From a favorite film..
Neil Young
Dead Man [OST]
Time for you to leave,
William Blake
Guitar Solo 2 [2'03]
Guitar Solo 3 [4'31]
Guitar Solo 4 [4'22]
Organ Solo [1'33]

Feel good pop rock...
The Verve
No Come Down [1994]
No Come Down [3'17]
Where The Geese Go [3'15]
One Way To Go [7'16]

60's Spanish dinner Jazz
Herb Alpert's
Tijuana Brass

A Taste of Honey [2'46]
Lollipops & Roses [2'28]
Tangerine [1'33]

Gratitude to Friends...
Elton John
Mona Lisas &
Mad Hatters [4'58]

Disney Jungle Book [1967]
That's What Friends
Are For

Mellowdramatic grief...
King Crimson
Court of the... [1969]
Epitaph [8'47]

Anarchists call for revolution
- followed by heavy drinking.
Chumbawamba [1997]
Tubthumping [4'38]

Soft gentle ballad...
Paula Cole
This Fire [1996]
Carmen [3'45]

Uplifting acoustic guitar,
organ and vocal harmony.
The Shins [EP/2000]
The Gloating Sun [1'43]

Mourning to the beat..
DJ Cheb i Sabbah
Shri Durga [1999]

Shri Durga [11'13]
Ganga Dev [6'44]
Mere Kabu [12'35]
Durga Puja [6'56]

"...and it was alright."
Velvet Underground
Rock & Roll [4'45]

"It's No Game" for the
devoted Bowie fan...
David Bowie
Scary Monsters [1980]
It's No Game (Pt 1) [4'20]
Up The Hill Backwards [3'15]
Ashes to Ashes [4'25]

Peter Gunn before my time
TV Theme Oldies [coverart]
Batman [1'12]
Peter Gunn [1'05]
Bonanza [39 seconds]

This mp3 has a small "skip"
Devendra Banhart [2004]
Little Yellow Spider [3'42]

One of the first "supergroups"
Blind Faith [1969]
Had To Cry Today [8'48]
Do What You Like [15'22]

Mike Watt post-punk.
The Minutemen
Double Nickel on the Dime [1984]
#1 Hit Song [1'48]
The Glory of Man [2'57]
Shit from an Old Notebook [1'35]
One Reporter's Opinion [1'50]
History Lesson Part II [2'12]
Take 5 D [1'39]

Alt-country spinoff...
Uncle Tupelo
Anodyne [1993]
Wherever [3'38]

Lovely instrumental...
King Crimson
Starless & Bible Black [1974]
Trio [5'39]

Pensive, dramatic...
King Crimson
Larks' Tongue in Aspic [1973]
Exiles [7'40]

Pallet cleanser...
Glenn Gould
Goldberg Variations [1955]
Variation One [45 seconds]

Favorite song ever...
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band [1970]
Mr Bojangles [3'36]

12/23: Mazzy Star lead singer's solo work is gentle Americana.
Hope Sandoval
and the Warm Inventions
Bavarian Bread Fruit [2001]
Butterfly Mornings [3'37]
Around My Smile [4'10]

The Doors
Strange Days [1967]
My Eyes Have Seen You [2'29]
I Can't See Your Face
In My Mind

12/22: quintessential classic rock.
Boston [1976]
More Than A Feeling [4'45]
Hitch A Ride [4'11]

Leslie Feist
Let It Die [2004]
Gatekeeper [2'16]
Mushaboom [3'44]
Secret Heart [3'49]

Seu Jorge
Life Aquatic (Studio) [2005]
Changes [3'40/Bowie]
Life on Mars? [3'29/Bowie]
Queen Bitch [3'42/Bowie]

The Talking Heads
Naked [1988]
Totally Nude [4'11]
Mr. Jones [4'20]

12/5: I'm in heart felt sympathy
with the sentiments expressed
in these two songs by Bjork.
Vespertine [2001]
it's not up to you [5'09]
undo [5'38]

John Lennon
Shaved Fish [1967]
Happy Christmas
(War Is Over) [4'14]

