* White House to release 2004 CIA report on torture
* Bob Graham: I was neverbriefed on waterboarding
* Hersh: Children sodomized at Abu Ghraib, on tape
* Usual Suspects writers differ over what happened
* Pirate Bay founder's plan to deficit collections
* UN Security Council calls for Palestinian state
* Blue Whalesre-establish former migration route
* I'm editing & uploading pictures of Flam [2007]
* While listening to KPLU's nightly jazz programs
* In 1999 Sen. Dorgan forsaw bailouts in ten years
* Slow motion video of large waves from underwater
* Gordon Brown brazenlymocked in House of Commons
* Trespassing seven year old boy shot dead in Texas
* Obama: special tax breaks for oil & gas companies
* CBSgolf analyst shares Rep. Pelosi death fantasy
* World According to Monsanto may be viewed online
* At least sixfake scientific journals published
* US Bureau of Labor Statistics methods explained
* US agencies with statutory authority to stop IG
* Rep. Alan Grayson questionsFederal Reserve IG
* Turkey trying to mend relations with Armenia
* Russia, US strike conciliatory tone after talks
* MPAAshows teachers how to videorecord a TV set
* San Francisco Muni enforcing imaginary photo ban
* Video: Israeli Jew takes bullet for Palestinians
* Hebrew Bible verses suggest a fetus lacks importance
* Bristol Palinrevises her statement about abstinence
* In-flight review of Virgin Americain-flight Internet
* New Jim Jarmuschfilm; Good reviews for new Star Trek
* Influence of Slow Food movement reportedly "growing"
* Georgia Senate passes law to facilitatesecession
* Yukon Riverfloods town with car sized ice chunks
* White House aideresigns over Air Force One photo op
* Michelle Obama stops by Sesame Street to tape PSA
* Getting away from it all is easier said than done
* US troops planned to distribute bibles in Afghanistan
* Triple Canopytakes over for Blackwater/Xe in Baghdad
* Russia expelsNATO envoys - wants excercises canceled
* Aung San Suu Kyi's 6 year detention expires this month
* Half of those polled by Zogby want marijuana legalized
* Biden tells AIPAC: Israel must back Palestinian state
* President Shimon Peres supports US diplomacy with Iran
* Obama meets with Presidents of Pakistan and Afghanistan
* Dylan Ratiganjoins MSNBC [9 to 11AM] starting June 29
* Maine becomes fifth US state to legalize gay marriage
* Mexico City's libraries and bars to reopen this week
* Translation of interview with Khaled Meshal of Hamas
* StowersManna Storehouse in Ohioraided December 1st
* Obama and Biden wait their turn at Ray's Hell Burger
* Obama admin looks to reform "State Secrets Privilege"
* Sevenarrested at Army Video Game Recruitment Center
* Similarprimitive ornaments in north and south Africa
Results of the "stress test" of US banks were presented
to 19 CEO's today. The system is a confidence game, and
today is being compared to FDR's "bank holiday" of 1933.
* It was legal "if it was authorized by the President"
* Aleatoricism is not to be confused with improvisation
* Gates: no other country is so willing to change course
* "You are married when you live married" ~Wilhelm Reich
* Domestication of plants & animals broughtside effects
* Stacked cubes show how much sugar is in common "foods"
* British Blairite MP's may defect to Liberal Democrats
* New Hampshire shifts toward young liberal demographic
* Longshot winner's father at center of Alaskascandal
* Breathalizer sourcecode ruling jeopardizes DWI cases
* Flower species make nectar at different times of day
* Fordham law classinvades Antonin Scalia's "privacy"
* Google scanners correct for curvature of open books
* Fifty strange buildings; video of 12 moving facades
* Ray KurzweildocumentaryTranscendent Man [trailer]
* Republican appointed liberal Justice Souterto retire
* AIPAC lawyers: US "regularlyconveyed" sensitive info
* Pew study: churchgoersmore likely to support torture
* Spokane psychologists designed interrogation program
* Portland cycletrack between sidewalk and parked cars
* Sen. Dick Durbin says banks "frankly own" Capitol Hill
* US gross domestic product shrinking at 6.1% annual rate
* NSFW Allen Ginsberg's 1955 debut of the poem Howl 32:00
* Jon Stewart debate with Cliff May on torture [unedited]
* Supreme Court conservatives criticize voting rights law
* Sen. Arlen Specterannounces switch to Democratic Party
* FAAdemanded secrecy of Air Force One buzz over NY City
* 2 Swedish ISP's skirt law requiring user data retention
* Pictures of swing installed on San Francisco BARTtrain
* AIPAC annual policy forum is next week in Washington DC
* Fordordered US swine flu vaccine; caused nerve disease
* Germany bansMonsanto Mon 810 genetically modified corn
* Conservatives find Colbert funny, but aren't in on joke
* Citigroup asks US government if it will pay forbonuses
* Likely no one brought to justice for London 7/7 bombing
