* Enlightenment: release from self-incurred tutelage
* US banksrankedby "credit troubles" [Texas Ratio]
* California budget deficit expected to exceed $40B
* Sympathetic view of "Why Israel Feels Threatened"
* Palestinian Authority President Abbas going to NY
* Group moves homeless people into foreclosed homes
* FCC drops content filter from free broadbandplan
* Powell aid compares and contrasts Palin with Bush
* Gonzales considers himself a "casualty of the war"
* Zionrejected Hamas terms for extending ceasefire
* Creation Care: soy ink green print recycled bible
* Israelcould heed laws that support its existence
* 80+ earthquakes in Yellowstone park inthree days
* Facial expressions of congenitally blind compared
* Latest study on pledges of pre-marital abstinence
* Evangelical's teen daughter has son out of wedlock
* Satiristswant magic bigot to lead Grand Old Party
* Taleban conquering valley100 miles from Islamabad
* Transcript of RIAA's "only trial" available online
* Animal intelligence developed in seperate lineages
December 29, 2008
* Fluctuations in the rotational speed of the earth
* Legal threshold for using communications metadata?
* Russian avante-garde book art prior to bolshivism
* Seattle & Minneapolis are most literate US cities
* Fibonacci ratio of .618 refered to as golden mean
December 28, 2008
* Pirates issue ransom-backed bonds to buy Citigroup
* Elon Musk's SpaceX to resupply int'l space station
* Photographersdetained at Tennessee coal ashspill
* Sciam: coal ashmore radioactive than nuclear waste
* Swarm of Yellowstone quakes began yesterday morning
* Japanese whaling ship steers hard into Sea Shepherd
December 25, 2008
* Japanese credit rating firm: cancel US debt to Japan
* China will start using yuan in trades with neighbors
* Morgan Stanley board memberposes as outside observer
* Jews leftGazain 1929; Israeli occupation 1967-2005
* Curmudgeonly geek's timeline of information science
* Richard Dawkins celebratesChristmas; sings carols
* Anti-minority ballot measures restore violentbigots
* Laws against interracial marriage overturned in 1967
* "Loyal opposition" once questioned loyalty of others
* No constitutional requirement for the use of a bible
* Cheney directed journalists to role of Valerie Plame
* Sea Shepherd engaged Japanese Whaling fleetDec 19th
* Australian former GTMO prisoner David Hicksnowfree
* Obama on Oahu for 12 days; returns almost every year
* Series of Wii remote modifications starts with hemp
* Several concept quilts depicting roads, landscapes
* Evidence Earth's location in universe is ordinary
* Toyota forecasts first operating loss in 71 years
* Japanese exportsdown 27%, exports to US down 34%
* Rioting cops beat up tax protestors in Vladivostok
* Russian govt will own most of country's industries
* Playfully dystopiantwentysomething-twentysomething
* Commercial real estate investor group wants bailout
* Mubarakasks Israeli Foreign Minister Livni to Cairo
* Iraq deporting several thousand oppositionIranians
* Pakistanscrambles fighter jets over several cities
* Guy Adamiremarks shift from equities to commodities
* "Crisis of capitalism" after consuming entire planet
* 9/11, bad intelligence, financial meltdown, etcetera
* Lesbian Melissa Etheridgedefends Pastor Rick Warren
* Dust jackets of 1940s educational books for children
* Power to launch nuclear war implies power to torture
* Regulation of voting & gambling machines, juxtaposed
* DVDWar Made Easy reaches into Orwellian memory hole
* Activist throws Utah oil drilling auction into chaos
* Rainclouds prevent illumination of Newgrange chamber
* If Pastor Warren is right, should gays be imprisoned?