Yann Tiersen
Amelie [OST/2001]
Comptine d'un Autre Ete: l'apres Midi
Amelie La Valse d'Amelie (piano)

Velvet Underground
Peel Slowly & See (Box Set)
I Found A Reason [4'18]
Cool It Down [3'06]
Oh! Sweet Nuthin [7'30]

"Those who know what is best for us must rise up and save us from ourselves." - Rush, "Witch Hunt"
Moving Pictures [1981]

Witch Hunt [4'45]
Red Barchetta [6'10]

Frank Zappa
Shut Up and Play Yer Guitar [1981]
Pink Napkins [4'40]
Stucco Homes [8'56]
Deathless Horsie [6'19]

Future Days [1973]
Future Days [9'32]

Jimi Hendrix
Blues [1994]
Once I Had A Woman [7'49]

Devendra Banhart
Cripple Crow [2005]
Now That I Know [4'53]
I Feel Just Like A Child [4'46]
Queen Bee [2'44]

Edie Brickell
& New Bohemians
Shooting Rubber Bands
At The Stars
Air of December [5'59]

2112 [1976]
2112 [20'34]

Patrick Fitzgerald
Libby Indictment [Oct 28, 2005]
Opening Statement [QT 17min]

Glenn Miller
In The Mood [1940]
Stardust [3'22]
A String of Pearls [3'13]

The Beatles
The White Album [1968]
Glass Onion [2'17]
Dear Prudence [3'56]
Revolution #9 [8'21]
I Will [1'45]
Blackbird [2'18]
Long, Long, Long [3'04]
While My Guitar
Gently Weeps [4'44]

Herbie Hancock
Inventions & Dimensions [1963]
Triangle [11'01]

The Red Violin [OST/1998]
Featuring Joshua Bell
Overture [2'50]
Reprise [1'34]
Reprise Voice [1'55]

NPR [Oct 11, 2005]
All Things Considered
A Stroll Along The Malecon [5'36]
[12 mile Sea Wall in Havana]

Steve Miller Band [1968-73]
Evil [4'36]

Sun Kil Moon
Tiny Cities
[Advance 2005]
Dramamine [2'48]
Space Travel Is Boring [3'43]

McLaughlin, Di Meola, De Lucia
Friday Night in San Francisco [1980]
Mediterranean Sundance, Rio Ancho [11'34]
Fantasia Suite [8'53]

October 5th, 2005 was the 50th anniversary of Ginsberg's first public reading of Howl.

Allan Ginsberg [1955]
Howl [32 min.]

The Moody Blues
Days of Future Passed [1969]
Evening [7'31]
Night [6'40]

Creedance Clearwater Revival
Cosmos Factory [1970]
Ramble Tamble [7'12]

"Aesthetic Judgement is
a Subjective Universal."
The Learning Channel
~Plato to Postmodernism
Immanuel Kant's
Critique of Judgement [30min]

Amorphous Androgynous
Alice in Ultraland [2005]
Yes My Brother [4'59]
All Is Harvest [6'39]
Indian Swing [5'10]

Penguin Cafe Orchestra
Signs of Life [1987]
Sketch [3'25]
Horns of the Bull [4'35]
Wildlife [10'59]

~ Poets in their own words..

America [0'37]
Walt Whitman

next of course god america
[0'59] e. e. cummings

The Hollow Men [3'53]
T. S. Eliot

Do Not Go Gentle Into
That Good Night
Dylan Thomas

The Red Wheelbarrow [0'15]
William Carlos Williams

Epilogue [1'25]
Robert Lowell

The Secret of My Endurance
[NSFW/2'16] Charles Bukowski

Amazing Grace [2'50]
Allan Ginsberg

The Sea and the Bells [1996]
All Is Calm [3'20]
With More Air Than Words [2'15]
Tea Merchants [4'56]

Camper Van Beethoven [1986]
Peace and Love [2'40]
History of Utah [2'52]
Interstellar Overdrive
[7'45/Pink Floyd Cover]

Prof. Jeremy McInerney
The Hellenistic Age
Stoics, Epicurians, Skeptics [30min]

Miles Davis
Pangaea [1975]
Gondwana [45 min]
Zimbabwe [40 min]

9/7: the edges of the radio spectrum, subatomic particles with no weight and no charge, truths that hang in the air unspoken, and all the places you aren't supposed to go...
National Public Radio
This American Life
Invisible Worlds [60 min.]

