October 15, 2009

* Pelosi opposes insurance industry anti-trust exemption
* Reid works with progressive Democrats on public option
* President praises Governor Bobby Jindal in New Orleans
* Official stops mixed race marriage to stop procreation
* Judge: how does gay marriage harm procreative purpose?

* Douglas Adams 1990 fantasy documentary about hypertext
* Bukowski creative burst after receiving Macintosh IIsi
* Rogue Film School includes dialogue with Werner Herzog
* Statements made by Muslim Mafia co-author Dave Gaubatz
* Plus size model Lizzi Miller posed nude for "Glamour"

October 14, 2009

* Private Health Insurance lobbyists push coverage mandate
* Jewish groups don't mind Christians calling Obama Hitler
* Limbaugh dropped from group bidding on pro football team
* US won't renew agreement with America's toughest sheriff
* Twitter used to lift corporate gag on Guardian newspaper


October 13, 2009

* DVD Fata Morgana [1971] Werner Herzog crossed the Sahara
* Pictures of public art & marquees on 1st Avenue, Seattle
* Fate denies European, US attempts to produce Higgs Boson
* "Burroughs shot dope in his orgone accumulator, and read"
* Nobel judge: Obama "got peace prize for what he has done"


October 12, 2009

* Industry-funded study promises more expensive insurance
* Obama aide: banks shouldn't be able to choose regulator
* Ladies compete for chance to unseat Rep. Bachmann [R-MN]
* Journalist asked to sit after asking Al Gore a followup
* Yelling at President during speech to Congress rewarded

* 10 year old student refuses to say Pledge of Allegiance
* FTC rules bloggers must disclose any payola for reviews
* Politics of Polanski lead to Blaise Cendrars Moravagine
* First known predominantly vegetarian species of spider
* H1N1 hits young adults with no "underlying conditions"


October 11, 2009

* States could opt-out of public health insurance option
* Fourteen things that Barack Obama has made un-American
* President reiterates vow to end "don't ask, don't tell"
* Re Rangel: Delay remained Speaker under ethics monsoon
* DNC cancels TV ad after Bob Dole contacts White House

* Video: Nobel Prize is often awarded to help make peace
* Largest NJ newspaper endorses independent for Governor
* We respond to nonsense by seeking new or known pattern
* Ralph Lauren takes responsibility for photoshop horror
* NSFW gallery of Playboy playmate centerfolds 1953-2008

* Benefit concert for George W Bush Welcoming Committee
* Cirque du Soleil tycoon back from Int'l Space Station
* Keillor reads Dennis Ward Stiles, Mornings on the Farm
* Disputed translation "In the beginning God separated.."
* "Suns and systems grow wild on it like meadow flowers"

* Binary data transmitted brain to brian via EEG and LED


October 10, 2009

* Superpower Commander in Chief awarded Nobel Peace prize
* Republican National Committee: Nobel prize "meaningless"
* Governments legislate when Churches fail to condemn hate
* Governments on brink of war when people hate one another
* Turkish/Armenian accord to open border [closed in 1993]

* Thirty years of Canadian trade surpluses ended last year
* Carl Jung's Red Book on display in public for first time
* Study deployed high level of CO2 in the wild [1998-2004]
* Nobel Committee often makes it's selections in September
* Limbaugh: "NFL looks like a game between Bloods & Crips"

* Things that we do without lust of result are the purest
* Study of representation of the Octopus in political art
* Recent string of racist incidents near Phoenix Arizona
* ImpeachObamaCampaign.com accentuates African features
* Francis Bean Cobain twitters Ali Lohan about nepotism

October 9, 2009

* Obama urges Congress to spurn bankers; help consumers
* Conservatives confused & outraged by Obama Nobel prize
* NSFW George W Bush Welcoming Committee's wanted poster
* Palin wants to help Republican gubernatorial candidate
* Father felt like an outsider at nursery or school gate

* Wikileaks develops embargo option for leaked documents
* US judge orders woman to keep books under lock and key
* Boston shames Hyatt execs into employing wrongly fired
* NASA puzzles over unseen plume after moon probe impact
* Auto-tuned Carl Sagan mashup features Stephen Hawking


October 8, 2009

* Teenager William Kamkwamba built windmills from scrap
* Cory Doctorow replies to Ralph Lauren takedown notice
* Feingold challenger dons orange hunting gear all year
* Antonin Scalia: cross honors war dead of any religion
* The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008

* Senator Jon Kyl [R-AZ]: "I don't need maternity care"
* NRCC: Speaker of the House should be put in her place
* Tom Delay suggests weekly DC bipartisan dance parties
* Frustrated Rep. Shimkus [R-IL] plays ball with Obama
* Michelle Obama's family tree traced to rural Georgia


