* Global financial crisis strengthened the US dollar
* "Resolution of disapproval" cannot be filibustered
* NY Times columnist Liebovich interviews Glenn Beck
* 17th century paintings depict people wearing jeans
* Oakland Raider Hall of Famer George Blanda is dead
September 28, 2010
* Survey: atheists/agnostics know more about religion
* Two party system supplanted with corporate control
* DVD Dinner For Five Season One [2001] John Favreau
* ATMs that dispense gold to be installed in the US
* Sesame Street episode about the Scientific Method
* Handy list of candidate Christine O'Donnell's beliefs
* Waxman would end FCC power to protect Net Neutrality
* Sons of Confederate Veterans to celebrate privately
* Pictures of pageant children forced to wear make-up
* More Israelis killed in cars than all wars combined
* Gold: the final refuge against currency debasement
* 100+ arrests at Mountaintop Removal Mining protest
* Arizona deputy shoots himself and accuses Mexicans
* Mrs. Dan Webster replies to Grayson campaign TV ad
* Officers: US nukes failed during 1967 UFO sighting
September 26, 2010
* Gideon Levy is perhaps the most hated man in Israel
* Pakistan minister accuses army of Bhutto conspiracy
* Every single thing seen is future trash. Everything
* Maps of European stereotypes by country and region
* NASA creates alien's eye view of the solar system
* Small difference in altitude affects speed of time
* Dignified Reddit news forum quietly overtakesDigg
* Anti-piracy firm's emails reveal cavalier attitude
* CD sales plummet - LP record sales +30% since 2008
* O'Donnell would stop whole country from having sex
* Stephen Colbert is a huge waste of tax payer money
* New book: nature documentary filmscommonly staged
* 1973 Mercury Cougar XR7's duotone avocado interior
* NPR's Planet Money bought a toxic asset in January
* I'm pet-sitting Rudi & Greta in Burien, Washington
* Titanic human error kept secret to avoid liability
* Military depends on rare earth elements from China
* In November 2001 Bush sought excuse to invade Iraq
* Brandingveggies like junk food may increase sales
* Broccoli does not grow in the wild; bred from kale
* "Stuxnet" malware designed to target nuclear plant
* John Adams owned Quran published in the US in 1806
* Rand Paul would mend fences with AIPAC and neocons
* French coastal nudist colony invaded by libertines
* Jon Stewartlead critic of media-political complex
* Jon Stewart appearance on Fox News O'Reilly Factor
* DVD Sirens [1993] "there's a fierceness in desire"
* Richard Stallmancalls for end of "war on sharing"
* Bank of America forecloses house without mortgage
* Hands-only CPR method doubles chances of survival
* Oprah supportsJon StewartRally to Restore Sanity
* Crack in the Wall Street home foreclosure pipeline
* Jimmy Carter notes several distortions at Fox News
* New York Times Op/Ed [Opposite/Editorial] turns 40
* Wireless service in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
September 21, 2010
* Jefferson on "separation between Church and State"
* FDA "considering" whether to label engineered fish
* Zachary Lockman's brief history of Zionism [video]
* Ascendant Swedish Democrats view Islam as ideology
* Nukes compromised by "unidentified aerial objects"
* First detection of Earth-like planet likely in 2011
* Republican likens health insurance to car insurance
* Female candidates in Afghan parliamentary elections
* Iranian ISP sells connectivity in Iraq, Afghanistan
* The Misfits [1961] Cowboys trap horses for dog food
September 17, 2010
* Congress loathe to tax biggest campaign financiers
* Stewart and Colbert announce rival rallies in D.C.
