8/5/07Thisbill will grant the
Attorney General the ability
to wiretap anybody, any place,
any time without court review,
without any checks & balances.
~Rep. ZoeLofgren, D-San Jose
[In ref. to S 1927; Rollcall]
* DVD: Sam Peckinpah & Bob Dylan
* Slim Pickens' brother was Easy
* 2nd DVD The Italian Job [1969]
* 300 sq ft Seattlecondos $150k
* 4 ft LEDflourescenttube $150
* Gene correlates with left hand
* BiologistsreshelvingReligion
* Demand caused Bisons slaughter
[Invisible Hand slaughters Bison]
* Profit motive will insurekids
* Eugenicsscience. Science evil
* Jolie's uncle wroteWild Thing
* Travel the world packing 10 lb
* Fuel economy still non-starter
* Why do Saudis get military aid
* Rovewon't swear on Holy Bible
7/31/07Debate on domestic spying
* Republicans fearYouTube format
* Spector gives Gonzales tilnoon
* CNNjustkidding.. bogus alerts
* Home DepotdumpsBill O'Reilly
7/30/07 The Salish Sea, orWhulge
* Americans surprised by tapwater
* Cannabis unrelatedtoemphysema
* How to finishup a conversation
* Harvesting crowd motion energy
* CA reviewse-voting source code
* Contracts change without notice
* Stockup before society collapse
* TeachingsofDiogenes 412-323BC
* NZ outlawssatire of parliament
* Visible light pulse kills virus
* Petrodiesel exhaust clogs viens
* Did Yahoo lie aboutjournalist?
* US Treasury Secretary in China
* Investor optimism causes fraud
This week I traveled from Santa
Barbara to Martinez California,
on our subsidized passenger rail
carrier Amtrak. Two or three US
freight carriers own most of the
track used for passenger traffic.
The way this works out in our
free market is that passenger
traffic must often experience
unpredictable delays, waiting
on freight, which doesn't seem
to operate on a schedule at all.
People avoid rail travel due to
random delays that keep Amtrak
from ever seeing profits and
getting off corporate welfare.
In Europe, passenger railcars
have right of way over freight.
The "free market" creates such
circumstances in the US while
people don't know, or perhaps
don't really care that freight is more important than we are.
According to Greg Pahl's 2005 book Biodiesel [pg35], research in 1987
found that "used frying oil is even
better than rapeseed oil biodiesel"
7/23/07Feingoldmoveto censure
* Librarians witnessPatriot Act
* Impeachment no fringe movement
* Gonzales before Congress again
* Whitehouse staff facecontempt
* Baghdad hosts US/Iranian talks
* Injured Iraq vets class action
* Sheehanrunning against Pelosi
* Candidatesqueried via YouTube
* Edwards has faith based policy
* Executive orders & martial law
* Court order Gitmo info sharing
* Pakistanreturns Chief Justice
* HIV vaccine to clinical trials
* SF journalist Pete Wilson died
* Iraq parliament out for August
* DVDNorthern Exposure Season 3
* Pygmy performers housed at zoo
* MoreMiers executive privilege
* Senate indirectly anti-Real ID
* ACLU: Wiretap suit isn't over
* Biorefineries can replaceoil
* Generators draw ambient vibes
* Paris supplies rentable bikes
* Mexico City pols bike to work
* Oldest DNA ever foundGreenland
* Prions stopAlzheimers progress
* I saw the movie Sicko yesterday
* DVD today: BjorkVolumen [1999]
* Miles Davis commented on Prince
7/1/07 NY Times recountsSCOTUS votes
* Kiwis down 4-2 in America's Cupfinal
* Anonymous senior US official says boo
* Military-Industrial Complex extortion
* Wall St.subprime bond fund unwinding
* I regret iPhoneexclusivity with AT&T
* Aboriginal nations in Canada make known
* Andean agriculture at least 10k yrs old
* Tooth west Europe's oldest human fossil
* Mars Rover OpportunitycrestsVictoria
* Walled Garden: Facebook is the new AOL
* 23 year old flies solo round the world
* DHS sets documents required for travel
* Conflating Qaeda with other insurgents
* E-voting vendor succumbs to California
* Hardball asks John Edwards about books
* Competently interviewed biofuelexpert
* Most published research findings false
* Theory as to how humans lost their fur
* Completed Neanderthal genomepredicted
* New US-VISIT biometric data collection
* Pharmacy-owned clinics anti-trust [AMA]
* Iranian private motorist fuel rationing
* Orbitron software tracks 550 satellites
* New search for Arctic ocean bottom life
* Signs of person-sized penguinuncovered
* San Francisco built upon scuttled ships
* Kiwis 2-1 America's Cup lead vs Alinghi
* Faraway places: the triumph ofDionysus
* DVDLair of the White Worm, Ken Russell
* DVD Ultraman Series One Volume One 1966
6/24/07Internet Radio broadcaster boycott
* Device enables brain to control machines
* Cheneyspieson WH staff; checks dissent
* Obama: Religious leaders sowingdivision
* The Seto live between Estonia and Russia
* Pig to human MRSAST398 strain in Europe
* Removinganimals from lab research [via]
* Ancient graves suggest ritual sacrifice
* Common HIV infection theory challenged
* Pentagon's email taken down by hackers
6/23/07 Americas Cup fans affect start
