* Kodakchallenges ink cartridge extortion
* Net Neutrality's leading advocates speak
* RIAAseeks ISP subscriber info, ex parte
* Richard Gere arrest order by India court
* I plan to fly SF to Paris, May 1, w/Bill
* Nanothin film of water acts like a solid
* Steven Hawking zero-gravity flight today
* USC students try to meet president 8 yrs
* Argentine court cancels pardon for abuse
* Iranian athletes invited to train in USA
4/25/07Nearby earthlike planet may host H2O
* ContraDawkins, place for faith in science
* Consciousness transient & autobiographical
* Nissan to sell $2500 sub-compactnext year
* Mexico City legalizesabortion, first term
* Iranian menprotest dress code crackdown
* How Hindus are hazing low-caste students
* MP3: Bill Cosby, Revenge [1967] Stand up
* Alberto Gonzalesworth to the Whitehouse
* US Senate Judiciary to interviewMcNulty
* Carter's Mideast message plays wellMidwest
* Dr Bronnerdefends soap toting air traveler
* New York mayor plans Manhattan vehicle toll
* Longtime Don Imus producer also out of work
* Syrian 2-day national elections low turnout
* Frenchrunoff for Chirac successor on May 6
* Search ends for Australian Ghost Yacht crew
* Evolution of times & names of Britishmeals
* Euro and Sterling near highs against Dollar
* MP3 Hope Sandoval Butterfly Mornings [2001]
* GOP Caucus Chairman wants Gonzalesto resign
* White House used DoJ to manipulateballoting
* Waxmansummons Andy Card after TV appearance
* Gene study confirms Chimpanzeesthree groups
* UK town generates local combined heat & power
* Sun's acoustic waves 300X hotter than surface
* Flat panel displays can be hackedusingradio
* Quantaspiloting in-flight email/text message
* Apple security patchfixes 25 vulnerabilities
* Dell resumes offering XP, alongside new Vista
4/20/07World Bank President cancels appearance
* Senators get Gonzales correction on Carol Lam
* Judiciary Committee Republicans respond to AG
* Abramoff scandal ensnares Rep. Doolittle R-CA
* FBIraids family business of Rep. Renzi R-AZ
* Vermont Senate passes impeachment resolution
* Iran reverses conviction for killing corrupt
* NATO chief notes fear of Euro based missiles
* Ghost yacht off Great Barrier Reefengine on
* Map reveals secret of awesome Mavericks wave
4/19/07Dems include timetables in war funding
* RNC claims it's emailbelongs to White House
* Conservatives hope Thompson seeks Presidency
* SCOTUSallows 2003 law targeting infanticide
* Colorado student arrested for chilly comment
4/14/07Starting war on false assumption costly
* Henry Rollinsreflects on Iraq tours with USO
* America becoming a nation of frightened wimps
* Wolfowitz is another Bush buddy with no shame
* Duke case only the most obvious of rogue DA's
* Astronomernames exotic celestial "Red Square"
* NASA predicts nongreen plants on other planets
* Stray Shopping Carts wins "oddest book title"
* Joyce estate owes fees in idle copyright suit
* Book of Curiosities & Diagram of the Universe
Opinion: here in the US, the Speaker of the
House of Representatives is 2nd in line to
the President, after the Vice President. She
recently visited the Middle East where over
100,000 US troops were sent four years ago
- in principle because according to the US
Constitution only Congress can borrow/spend
the money required for more fighting. Pelosi
also engaged in something Bush and Secretary
of State Rice seem incapable of - diplomacy.
[Continued... 300 words after the jump]
4/9/07 International relations inearthorbit
* Of our system's 240 moons, 162 orbit planets
* High res images herald new earth scienceera
* Equatorial "bulge" puts Andes above Himalaya
* Paper substituteTerraSkin made from mineral
* Efficientsynthetic chlorophyllsolar panels
* Sound designer Murch on music of the spheres
* MP3 Bang On A Can Music For Airports1/22/1
* MP3 Court Of The Crimson King Moonchild1969
* UK Ministry of Defence grim vision of future
4/8/07Sharpton to have Imus on his radio show
* Tony Blair handling of Iran crisis exemplary
* Process signals from periphery before acting
* Study shows remarkable power of social norms
* Small dog generosesoon afterdomestication
* Security Sweepsfunction to radicalizePOW's
* Ten State Legislatures want Bush impeachment
* Former McNulty aide making news in Minnesota
* Chiasmus by Churchill, Shakespeare, Franklin
* Englishdominant for third generation Latino
* Josh Wolf case shows need of Reporter Shield Law
* NH Legislature rejects Federal RealID Act, 268-8
* Exiled Pakistani leader Benazir Bhuttocomeback?
* Lost hikers surviveFrench Guiana jungle 7 weeks
* 4 million yr old whale skeleton found in Tuscany
* Race Cars will rise, take their rightful place
* Babies recognize the impossible a la MC Escher
* Genetic conditionVHLcauses hair-trigger rage
* Google Earth for Deep Space/The Night Sky [Via]
* MP3 The Beatles Long Long Long 1968 White Album
4/5/07UK helps Muslims to marginalise extremists
* Gonzales hasn't kept promises to Chairman Leahy
* Google My Maps tool enables easy custom mashups
* Jodorowski, "last crazy artist", El Topo [1970]
* Kate Mossinterviewandvideo with Pete Doherty
4/4/07Syriaseesmore Republicans than Democrats
* Defiant Pakistani Judge appears privatehearing
* Josh Wolfreleased; agrees to post video online
* Warblogger Kevin Sitesinterview with Josh Wolf
* US Museum of the Confederacy is indire straits
* Princeperforms regularly at the Rio, Las Vegas
* Radial idea cloud aims at intuitive abstraction
* Sensehacks electromagnetic/ultrasound/infrared
* Biologist to relyon algae for all food and air
* Network TV cameraman zoomsin on VP Dick Cheney
4/3/07 TV & music as ground to Internetfigure
* Music copyrightholders sell fan arrangements
* Chicago magnate beats locals bid for LA Times
* SCOTUS links global warming with man made CO2
* Waxman calls Rice to testify on Niger uranium
4/2/07MP3 Pearl Jam Even Flow [Live, Rio 2005]
* Iran arrested Brits, payback for January raid
* Wu Ping and Yang Wu yield house to developers
* Swedes finishinvestigation of Pirate Bay raid
* Telnet35 yrs old, dropped from Windows latest
Personal: my friend Mugs asked me which is more
important, knowledge or expression? I answered
a few hours later by asking the difference. On
this blog, knowledge is expression. Documenting
news reports as well as my choices in music and
film. I've published my photographs, documented
travels, and written opinion pieces - I support
freedom of information. [Meaning of Life, cont]
4/1/07Israeli PM expectsinvite from Saudi King
* Baghdad reporters criticizedby visitor McCain
* Gitmo's Hicks tribunal gives him 9 moremonths
* Roveprivate Senate testimony needs transcript
* E-Voting measure uses hackers to test machines
* Minds, bodies once thought to be nature'sfate
* Circumstances under which genetic traits arise
* Enzyme makes any blood Type-O, suitable for all
* Tsunami warning comes after South Pacific quake
* Maoist rebels join Nepal govt ahead of election
* Catholics pressure NY City studio to remove art
* 20 commonly accepted historical facts - debunked
* Accessibility Browser created by blind IBM staff
* Planets commonly found round tight stellar pairs
* AP reporter's diary warms case of Amelia Earhart
3/30/07 Israeli calls Arab Peace Planrevolutionary
* EUbacks Brits. Demands Tehran release 15 Marines
* Fmr Official: Justice Dept used to skew elections
* Democrats allow transcribed closed door testimony
* GSA Chiefasked staff tohelp Republicans in 2008
* Private non-profit file sharing to be legal in EU