* Pope on 400th anniversary of observations by Galileo
* Apollo 8 flight around moon began 40 years ago today
* Thanks to the man who accepted my donation yesterday
* Israeli hasbara campaign explains next Gaza invasion
* Cheney: Biden would "diminish" his nonexistent power
* Pentagonwrested control of Justice Dept, State Dept
* Monsantolikes Obama's Agriculture Secretary Vilsack
* Survey of Wall Street corporate jet use post-bailout
* Rahm Emanuelon tape with Blagojevich chief of staff
* Child slavemarket in Haiti offers "adoption papers"
* California attorney general files Prop 8 court brief
* Pharmaceutical business processpatentsinvalidated
* NATOre-engages Russia despite continued occupation
* NY Times website blocked by Great Firewall of China
* UN approves resolution on the "right to food" 180-1
* Former Zionist Avraham Burg warns Israel offascism
December 19, 2008
* DVDWar, Inc [2008] Cusack, Tomei, Kingsley, Montel
* Milgram redux; 80% of subjects are ready to torture
* Turkish shoe maker may change the nameofModel 271
* Undersea phone cables near Alexandria severedagain
* Pope replaced Saturnalia festival to expose pagans
December 18, 2008
* Secretary Gates orders Gitmo closure plans drafted
* Las Vegas snow brings end to global warmingdebate
* Japanese cops comparingGreenpeace to doomsday cult
* Australian cops sorry for insinuating eco-terrorism
* Holiday cards feature pictures of devout Christians
* Immigrant union workers daughter to head Labor Dept
* Norm Coleman tried to stop Minnesota ballot recount
* Cheney suggests waterboarding elicited information
* Prayer leader called for Ahmadinejad assassination
[Imagine the reverse scenario at Iranian ceremony]
December 17, 2008
* China's electricity production shrank 7% last month
* Plan to expand Mecca mosque capacity to 1.5 million
* Geothermal speculators first to see magma "habitat"
* Surveillance culture sneaking up on France, Germany
* Japanese billboard camera software to count viewers
* Methodto detect intermediary communication devices
* Behind legal battle over NSA's Stellar Wind program
* Abandon free market principles to save free markets
* Lobbyists leadfightagainst easing union formation
* Albert Woodfoxalmost freed after 36 years solitary
* Thou shalt not steal signs from the Capitol rotunda
* Europe's continental divide; Atlantic/Mediterranean
* Flight of the Conchords, season two premiereonline
* Aretha Franklin, Yo-Yo Ma, Rick Warren to inaugural
* Stylizedportraits of Barack Obama, 18 years of age
December 16, 2008
* Gingrich open letter to Republican Nat'l Committee
* Krugman comment on Zero Interest Rate Policy [ZIRP]
* CNBC's "Fast Money" the best US financial news show
* SEC loses any international credibility it had left
* Coldest year since 2000, and 9th warmestsince 1880
* US CongresspassedEmployee Free Choice Act in 2007
* Referenceto David Foster Wallace philosophy thesis
* French Culture Minister blocks return of Maori head
* Early notebooks of Susan Sontagpublished recently
* NSA whistleblower Thomas Tamm's first TV interview
December 15, 2008
* Journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi, Middle East folk hero
* NPR reportsFed will reduce "interest rate" to 0.5%
* Fitzgerald asks Obama team to postpone Blago report
* Limbaugh calls Powell incoherent, self aggrandizing
* Judge blocks South Carolina Christian license plate
* Sunday poll shows Greek majority support "uprising"
* Turkish intellectuals apology for Armenian massacre
* Former Prime Minister Blair converts to Catholicism
* Supreme Court allows lawsuit over "light" cigarettes
* Sendold shoes to George W Bush Presidential Library
* Oliver Postgateessay "What is political reality?"
* Unioncertified at Wal*Mart store in Saskatchewan
* It's snowing at sea level in Bremerton Washington
* Polaroid to stopmanufacturinginstant film Dec 31
* Pianist and hiker Dell Heterlives in a ghost town
* US silent as Afghan ally removes war crimes grave
* Computer malware now "weapon of mass destruction"
* Protein diet delays onset of Lou Gehrig's disease
* I plan to offer my Dad's sawzall to Friday Harbor
* Republicans stop Bush from using "green" car fund
* UAW refuses demands of SouthernSenate Republicans
* Southern Senators prefer locally made Foreign Cars
* Southern Auto Industry built on government welfare
* Republicansuse the credit crisis to attack unions
* Dishonestways union busters represent hourly wage
* Today's full moon duringclosestperigee since '93
* Most large moons are "tidally locked" with planets
* Loop quantum cosmologypostulates alt "Big Bounce"
* US Army secures north supply routes to Afghanistan
* An alternative route follows part of old Silk Road
* We allow ourselves to be affected by points of view
* EvilwebsiteSwoopoprofitable until deemed illegal