* Dad's memorial keepsake: front, back
6/13/07Women need cuddles, men kudos
* Organic produce shelf life extension
* US history's largest oilspillin NYC
* Signals hintTitan subsurface liquid
* Anti-spam websites underDDoS attack
* Hindus develop "green" funeralpyres
* AgricharCO2 sinkpyrolysis byproduct
* Public sector strike awaits S. Africa
* Mark Freuenfelder's book Rule The Web
* Friend Dewar quits job. Visits Shasta
6/12/07 Indy publisher McSweeney's debt
* Mars "puddles" aren't; sloped terrain
* Monterey Int'l Pop Festival40thyear
* Al Gore solar roof follows newzoning
* More States reactto national Real ID
* USA Schlozmanrevisespurgetestimony
* Spakovsky Senate confirmation hearing
* Intel chief revising Reagan era order
* Vienna hosts review of Russian treaty
* Urbanmover zero emissionvehiclesvia
6/10/07Mars rover finds blue puddles
* How to start a fire without matches
* Jules Verne: Voyagesmapcollection
* Libraries drop Dewey decimalsystem
* Crypto-Jewish shrine could be razed
* DVD today Pink Floydlive Pompei [1972]
* NSA Internet data analysis IP addresses
* US to ease North American passportrule
* US limits enforcement of Clean Water Act
* Olympics website logo linked to seizures
6/6/07 Oxycyte artificial blood for trauma
* Toyota goes all hybrid. Honda pulls plug
* Vatican solar panel retrofit begins 2008
* Computer taught to respond to "thoughts"
* Oldest known decorations 82,000 years..
6/5/07 Senator asks DoJ to define improper
* Sgt. Adam Kokeshre-discharged from USMC
* My home of Mt Shasta getting a soft rain
* Libby sentence on appeal, then to pardon
* Rutka Laskierdiary, "Polish Anne Frank"
6/2/07Brezsny counsels growth this week
* Information portal paradigm shift [Via]
* Amish early adopters photovoltaic cells
* Correlation of skills and finger length
* No excuse to bring TB on a public plane
* Murdochoffers $5 billion for Dow Jones
* New British Civil Liberties film shocks
* Climate Change & origins of agriculture
* UN shouldstart talks on Climate Change
* Al Gore interview @ 92nd St Y videovia
* US House Democrats historically unified
* DVDAll Quiet On The Western Front1930
* Lebanese Army pause before Tripoli camp
* Iraq Sunnisjoin US vs foreign fighters
* Chickenhawks yettocallKokeshtraitor
* Gunter Grassappendshis autobiography
* FreedKevorkian pledges to stop at 130
* Chinese bankruptcy law betrays workers
* Dell, Motorola, Circuit City job cuts
* Banned Venezuelan RCTV now on YouTube
* Bayeux Cathedralvideo, 20 sec digicam
* Sheehan's Camp Casey to appear on eBay
* Mike Rogers outs antigay policy makers
* Graduates deprived diplomas for cheers
* Terry Eagleton on the meaning of life
* Sudan holds Coke ingredient for ransom
* New French president Sarkozyinformale
* US Military seeks ceasefireagreements
* Pakistani publishes Military economics
* Litvinenko suspect courts Moscow press
* Altruism is hard-wired and pleasurable
* Friend Feng's fiancee Melissapregnant!
* Cindy Sheehan announces her retirement
* Lawmaker wants Wolfowitz sent to Iraq
* Sublime details of domain namesystem
5/28/07 Woman inspired white men's club
* 10% think Joan of Arc was Noah's wife
* Intelligent Designtheories of our age
* MP3 CamperVanBeethoven Historyof Utah
* Externalized responsibilityhelps mood
* Visualizing Wikipedia's power struggle
* Eye infection outbreak; productrecall
* US permits unconsented medical testing
* Putinburns British Petroleum, & Queen
* Imomusvisits friend in Kamakura Japan
* Thermal encryptionoutperforms quantum
* Big Blue demos prefab Green datacenter
* DVD today Brazil, Final Director's Cut
* Changing US 82nd Airborne troop morale
[We're helping guys trying to kill us]
* Soft Drink additive benzoate affectsDNA
* Facebookopens source code to developers
* Vow to defend developers sued for patent
* DVD today: Radiohead, London 1994 [2005]
* 38% of Republicans like their candidates
5/26/07 Court backs closure of Caracas TV
* Few applicants for US Attorneyvacancies
* Court declines West Pointprotest permit
* Serena Williams to take Parisclay court
* ApocryphalT-Rex added to Kentucky Bible
* Christian Domestic Discipline & Clothing
* Pope revivingLatin Mass by relaxing ban
* Michael Moore docucomedy trailer [Sicko]
* UK may ban airborn organic fooddelivery
* Inventor inspired by oxygen deprivation
5/25/07 Smithsonian abuses image copyright
* Copyright Czar parsesFair Use precedent
* Dell offers systems runningUbuntu Linux
* Actors/Directors homageParis, Je T'Aime
* Van Morrison exerptsKerouacOn The Road
* Borat to author guide for visitors to US
* Xenophobic Minutemen have money troubles
* Greenpeace saboteur now US arms merchant
* US reject EU proposals on climate change
* Forecast for alien worlds: windy and hot
Testifying under judge granted immunity
today, the Dept of Justice liaison to the
White House, Monica Goodling said she can't
rule out contributions to political parties
were a factor in deciding who would fill
those vacancies.