* Sports Utility Bicyclecarries a week's groceries
* Edge PC promisesmobile DSL [$299 plus $39/month]
* SF Chronicle plugsJustin.tv 24/7 Lifecastingvia
* School News faculty adviser defends "sex edition"
3/29/07SaudiMonarchcalls US role in Iraq illegal
* Arab League would normalize relationswithIsrael
* Gates wants Gitmoclosed; 100 to be held for life
* Sampson answersSenatorSchumer, Feinstein, Leahy
* Viacomrewrites copyright law in baselesslawsuit
* The feelings and judgments necessary for happiness
* Too clever by half... too smart for one's own good
* 29% of Americans won't log onto Internetthis year
* Stryder.com legacyMP3sretired during move to PRQ
* N Ireland Sinn Fein & Protestant DUP parties agree
* Washington DC Capitol's Live Earth concert blocked
* Warming opens shipping lanes and luresprospectors
* Sydney Australia symbolic Earth Hour blackout Mar31
* David Lynch anti-litter Public ServiceAnnouncement
3/24/07 US backsSaudi revived 2002 BeirutDeclaration
* EU turns 50 as French/German border stands unguarded
* Russia's Supreme Court bans liberal opposition party
* Northern Ireland Protestants reject British deadline
* Britian abolished slave trading 200 yrs ago tomorrow
* 1st person narratives of Americans born into slavery
* Forensics team filing papers to exhume Houdini [NYC]
* Jane Goodallvisits Chicago Zoo's Chimpanzee exhibit
* Taiwan blocks highway for annual Butterflymigration
* Porscheenters bid on VW, Europe's largest car maker
3/23/07Whitehousedenies obligation to answer Senate
* Resigned Justice Dept aid Kyle Sampson will testify
* New US Attorneys chosen for vote suppressionskills
* Bush Energy Policy advisor Steven Griles, sentenced
* Ahmadinejad trip to address UN foiled by US customs
* How to make America more innovative and competitive
* Greenland's ophiolitestructures 3.8 billion yrs old
* Alcohol/tobacco medically more harmful than LSD/MDMA
* Etymology of Geek: Shakespeare Geck; 1953pencilneck
* John Watersnew children's Christmas film, Fruitcake
3/22/07Episcopal bishops regret Anglican communion rule
* California State College Faculty Union approves strike
* Veterans Affairs Dept schedule for rating disabilities
* Democrats question Justice Dept about Abramoff, others
* Appleships wireless set-top TV streamer [US$299/Spam]
3/21/07USinitiates contact with Palestinian Unity govt
* Justice Dept email "document dump" features18-daygap
* House Judiciary votes to subpoena Rove, Sampson, Miers
* Limbaugh calls Schwarzenegger Democrat. Arnold replies
* Merkel: NATOshould debate US missile shield in Poland
3/20/07 Bush will resist attempts tosubpoena officials
* US Senate rescinds abused PATRIOT Act provision, 94-2
* House, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairmen statements
* Interview with Bush appointee US Attorney Bud Cummins
* FBI distributes 'emergencyletter' template to agents
* Conversation at Adult table as imagined at Kids table
* Skyhook residential US WiFi mapping database revealed
* State Pharma-Physicianpayola sunshine law unenforced
* Antibiotics prescribed for infections caused by virus
* Word of the Day: whimsy, fanciful notion, [whim-wham]
This is not about Fired Attorneys: the symbolic center
of the US Attorney scandal is Rove protege Tim Griffin,
sweating bullets today, because though he has replaced fired US Attorney Bud Cummins, his nomination for the
post hasn't beenannounced. [250 wordsafter the jump]
* Policeinterrogation tactics; related court decisions
* UK Education Secretary abides ban on full Muslim veil
* Googleconfirms mobile phone in development. [patent]
* NASAservescollaboration of 14 global Space Agencies
* AAASfirst "statement of consensus" on climate change
* Antarctic glaciers losing ice, not becauseof melting
* Mathematicians hail map of 248-dimension E8 structure
* Websites that facilitate perceptions of relative size
* Artists and designers take photosof their work areas
* To engage in the audacity of reality is uncomfortable
* NYT: SCOTUS to hear student free-speech case tomorrow
* Plame denies nepotism underoath, affirms covert work
* Whitehousedidn't conduct investigation of Plame leak
* Bush predictions not credible, incl. aboutwithdrawal
* Kyle Sampson's lawyer representsAT&T in NSA lawsuits
After Bill Clinton became President in 1993, Attorney
General Reno fired 9380 US Attorneys. Apologists
for Bush's Attorney General Gonzales claim media bias prevents comparisons with recent replacement of eight
US Attorneys that were appointed by Bush in 2001. But
the facts defy comparison. [300 wordsafter the jump]
3/17/07Whitehousetempts Legislators to send subpoenas
* Gonzales aid Kyle Sampsonblind to his own corruption
* John McCainunsure if condoms help slow spread of HIV
* Weather grounds Bush helicopter enroute to Camp David
* USIraq War supporters confusingforce with strength
* The Show with Ze Frank ends year of weekdays, Saturday
* ISP's shouldrevealsale of customers clickstream data
* Penny Lane in Liverpool was named after a slave trader
* Not safe for work human history illustratedjpeg [Via]
* Scientists emulatingphotosynthesis to make use of CO2
* MP3 Booker T & the MG's Green Onions [Live] Integrated
* Wikienters Oxford Dictionary. Etymology from Hawaiian
* History is often altered. What matters is how, why via
* Chicago Board of Tradeboisterous bidding in last days
* No major vendor will sell PC without Windowsinstalled
* McCain tempts fundamentalists to straight talk express
* Interspecies sex more common than believed [evolution]
* Pakistan's disappeared dissidents can't invoke habeus.
* Purdue researchers biomass-fuel processsuppressesCO2
* Medication enables complex behavior while asleep [NYT]
3/14/07Senators request to "interview" Whitehouse staff
* GOP Senator voices doubts after Bush supportsGonzales
* Fox News denouncesNevada Democrats as radical fringe.
* US General's moralizing violates Don't Ask Don't Tell.
* Palestinians plan to present unity govt to parliament.
* James Hansen world's mostoutspokenclimate researcher
* Electrostatic spacecraft wouldsurf on magnetic fields
* Photocopy machines have hard drives that recordcopies
* Obscurantist CartographerNikolas Schiller's alt-maps.
* London burrito entrepreneur trades cart for new truck.
3/13/07 MP3 Jethro TullThick As A BrickSide IIforTom
* Saudi/Israeli talks resurrect 2002 Beirut Declaration!
* Republicans bashCouncil on American-Islamic Relations
* US Feds to subsidize retirement of Analog TV receivers
* Viacom/MTV/Nickelodeon sueingGoogle/YouTube for US$1B
3/11/07 Republican Leader says Rove fired US Attorneys.
* Schumer calls for resignation of conciglieriGonzales.
* Elite Native AmericanShadow Wolvesto hunt bin Laden.
* Madrid Memorial unveiled on train bombing anniversary.
* Halliburtonnever was American company, moves to Dubai
* Chinese Blogger's poll ousts Forbidden City Starbucks.
* Britsvolunteer data to Big Brother, or lose passport.
* Translationinfancy: Finnegan's Wake in basic english.
* Design of Burningman's Black Rock City - requirements.
* Road markings, signs could one day be changed at will.
* MP3: Matisyahu Close My Eyes Live/2005 Hasidic Reggae.
* DVD: travel guru Rick Steves visits Spain and Portugal
* Played Wii 1st time tonight at Mt. Shasta. Bowled 124.
* Merovingian.orgDNSissues on "bobbled" DTSchangeover
[Now backing up my file server for the move to Sweden]
* US Republican Senate minority delaysMinimum-Wage hike
* Senate Judiciary Cte to "interview" Justice Dept staff
* SCOTUS expected to take case decided on 2nd Amendment.