* Secret of the atomic bomb is how easy it is to make
* Dollar "value meals" deliver fat, salt, cholesterol
* Update on Antikythera mechanism includes backstory
December 11, 2008
* "Blago" returns to work despite having no support
* Republican Committee tries to link Blago to Obama
* Charles Colsonawarded Presidential Citizen medal
* Four of last eight Illinois governors went to jail
* NPR: Windows & Doors sit-in takes lawful severence
* NPR: Defense Secretary Gatesheaded to Afghanistan
* Obama selects Nobel Prize nerd as Energy Secretary
* Initial jobless benefit applications: 26 year high
* NBC pulls Lenoback in to save money on 10:00 slot
* Wireless power transmission of 800W over 5 meters
* Sheriff ensures adequate shelter before evictions
* Zimbabwean hyper-inflation pics; $250,000,000 note
* Brazilian supreme court rules territory indiginous
* Jennifer Aniston wears only a knecktie on GQ cover
* Call for leap secondindependent of Earth rotation
* Chicago Tribune employees suednewowner this fall
* JPMorganstake in Republic Windows & Doors in 2007
* Emanuel may havealerted Fitzgerald to Blagojevich
* Bush memo says he upheld honor & dignity of office
* Gitmo 9/11 confessions may prevent death sentences
* 3-month Treasury Bills snapped up at negative rate
* US Census: plains states economic slump began 2006
* Remote British dependency's airport plan suspended
* School sued after girl suspended for cyberbullying
* Anil Dash's night sleep in Guggenheim installation
* Long-planned general strike in Greece on Wednesday
* Kentucky jailers sentenced for arranging teen rape
* N Dakota banks didn't offer "goofy" subprime loans
* Big 3 failed despite coddling not due to regulation
* No WMD or connection to 9/11, therefore unnecessary
December 9, 2008
* Federally assisted Bank of Americaresponds to Union
* Illinois governor and chief of staff arrestedby FBI
* President-elect'spoll numbers eclipse Bush, Clinton
* Candidate to lead RNCinvokes Dean 50-state strategy
* Court rules Idaho Senator can't withdraw guilty plea
* Computer mouse first demonstrated 40 years ago today
December 8, 2008
* Illinoissuspends all business with Bank of America
* Bank won't let company fulfill obligation to workers
* Common endocrine disruptor chemicals feminize humans
* Anonymous coward questions General Shinseki's record
* Elvis Costello debutsmusic appreciation cable show
* US mistakenly gave lawyers documents implicatingNSA
* VP will no longer join internalSenate deliberations
* Deepak Chopraopen letter to Sean Hannity [Fox News]
* Correlation of "significant other" & prostate cancer
* Contraceptive methods shape women'ssexual pleasure
December 7, 2008
* Obama backsworkers occupying closed Chicago factory
* US Attorney Generalcarte blanche to immunize anyone
* US Treasury Secretary in China to service $600B debt
* Rumsfeld nemesisto be Secretary of Veterans Affairs
* Sharp demographic shift in New Orleans since Katrina
* British ISP's begin censorship of Wikipedia en masse
* Australian ISP's pilot program to block 10,000 URL's
* Men in drag take $100M in jewels from Champs-Elysees
* Berlin hacker conference RFID to simulate panopticon
* Montana judge rules for man's right to control death
* East Texas dogfight subculture; 187 dogs confiscated
* Bush's new Dallassuburbbarred non-whites 'til 2000
* Pardon puts Executive Branch employees above the law
* Choicepointserving personal info to FBI before 9/11
* Big Brother, Big Business documentarythanks to CNBC
Broken Window Theory
Bush's greatest regret is the "bad intelligence"
that made him invade Iraq. He would also like to
be known as liberator of 50 million Iraqi people.
What is the Bush approval rating among Iraqis?
Will there be a liberation statue in Baghdad?
What Republican President of the United States
would reveal that he was "unprepared" for war,
a war he was responsible for starting.. But he
wasn't aware that preparing for war is part of
running a super-power. No, he isn't responsible.
Bush decides with his gut, but doesn't know his
own instincts. He is a weasel, and a sociopath.
I think religious faith enables him to abdicate
personal responsibility. This has set the tone.
Wall Street executives deny any responsibility
except to themselves. Failure to hide massive
fraud is rewarded. The symbol of Capitalism ran
out of money, and the workers were "conned" out
of a trillion dollars. Should we not question a
business model that is not permitted to fail?
Few in power question the parasitic system on
which they depend.
Bush and group have tried to drag government
into submission.. bring it to a stop! These
folks are anarchists, but unfortunately they
are also nihilists, believing that there is
no redeeming feature in this world. There is
redemption in destroying whatever scares them,
and doing whatever they want without question.