I'm concerned some Americans are unwilling
to see how this would be wrong. If only to
note the irony of granting immunity to an
official tasked with working for justice.
* Graphic rates human obesitybycountry
* Locals save rainforest from sugar cane
* Hammerhead sharks asexual reproduction
* Jungle planted in Madrid train station
* Recent picture of Al Gorein his office
* Analog TV whitespace broadband prototype
* Goodling House Judiciary testimony tomorrow
5/19/07 MP3 Robert Wyatt Old Europe Jazz/2003
* Arabs tell Persians "stay out" of Palestine
* Carter calls Blair Iraq War support "blind"
* White House rejects optional Iraq timetable
* 917 contractors 22 foreign journalists dead
5/18/07US & Iranian diplomats to meet May 28
* White House opposes soldiers 3.5% pay raise
* Gonzales may face Senate no-confidence vote
* Computational Biologyemulatesdevelopment
* US Chess Championship covered at NYT blog
5/17/07Michael Moore places FOIA request
* Corporate oxycontin plea deal toothless
* Pakistanisstrike after protestors shot
* US war czar position unfilled for 4 yrs
* WH certifiedwiretaps w/out DoJsignoff
* Library print/digital culture continuum
* Sergey Tyukanov's retro fantasywhimsey
* Landis US arbitration hearing under way
* Film's most famous long takes; embedded
* Hong Kong group cites Bible's indecency
5/14/07US/Iranagree to hold talks on Iraq
* Defense Secretary praises Iraq War debate
* Taleban operations chief Dadullah is dead
* US retailsame store sales recorddecline
* GOP rivalscriticizefrontrunner Giuliani
* Preschoolersasked for thoughts on aging
* Jamestown 400 year anniversary: mythicide
* CBS fires 2 shock jocks; free speech hate
* Democrats introduce PATRIOT Actrevisions
* Cryptome booted by Verio; now with NetSol
* US War authorization targeted Saddam govt
* Condi Rice & Congressman Waxman continued
* Senate panel probing DoJ vote suppression
* US Attorneythinks DoJ obstructed justice
* Democrats make up 79% of Fed prosecutions
5/9/07Schumer sees Sarkozy win positively
* US House expands 'hate crime' definition
* Natural Selection, and late life disease
* Obesity is rare in Europe; isn't genetic
* Theists are happier, saner & live longer
5/8/07I strolledVersailles gardens today
* Brazilbypasses Merck's AIDS drug patent
* Popemeets with former Iranian president
* Buddhist murals discovered in Nepal cave
* 80% of Democrats pleased with candidates
* Obamafirst to get Secret Service detail
* Scottish nat'l party gains slim majority
* Int'l Whaling Commissionmeet, Anchorage
5/5/07I'm in Paris after touring Normandy
* US Democrats undetered by War funds veto
* Turks struggle to maintain secular state
* Pakistan chief justice supporters jailed
* Yurtmainstream after use at Burning Man
4/28/07Everest base camp protest & arrest
* US Senatorsworn to keep War Lies secret
* Waxman invites Tenet at libertyto speak
* Impeach Now!returnsto SF's Ocean Beach
* US abstinence czar resigns after massage
* Oliver Sacks: therapeutic power of music
* Ancient Arizona camelsize of small pony
* Tumbleweed Tiny House Co founderprofile
* Bayesian reasoning intuitive explanation
* XXXChurch pastor: Jesus loves porn stars
* Colony Collapse Disorder culpritfungus?
* Verio/NTT terminatesCryptome webhosting
* US legislation to reduce webcastingfees
* DVD today Bagdad Cafe, 1987 Jack Palance
* Early 20th century swimsuit sirens [Via]
Jack Kerouac Spoken Word [Live]
[Steve Allen, piano]
About Charlie Parker [3'42]
High Jazz-Rock - McLaughlin
& Santana cover Coltrane..
Carlos Santana and
Mahavishnu Orchestra Love Devotion Surrender [1972]
A Love Supreme [7'50]
Meditation [2'40]
"Those who know what is best for us must rise up and save us from ourselves." - Rush, "Witch Hunt"
Moving Pictures [1981]
Witch Hunt [4'45]
Red Barchetta [6'10]
9/7: the edges of the radio spectrum, subatomic particles with no weight and no charge, truths that hang in the air unspoken, and all the places you aren't supposed to go...
National Public Radio This American Life Invisible Worlds [60 min.]
Frank Zappa Orchestral Favorites [1979]
Bogus Pomp [13'28]
My Favorite Person:
Garrison Keillor
San Francisco
Fresh Basil
Barton Fink
Life Against Death
Santa Maria
del Fiore Duomo