9/6: back-slapping politicians.
Frank Zappa
Orchestral Favorites [1979]
Bogus Pomp [13'28]

Brian Jonestown Massacre
Tschusse [4'37]
Some Things Go Without

Patti Smith - Land [1975-2002]
Wing [5'05/live]
[paean to freedom]
Beneath The Southern Cross
[4'36/gentle ballad]
Summer Cannibals,

Circulus [2005]
Orpheus [3'07]
The Scarecrow [3'56]

Maria Taylor
11:11 [2005]
Nature Song [4'08]
Light House [3'36]
Leap Year [4'28]
Speak Easy [3'36]

Hymns of the 49th Parallel
After The Gold Rush
[Neil Young/4'04]

Richard Ashcroft
Alone With Everybody [2000]
Crazy World [4'57]
Brave New World [5'59]
On A Beach [5'09]

Simon & Garfunkel
The Sound Of Silence [3'09]
I Am A Rock [2'59]

Christopher Walken
Reads Edgar Allen Poe
The Raven [8'30]

Faith No More
The Real Thing [1989]
Epic [4'53]
War Pigs [7'46]
The Real Thing [8'13]
Surprise! You're Dead! [2'27]

Selenography [1999]
Forgiveness [6'38]
French Galleasse [6'13]
An Evening of Long
Artemesia [3'13]
Kentucky Nocturne [5'46]

Toad The Wet Sprocket
Acoustic Set [1994]
All I Want [3'00]

Broken Social Scene [Advance/2005]
Major Label Debut [4'30]
Tremoloa Debut [1'07]
Hotel [4'37]
7/4 Shoreline [4'55]

Camper Van Beethoven [1988]
Never Go Back [3'25]
Tania [3'47]

James Laid [1993]
Low Low Low [2'52]
Knuckle Too Far [4'40]

Soft Machine
Volume 1 [1968]
Joy Of A Toy [2'49]
Why Am I So Short! [1'37]]
So Boot If At All [7'24]

The Mars Volta
Francis The mute [2005]
Track 01 [13'09]

It's All Around You [2000]
It's All Around You [4'09]

Caribou  EP  [2000]
Skunks [.mov/3'47]
Cherrybomb II [4'34]
Seaweed [6'20]`
Ole [4'33]

Jauquo III-X
Track 01 [9'31]
Track 02 [4'38]
Track 03 [2'50]

Jane Siberry & k.d. lang
Until The End Of
The World [OST/1991]
Calling All Angels [5'11]

Jack Kerouac [1959]
[Steve Allen, piano]
The Moon Her
October In The
Railroad Earth
One Mother [0'49]

Scott Joplin
Solace [4'43]
[Slow Ragtime]

Jon Stewart
On NPR's Fresh Air
July 22nd, 2005 [30 min.]

Charlie Hunter
8 String Guitar, Solo
Track 5 [4'18]
Track 10 [1'32]

Lewis Carroll
Alice's Adventures
in Wonderland

All In The Golden

Pink Floyd
Meddle [1971]
Echoes [Epic cycle/23'29]
Seamus [Blues; humour/2'15]

Michael Hedges
Aeriel Boundaries [1984]
Aeriel Boundaries

Classic Disney
Jungle Book [1967]
Bare Necessities [4'50]
That's What Friends
Are For
My Own Home [3'32]

Fantasia [1940]
Dance of the Reed

101 Dalmations [1961]
Cruella De Vil [1'18]

Dumbo [1941]
When I See An
Elephant Fly

Orson Welles
Dramatization of HG Wells'
War Of The Worlds [1938]
Original Broadcast [1 hour]
Post Broadcast Anger [2'01]
Commentary [3'26]

Blade Runner
[Esper Edition]
Bicycle Riders [2'11]
Deckard's Dream [1'11]
Thinking of Rachel [1'17]
Rachel Sleeps [2'01]
Blade Runner Blues [10'07]