October 7, 2009

* FBI: 10% of subprime crisis was caused by home buyers
* Paul & Grayson would delay Bernanke hearing for audit
* Dylan Ratigan: costs, benefits of corporate communism
* Late Show sponsors remain despite Letterman bombshell
* Parody site uses Beck schtick "prove you didn't do it"

* Ships logs of 300 explorers to provide climate record


October 6, 2009

* Iran closes daily newspapers critical of Ahmadinejad
* Karen Hughes tried to change world perceptions of US
* Foes of Obama resent quick change in US image abroad
* White House boots lobbyists from advisory committees
* Tea Party Express II: Countdown to 2010 in your town


October 5, 2009

* Republican Congressional Committee: Grayson "unstable"
* Conservative Bible Project removes the "liberal bias"
* Bank of America to relaunch Merrill Lynch "bull logo"
* US Chamber of Commerce backs use of greenhouse gases
* My Parents Were Awesome website now accepting images

October 4, 2009

* Interview with The New Yorker magazine copy editor
* Why Women Have Sex: 1,006 women provide 237 reasons
* Ingredients in contaminated beef are a trade secret
* Europe lists toxic substances deregulated by the US
* FDIC Chairwoman would shrink "shadow banking system"

* US Senators offer $485B to private health insurers
* Film outs antigay politicians who are secretly gay
* Socialists trounce conservatives in Greek election
* No nations have recognized current Honduran regime
* Sacrifice to Moloch portrayed in 1914 film Cabiria


October 3, 2009

* Newsmax column suggests military coup against Obama
* Tweeting locations of police officers to protestors
* United States had no central bank from 1836 to 1913
* Hamas and Fatah to sign reconciliation October 22nd
* Stephanie Birkitt mortified by Letterman extortion

October 2, 2009

* 4 million y.o. upright tree-dwelling hominid "Ardi"
* Herzog's Encounters at the End of the World [2007]
* Private US insurers expect increased customer base
* Senator Coburn helped Senator Ensign pay mistress
* Rep. Grayson calls Republican Party "lie factory"

October 1, 2009


September 29, 2009

* Health Insurers exempt from Sherman Anti-Trust Act
* Grayson wants corporate death penalty in ACORN bill
* Admonish: to reprove gently but earnestly; reproach
* Rep. Trent Franks calls Obama an "enemy of humanity"
* Feingold says White House czars circumvent Congress

* Pictures of the LRAD sound cannon at Pittsburgh G20
* State stops kids from waiting for bus with neighbor
* Palin writes memoir with Lynn Vincent in California
* OKCupid analysis of race, religion in online dating
* Lunchcase lined with astroturf and outdoor panorama


September 28, 2009

* Drudge Report headline about Chicago over the top
* Tea Party plans for-profit site to match "HuffPo"

September 27, 2009

* US taxpayers outspending Taliban donors 1000 to 1
* Banks that were too big to fail.. bigger than ever
* Human population of the Earth has reached 7 billion
* Unified front against Iran maintains option to talk
* "Sound cannon" used on G20 protestors in Pittsburgh

* Doonesbury notes "parallels" between Obama & Hitler
* Native American Indian Sites in the East Bay Hills
* Ken Burns The National Parks: America's Best Idea
* National Parks withdrawn from settlement or sale
* Highlights of G20 protests in Pittsburgh: video

* Treasury printed money until JFK assassination


September 26, 2009

* Federal Reserve warns audit may affect cash flow
* US presents evidence of covert Iranian nuke site
* Honduras using sonic weapon on Brazilian embassy
* Study finds child corporal punishment affects IQ
* Lynched US census worker's ID taped to his neck


September 25, 2009

* 47% plurality of Republicans back public option
* Schumer expresses confidence about public option
* Tear gas released near G20 meeting in Pittsburgh
* Intermittent molecules-thin layer of H20 on moon
* Season's first H1N1 clusters among First Nations

* Entomologist Nabokov corrected Kafka translation
* Jung's "Red Book" of self-induced hallucinations
* Pictures of red dust storm over Sydney Australia
* Oldest known vertebrate to develop grasping hand
* Legal battle between Chevron, indiginous peoples

* Obama smiles exactly the same way for each photo
* Limbaugh: entire economic program is reparations
* Katie Couric asks Glenn Beck about white culture
* Birther infomercial playing in 7 southern states
* Drudge Report: "US military snatch G20 protestor"


September 24, 2009

* Russia offers support for US policy towards Iran
* Healthcare in Israel is universal and compulsory
* Humane Society enlists Michael Vick as spokesman
* Feds investigate Kentucky census worker's hanging
* State GOP tries to delay US Senator's replacement