* WalterReed "not an exception" in treatment of troops.
* Nanci Pelosi announces plan to get troops out of Iraq.
* US, Iran and Syria continue Baghdad peace talks today.
* Truth to Power: Fengspeaksto Republican Congressman.
* Thumb-cuff export eased. * Defence Trade Advisory meet.
* US high risk home mortgage lenders face looming crisis.
* Internet celebrity Ze Frank posts last of daily videos.
Free Speech is NOT:
* Yelling FIRE in a crowded theatre.
* Joking about a bomb at the Airport.
* Dressing like a commando to school.
* Joking about George Bush in public.
Nevada Democrats cancel Fox News debate, after "joke".
I've read that Liberals can't see the joke is on Bush.
But our President's incompetence is not funny. Should
I really believe Fox News CEO Roger Ailes was putting
down President Bush? What is definitely not funny about
Mr Ailes crack is that Neoconservatives often insinuate Democrats are al Qaeda sympathizers. Even a "joke" that
suggests Senator Barack Obama is in the bin Ladenposse isn't funny unless you think bungled military adventure
is funny. No sir, the President is no longer funny, ever.
3/9/07Whitehousesurrenders to Dems in attorney scandal.
* Democrats move beyondnon-binding Iraq War resolutions.
* Bush refers to Social Justice6 times in Brazil speech.
* Rove refers to high standardsof nemesis Barack Obama.
* Gingrichextramarital affairduringLewinsky scandal..
3/7/07Y2K-type anticipation of Bush DST change, Sunday.
* Hypermiler is obsessive about vehicle fuel efficiency.
* Dysgraphia: normal reading skills, difficulty writing.
* Ex-"Google Answers" researchers launch Q&A site. [Via]
* My Father's 2nd annual memorial ski trip at Northstar.
* Boeingtesting tamper-proof remote control autopilot.
* Walter Reed scandal: Bush doesn't support our troops.
* Director of Executive Office of US Attorneysresigns.
* Reporters barred from tribunals. Transcripts edited..
* Francecriminalizesamateurnews video of "violence".
3/6/07Libby perjury trial verdict convicts on 4 counts.
* Juror sympathy for the fall guy - Iraq policy gone bad.
* Fitzgerald: Libby put cloud over the Whitehouse, not I.
* Fitzgerald: facts justified investigation, not verdict.
* Fox News reports Libby not guilty. Wikipediarocks MSM.
3/5/07 US cellular service companies trying tokill WiFi.
* FCC forces rural phone companies to carry VoIP traffic.
* Telecommunications Museum hasevery 2-way wired device.
* Whitehouse panel rubberstamps NSA/Treasury data mining.
* US troops in Sadr City. No weapons found, & no arrests.
* Walter Reed Veterans hospital is US systemcrown jewel.
* Congressmen implicated in purge of Federal Prosecutors.
* US Senator Domenici R-NM, sorry for call to Prosecutor.
* San Diego Congressman Issacomplained about Carol Lam..
* New Colorado immigration law requires new prison labor.
* Libby trial judge says he was "misled" by defense team.
* Assassination attempt inspires Cheneysmile for camera.
* Chinese Parliament's 3000 delegates meet 3 days a year.
* Richard Branson, Rupert Murdoch fighting over UK PayTV.
* Worldwide stock slide enters 2nd week - except at NYSE.
3/3/07John McCain meant "sacrifice" when he said "waste".
* Mars melting CO2 cap evidence Sun causesGlobal Warming.
* Salt Lake City Mayor "Rocky" calls for Bush impeachment.
* Gonzalestoobusy for questions about fired prosecutors.
* President Ahmadinejad guest of sustained Saudi diplomacy.
3/1/07US Prosecutorcallshisdismissalpolitical payback.
Like several other US Federal Prosecutors, New Mexico's David Iglesias was asked by the Bush Administration to
resign this month, 2 years before completing his Senate
confirmed term... [150 more wordsafter the jump]
* MP3: Steve Miller, Evil. Don't worry about your revenge..
* Cosmologist Hawking to experience simulated weightlessness
* Depression correlated withhippocampi - or spatial memory.
* Melissa Etheridge won't run into homo-hater Michael Savage
* Former RNC Chair Mehlman wants to end culture of ferocity.
* US issues specs on internal passportrequired by May 2008.
* Cheneydemands be cited as senior administration official.
* Candidate McCainsays US soldier's lives "wasted" in Iraq.
* Candidate Chuck Hagelstatement on Baghdad regional talks.
* Ohio Republican Neyquotes Garth Brooks on way to prison.
* Episcopal Church put on notice from Anglican bully pulpit.
* Greek archeologist finds statue of Hera under Mt. Olympus.
* Thirteen Towers, Chankillo Peru, sign of ancient Sun cult.
* Oldest knownphotograph, Joseph Niepce, France, 1826. Via
* ETA hunger striker De Juana Chaos released to house arrest
* Begging The Questionmeansmore than "raising the question"
* DVD: Candy [1968] James Coburn, Richard Burton, John Huston
Marlin Brando, Walter Matthau, Ringo Starr Thx James Cannon
2/28/07Arab League agreed Israel's right to exist in 2002.
* Iran, Syria invited to talks on Iraq with the US, Britian.
* Obama ridicules Cheney comment on British troop reduction.
* Feingold: Dems proposal readslikeNew War Authorization.
* Democrats seek testimony from ousted federal prosecutors.
* Evidence Chimpanzees make & use weapons on mammalian prey.
* Lactose intolerance widespread til afterdairy farming est.
* Clericus Cup fields 16 teams from Catholic schools in Rome.
* Islam a killjoy? What does the literature say aboutMusic?
* Padilla going to trial. 4+ yr interrogation under AUMF law.
2/27/07Bustin Out In The Big Apple.. Pics by Jordan Matter.
"Moral responsibility is what is lacking in a man when
he demands it of a woman." ~Karl Kraus [1874-1936]
2/26/07First Opera
L'Orfeo performed Feb 24, 1607. [Mantua]
* Evidence of first human migration to the Americas revised.
* Recent Antarctic discoveriesinclude "psychedelic octopus"
* Largest polar research program in 50 yrs starts March 1st.
* Down Syndrome mice improve on Ginkgo. [1/773 human births]
* Music videoTout Les Garcons Et Les Filles. [Lyrics] [Via]
* Artists masked disfigurement of World War I veterans. [Via]
2/25/07Seymour Hershon Pentagon's Iran scenarios. [fixed]
* Virginia lawmakers' unanimous profound regret for slavery.
* Maliki rewards police after Iraqi woman's rape allegation.
* BelgianSWIFT firm sides with US in civil liberties breach
* Birdseye of the US National Security Agency [NSA]. Spooky.
* Atmospheric data from 14 of 200+ known extrasolar planets.
* ESARosetta comet chaser swingby within 150 miles of Mars.
* Save the Internet video "lucid, BS-free, and entertaining"
* Paleoarts hominid heritage model & portrait gallery. [Via]
* Brain maps, atlases & infographics oldandnew. [Thx Mugs]
2/24/07Canadaspikes law allowing indefinite detentions..
* Obama "When Cheney says it's good you've got big problems"
* Brits lured into Forest Gateraidbyspy over pay dispute?
* Terence McKenna's library destroyed by fire [Monterey CA].
* Famous people & fictional characterswithautistic traits.
Fishing Expedition: I named a guitar exercise "Blue"
- back at a time when my naming scheme was for colors.
The name comes from the ocean, and helps me remember a
story from the mid 90's, when a fisherman kept officials
from boarding his boat for two days, until they refered
the case to desk jockeys onshore. Off the coast of Santa
Cruz California, Jim Blaes had too many visits from the
US Coast Guard, and one day denied boarding unless they
left their weapons behind... [continue reading]
Today, Vice President Cheney is trying to explain comments equating Speaker Pelosi's position on the
War in Iraq with that of sworn US enemies. He refers
to "being accountable for the results" of withdrawal,
and to playing to the hand of al Qaeda..