Steve Miller
Fly Like An Eagle [1976]
Wild Mtn Honey [4'49]
Serenade [3'11/ballad]
The Window [4'17/ballad]

II & III [1986]
Cattle (Reversed)
[2'51 instrumental]
Four Year Plan
[1'49 upbeat instr]
ZZTop goes to Egypt
[3'07 lumbering instr]
Circles [2'53]
[alt tempo instr]
Sometimes [2'38]
[quirky ballad]

OK Computer [1997]
The Tourist
Subterranean Homesick Alien
Paranoid Android

Brian Eno
Music For Airports [1978]

1/1 [16'32]
1/2 [9'00]
2/1 [11'45]
2/2 [12'00]

Cheech & Chong
Big Bambu [1972]
Empire Hancock [1'08]

Brian Jonestown Massacre
Give It Back [1997]
Whoever You Are [4'41]
Satellite [3'39]
Malela [3'09]

Brian Jonestown Massacre
Methodrone [1995]
Outback [4'07]

Michelle Shocked
Short, Sharp, Shocked [1988]
V. F. D. [2'49]
Black Widow [2'44]
The L&N Don't Stop
Here Anymore
If Love Was
A Train

Grateful Dawg
Intro [1'04]
Grateful Dawg [3'46]
Dawg's Waltz [4'49]
Old and In The Way [1'35]
Off To Sea Once More [5'32]

Pink Floyd [reunited]
Live8 - Hyde Park - 7/2/05
Breathe [3'54]
Money [6'49]
Wish You Were Here [4'44]
Comfortably Numb [7'39]

Bruce Springsteen
Nebraska [1982]
My Fathers House [5'07]

Dylan Thomas
Do Not Go Gentle Into
That Good Night

12/17: over Thanksgiving weekend
Dad liked this summer-of-love era
country song more than the piano
MP3's I played for him.
Merle Haggard [1969]
Okie From Muskogee [2'44]

David Gray [2000]

Pearl Jam [Live in Rio 12/4/05]
Even Flow [7'52]

Southern-rock power-trio jam-band.
Gov't Mule Deepest End
Goin' Down [5'58]

UK badboys, hotel room, acoustic..
The Libertines Whitechapel Demos
Dilly Boys [1'46]
Pipey Magraw [3'14]

British Sea Power
Heavenly Waters [6'35]

Edgar "Jones" Jones
Soothing Music for
Stray Cats
Soothing Music for
Stray Cats
Freedom [2'00]
Hangin With Wulf
And Bear

Gentle Giant
Acquiring The Taste [1971]
Black Cat [3'54]

Steely Dan
Aja [1977]
Aja [7'57]
Deacon Blues [7'37]

My cat Artemis, about 3 weeks
old in this July 25th phone pic

Allston Way, Berkeley, 2006

Saint Helena, 2005

Glass Art Violin Seattle, 2005 blogger on break
Desolation Wilderness 2006
[Photo Credit]

[Via Fimoculous]

Howard Zinn's hero is
Emma Goldman [d. 1940]

Jim Davis' Halloween 1989
series on Existential issues.

Beirut ER: Time Running Out

How I Won The War [1967]

Nietzsche benefited from Eze,
east of Nice, Cote d'Obscure.

Google returns 2 results
for the string "evil isn't cute"

Preparing the Way  [Via]

Giambattista della Porta b. 1538
Polymath and Student of Nature.
Founded Otiosi (Men of Leisure)

"We can't be scared out of who
we are." ~ Cdr. Charles Swift
[Won Gitmo Case at SCOTUS]

1955 Canadair Poster [Via]

1926 Paris Air Show [Via]

Rainbow Family Gathering
gets Federal attention. [Map]

China planting billions of trees
to weaken yearly sand storms.

Pop & Propaganda

Culture Jamming [Via]

19th century Siberia [Pics]

Sky above Westline seawall.

On Public Land at Westline

Ferns over Westline porch

Westline goldfish, May 18

Westline pond deck, May 18

Westline porch, May 17

Allston, Berkeley, June 7

Romance with Yellow, cont..