September 23, 2009

* Ex-analyst: Moody's inflate debt security ratings
* Protect insurance profits from health care reform
* Defend insurance companies first amendment rights
* New laws criminalizing teenagers sexual curiosity
* Ex-FBI agent John Guandolo couldn't keep pants on


September 22, 2009

* Minsky: capitalism's inherent flaw is instability
* I'm listening to MC5's Back In The USA [Jan 1970]

September 21, 2009

* SCOTUS recently rewrote law on vehicle searches
* FCC Chairman offers rules of Network Neutrality
* Obama appears on Late Show with David Letterman
* DVD Short Cut to Nirvana [2004] 1998 Kumbh Mela
* DVD Flicker [2008] Burrough's friend Brion Gysin

* Iranian government cuts access to Internet again

September 19, 2009

* Activists gather in Pittsburgh before G20 summit
* Former CIA chiefs sign letter to President Obama
* Colorblind monkeys engineered to see green & red
* Leonard Cohen OK after fainting onstage in Spain
* Home in Oregon, but would be in British Columbia

* $64k bid for meal with departed Alaskan Governor
* Beck's ad revenue since Color of Change campaign
* Joe Wilson wrote private bill to grant residence
* Elites happy about multi-trillion dollar bailout
* Welcoming Committee for W's trip to Saskatchewan

September 18, 2009

* NATO chief offers link to Russian missile defence
* Russia to cancel Kaliningrad missile installation

September 17, 2009

* O'Reilly backs government health insurance option
* Insurance companies save billions with rescission
* Selfish Christians believe in survival of richest
* Russ Feingold offers bill to end Telecom immunity
* Jon Stewart compares news of Bush, Obama protests

* Stephen Colbert compares corporations with people
* Gold prices remain above US$1000 for several days
* Mary Travers of Peter, Paul & Mary has died at 72
* If it's foggy or raining, turn on your headlights
* First printing by Espresso Book Machine in London


September 16, 2009

* Banks still pose systemic risk; too big to exist
* Credit Default Swap back in style on Wall Street
* The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
* National Republican Trust peddling book on Czars
* US will abandon missile defence system in Poland

September 15, 2009

* Obama seeks to renew 3 provisions of PATRIOT Act
* Health insurers want "benefit design flexibility"
* Lance Armstrong had no insurance when he got sick
* Comedian runs 43 marathons in 51 days for charity
* I found the new COILHOUSE magazine in Tsawwassen

September 14, 2009

* Sandra O'Conner: do away with judicial elections
* Public figures express opinion however, whenever
* Jackass Kanye West grabs mic from Country singer
* Serena Williams and Roger Federer curse umpires
* Iraq War vet raises $1.5M since Wilson outburst

* Man awarded $63k for hospital Ketamine overdose
* Philadelphia shutting down all public libraries
* Freedom Works cuts it's 9/12 crowd estimate 50%
* Teabaggers email pics of 1997 million man march
* I'm at my cousin's cabin on east Shawnigan Lake


September 12, 2009

* Another Lie: Health Care bill covers immigrants
* Pictures of 9/12 Project march in Washington DC
* Racial resentment loosely disguised as populism
* Garrison Keillor recovering from a minor stroke
* I attended the Langley Cruise-In with relatives


September 11, 2009

* Federal Reserve: 11 of 12 regions stabilized
* Coast Guard exercises during Potomac memorial
* Congressman Joseph Wilson will not be muzzled
* Murdered abortion foe condemned Tiller murder
* South African runner Semenya an hermaphrodite

* ACORN employees fired for unethical behaviour
* Medical malpractice claims down 45% since 2000
* Partial list of files lost in collapse of WTC7
* Bruce Cockburn sings for troops in Afghanistan
* Michael Savage loses lawsuit vs Brave New Films

* NSFW scene from the Jim Jarmusch film Ghost Dog

September 9, 2009

* I'm heading north to visit with extended family

September 8, 2009

* Bill Clinton not worried about Republican Party

September 7, 2009

* Trigger for public option impossible to trigger
* Daffy Duck & Porky Pig in "Fool Coverage" video
* Christian supremacist Blackwater owner targeted
* Government-run anti-choice public school prison
* Sudan fashion-court shamed into sparing the rod

* SCOTUS corporate campaign finance case this week
* US court ends challenge to Internet gambling ban
* Parental control software datamines online chats
* Transit options on 4th day of Bay Bridge closure
* Public translates GQ story on Putin into Russian