* FBI's Ali Soufan got Abu Zubaydah to talk without torture
* Arrested on terrorism, released without charge, deported
* Kevin Spacey to playJack Abramoff in Casino Jack [2010]
* Foods high in fat, salt and sugar alter brainchemistry
* Woman wrote most of the law codifying Fair Use in 1976
* White House would removemountaintop mining dump rule
* Churches, bars, stadium empty on Sunday in Mexico City
* Freed ship's second mate addressesdivisive radio host
* Italians intercepted spaceflight transmissions in 1957
* Parasite apparent cause of honey bee "colony collapse"
* Terrorism charges against the RNC 8dropped on April 9
* US Senate reconciliation bills not blocked by filibuster
* Dems win special election in heavily Republican district
* Spidercan change to metabolic process not requiring air
* No neutral party has studied all thirty sixchild vaccines
* Espresso Book Machineprints one of 500k titles in minutes
* Irish Nobel peace laureate says Israel is ethnic cleansing
* Spokane psychologisthelped reverse engineer SEREtraining
* "Rockstar" energy drink company founded byMichael Savage
* Etymology: Pat Buchanan's use of "scrub stock" was racist
* David Duke detained in Czech Republic on Holocaust denial
* DVD while studying cisco: A Prairie Home Companion [2006]
* Study on toes supports heritage of long distance runners
* New easier way to detect ET life using chirality of light
* Extremely rare example of black family adoptingwhite kid
* Naked mantasered at Coachella fest for refusing to dress
* Unanimous Republican opposition to stimulus was strategic
* Six GOP leaders apologized to Limbaugh since Inauguration
* Came to be known.. not by means of violence and the sword
* Many find narcissism embarassing enough to try to hide it
* Humorist blogger Matthew Baldwin doesn't own a cell phone
* Constantly revolutionizing the instruments of production
* Georgia Guidestonesmonumentis compass, calendar, clock
* Pirate Bay trial judge member of Swedishcopyrightlobby
* Blair: enhanced interrogation techniques "not essential"
* Sean Hannity offers to be waterboarded for troop charity
* Olbermann offers$1000/second for Hannity waterboarding
* Obama: noamnesty for US officials who authorized torture
* Obama at CIA headquarters April 20: transcript & pictures
* Bush administration sought confession of nonexistent link
* Bush speech writer: interrogators facilitated duty to God
* Justice Dept may dropspy charges against AIPAC lobbyists
* NSA recordedJane Harmanpromising to intervene for AIPAC
* Iowa House supermajority approves consumer fraud lawsuits
* International Congress of Churches intensewebsite intro
* Supreme Court to rule on depiction of cruelty to animals
* "Back to Nature" physical fitness training calledMovNat
* Rahm Emanuel's father fought for militant Zionist "Irgun"
* Obama cancels meeting scheduled during Netanyahu US visit
* Spanish attorney general would not prosecute the Bush Six
* NSA drew up plans to eavesdrop on US Congressman overseas
* Alberto Gonzales quashed investigation of Rep. Jane Harman
* California now takes DNA from everyone detained by police
* Texas legislature votes unanimously to increase budget 5%
* Letter from antigay group thanks Colbert for mocking them
* Listofmovie scenes where women accidentally lose a shoe
* John Madden announces retirement from sports broadcasting
* Thoreau hiked to Concord from Walden Pond almost every day
* Among my favorite headlines of alltime: "Sky Remains Aloft"
* H&R Block will do taxes for free in case of unpleasantness
* Foil of Taxes: Tea Baggers voted for Bush, and then Palin
* Mark Tully emerged from depression to breed rare chickens
* Inadvertant overcollection of US communications uncovered!
* London police delete tourists photos to prevent terrorism
* Founders of torrent tracker Pirate Bay to appeal sentence
* Obama repeatedly interrupted by applause at Latin summit
* The BBC Trust is now a mouthpiece for the Israeli lobby
* Update to FOIA lawsuit demanding Fed publish $2T in loans
* Texas Senate defies Governor, takes federal jobless funds
* Sufis and Fakirs granted wisdom in Barakah can find Djinn
* In 1244 Rumi met Shams al-Din (Sun of Religion) of Tabriz
As news of today's Million Tea Bag Party crosses the wire,
I remember what it was like having George W. as President.
Organizers compare Tea Party sponsor FreedomWorks with the
liberal grassroots organization MoveOn, to gain legitimacy.
FreedomWorks is run by Dick Armey, a former US Congressman
from Texas who is now a fulltime lobbyist in Washington DC.
FreedomWorks is corporateastroturf. Though protests were
planned for the yearly deadline to pay federal taxes, this
was about releasing emotion after big Republican electoral
losses in November. "Tea Baggers" don't seem upset about
spending in excess of an entire US yearly budget in a few
months on bank bailouts with "no strings attached".