* Reddit raises $250k for charity on Colbert's behalf
* Possible histories of universe exist simultaneously
* Humans and animals were domesticated simultaneously
* Subject of Roma deportations dominates EU summit
* Elizabeth Warren to report directly to President
* Quietest place on Earth rated negative 9 decibels
* Head cam video from free climb of 1768 foot tower
* Life of artist Rob Pruitt as permanent Rumspringa
* May post occasionally. Sorry for the sudden change
August 28, 2010
August 24, 2010
* Modern food can first used on August 25th, 1810
* N. Carolina crime lab hid evidence in 230 cases
* "Fair and Balanced" Fox News donated $1M to GOP
* Manhattan mosque funded by Fox News stakeholder
* Cat-trashing lady outed by CCTV and Anonymous
August 21, 2010
* Lincoln wasn't Catholic, Roosevelt not Jewish
* Fire Dept opposes Outreach Center book burning
* Prosecutor facilitates character assassination
* Audio: five versions of the song Strange Fruit
* SpaceX tests capsule parachutes from 14,000 ft
August 20, 2010
* 29 US states don't require mealtime for employees
* Most isolated man on the planet remains anonymous
* Wikileaks asked Pentagon for help with redactions
* Half a billion eggs recalled for salmonella in US
* Our City Dreams [2008] Five female visual artists
* Earth & Moon from Messenger probe sent to Mercury
* In a social system where everything must be owned
* North Korea's official Facebook and YouTube pages
* Hecho a Mano Book Arts of Latin America [gallery]
* Most string players use steel not gut since WWII
August 18, 2010
* Portable lavatories harvest methane for refugees
* Post-independence history of Indian caste system
* Opponents of mosque appeal to bigotry, cowardice
* Pictures of area considered unsuitable for mosque
* Arizona sheriff requires prisoners to use English
* Universal grammar of numbers "lies beyond our ken"
* No consensus classifacatory scheme of temperament
* Criticism infringes on martyr's freedom of speech
* Giving psychotic Pamela Atlas serious credibility
* 69% of assholes think everyone else is an asshole
August 15, 2010
* Obama backs freedom of religion for NYC mosque
* Encrypted "insurance" file posted to Wikileaks
* Website could make FOIA implementation quicker
* Michael Moore reports on GM's return to profit
* Genetically modified beets grown in Willamette
* 76,000,000 US cases of foodborne illness yearly
* Gulf seafood not being tested for oil dispersant
* "When you give people power they act like fools"
* Have-nots necessary for exploitation andcharity
* Homo neanderthalensissubspecies of Homo sapiens
* Scott Horton: parallel between Hegel & Beethoven
* Kevin Kelly lists alltime best magazine articles
* 3rd spacewalk to restore ISS cooling capability
* Gibbs full circle regarding "professional left"
* American Imams visit Dachau concentration camp
August 13, 2010
* Government relying on companies to set standards
* False dilemma: free market or regulatory capture
* Mountaintop removal coal mines "improve the land"
* BP reluctant to permanently seal disastrous well
* Merchants use religion to establish reliability
August 11, 2010
* Pope rejects resignations of 2 auxiliary Bishops
* Former Mexican President backs drug legalization
* Electronic Frontier Foundation on Google/Verizon
* Replica of Gutenberg hand-powered printing press
* R. Crumb writes about inspiration for characters
August 9, 2010
* Hawking: humanity has all its eggs in one basket
* First woman to head major US intelligence agency
* GOP would ban Congress from meeting for 2 months
* Dry pet food linked to Human Salmonella outbreak
* Car powered by CNG methane made from human waste
* Reported last words of ten well known authors
* Roald Dahl struggled to keep his family alive
* 1995 facsimile from Iggy Pop to Plazm magazine
* Perry v. Schwarzeneggerdefendants file briefs
* 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic and Paralympic games
August 7, 2010
August 4, 2010
* California Proposition 8 ruled unconstitutional
* San Francisco Transbay Terminal demolition soon
* AMA report on role of CIA physicians in torture
* Tea Party Express try to exorcise Mark Williams
* Bamboozled [2000] Spike Lee study of blackface
August 3, 2010
* Anti-Defamation League opposes mosque project
* Jewish youth taught to view Arabs as inferior
* Music is "not compatible" with Iranian regime
* BP wants you to believe oil spill disappeared
* Sharron Angle would be friendswith the press
* Missouri HCR ballot initiative is non-binding
* Wheat flour may now carry E. Coli, Salmonella
* Wikipedia refuses to remove image of FBI seal
* Microsoft quashed efforts to boost IE privacy
* Net Neutrality doesn't violate 5th Amendment
* Henry Rollins talks about Miles Davis [video]
* Delhi: pastoral enclaves, bucolic interstices
* Ragbir Bhathal searches sky for light signals
* Hottest July in Russia in more than 130 years
* Picture of Frieda Lawrence near Taos in 1938
August 2, 2010
* US to cease Iraq "combat operations" August 31
* Resigned Governor says President lacks cojones
* Top GOP Senators want repeal of 14th Amendment
* Corporations are immortal; don't have families
* Targetcorporation exercising Citizens United
Barton Fink
Being There
Doctor Zhivago
Les Miserables
The Grass Harp
Enchanted April
Yellow Submarine
Bullets Over Broadway
V for Vendetta
Smoke Signals
Dead Man