September 6, 2009

* New high-resolution color images from Mars orbit
* Sikhs ceremonially burn badly damaged sacred text
* Popular books among 229 remaining Gitmo detainees
* Recent revisions to United States embargo of Cuba
* Tennis comeback Clijster 6-0, 0-6, 6-4 over Venus

* 1974 video of The Cree Hunters of Mistassini [via]

September 5, 2009

* Lax regulation, reckless risk, The Great Recession
* Reports of judges frustrated with mortgage bankers
* Diebold unloads troubled e-voting machine business
* Transgender woman running for mayor of Nampa Idaho
* Government can't do anything right, but fight wars

* Video: Troops gas weekly march against settlements
* Tons of Reich's books & papers were burned in 1960
* Entertainer Garrison Keillor on NPR every Saturday
* Baaba Maal blends electronica in Television [2009]
* Clue to recent Google unexplained phenomenon logo


* | * | *

Hosted @

Contact * Archive * Copyleft * Since 2000

"You are who you love, not who loves you."
-Charlie Kaufman, Adaptation, 2002

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everything is



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henry miller blog
andrew sullivan

cindy sheehan
crooked timber
kevin kelly
giga pica

all about jazz
zero hedge





Mont St Michel

The Louvre


Saint Helena CA

Berkeley CA

Berkeley CA

Seattle Murano

Sierra Nevada



"growth" [2008]


Mt Eddy 2009

Jetlag 2007

Normandy 2007

Alameda 2007

Desolation 2006

Seattle 2005

Wayne and Max

d. 2008

Earthrise 1968

Banned Books Online

My Father [1945]

Moloch in Cabiria

Alan Grayson

Beck post-op

Public Property

Public Property

Human Dignity


Favorite People
Garrison Keillor
Howard Zinn
Russ Feingold
Naomi Klein
Seymour Hersh
Philippe Sands
Rachel Maddow
Norman Solomon
Jimmy Carter
Eliot Spitzer
Al Franken
Dennis Kucinich
Cindy Sheehan
Alan Grayson
Mike Gronstal
Tariq Ramadan
Lubna Hussein
Muhammad Yunus
Nelson Mandela
Lula da Silva
Husain Haqqani
Mo Sochua Sepp Holzer
Paul Watson
Peter Hammarstedt
Denis Rancourt
Russ Kick
John Young
Barbara Ehrenreich
William K. Black
Richard Sanders
Jesse Ventura
John Zerzan
Moses Pendleton
Eckhart Tolle
Michael Reynolds
Richard Long
Daniel Suelo
Andy Goldsworthy
Neil Young
Joe Craven
Marian McPartland
Norah Jones
Kevin Kniestedt
Tracy Chapman
k. d. laing
Cory Doctorow
Bruce Schneier
Werner Herzog
Errol Morris
Robert Greenwald
Ken Burns
Marjane Satrapi
Joep van Lieshout
Oliver Sacks
Robin Williams
Jon Stewart
Nick Forster
Dave Chappelle
Whoopi Goldberg
Oprah Winfrey
David Letterman
Anthony Bourdain
Max Keiser
Dylan Ratigan
Ed Schultz
Dave Ross
Carl Kasell
Rex Murphy
Rick Steves
Mark Wahlberg
Bob Costas
Bill Talen
Viggo Mortensen
Tim Robbins
John Turturro
Johnny Depp
Henry Rollins
Patti Smith
Thom Yorke
Eddie Vedder
David Byrne
Ben Harper
Rob Brezsny
Genesis P-Orridge
Perry Farrell
Baaba Maal

Want to Visit


Cradle Mountain
Port Moresby
The Ghan

Sao Paulo
Valley of the Moon
Lago de Atitlan
La Paz

Church of San Juan

Kasuga Taisha
Phnum Penh
Da Lat

Campo Dei Fiori
Rubjerg Knude
Tower of Hercules

St Petersburg
Rowincka Forest



Fresh Basil
Lemon Blossom
Sandlewood Oil

Barton Fink
Being There
Doctor Zhivago
Les Miserables
Yellow Submarine
V for Vendetta
Smoke Signals
Dead Man

Cities & Towns
San Francisco
Port Townsend

What is Enlightenment?
Ether, God & Devil
Life Against Death
Genealogy of Morals
Civil Disobedience
Truth is Subjectivity
Doors of Perception
To Kill A Mockingbird
The Ones Who Walk
Away From Omelas

Henry Miller
Wilhelm Reich
Robinson Jeffers
William Everson
Charles Baudelaire
Michel de Montaigne


Palace of Fine Arts
in San Francisco
and the Santa Maria
del Fiore Duomo..

Favorite Thing:
Hot Water