But is he accountable for his administration's failed
planning and execution of the invasion? An invasion
which played directly to al Qaeda's publicized world
view? An invasion of Iraq that was planned for months if not years has become an occupation that continues
to encourage people sympathetic with the US on 9/11 to now side with those in opposition to US interests.
Like other conservatives in positions of power, the
louder they talk about a moral stance, the stronger
is the chance that they practice the very opposite.
As Pro-Life governor of Texas, Bush signed a bill
allowing removal of life support when a patient's
family can no longer afford it. From Ted Haggard's
position as Leader of the National Association of
Evangelicals he preached the evils of adultery and
homosexuality while having gay sex outside marriage.
Congressman Foley was a leading child advocate until
he was found to be a child predator. Self righteous,
and now resigned and indicted Speaker of the House
Tom Delay lead one of the most corrupt sessions of
Congress in history. Leading conservative talk radio
host Rush Limbaugh's 25 million listeners heard about
the evils of illegal drug use while he was addicted
to powerful painkillers obtained illegally.
But no example compares with a nation's most senior
Leaders weakening the political, moral, and military
position of the nation they have publicly sworn to serve.
The louder they talk the less chance they walk the walk.
The Vice President's suggestion that the Speaker of the
House is sympathetic with US enemies begs the question
of whether he is himself acting in the national interest.
2/22/07 US grocery chain pilotsbiodiesel B20 in Seattle.
* Vint Cerfdeveloping inter-planetary Internet protocol.
* Portraits of Himalayan nomads of Tibet and Bhutan. Via
* Geological attics, Europe's high altitudearchitecture.
* Female tennis players get Wimbledon prize money parity.
* US Govt is collectingallemails to and from Americans.
* US Govt pushing fear of Marijuana over medical science.
* Nobel Prize winner will run for President of Guatamala.
* Japan raises interest rate to 0.5%, highest since 1995.
* I sawThe Shins, Seattle's Paramount Theatre last night.
* Offshore US prisoners habeas corpus case goes to SCOTUS.
* Drug trafficking & marriage fraud filed as terror cases.
* No rush to judge big GOP donor accused of funding terror
* Barry Bonds signed with Giants; arrived Spring Training.
* MP3 Ken Nordine, Word Jazz v.1, Anytime, anytime. [NSFW]
2/19/07 MP3 Patti SmithBeneath The Southern Cross [1996].
* Whale activists boarded by customs on dockingMelbourne.
* Rock climbers await rescue today from Mount Hood Oregon.
* Library Assoc's award winning book removed from shelves.
* Wikipedia breaks into top 10 in both the US & the World.
* Several genes & environment factor into Autism spectrum.
* Anglican conservatives talk merger with Catholic Church.
* XM/Sirius merger goes to FCC. Chrysler in talks with GM.
* Fox News Brit Hume desperateAd hominem libel of Murtha.
* McCain: Rumsfeld among the worst of Defence Secretaries.
2/18/07 Explosions inside Iranlinkedto US backed groups.
* Clinton calls for troops to come home. McCain skips out.
* Senator Hagelopento Congressman Murtha Iraq proposal..
* Deadly serious headline carriespic of Death Metal fans.
* Carnival, from "solace of the flesh." Voluntary madness.
* Interstellar Arkplausible using today's math & physics.
* Physicists study small changes in fundamental constants.
* NASA deploys satellites to studyNorthern Lights phenom.
* Science writer looks into reports of Invisibility Cloak.
* Pleasuresof Literary Greats - Mencken enjoyed Musicals.
* Israel, US, Europeansdon'twant Palestinian unity govt.
* Washington PostvisitsWalter Reed Army Medical Center..
* US prosecutor for West Washington's dismissal a mystery.
* Rove aid installed as US prosecutor for Arkansas skips..
* Pop Idol shaves her head and gets a tattoo. Best wishes.
2/17/07 House of Representatives passedIraq Warresolution.
* Senator from Alabama has another reason for the invasion..
* Senator Lieberman walks 3 miles to cast a voteon Shabbat.
* Senatefour votes short of forcing vote on War resolution.
* Shared Holy Sitecalmdespiteagitation of Muslim leaders.
* Al Gorepromotes international Live EarthconcertsJuly 7.
* Italian judge orders CIA rendition mob tried in abstentia.
* King of Nepal stoned by crowd during Kathmandu Hindufest.
* Encrypt Mac/PC/Linux web browsing sessions with SSH. [Via]
* Extreme Origami designs leading to technicalapplications.
* Luxembourgmakeover for 2007 Culture Capitaldesignation.
* Putin backs Defense Minister Ivanov, ahead of elections.
* 1,000,000 orders for $100 PC's fromOne Laptop Per Child.
* RIAA trying to outsource shakedowns to ISP's of accused.
* Rachel's Systems/Layers title track [2003] Instrumental.
Wow. Today I learned of photojournalist Martin Parr. Via
2/15/07 Watergate legend Carl Bernstein on Bush's mendacity.
* Cry Wolf: US President insists "we know that" about Iran.
* CongressionalDemocratsblock a vote on Iraq War funding.
* Top Bush CIA appointee Foggoindicted in Cunningham case.
* Fox Newstries to clone Comedy Central's The Daily Show.
* Japanese Antarctic whaler afire day after activists left.
* Vanautu Cargo Cultmarks 50th year. [JohnFrumMovement]
* P2P virtual currency exchange debutsin wake of eBay ban.
* Democracy Player is a free & open-source Internet TV app.
* 6 year study of 23,000 people found afternoon naphealthy.
2/13/07Held170 days: Josh Wolf not charged with a crime.
* Libby won't tell Jury "honest mistake" that lead to trial.
* Corporal punishmentimageryin print advertising. [NSFW?]
* IBM typewriter history timeline in commercial images [Via]
* AACSDVD encryptian developed in years.. cracked in weeks.
2/12/07 Why is a US Government Official grantedanonymity
when pronouncing that Iran is arming US enemies in the
battlefield? This kind of unnecessary anonymity helped
lead to the war in Iraq. I might assume that this story
yesterday represents a justification for a wider war.
DearJosh Partlow of the Washington Post Foreign Service,
you and your fellow Journalists should collectively shun
cynical requests by power brokers for anonymity, instead
reserving that special right for likes of whistleblowers, the persecuted, and to safeguard lives of innocent people.
Journalists should use their entrusted public position
to safeguard our public debate with reliable information
- especially when human lives are at stake. I think the
public has a right to know precisely who is using his
position as US public servant to announce that Iranian
Leaders are arming US enemies in the battlefield.
* Larger than Saddam Palace, Embassy buildingon schedule.
* Senate Intel Chair: "Pentagon Iraq Intel unit broke law"
* Barack Obama finds Australian PM's damnation flattering.
* McCain 2008 Campaign undecided about 527 finance limits.
* Pincus testifies AriFleischer1st to pushPlame story.
* World brainstorms "far-out" waysto slowGlobal Warming.
* Colony Collapse Disorder affecting half of US Honeybees.
* Swiss drug giant Open Sources genetic Diabetes research.
* Renoir landscapes exhibit, London. Painted joys of life.
* Personal: Enjoying Dr. KatzSeason Two on the MacBook.
* Introducing the Book: comedy Medieval tech-support video.
* Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations parody. [Thx]
* Telepathic experience explained in terms of time & space.
* NasdaqfailsLondon takeover. Brits buyiconicGreyhound.
* Steely Dan's Aja is some of the best pop music ever made.
* US ballot measurerequiresproof of procreation to marry.