* Reportersees uniformed Iraqi soldiers express grief
* First Russian warship through Panama Canal since war
* Mosquein Moscow, in exchange for a church in Mecca?
* 1962 Vatican document on how to coverup sexual abuse
* We persist in believing that evolution is "progress"
* Chastise careless sneezers! Scary sneeze-virus stats
* David Lynch producing Repo Chick; filming in January
* Filmabout bottle collectors who race shopping carts
* The earth for a pillow, the sky for a blanket.. ~via
* Committee to Protect Journalists world prisoncensus
Roulette: I want to comment on two news events.
Browsers can no longer be trusted. Professional
hackers have overcome the system underlying web
browsing. One machine will compromise all others
on a local area network, or LAN.
No operating system is immune from the newer DNS
hack, with some caveats. Wireless is vulnerable.
I'm using Ethernet over regular Cat5 at home..
Next I want to note that it was the Goldman suit
which drove OJ to hide portable physical assets
with family and friends.. which in turn lead to
his "property" ending up in a Vegas hotel room.
December 5, 2008
* 533,000 jobs lost last month; underutilization 12.5%
* SCOTUSagrees to hear enemy combatant case: al-Marri
* Court lets stand ruling state drug lawspreempt feds
* US alcohol "Prohibition" repealed 75 years ago today
* Film: Reefer Madness "public enemy number 1" in 1936
* Harper suspends parliament before no-confidence vote
* Prop 8The Musical stars Jack Black & John C. Reilly
* Hand-washing can reduce severity of moral judgements
* US retailers worst overall November sales since 1969
* US Steel Corp. suspends operations at Midwest plants
* CDO windfall when group of leveraged companies fail
* Bank of England rate cut lowest since 1694 founding
* Big Picture: Venice Italy flood highest in 22 years
* Barack Obama scheduled for David Letterman tomorrow
* Largest multi-vendor patch in Internet history via
December 3, 2008
* Odetta dead at 77; inspired Janis Joplin, Bob Dylan
* Daryl Hannah joinsSea Shepherd to confront whalers
* Thousands of species recorded on Vanuatu big island
* Tonight I'm thankful for Jazz and for Rachel Maddow
* Krugman: no trade off between good short & longterm
* Thai constitutional court dissolves governing party
* Obama transition team 1st ever to contact Governors
* Two elections without losing any incumbant senators
* Condoleeza Rice performs piano at Buckingham Palace
* Torture doesn't yield good info; gets troops killed
* Bush administration fighting for Corporate immunity
* Creationmyth of US conservatism after World War II
* Counties in 24 states charge for emergency response
* 1936 article on universal access to human knowledge
* 3-way alliance pursues rareCanadian coalition govt
* 5 Card Nancydraws connections between comic frames
* Film QuoteTo a cop the explanation's always simple
* Cryptome eyeball of Bureau of Engraving & Printing
* Inside story of recent Sprint vs. Cogent depeering
* Pre-Incan citadel found, attributed to Chachapoyas
* Govt is "established to protect individual rights"
December 1, 2008
* President Bush: "I think I was unpreparedforwar"
* Long profile of Naomi Klein in New Yorker magazine
* Schwarzenegger calls legislative emergency session
* Priest explains how voters risked "state of grace"
* India, Pakistan back rival factions in Afghanistan
November 30, 2008
* Surviving Mumbai perpetrator testimony; timeline
* EvidenceLashkar-i-Taiba group trained attackers
* Thai army and business leaders callforelection
* Latin Americans note reduction in US remittance
* DVD Blood Diamond [2006] DiCaprio, postcolonial
* Explorersstudysubglacial Gamburtsev Mountains
* Betancourt first visit to Columbia since rescue
* Scuffle between body guards for Chavez, Medvedev
* Palin spokesman says she'll meet Obama next week
* Instantly optimize GUI based on user's abilities
* Endeavor's orbiting toolbagseen in 10x50 binocs
* Recent meteoritefragments found in Saskatchewan
* Sugar molecule detected in "star forming region"
* Review of Pepsi White [available in Japan; eBay]
* 2006 articleonExperimental Philosophymovement
* US plan to install ally in Middle Eastdefeated?
