September 4, 2009
* I'm trying to recover July 28th video of Al Franken
September 3, 2009
* Insurance company death panels reject 22% of claims
* Sediment indicates reversal of arctic cooling trend
September 2, 2009
* Pastor Anderson enjoys silence of religious leaders
* Space Station would fire thrusters to avoid debris
September 1, 2009
* US diplomats embraced Nuremberg Defense under Bush
* Problems arise when we try to improve upon nature
August 31, 2009
* Troubled students train to deal with unfair police
August 29, 2009
* Astroturfers debut 5-point quality control program
August 28, 2009
* Barney Frank signs on to audit The Federal Reserve
August 27, 2009
* Pictures of a hike up Mt Eddy from Deadfall Lakes
August 25, 2009
* After Afghanistan election, Feingold wants timetable
* Harpers Magazine on the CIA Inspector General report
* The Pirate Bay taken offline by Swedish authorities
August 24, 2009
* ACLU gets redacted 2004 CIA Inspector General report
August 23, 2009
* Horrifying health care email forwarded multiple times
* Large pictures of Greenland's settlements, landscapes
August 22, 2009
* Time magazine covers unsustainable farming practices
* "Zero" interest rate raises concern about inflation
August 21, 2009
* Death Panel Lady Betsy McCaughey visits Jon Stewart
August 20, 2009
* Freak storm uproots 100+ trees in Central Park [NY]
August 19, 2009
* Corporations have rights of people without the risks
August 18, 2009
* Undergraduates capable of fabricating DNA evidence
August 17, 2009
August 15, 2009
* Glenn Beck's own health care horror story of 2008
August 14, 2009
* International Space Station comes together [Flash]
* Limbaugh & Rove to play themselves on Family Guy
August 10, 2009
* I'm headed to Deadfall Lakes for a couple of days
August 8, 2009
* I passed the entry level cisco 640-822 examination
August 6, 2009
* Goldman Sachs: poster child of "new welfare state"
* Court declarations by anonymous Blackwater guards
* Jerusalem's Palestinians evicted by Supreme Court
* Icelandic bank fights publication of insider list
* Charlie Rose brokered Fox/MSNBC mutual censorship
July 31, 2009
* Children unconsciously more rational than adults
* Sudanese woman says not guilty for wearing pants
* Video: millions lose homes, can't afford doctors
July 29, 2009
Video: Senator Franken refers to judicial activism
July 28, 2009
Shatner adapts Palin to poetry [short advert req.]
July 27, 2009
Max Keiser explains Goldman Sachs fraud in detail
I won't be posting here in the usual way in coming days.
July 25, 2009
* I'm visiting family and friends up north, back tomorrow
* CIA asset Afghan Uzbek leader suspected of mass murder
* Allemanstratten/Every Person's Right: Access To Nature
* Expert: Pre-Columbus Vinland Map of America authentic
* Clinton urges Micheletti to take advantage of mediator
* Bernanke exit strategy; "commoditization of US markets"
* Meet Birther Bill co-sponsor Rep. John Campbell (R-CA)
* Amateur discovered "scar the size of Earth" on Jupiter
* Centrists would help Republicans stop Health Care bill
* Israel to continue building in captured East Jerusalem
* Main loo fails while Space Station is at full capacity
* Fake bus stop keeps Alzheimer's patients from escaping
* CIA hit squad planners were overwhelmed by "logistics"
* Junior Senator often asked to serve on Judiciary Cmte
* New Hate Crime bill because local officials lack will
* Family Guy 1st animated show to get Emmy nomination
* Greenwald on ownership of the US federal government
* Large grassroots conservative lobbying organization
* Onanism has been observed throughout animal kingdom
* US single family home June construction starts +14%
* American Medical Association backs health care bill
* Israeli troops in Gaza describe moral twilight zone
* Video: Obama "first pitch" knocked over the catcher
* Those for whom autism is advantage are undiagnosed
* Max Keiser: Goldman Sachs stealing $100 million/day
* Hillary Clinton addresses Council on Foreign Relations
* Videos: people flying down mountains in "wingsuits"
* House public option initially pays at Medicare rates
* Seymour Hersh reported on Cheney death squad in March
* Iranians boycott Nokia after government collaboration
* Video of 2009 All Star Game ceremonial first pitch
* Key Republican troubled that public option is cheaper
* "An inner process stands in need of outward criteria"
* "Birther" Army Major refuses Afghanistan deployment
* Credit 30% of solar water heater toward Income Tax
* Goldman Sachs may have trade data before it's committed
* Bullies of the "free market" need democratic regulation
* 1995 Ricci suit claimed discrimination for disability
* Programs may hide exculpatory evidence from defendants
* Yearly monsoons very late; killing for water in Bhopal
* Obamas visit Accra; Many US blacks decended from Ghana
* Irish citizenry wonder who called for blasphemy law
July 9, 2009
* US Senator's parents gave $96K to his mistress' family
* Obama doctrine: focuses more on weapons than regimes
* Senior Tory directly accuses MI5 of passive rendition
* Rove finally deposed on 2006 firing of US Attorneys
* Goldman Sachs program trading source code in the wild
* Video: West Bank settler calls activists tattle tales
* I'm reading Everson autobiography in Dark God Of Eros
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