* Portugal the only EU state indicting women for abortions.
* Branson/Gore announce $25million Carbon DioxideX Prize.
* Errol Morrisdocumentary explores context of Abu Ghraib.
* Video displays parts, demonstratesDa Vinciautomobile.
* The problem for Artists isn't piracy, it's obscurity [CD]
* Boston blogger Bradley day afterMooninite package scare.
* Microsoft developing next Operating System; Vista is DOA.
* Cheney ordered Whitehouse denials, as Rove coppedto FBI.
* Modest Proposal toward study of Prayer in Public Schools.
2/9/07Terms of Saudi brokered Palestinian government.
* Holocaust scholar cornered by denierin San Francisco.
* Protest at al-Aqsa mosque near Temple Mount, Jerusalem.
* Steve Martin in New Yorker Magazine: Seventy-Two Virgins.
* Debate on uses of brain scanner that can readintentions.
* Van Gogh/Gauguin historical/conceptual relationships [RW]
* Hunter Thompson photography exhibit & $300 book [London].
* Data indicates virus imported to UK from known H5N1 zone.
* Landis awaiting US appeal - won't defend Tour de France.
* Warmest Winter in Beijing since records started in 1840.
2/8/07Mistrial for US soldier who calls Iraq war illegal.
* US Defense Secretary: "debate on Iraq won't hurt morale"
* Russerttestifies he never spoke with Libby about Plame.
* BritsarrestMuslim convert for "encouraging terrorism".
* Israeli bomb squad draws fire for crossingUN blue line.
* Specter blamesstaff for US Attorney Patriot Act provision
* Foggotipped-offWilkesto CIA no-bid Iraq water contract.
* Secretary Rice "contingency planning equates to pessimism"
* Congress now focus of legislative opposition to escalation
* Competition with Iran has Saudi Kingmeeting Palestinians.
* Sarah Silvermanparody of Al Gore film Inconvenient Truth.
* Global Warming worry not. Bush secret plan to End Weather.
* IP Addressblocks used by Terrorist Surveillance Program.
* Inspector General callsCheney son-in-lawstumbling-block.
* Two spaces after a period useful beforeproportional fonts
2/6/07MP3 Broken Social Scene Cause=Time Acoustic Live NSFW
* Josh Wolf longest-running imprisoned journalist US history
* FairnessexemplarFox Newscalls "Major News Media Unfair"
* Chronology of the most recent US-Iran diplomatic dust-ups.
* Artist's conception of Abu Dhabi performing arts ctr [NYT]
* Steve Jobs asks music label/industry to abandon closed DRM
* Bill Gates says Microsoft tosupportOpenID authentication
* DDoS on five DNS Root Serverslastnight - threerecovered
* Quick review of several bookish social network sites [Via]
* Wal-Mart facing biggest class-action bias suit, US history
* Court rules cops don't need warrant toattach GPS device.
* Several states join Maine to oppose Nat'l Drivers License.
* US Attorney General considers legal frameworks "optional".
* 13% of GOP in Congress believe man causesGlobal Warming.
* John Edwards details his Universal Health Care proposal.
* Historyofcorporate and ideological attacks on Science.
* QTVR panoramas from Apollo Moon missions, w/ audio. [Via]
* Chicago TribunestoryonDIY tech project "MAKE" magazine.
* Gothamist was at inaugural Athanasius Kircher Society meet.
* The New Yorker on Google's quest for theuniversal library.
2/4/07 As the Superbowl began, Artemis and I walked among
evergreens and moss at the back of Mookberry. Upon our
return she settled on her haunches and gazed intently
up at a bird flirting playfully in a bush. Inside the
house I poured coffee and turned on the Sony Trinitron.
Missed the pregame show by Cirque du Soleil, and the first everopening kickoff runback for a touchdown. It's raining
for tonight's game in Miami. Announcer notes that the home
fields of the Chicago and Indianapolis teams are separated
by just 182 mi/300 km.
At halftime, Princesegued intoAll Along The Watchtower..
with great wild guitar sounds. Walking out onto appendages
of his Prince-symbol shaped stage, seen on livingroom TV
screens through wet camera lenses. On to Purple Rain, more
wild guitar, silhouette projected on huge fluttering sheet.
Audience singing the refrain..
Making it a point to watch the TV commercials. Appreciated
the uplifting, socially conscious advertisements for Coke before halftime. I actually cheered a spot for Garmin GPS.
One theme I've seen alot in the commercials this year is
portrayal of collective/public nudity by average people
- such as the PT Cruiser on a downtown street beneath
office buildings.. stopped by people who are tearing off
their clothes - and a spot where several people weigh
themselves on upright scales, their shoulders bare. In
another ad, from an angle slightly above, we are shown
groups of men riding bikes, almost every one bald.
* Sarah Silverman Program sitcom debutsComedy Central. [RW]
* Several Religions End-of-World prophecies surveyed briefly
* Defense Department 60's Cold War counterspy training video
* Straight outa Mooresville Indiana, Big Dancing, Small Town
* Gitmo's new Camp 6 solitary confinement leads to madness..
* US Attorney General won'tanswer Senator onCanadian Arar.
* Pakistani Shiite/Sunni conflict caused 300+ deaths in 2006
* Far-right members of Euro Parliament denied chairmanships.
2/3/07GrandAyatollah"Werealize desperate need for unity"
* Palestinian gunmen ignore truce and Arab mediation effort.
* Brit submits UK Muslims call outpreachers of intolerance.
* US Prosecutors try capital punishment in areas without it.
* Libby cited journalists as source of Whitehouse' CIA leak.
* Newspaper headlinessuccumb to search engine optimization.
* Europe's biggest turkey producer culls159,000 in Britian.
* Substantial wind resource found off US mid-Atlantic coast.
* Russian ice flow breaks free, 100's of fishermen stranded.
* Iconic.. Polar Bearslook stranded [Canadian Ice Service].
2/2/07City of Lightdimmedto notemanmade global warming.
* Big Oil offers $10,000 for scientists who dispute report.
* Howto: report scientific research to a general audience.
* Anticipation of acceptance speech should Gore take Oscar.
* Ways to observe character include treatment of waitstaff.
* Marketplace of Ideas - USC shames silent student protest.
* NJ Public School Teacher: Non-Christians go to Hell [NYT]
* Pentagon Detainee Affairs Secretary resigns after remark.
* Enemy combatant case precedent for "disappearing" people.
* Surveillance technology is always put to unintended uses.
* 1917 Espionage Act criminalized disloyalty to US Military.
* Top 10 privacy infringingcompanies include Google. [Via]
* Viacom demand letter prelude to revenue deal with YouTube.
* Apple tells iTunes users not to upgrade to Windows Vista.
* Apple and Cisco leave court to negotiateiPhone trademark.
* US Senators near debate on Warner/Levin surge resolution.
* EFF warns KSFO radio owner ABCDisney to backoff blogger.
* Libby trial makes both spin doctors & reporters look bad.
* How manylegislators does it take to change a lightbulb?
* Swedish Government first to open embassy in Second Life.
* Designer fuel uses microbes to change sugar into diesel.
* The human body has 10 X more bacterial than human cells.
* New anti-biotics target communications betweenbacteria.
* Jon Stewart comments uncharacteristic tact of Joe Biden.
* Agent: Bonds won't sign revised contract with SF Giants.
* Demand for justicefalls prey to concern for efficiency.
* Totalitarian consequence of Enlightenment era confidence.
* US Fourth Amendment: Search & Siezure in the Digital Age.
* FBI's Internet surveillance uses vacuum cleanerapproach.
* Gonzalespresents "innovative" new FISA wiretap orders..
* Mexico City protest blames price of tortillas on biofuel.
* Bleak, depressed, rundown Leipzig is new art world mecca.
* Survey of German OpEd page responses to Munich warrants.