Instead this reservoir of frustration can be used against
legislation that threatens corporate control of politics,
and tea baggers can believe they're fighting for freedom.
George W. shredded the US Constitution, doubled the Federal
debt, and led the US to invade a country posing no threat,
leaving 100,000+ troops in Iraq six years later.
And banks have more power than people, after any remaining
consumer protection and corporate anti-trust laws went un-
enforced under the Republican administration.
I remember what it was like having George W. as President.
* Obama DOJ asserts blanket immunityfordomestic spying
* Oprah encourages parents to tell girls about vibrators
* DVDPeter Beard's Scrapbooks: Africa and Beyond [1998]
* Broken Social Scene won't mind if I post "cause=time"
* LA Times "advertising" pushes the envelope too far
* Dylan Ratiganon CNBC departure and role of journalism
* US "Republican Road to Recovery" public relations mess
* Shiite majority govt arresting Sunni Awakening members
* First-ever Passover Seder at the White House [picture]
* White House organic gardendisappointsCrop Life Assoc
* Rep. Bachushassecret list of Socialist colleagues
* DVDGood Night, and Good Luck [2005] Edward R. Murrow
* Multiple network fiber cuts in San Francisco Bay Area
* NSAjockyingto take over "cyber security" from DHS
* Agents talk after CIA declassifies Area 51 programs
* Wells Fargo's quarterly profits catapult bank stocks
* William Black: "best way to rob a bank is to own one"
* Obama stands by DOJ use of "State Secrets Privilege"
* Stryder.com email down 3 days; note backupwebserver
* I am honored to have stryder.com hosted at PRQtoday
* 53% in the US say Capitalism "better than" Socialism
* Same-sex marriage legalized in Iowa and Vermont
* Iraqi journalist prison term reduced to one year
* Three judge Supreme Court panel convictsPinochet
* Torture is ineffective, and a crime, but it's fun
* McCain voter calls Limbaugh a "brainwashed nazi"
* First media coverage of war dead return since 1991
* Obama says US has responsibility to eliminate nukes
* Immune to mass extinctions, virusespredate cells?
* Italian seismologist Gioacchino Giuliani silenced
* Scratchingsilences "itch" neurons in spinal cord
* Author of software that turned mortgages into bonds
* Austrians traveled by rail from Viennato Pyongyang
* US begins testing "Secure Flight" airline watchlist
* Man detained by TSA, threatened for asserting right
* Phoenix police search home of man sueing department
* Obama scheduled to meet Medvedev tomorrow in London
* Netanyahu's visit to Washington scheduled early May
* Douglas Feith baffled by prospect of torture charge
* US will expand use of cameras along Canadian border
* DEA invokes "state law" in California pot clubraid
* Honda Research Institute robot steered by "thought"
* Miss Universefinds Gitmo relaxing, calm, beautiful
* The Onionprofile Franz Kafka International Airport
* Ejaculation's anti-inflammatory effect on hay fever
* Republicans "pulled a hit and run with our economy"
* US backed Iraqi troops quellBaghdad Sunni uprising
* Obamas personally paying for White Houserenovation
* Several weeks on Paxil "taught me to love being shy"
* Categories invented at the behest of drug companies
* Prince show became house party after sound problems
* Financial Times newspaper spoofhanded out at G20
* Lula: We are rejecting blind faith in the markets
* Investigators win approval of fake medical device
* Insurersshare blacklist based on patient records
* Clinics must offer fetal sonogram before abortion
* Recently famous refugee youth orchestrashut down
* Lame duck VP disparaged President-elect to Israel
* Henry Miller wrote Maroussioverlookingsynagogue
* 2008 "summer holidays" Greek Islands flickr pics
* 3 year old humans spend alot of time remembering
* Pennsylvania high school studentssue prosecutor
* NY to roll back 36 year old Rockefellerdrug laws
* New Hampshire House votes to abolish death penalty
* US Treasury 5-yr bond yield rises on weaker demand
* Felder Rushing on "slow gardening" in the NY Times
* 35,000 march through central London to address G20
* Dylan Ratiganleaving CNBC, effective immediately
* Iranian and US officials hold Afghan peace talks
* Spanish town may cancel bullfight to save money
* Hidingtroll comments from everyone but trolls
* Mosesorderedsoldiers to kill women and male children
* Sudanese President's 2nd trip abroad since ICC warrant
* DVD Baaba Maal: Live at the Royal Festival Hall [1999]
* Chinese government blocked YouTube beginning March 23
* Nate Silver on the death of AIG-inspired "Bonus Tax"
* Republican Chuck Hagelsums up legacy of Bush/Cheney
* TARP still pays far more than market value of assets
* Attorney General Cuomo has AIG & Merrill bonus names
* Bank bailout funding legislativepolitical campaigns
* California police tasergun adoption first year stats
* Americans can't answer rudimentary sciencequestions