Berkeley, CA [May 4, 2006]

Former Sea Wall at Westline.

Calla Lilies, Westline porch.

San Pablo Ave mural, Oakland

Late sun, radiant clover.
Westline, January 2006.

"No Sweat" Mojo Sneakers

California, 1861, Marble
[Hiram Powers, De Young]
Westline, Alameda, CA [2006]

Illuminated Calla, Westline.

Web at Westline, Winter 2006

Backyard at Westline
February 2006

The Embarcadero, SF, June 7

Creative Commons License

Solar Powered
Sidewalk Bricks.


Thom Yorke, NY City, June 13

Antikythera Mechanism may
be world's oldest computer.

Computer Ubiquity circa 2025

Image T-Shirt   [via]

Wiphala or emblem of
the Qhishwa-Aymara

Fibonacci's Missing Flowers
[Image: Lake Chabot, June 11]

New biography and critical
assessment of visionary
architect Joseph Gandy.

What's the difference? [Ans.]

Organizational Chart.  [Via]

MacArthur & Truman in 1950

The Babe sees Barry's heart.

The Art of Culture Jamming

Marijuana smoking does not
cause Head, Neck, or Lung Cancer.

The Good Wife Guide [1955]

Scarlett Johansen's chest.

Jasper Johns at the De Young

Elvis and Jesus  [Via Bixblog]

Jean Sara Rohe vs McCain

Punjabi Brit Parminder Nagra

What's the next best medicine?

Murphy Bed and Desk.

Neil Young, US Immigrant.

Habeas Corpus, Human Right.

Tracking Lost Liberty, Daily.

FBI's Network Packet Sniffer.

Fruitvale Barrio, Oakland, CA

Telecoms lobby Congress
for Internet power grab.

Mars: first color image from
Reconnaissance Orbiter. [via]

Rev. John Thomas of the UCC
confronts the conservative IRD
and is profiled by the NY Times.

Alt Fashion, London [2006]


By the editor-in-chief
of Wired Magazine.

Baaba Maal [Senegal]

Frida Kahlo [Self Portrait]

Fractal Bacteria
Petri Dish Pics  [via]
19th c. Catholic temple built
over Teotihuacan pyramid.

US First Lady on the set
of India's Sesame Street

Fair Use vs Cosby lawyers

David Letterman faux TV Ad.
[ MOV ][ WMV ][ C & L ]

SF's new De Young Museum


Home Still Life.

CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked
DNC Chairman if Democrats
should return Abramoff $.

al brooks' film now playing.

AntiWar Sermon Brought
Warning Letter from IRS


nndb tracker
dullest blog
lynch daily
mr. pants


individual rights


blogger profile


2001-03 archives
thanks to the
wayback machine

Check Page Rank

IP Geolocator

Banned Books Online

*All In The Mind*

Lost Amnesiac Man
finds self online

A Network Called Internet
[circa 1993]


My Favorite
Garrison Keillor
San Francisco
Fresh Basil
Barton Fink
Life Against Death
Santa Maria
del Fiore Duomo


Martin Luther King, Jr.
I have a Dream [4'55]
I have been to the Mountaintop [27'48]

Jack Kerouac [1922-1969]
Friday Afternoon
In The Universe

Jack Kerouac
Spoken Word [Live]
[Steve Allen, piano]
From On The Road [3'30]

Revolution [2004]

Philip Glass
Koyaanisqatsi [OST 1983]
Koyaanisqatsi [3'30]

George Carlin
Complaints and Grevances
[2001] [NSFW]
Why We Don't Need
Ten Commandments

Robin Williams
Live 2002 [NSFW]
Something Aweful Is
Going To Happen

David Crosby
If I Could Only
Remember My Name...
Mt. Tamalpais High [3'32]
Song With No Words [6'00]
Laughing [5'25]
Orleans [2'00]

Bill Cosby [Live/1969]
Old Weird Harold [5'13]
Fat Albert {Buck Buck} [9'13]
Revenge [6'04]

Roxy Music
Avalon [1982]
India [1'45]
Tara [1'31]