* MP3 Camper Van Beethoven, No Krugerrands For David instr.
* Donald Fagen, The Nightfly, New Frontier [1982] Jazz-Rock
1/31/07 Republicans back threedifferent surgeresolutions.
* HagelreplacesMcCain as DC's straight talkin Republican.
* CoopertestifiesRovefirst to tell himPlame was at CIA.
* Munich arrest warrants issued in alleged CIA kidnappings.
* Quebec town council directs new rules at Muslim migrants.
* Superbowl pregame showCirque de Soleil. Halftime Prince.
* The Policeexpectedto reunite at Feb 11th Grammy Awards.
* MP3 Ash Ra Tempel, eponymous, Amboss [1971] Experimental.
* Philip Glass, The Grid, Prophecies [Koyaanisqatsi/1982].
* M4A Radiohead, OK Computer, Exit Music, Let Down [1997].
1/30/07FilmI Heart Huckabees, Existentialism, Marky Mark.
* Hobbit is homo florensis - not microcephalic homo sapien.
* Archeologists find neolithic timber shrineby Stonehenge.
* Yosemite lawsuit could affect access to parks nationwide.
* Giants can terminate Barry Bonds contract, on indictment.
* As usual, devil in the details of Bush environmentalism..
* Arab leaders think US caused Iranian regional ascension.
* Senators warn Whitehouse against drift to war with Iran.
* Webbexpecting letter from Rice on Bush/Iran war powers.
* If US cannot stop Iraq civil war.. must contain effects.
1/28/07MP3: Van Morrison, TB Sheets, It's Alright [1974].
* Packaging health claims indicate the product isn't food.
* Digital Rights Managementis about technical monopolies.
* Jon Stewartparses Cheney's interview with Wolf Blitzer.
* Republicans won't filibuster resolution against surge.
* Joe Biden: President's failed policy emboldens enemies.
* Hillary: We expect Bush to extricate the US from Iraq.
* US student athletes charged w/ assault on Palestinians.
* Hamas, Fatah accept King's invitation to Mecca summit.
* Queensland drought raises prospect of water recycling.
1/27/07 State of Union "strong". Bush approval worst yet.
* Rules of engagement for US troops vs. Iranians in Iraq.
* Memetracking "Iran will greet US troops as liberators".
* Gaza neighborhood shootout over whether to fight Israel.
* Muslimsmust condemn killing in the name of their faith.
* Kurdsrefer to Iraq's constitition in opposing Oil Law.
* Libby lawyers subpoena Karl Rove for scapegoat defence.
* Joe Wilsonnever claimed Dick Cheney sent him to Niger.
* Ari Fleisher sought immunity, feared the death-penalty.
* Libby trial reveals Tim Russert is Dick Cheney's bitch.
* Darwinregretted effects of losing appreciation for arts.
* DesignDiseasecausesjudgement based on mere appearance.
* Mapping/Visualizing New Testament social networks. [Via]
* Decline of FM Country Music format blamed on immigration.
* Unseeded Serena Williamsoverwhelms #1 Sharapova 6-1 6-2.
* Intel/IBM announceadditional generations of Moore's Law.
* HD video digital rightssubject to Fair Useenforcement.
* New Leopard OSX rumoredto transmit video to Apple HDTV.
* Int'l tax enforcement cartel's Xenonstealth webcrawler.
* Scotland YardconcludesRussian agents killed Litvinenko.
* Undiplomatic prediction of Shia crescent over Middle East.
* Queensland coroner pinsAborigine's death on Sr. Sergeant.
* Kids are never fully weened from Magic Thinking to Prayer.
* McDonald's logo flashes briefly during Iron Chef America.
* Stryder.com available in Text Only, updated semi-weekly.
1/25/07Nine Senate Republicans back anti-surge resolution.
* House GOP Leader Boehner sets deadline for surge success.
* Former Iraq Defence Minister interprets Bush troop surge.
* Iraq Parliament seldom reachesquorum; relevance recedes.
* Recent Hezbollah incivility condemned by some supporters.
* Obamagoing afterFox Newsreporters who parroted smear.
* New Ice Age Theory hypothesizesdimmer switch inside sun.
* Alfred Wallace co-discovered evolution/natural selection.
* Brokers openly pay researchers for software security bugs.
* Robert Anton Wilsonmemorial, Santa Cruz Cocoanut Grove.
* Multispectral imaging of Leonardo's Adoration [Video/Via]
* UnseededSerena Williams, #1 Sharapova, Aussie Open final.
* MP3: The Wailers, with Bob Marley, There She Goes [1964].
* YouTube: Neil Youngbusking Glasgow 1976, andmore. [Via]
* Mark Wahlberg's 1st Oscar nomination, role in "Departed".
* How do innovative spy warrants work? An expert speculates.
1/24/07 UK Prosecutor: "terrorism a crime, not act of war.
* Lebanon govt near collapse after Hezbollah war & strike.
* Conservative Swiss financiers seek Peak Oilprimer. [via]
* 1000+ climatologists scrutinized IPCCreportdue Feb 2nd.
* Bat flight study suggests novel lift-generating mechanism.
* NY Governor Eliot Spitzergets lawmakers to give up swag.
* Microsoftoffered to pay blogger to edit Wikipedia page.
* First US minumum wage hike in 10 years - blocked by GOP.
* David Gergencalls Bush foreign policy misguided as hell.
* Cheney embarrassed for asking CIA to check on Niger claim.
* Bush uses SOTU to ask American people for another chance.
* Purloined GOP talkingpoints and cheerleader cliff notes.
* Bush scornsnew Congress, congrats for Democrat Majority.
* The heart of freshman Sen. Jim Webb's Democraticresponse.
* Bush apologistslathered about Speaker Pelosi's sour face.
* Two Oscar nominations for Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth.
* Bush announces doubling of US oil reserves. Prices surge.
* Read em and weep: seven years of State of the Union lies.
* Howard Huntdied. Orchestrated Bay of Pigs and Watergate.
* MP3: Neil Young, backed by CSN, Helpless [1970/Lyrics].
This line from the President's speechfocuses my anger.
"This isn't the fight we entered in Iraq, but it is the
fight we're in."
We are not only now engaged in the same war started
4 years ago, and the same struggle continued over the
centuries by other invading powers, our soldiers are
also now in the midst of religious conflicts fought
between locals here for centuries, if not millennia.
If our young people are sent to war, we must know that
our leaders are familiar with histories and cultures,
particularly those relevant to war itself. If leaders
are bold in launching war, they had better show success.
Especially for a war the President trumpeted would be at
"a place and time of our choosing". Current leaders have
not only been reckless with human life, but failed to
gain anything by it's loss.
Now the "surge" has begun with fighting around Baghdad.
And I sense the fatalism of a taxi driver passing on a
blind curve. The President is taking a more active role
in commanding armed forces, with what seems a desperate,
perhaps despotic faith. The world must watch as he tries
to rescue some element of success for the US mission there.
Stockholm Syndrome possesses kidnap victims to misplace
faith in their captors. And while I've grown accustomed
to the anger of betrayal in my heart, I must also hope
my brothers and sisters in Iraq are delivered safely home.
* Negligent FBIdidn't findFoley page solicitations illegal.
* Feathered bi-wing dinosaur aerodynamics touches off debate.
* Geothermalsupplies as much energy as solar, wind combined.
* Canada starts serial murder trial of 57 yr old pig farmer.
* 1st trek to Pole of Inaccessibility is 2nd recorded visit.
1/22/07Both '07 US Superbowl teams have black head coaches.
* Constitution Article 1compells Congress to vote on surge.
* Congressional silence onwar policywould undercut troops.
* Corporationsnot heeding Pentagon lawyer call for boycott.
* Syrian leader hosts Int'l summit on Palestinian statehood.
1/21/07Michael Brownrevealsmore Katrina response politics.