* Dispatch "Walking Papers" to Guantanamo detainee
* Cryptomecoverage of Human Terrain System murder
* 2700 year old marijuanafound in NW Chinese tomb
* Ingested fat hormone signals humans to eat slower
* Black Friday Walmart temp worker trampled to death
* G1 phone app reads barcode, checks the competition
* Pentagon affirmative action ruled unconstitutional
* Moon gravity anomaly; unexpected regional densities
* Exemption for liquidation of some money market funds
* UK buys unwanted Royal Bank of Scotland shares [99%]
* Prince of Wales "consumerism no cure for depression"
* Cultivated bees are reprobate and illegal in NY City
* LIFEphotosof 70's rock musicians visiting parents
* Atlantic Records digital sales exceed those of CD's
* Canopy over "Plymouth Rock", Plymouth Massachusetts
November 27, 2008
* State Supreme Court JudgeprecipitatedMukaseyfaint
* White House Hanukkah invitations show Christmas tree
* Southern Poverty Law Center's map of US "hate groups"
* 30 million: 10% of US population receive Food Stamps
* Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom TV scenes faked [via]
November 26, 2008
* Zimbabwe, first country to denyJimmy Carter entry
* Obama calls on wealthy executives to forgo bonuses
* Psychotropic drug maker boughtchild hospital wing
* Bankruptcy great way to shed pensions, bust unions
* 20th century govt programs, adjusted for inflation
* Secretary Gates broke Bush administration decorum
* Candidate for US intelligence post withdraws name
* America authorizes people to do whatever it takes
* FDA warns that infants cannot go without formula
* The Fleet Foxesfilmed for "The Take Away Shows"
* FilmChocolat [2000] Dench, Binoche, Depp, Molina
* Ted Haggard ends restoration, and sells insurance
* Rachel Maddowprofile; my generation has no idols
* Mass, sun's brightness factor in habitable planet
* 1972 Club of Rome publication "Limits to Growth"
* Church is sorry for Prop 8; "Christianity for all"
* Vaticancelebrates 40th anniversary of White Album
* Pelvisallowed larger brains to develop prenatally
* Monty Python puts "high quality" videoson YouTube
* Pictures of Einstein's office at Princeton in 1955
* EFF: Congress had no right to legalize surveillance
* 22 US financial institutions have failed this year
* Film today, Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters [1985]
* Language represents it's own inability to represent
* Philip K Dickbiopic; "how the land became plastic"
* Church group provokes Omaha Nebraskahigh schoolers
* Child-protection law author, convicted sex offender
* Blackwater et altold they will lose legal immunity
* Rothschilds investment bank pays out record bonuses
* NeoCons don't think govt doesn't work, it mustn't..
* Correlationof 1860 cotton production, 2008 election
* Michigan gun shopapologyfor it's election reaction
* Michelle Bachmann calls TV appearance "urban legend"
* Founder of eHarmony.com is an evangelical Christian
* It's better to have no rule than one no-one follows
* Courting religious vote led GOPdangerouslyastray
* House Republican leaders renew drive for small govt
* Teslaelectriccar worthy of $25B "venture capital"
* Last week Israel banned foreign journalists in Gaza
* Pilotless drones drop bombs deeper inside Pakistan
* Lunar oxygen and water production techniques tested
* Astronette loses bag when grease-gun explodes: video
* Taxes will pay for Alberto Gonzalesprivate attorney
* Armenian murdered for insulting Turkey; widow talks
* South Somalia Islamic port authority fights pirates
* Big 3 Auto CEO's refuse $1 salary as symbolic gesture
* Environmentalist Waxman becomes House Energy chairman
* US Senate to investigateMoody's, Standard and Poor's
* Northern California median home prices-41% from 2007
* Marijuana may stimulate formation of new brain cells
* Childrens "vaccine" no more effective than placebo
* Jack Imel plays "Pagan Love Song" on Lawrence Welk
* California Guitar Trio playBach's Toccata & Fugue
* Buying sex from a pimp may be classified as "rape"
* "Military success and civil libertiescan coexist"
November 18, 2008
* Millions of Life Magazineimages; most unpublished
* Sevenfreighters hijacked in 12 days; ransoms paid
* Cheney, Gonzales indicted in Willacy County, Texas
* Ted Stevenswould pay for recount at current margin
* Hagel: Rush Limbaugh has "an answer for everything"
* GM bailout would be the first to affect blue collar