Bright Eyes [2005]
When the President
talks to God

Jefferson Airplane
Volunteers [1969]
Volunteers [2'08]

Jimi Hendrix
Blues [1994]
Born Under A Bad Sign
[instrumental] [7'37]

Donald Fagen
The Nightfly [1982]
New Frontier [6'21]
Int'l Geophysical Year [6'04]
The Goodbye Look [4'50]

Automatic for the People [1992]
Try Not To Breathe [3'50]

2001 A Space Odyssey [1968/OST]
Lux Aeterna [6'00]
Blue Danube Excerpt [5'43]
Gayane Ballet Suite [5'17]
Hal 9000 Montage [9'41]

War [1975]
Low Rider [3'13]

Ray Lamontagne
Green (Demo)
I Go All To Pieces 3'46
Lead Me On 3'08
Write You A Letter 2'46

Spencer Davis Group
I'm A Man [2'56]

Jack Kerouac
Early History of Bop [10'57]

Jack Logan
Bulk (Demos) [1994]
Female Jesus [2'47]
Escape Clause [1'45]
Floating Cowboy [3'15]
On The Beach [7'00]
Optimist [4'26]
Fuck Everything [2'09]

Tosca Tango Orchestra
Waking Life [OST/2001]
Nocturne E Flat Opus 9 #2 [4:00]
Ballade 4 part 2 [2:07]

The Beatles
Acoustic Masterpieces
{The Esher Demos}
Yer Blues [3'32]
Cry Baby Cry [2'32]
Not Guilty [3'01]
Piggies [2'01]

U2 [Live/1983]
Under A Blood Red Sky
I Will Follow 3:42
New Year's Day 4:36

Topic: greatest novel
ever written about war.
J. Rufus Fears
Lectures in Literature
All Quiet On The Western
, Remarque, 31:00

Camper Van Beethoven
Key Lime Pie [1989]
When I Win The Lottery 3'38
All Her Favorite Fruit 5'16
The Light From A Cake 2'42
Come On Darkness 3'15
Borderline 3'52
Jack Ruby 5'25
Flowers 3'00

Grateful Dead
Fillmore East
February 11, 1969.
Dark Star [12'29]

Live, acoustic version of
favorite song of mine. [lyrics]
Broken Social Scene
Radio Aligre FM, Paris [2005]
Cause=Time [5'28]

Zappa & Beefheart
Live, El Paso [5/23/75]
Apostrophe (') [3'38]
Velvet Sunrise [5'22]

The Beatles

Rooftop Concert [1969]
Don't Let Me Down [3'19]
Gone, Gone, Gone [1'58]
The Walk [4'06]
Maxwell's Silver
She Came In Through
The Bathroom Window

Golden Morning Breaks [2005]
Floating In The
Clearest Sea
I'll Read You
A Story
The Heart Harmonicon

Tortoise [1994]
His Second Story

Broken Social Scene
Accelerator Radio
[Live in Sweden 8/7/04]
Looks Just Like The Sun [4'17]
K.C. Accidental [4'23]
Cause=Time [5'35]

The Talking Heads
Naked [1988]
Democratic Circus [5'04]

Damien Rice and
Lisa Hannigan

Unplayed Piano [2005]
Chris Lorde Alge [3' 48]
Instrumental [3'49]

Yo-Yo Ma
Japanese Melodies [1990]
Kojo No Tsuki [4'37]

Brian Eno
Curiosities Vol. 2
Church [8'07]
Asteroid Dawn [4'31]

Boards of Canada
Aquarius [5'57]

Philip Glass
Solo Piano [1989]
Mad Rush [13'47]
Metamorphosis Two [7'21]

Steve Martin
Let's Get Small [1977]
Excuse Me [3'02] [nsfw]

Bobby McFerrin
w/ Robin Williams

Spontaeneous Inventions [1986]
Beverly Hills Blues [3'52]

Garrison Keillor
Religion and Sex [3'21]
Getting Older [15'21]
Secret Lutherans [17'35]
The Do-Rites [17'46]
The Ethics of Jokes [19'45]
The Cat Came Back [3'40]