* Bait and Switch: Bush New Way ForwardnowFull Speed Ahead.
* AT&T shareholder campaignfor disclosure of privacy policy.
* Farming watchdog accuses Wal-Mart of mis-labelingorganics.
* NSFW: subliminal, graphic image in 80's era Coke ad poster.
* NSFW: FrailCastro - longtime nemesis of American hegemony.
* Indian capsule deploys load & splashes down, Bay of Bengal.
* Police patrol Bangaloretech capitalon Hindu/Muslim riots.
* Standards, development consortia formTheLinux Foundation.
* Second Lifeparodysite receives proceed and permit letter.
1/20/07 Senators differ on wordingoftroop surge resolution.
* Days of wine and roses for our Republican friendsare over.
* PATRIOT Act purge of US prosecutors: to fatten GOP resumes?
* Only 6 Senate Dems voted against makingbloggers lobbyists.
* Mondalerecounts Carter legacy on inauguration anniversary.
* Inventor Jeff Handemos computer withtouch-driven display.
* Clooneyproduced mini-series based on Neal Stephensontome.
* 51% ofAmerican women are single and living with their cat.
* Chinese blogs poll opposition to Forbidden City Starbucks.
* Militant Philipine Muslim leader Abu Sayyaf reported dead.
* Poverty stricken country has second highestGDP per capita.
* St Petersburg police slash 12 homeless tentstothe ground.
* Death by water intoxication, before audience in Sacramento.
* MP3's: William Orbit, Gringatcho Demento [1993/Electronica]
* DJ Cheb i Sabbah, Shri Durga.. Ganga Dev [1999/Electronica]
* Correction - Grand Canyon employees not "silenced" on age.
1/19/07Leahy-GonzalesexchangeonCanadian rendered to Syria.
* Gonzales won'tdenyseekingFISA courtblanket OK of spying.
* PATRIOT Act made US prosecutors Senate confirmation optional.
* Difficult finding Libby jury in heavily Democratic district.
* US forces help arrest aide to Al-Sadr under Stars & Stripes.
* Confederate flag wornonstageat Texas Governor's inaugural.
* Corporationsurge "swift federal action" on Global Warming.
* Solar Powereliminates utility bills for U.S. home (& car).
* Bribery convict Republican Rep. Ney sentenced to 30 months.
* US Congressprotects pages after childadvocate's come-ons.
* US to certify labstoteste-voting machinesafter scandal.
* Jan 27th US requirespassportfor flights to & from Canada.
* Israel sends $100mil frozen tax receipts directly to Abbas.
* China3rd nation to successfuly test anti-satellite weapon.
* Turkish-Armenian editor jailed/killedforraising genocide.
* Sir Edmund Hillaryin Antarctica to commemorate Scott Base.
* Int'l Herald Tribune catches up with polymath David Byrne.
* Robert Redford opens Sundance; calls for Iraq War apology.
* Prada phonedebuts in Europe.. comparable to Apple iPhone.
* Ecosexual green singles.. Metrosexuals passed use-by-date.
1/18/07Hawking: "Time to recognize dangers of climate change"
* Woody Harrelson: "It's time to ween from the dinosaur tit"
* MP3: Thievery Corporation, Khalghi Stomp [2006/Electronica].
* Twenty Yearsnow stormcloses Highway 5 outside Los Angeles.
* Cheney's credibility defining issue in Libby jury selection.
1/16/07Middle East oppressors emboldened by US misadventure.
* Warrant for soldier who fired on Baghdad's Palestine Hotel.
* Sen. Jim Webbtogive Dems' response to State of the Union.
* Rumor: Bush to concede Global Warming coincidencein SOTU.
* US Attorneyresigns from case of 3rd ranking CIAofficial.
* Opinion: What factors might contribute to Global Warming?
Nothing forces us to add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere - now 1000 times more plentiful than 300 hundred years ago.
Another factor we might be able to control is the amount
of sunlight and heat that is reflected back into space and
not captured by our atmosphere. Melting bogs and tundras
are part of a feedback loop that accelerates warming with
release of methane. Other factors that might contribute to
the warming of our sea and sky are increases in the sun's
heat, or increases in heat eminating from inside the earth.
While we might all now agree Global Warming is occurring,
the question is whether anything can or should be done to
slow it's development. The "free market" can provide many
alternatives to technology that produces carbon dioxide.
Cheaper, more efficient, etc. But that will not create a
change in habits, which the economics of free markets alone
will not alter. Human nature is not so simple, nor politics.
Not only is our nation dependent on imported fossil fuels,
but the military is dependent on oil for national security.
Historically, oil dependent countries have redrawn Middle
East boundaries & backed dictators who gave legal immunity
to foreign militaries. Transnational corporations leased
oil fields from oligarchies that shared in the prosperity,
often while the population enjoyed none of the rights we
are accustomed to in democratic republics. Regardless of
whether Westerners send soldiers into oil rich countries,
our use of oil seems to require our government's complicity
in the sacrifice of dignity abroad at the hands of Western
backed secular tyrants controlling societies by denying any
redress of grievances, crushing political opposition, in
cahoots with morally blind corporations duty bound to return
profits (and oil) despite the human and environmental cost.
Moreover, there is a trend toward nationalization of natural
resources, as seen in Russia and South America. Dependence
on oil-rich nations puts the United States at a disadvantage.
Oil is a veritable weapon of politics and war, and dependence
on oil puts the United States in the middle of a global war
over natural resources that exist for the most part outside
it's territory. Is this in our best interest? We are in a
tragic and viscious cycle in which our military and very
national security depend on oil imported from the most war
torn places on earth, and from countries with whom the U.S.
is at odds, or countries such as Saudi Arabia which advocates anti-Christian attitudes in public school. U.S. missteps
in Iraq have lessened our political authority in promoting
our values around the world, and given comfort to undemocratic
forces in their fortresses of concentrated wealth and power.
There is no moral imperative to burn fossil fuels, quite
the contrary. Viable options exist, and the price nations
pay for fossil fuels far exceeds that of mere currency.
In addition to the positive effects our behaviour may
have on climate change, we can stop accepting energy that
comes at the price of human degredation abroad. Instead
of consciously contributing to carbon dioxide emissions,
we are clearly free to use existing viable alternatives,
and devote ourselves to developing new ones.
Now is the time for moral leadership on this issue from
religious, political, and corporate leaders. [Thx Mugs!]
1/15/07 Brief video of me, 6 month old Artemis at Mookberry.
* MLK had Baptist preaching style, Unitarian thinking style.
* Presidential hopefulsaddress Carolina's confederate flag.
* Iraqi Gov'tbotches hanging of former intelligence chief.
* 50 US active duty officers deliver petition to Congress.
1/14/07 40th anniversary of the San Francisco "Human Be-In".
* Pentagon unlawfully retains data on war protestors. [NYT]
* Senate billrestricts non-commercial use of online radio.
* Canadamayremove Fair Use provision from copyright laws.
* $130 cassette player for PC that convertstapes to MP3's.
1/13/07 US Senate didn'tauthorize President to attack Iran.
* Negroponte: al-Qa'ida leaders secure hide-out is Pakistan.
* India's new foreign minister meets Musharraf in Islamabad.
* Pix of 19th century UK campaign against Pashtun tribesmen.
* Labour Party appoints 1st Arab Muslim to Israeli cabinet.
* Secular Fundamentalists question foundations of religion.
* Harper's: HowtheChristian Right re-imagines US history.
* Atomic Scientists' Doomsday Clockmoves forward 1 minute.
* Multilingualismdelays onset of dimentia for a few years.
* US pizzarias that accept Mexican pesos get death threats.
* Swedish Minister of Integration knows what freedom isn't.
* Nepalese Maoists select parliamentary group to join gov't.