* US protected auto makers from the world for decades
* 10 year US Treasury bond"bid to cover"ratiodrops
* Corn based Xanthan Gum used in oil drilling [video]
* Bill O'Reilly tells Jon Stewart: "I'm an anarchist"
November 12, 2008
* Interacting with nature improves cognitive function
* Mormons baptize the dead of other faiths "by proxy"
* 360 degree pictureof NY Hustler Club dressing room
* Wall Street exposeLiars Poker became how-to manual
* Treasury "liaison to businesses" Jeb Masonbesieged
* How Elizabeth Dole's "godless" campaign was created
* Poll: secular Jew Nir Barkat will be Jerusalem mayor
* The Fast Food industry rests on afoundation of corn
* McDonald's Japan testNo-BrandQuarter Pounder shops
* Obama marks Veterans Day at Soldier Field in Chicago
* Google tracks influenza-related activity byUS state
* House keys copied with cellphone camera andsoftware
* Laura shops publishers; W regrets wild-west rhetoric
* Vanishing Night: city skies virtually empty of stars
* NSFW: Defective Yeti predicted Obama's win last year
* NASA loses contact with Phoenixlander; ends mission
* FOIA files on Albert Einstein, individual opposition
* Longterm memories aren't "fuzzy", but harder to find
* GM stock reported worthless; lowest price since 1946
* Amateur photographer followsNenetreindeer herders
* Nancy Pelosi 71.9%, IndependentCindySheehan16.4%
* Report of Chinese economic stimulus boosts oil price
* Eight meetings between Chinese & Tibetans since 2002
* Heavy military presence; lost war for hearts & minds
* The most commonly misspelledEnglish word is "than"
November 7, 2008
* Front pages of 700 November 5th newspapers worldwide
* Bush enjoyed majorities in Congress & Senate 2003-06
* Georgia's US Senate race goes to December 2nd runoff
* N Carolina adds to electoral count; Missouri remains
* Self-absorbedgrifters aren't perfect, just forgiven
* Ze Frank collecting post-election messages ofunity
* OperationLeperlists McCain staff who expose Palin
* Plan to expungenon-believers from Republican party
* vis a vis socialism: my old friend is a reactionary
* NSFWGet Your War On video parody of white paranoia
* Polaroid-style digital camera; without pricing info
* Obama aides place election nightpictures on flickr
* Labor Dept: 524,000 US jobs lost in last two months
* Recruitersadvertise "Obama will get us out of Iraq"
* Ron Paul: HR 3835 would repeal MCA and restore FISA
* Feds and Telcos defend wiretap amnestybefore court
* 27B/6 compilation: election day problems nationwide
* Election Commission advisor on the state ofe-voting
* Obama calls former First Lady; apologizes for remark
* BBC briefly profiles people on Obama transition team
November 6, 2008
* New Senator from Oregon Jeff Merkley is progressive
* Al Franken may not know election result til December
* Palin: "God will do the right thing" on November 4th
* Palin could be Senator if both she & Stevens resign
* Marijuanalawsreformed in Michigan & Massachusetts
* NY Times: election unleashes wave of hopeworldwide
* Obamas adopt lost pup; put breeders out of business
* Bhutancoronates King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck
* Karzai's pointed response to raid on Afghan nuptuals
* General who probed Abu Ghraibaccuses Bush officials
* People with Asperger's understand intentdifferently
November 5, 2008
* McCain speech beautiful. Obama landslide notmandate
* We'll see if President Obama tries to take your guns
* Kay Hagan defeats Sen. Elizabeth Dole of N. Carolina
* Longterm inbreeding imperils corporate farm chickens
* Krugman quotes WSJ: America not worthy of President
* National Geographic best wild animal photos of 2008
* FCC approves rules for spectrum whitespace Internet
* "Pro-life" initiatives fail in Colorado and Dakota
* TV pics of Obama victory celebration at Grant Park
* Park formerly known as site of '68 convention riot
Palace of Fine Arts
in San Francisco
and the Santa Maria
del Fiore Duomo..
Thanks to
Howard Zinn
Russ Feingold
Naomi Klein
Norman Solomon
Richard Sanders
Cindy Sheehan
Garrison Keillor
Cory Doctorow
Muhammad Yunus
Nelson Mandela
Lula da Silva
Masanobu Fukuoka
Sepp Holzer
Paul Watson
Marian McPartland
Oliver Sacks
Robin Williams
Jon Stewart
Bob Costas
Anthony Bourdain
Bill Talen
Tim Robbins
Johnny Depp
Henry Rollins
Patti Smith
Thom Yorke
David Byrne
Rob Brezsny
Perry Farrell
Baaba Maal