* Massachusetts sends Republican Scott Brown to DC
* NSFW Brown pimpsdaughters during victory speech
* Chile's first elected rightwing leader in 50 yrs
* US Defense Secretary Gates in India for two days
* Federal grand jury convenes for toughest sheriff
* APP: AmericanPirate Partymanifesto & subreddit
* Ali: Fear Eats The Soul [1974] Werner Fassbinder
* Visual timeline: Crayola color changes 1903-2010
* Peacemaking behaviour seen in captive orangutan
* Haiti quake photo galleries dated January 13-18
* Mice lived 33% longer on regular diet of Omega-3
* Paleo diet: meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts
* "Lending" costs US publishers nearly $1 trillion
* DVD Battle of Algiers [1966] war of independence
* DVD Children of Paradise [1945] Gilliam favorite
* Israeli & Palestinian activists working together
January 18, 2010
* Germany & France warn users of Microsoft browser
* Bible verse inscribed on US war-zone rifle scope
* CATO Institute: legalize markets for human flesh
* Republican lost elections to wrestler & comedian
* I'm visiting friends & family in Washington & BC
January 16, 2010
* FDA now advising reduced exposure to Bisphenol A
* Johnson & Johnson recalls Tylenol/Motrin/Rolaids
* GOP's Scott Brown "more liberal" than Scozzafava
* Holy See publish book of historic correspondence
* Email prior to BBC interview with Cryptome admin
January 14, 2010
* Boston cops use privacy law to prevent oversight
* Chilling interviewwith anonymous Facebook admin
* AI professor forsees autonomous killing machines
* DVD Mad Men Season One [2007] 60's ad executives
* Lone medieval monk penned 620 page "Codex Gigas"
* TSA naked scanners can store and transmit data
* Laboratory analysts will face cross examination
* Tiller trial judge avails jury of "manslaughter"
* Fox to find chaos constrainingformat for Palin
* CPAC rules outbirther forum at 2010 conference
* Evidence the Neanderthals were capable of symbolism
* Farming ants reproduce in laboratory without males
* Gulf Stream isn't responsible for mild UK climate
* NY City Walmart shreds unwanted garment inventory
* Failure to connect the dots? Colbert demonstrates
* Wireless charger standard expected within 6 months
* China overtakes Germany as world's biggest exporter
* Lawsuit on behalf of military commission prosecutor
* Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
* Old worldYemen has high rate of weapons ownership
* Goldman Sachs shareholder lawsuit targets bonuses
* Progressive journalists ignore aid convoys to Gaza
* Blood fued since sons of Abraham became Arab & Jew
* Amount of civilian casualties
radicalize moderates
* Golden Ratio resonance discovered on quantum level
January 7, 2010
* My pictures of visit to Mt Hood Meadows on Sunday
* Geithner's NY Fed office told AIG to conceal info
* UBS whistleblower to prison; culprits buy freedom
* California spending more on prisons than colleges
* RIP Parke Meek of Santa Monica wunderkammerJadis
* GIS maps reveal denial of services based on race
* CIA resumes sharing data with climate scientists
* Globe Skimmerdragonflymigrates 4000 kilometers
* Sea Shepherd trimaran's bow smashed incollision
* Joe Wilson hiking Appalachians with young intern
January 5, 2010
* Zoo Hypothesis is a response to the Fermi Paradox
* Israeli military delegation fear arrest in London
January 4, 2010
* Iranian professors urge Khamenei to stop violence
* US census undercount would unseat census opponent
* US evangelicals words foster homophobia in Uganda
* UK airport scanners break child pornography laws
* Kepler telescope finds oddities among exoplanets
January 3, 2010
* Values and priorities more important than safety..
* IRS would collect penalty for "insurance" evasion
* Majority of US hamburger is injected with ammonia
* North Carolina to ban smoking in most restaurants
* Parliament in Catalonia votes to ban bullfighting
January 2, 2010
* GPS satellites use distant quasars as a "landmark"
* The Federal Reserve exacerbates the business cycle
* Montana 3rd state to allow doctor-assisted suicide
* MRSA rare where penicillin isn't a cough medicine
* Brief introduction to concept of machine learning
* Silicon Valley police testing head mounted video
* Government interest "compels" police use of taser
* Diddy to fund NY City cab rides on New Year's Eve
* Rush tells medics he takes pills for backproblem
* How would Israelis react with shoe on other foot?
* Vikings may have stopped, stayed on Isle of Skye
* Internet not kind to Kurt Greenbaum after hiatus
* Google Nexus phone: rumored price & release date
* Unlimited mobile broadband for $40/month rumored
* AT&T wants to schedule landline telephony sunset
December 29, 2009
* Blue Moonthis New Year's eve (and in 2028, 2066)
* Time-lapse video of the Northern Lights in Norway
* North magnetic-pole moving east 40 miles per year
* 36,000 wild horses live in the US, half in Nevada
* Pilots, Flight Attendants, Bag Checkers Unionized
* George Galloway stopped at Aqaba with aid convoy
December 27, 2009
* Green revolution would eliminate Khamenei's role
* Last surviving member of 1947 Kon-Tiki crew dies
* Voyager in "Local Interstellar Cloud", aka Fluff
* Microbes that keep the body healthy face decline
* Suspect usedsamechemicalas 2001 "shoe bomber"
* Three Senators have holds on Bernanke nomination
* Republicans don't have to pay for their programs
* Percy Sutton died; attorney for Malcolm X family
* Scansof the original plans for the Eiffel Tower
* Glenn Gouldperforming "The Goldberg Variations"
* Air archive includes scuba tank filled in 1968
* China defeats CO2 limits; blame goes to the US
* Libertarian Rep. Bachmann got $250,000 subsidy
* DVD: aspiring masters engineer slave rebellion
* TV: Ratigan 4pm. Sanchez trumps Situation Room
* Insurance industry stock prices at 52 week highs
December 19, 2009
* Reid files cloture on insurance industry welfare
* Franken amendment in defense appropriations bill
* Ratigan to apologize for yelling at Congresswoman
* Topless cyclists to protest NY bike lane removal
* Police detective pulls gun during snowball fight
* NY Times lament for Saab; models had odd touches
December 18, 2009
* Use reconciliation to pass good parts of the bill
* Sen. McCain has never seen member denied a minute
* Libraries of medieval, early modern women writers
* Google Maps use landmarks in leiu of street names
* Known cases of Google de-listing offensive pages
December 17, 2009
* I passed the CCENT2 exam for CCNA certification
* I have a copy of the recently published Red Book
* April Tea Party "Patriot Caucus" in Pennsylvania
* Unusual rate of male pseudohermaphrodism in Gaza
* Insurgents hack video feed of pilotless bombers
Barton Fink
Being There
Doctor Zhivago
Les Miserables
The Grass Harp
Yellow Submarine
V for Vendetta
Smoke Signals
Dead Man