* Report on Pakistani Kalash valley's Pagan Winter festival.
* Transnationals offered minority stakes in Venezuelan oil.
* The Pirate Bay bittorrent tracker wantsoffshoreSealand.
* Photo essay on five Northern US states' border crossings.
* Tools found in Minnesota, among continent's oldestknown.
* Design magazine Wallpapersubscribes to "Less But Better"
* Iconoclast Ron Paulwill run for President as Republican.
* FCCwould require US Librarians to spy on local children.
* Deppproducing adaptation of forthcoming Litvinenko tome.
* Eater.com's restaurant bloggersupset New York publicists.
* Indie Publisher's marginal authors get NY Times reviews.
* US Air Force's Pan-STARRS would detect near-earth objects.
* ImomusMixMusic By FriendsFor The Radio In France [mp3]
* Iraq may delayexecutions after Saddam hanging weaponized.
* European Commission addressespolitical costsof oil, gas.
* Minimum Wage hike approved by new Democratic US Congress.
* Sports columnists vote downMark McGwire for Hall of Fame.
* Appleanticipated cost of infringing copyright on "iPhone"
* Liberal or Conservative tendencies mirrorcharacter traits.
* New York City sees no December snow first time since 1877.
* 2006 tops US warming trend in records compiled since 1895.
* 2006 warmest on record in England. Mildest fall in 300 yrs.
* Warm rainy weather across The Alps stops World Cup skiers.
* NY Times: Happiness among Danes due to lowerexpectations.
* Both US & Venezuelan delegations at Ortega's inauguration.
* Fisherman finds piece of missing Indonesian passenger jet.
* Queensland aboriginal activist warns of possible violence.
* Tarantinoremaking WWII pic. Stallone to direct Poe biopic.
* Listof about 1000 books Art Garfunkel has read since 1968.
* David Byrne on how recording technology has changed music.
* David Bowie turns 60. 60 factsabout this creative force..
* MP3's: Bowie's Wild Is The Wind. Bob Marley's All In One.
* Flickr groups document London's discarded Christmas Trees.
1/9/07 NY City MacWorldcoverage. iPhoneannounced, runs OSX.
* Array to seek Earthlike radio signals from 1000 local stars.
* Experiments portrayfree will as more perceptionthanforce.
* Given only time for a snap decision, people have eagle eyes.
* Mesozoicfossiltwo-headed aquatic reptile hatchling found.
* MP3: Overture, The Red Violin [1998] featuring Joshua Bell.
* MerkelslamsPutin's closure of oil pipeline across Belarus.
* Schwarzeneggercalls for universal health care in California.
* Bookies favor London Exchange to resist Nasdaq's hostile bid.
* Serena Williamsback after 4 month recovery. *Nadalinjured.
* Car Dealers leave rows of US flags full staff on Forddeath.
* Women & Their Automobiles: Glamour Ads of the 1950's-1970's.
* Wonkettenotesunfortunatederivation of a colleague's name.
* Scuttled pic of Bush & Jack Abramoffalone finally surfaces.
* MP3: Cream, Dance The Night Away, from "Disraeli Gears" 1967.
1/8/07 SCOTUS deniessuittohaveTravelers ID Lawpublished.
* E-Voting activist groups report on 2006 US midterm election.
* Polish clergyresign over ties to Soviet-era secret service.
* Visualization methodsperiodic tabledoesn't include itself.
* Celebritypatent gallery includes drawings/schematics. [thx]
1/7/07Abbasdeclares police illegal.. Dahlanrallies Fatah.
* CBS: Litvinenkowas to blackmail expat oligarch Berezovsky.
* NYT: Benefits of partying naked include better conversation.
* LA Times: US obstructs financing of Iranian oil exploration.
* Iraq offers30 year leases to US & British oil corporations.
* MedievalSibiu, Transylvanianamed2007 EU culture capital.
* Transnational far-right caucusforms at European parliament.
* Non-EU ministates/zones unilaterally adoptingEuro currency.
* Symptoms & prospects of Eurozone growth vis a vis US Dollar.
* Defused bomb claimed by Basque ETA ends Spanish peace talks.
* Dark Restaurantopensin Beijing. 1st opened in Zurich, 1999.
* Retired Gurkhascertify disarmament of Nepal's Maoist rebels.
* 102 onboard - Indonesian 737 jetliner missing almost a week.
* Wikileaks.org wantsto be the Wikipedia of leaked documents.
* JohnGilmore v. JohnYoung, on ethics of website usage logs.
1/4/07 Keith Ellison swearing in on Thomas Jefferson's Koran.
* Ellison greets Goode on House floor, invites him for coffee.
* PelosirejectsC-SPANrequest to move cameras during debate.
* General Abizaid's replacement will now oversee two land wars.
* Bush Doctrine: Do it on the cheap. Wear rose colored glasses.
* When science hurts profits, ExxonMobile follows Big Tobacco.
* Oslo Museum exhibits rampant homosexuality in animal kingdom.
* Genesis team continues to extract solar atoms from Utah soil.
* Amazon.com founder's suborbitaltravel company isrecruiting.
* Prolific fulltime blogger Jason Kottke's best links of '06.
* Cassiniflyby picsconfirm presence of Titan methane lakes.
* Amazon soil fertility relies on dust from a Saharan valley.
* Researchers bypass Hepatitus drug patent, bid to help poor.
* New Scientistprofilesseveral strangely behaving materials.
* Wired Magazine/PBS collaboration Wired Science debuts. [Via]
* The Internet Magazine best of 1994 and predictionsfor 1995.
1/2/07 Republican Senators react to proposed Iraq troop surge.
* Team Bush explains that Satanchaosoverran 2006 Iraq plan.
* Virgil Goodeexplains how remarkson immigration make sense.
* New UN Secretary General, S Korean Ban Ki-Moontakes office.
* Queensland's GithabulAboriginesregain ancestral mountains.
* Scientist calls colleague consent to polygraph hypocritical.
* Inventor's "low head" hydro generatorsolvesancient puzzle.
* Twoprofilesof elderly alt energy innovator Stan Ovshinsky.
* Kate Moss, ex-Libertines singer Pete Doherty grace tabloids.
* Internet predictions for 2007 by John Battelle and IA Japan.
1/1/07 NY Times profile of 3000thofficial US casualty in Iraq.
* Saudi hosts avert any disruptions, fatalities at annual Hajj.
* Thundering annual Pasadena Rose Paradestealthbombergroup.
* Doonesbury comic parodies Washington DC lobbyists black ops..
* Congress traditional lobby-financed January junketcancelled.
Jack Kerouac Spoken Word [Live]
[Steve Allen, piano]
About Charlie Parker [3'42]
High Jazz-Rock - McLaughlin
& Santana cover Coltrane..
Carlos Santana and
Mahavishnu Orchestra Love Devotion Surrender [1972]
A Love Supreme [7'50]
Meditation [2'40]
Favorite song ever...
Nitty Gritty Dirt Band [1970]
Mr Bojangles [3'36]
Mazzy Star singer's solo
work is gentle Americana.
Hope Sandoval and the Warm Inventions
Bavarian Bread Fruit [2001]
Butterfly Mornings [3'37]
Around My Smile [4'10]
"Those who know what is best for us must rise up and save us from ourselves." - Rush, "Witch Hunt"
Moving Pictures [1981]
Witch Hunt [4'45]
Red Barchetta [6'10]
9/7: the edges of the radio spectrum, subatomic particles with no weight and no charge, truths that hang in the air unspoken, and all the places you aren't supposed to go...
National Public Radio This American Life Invisible Worlds [60 min.]
Frank Zappa Orchestral Favorites [1979]
Bogus Pomp [13'28]
My Favorite Person:
Garrison Keillor
San Francisco
Fresh Basil
Barton Fink
Life Against Death
Santa Maria
del Fiore Duomo