September 29, 2010

* GMAC, JPMorgan foreclosed on mortgages without titles
* Banks may halt every foreclosure currently in process
* Jimmy Carter spending a second night in Ohio hospital
* White people on Medicare scooters are against welfare
* Recipe & picture of "mechanically separated chicken"

* Global financial crisis strengthened the US dollar
* "Resolution of disapproval" cannot be filibustered
* NY Times columnist Liebovich interviews Glenn Beck
* 17th century paintings depict people wearing jeans
* Oakland Raider Hall of Famer George Blanda is dead


  September 28, 2010

* Survey: atheists/agnostics know more about religion
* Two party system supplanted with corporate control
* DVD Dinner For Five Season One [2001] John Favreau
* ATMs that dispense gold to be installed in the US
* Sesame Street episode about the Scientific Method


  September 27, 2010

* Conservative viewpoint requires an existential threat
* Poll: 40% say health care reform didn't go far enough
* Feds want "back door" to all encrypted communications
* Wikileaks has a copy of a book burned by the Pentagon
* This news website article is about a scientific paper

* Handy list of candidate Christine O'Donnell's beliefs
* Waxman would end FCC power to protect Net Neutrality
* Sons of Confederate Veterans to celebrate privately
* Pictures of pageant children forced to wear make-up
* More Israelis killed in cars than all wars combined

* Jewish sailboat Irene leaves Cypress for Gaza Strip
* WSJ: more than half of Gulf oil spill won't degrade
* Pharmaceutical industry deploys key opinion leaders
* Former US drug czar is pining for the good old days
* Anhedonia: horror writer Ligotti unable to be happy

* Gold: the final refuge against currency debasement
* 100+ arrests at Mountaintop Removal Mining protest
* Arizona deputy shoots himself and accuses Mexicans
* Mrs. Dan Webster replies to Grayson campaign TV ad
* Officers: US nukes failed during 1967 UFO sighting


  September 26, 2010

* Gideon Levy is perhaps the most hated man in Israel
* Pakistan minister accuses army of Bhutto conspiracy
* Every single thing seen is future trash. Everything
* Maps of European stereotypes by country and region
* NASA creates alien's eye view of the solar system


  September 25, 2010

* Israeli Jews driving Palestinians from their homes
* Charles Bukowski "fan letter" to Barfly production
* 45 million year old fossilized flower in Argentina
* Judge orders reinstatement of gay military officer
* Young female activist lossoed during Chilean rodeo

* Small difference in altitude affects speed of time
* Dignified Reddit news forum quietly overtakes Digg
* Anti-piracy firm's emails reveal cavalier attitude
* CD sales plummet - LP record sales +30% since 2008
* O'Donnell would stop whole country from having sex

* Stephen Colbert is a huge waste of tax payer money
* New book: nature documentary films commonly staged
* 1973 Mercury Cougar XR7's duotone avocado interior
* NPR's Planet Money bought a toxic asset in January
* I'm pet-sitting Rudi & Greta in Burien, Washington

* Walt Kelly's poster for the first Earth Day [1970]


  September 24, 2010

* Titanic human error kept secret to avoid liability
* Military depends on rare earth elements from China
* In November 2001 Bush sought excuse to invade Iraq
* Branding veggies like junk food may increase sales
* Broccoli does not grow in the wild; bred from kale


  September 23, 2010

* Republican tax plan rates Bechtel as "small business"
* DiCaprio cast as closeted homosexual J. Edgar Hoover
* Drug companies recruit and manipulate vain academics
* Bob Woodward discloses CIA paramilitary in Pakistan
* American hiker wants to meet with Iranian president

* "Stuxnet" malware designed to target nuclear plant
* John Adams owned Quran published in the US in 1806
* Rand Paul would mend fences with AIPAC and neocons
* French coastal nudist colony invaded by libertines
* Jon Stewart lead critic of media-political complex

* Jon Stewart appearance on Fox News O'Reilly Factor
* DVD Sirens [1993] "there's a fierceness in desire"
* Richard Stallman calls for end of "war on sharing"
* Bank of America forecloses house without mortgage
* Hands-only CPR method doubles chances of survival

* Several layers of insect highways above our heads
* John Young comments on Julian Assange persecution
* Blockbuster files for Chapter 11; founded in 1985
* Gourmet Magazine relaunching as iPad Application
* Evercookie: proof-of-concept undeletable cookie


  September 22, 2010

* Oprah supports Jon Stewart Rally to Restore Sanity
* Crack in the Wall Street home foreclosure pipeline
* Jimmy Carter notes several distortions at Fox News
* New York Times Op/Ed [Opposite/Editorial] turns 40
* Wireless service in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

  September 21, 2010

* Jefferson on "separation between Church and State"
* FDA "considering" whether to label engineered fish
* Zachary Lockman's brief history of Zionism [video]
* Ascendant Swedish Democrats view Islam as ideology
* Nukes compromised by "unidentified aerial objects"


  September 20, 2010

* FBI put activists on terrorism list without cause
* Permit required to dig on Florida's public beaches
* Massive vote suppression plot exposed in Wisconsin
* Quad amputee swims English Channel with prostheses
* RSPCA charge cat trashing lady with animal cruelty


  September 19, 2010

* Suffering of panic attacks eased by understanding
* Letters from tortured political prisoners in Iran
* Statement by Julian Assange's lawyer Bjorn Hurtig
* Constitution bans Federal Sharia Law & Mosaic Law
* Black muslim slaves buried under Lower Manhattan

  September 18, 2010

* First detection of Earth-like planet likely in 2011
* Republican likens health insurance to car insurance
* Female candidates in Afghan parliamentary elections
* Iranian ISP sells connectivity in Iraq, Afghanistan
* The Misfits [1961] Cowboys trap horses for dog food


  September 17, 2010

* Congress loathe to tax biggest campaign financiers
* Stewart and Colbert announce rival rallies in D.C.
* Reddit raises $250k for charity on Colbert's behalf
* Possible histories of universe exist simultaneously
* Humans and animals were domesticated simultaneously

* Papal astronomer willing to baptise tentacled aliens
* 1st annual Catholic Conference on Geocentrism Nov. 6
* Sacha Baron Cohen to portray singer Freddie Mercury
* Lawrence's 15 principles of modern guerilla warfare
* Works from the Musee d'Orsay at the de Young museum


  September 16, 2010

* Subject of Roma deportations dominates EU summit
* Elizabeth Warren to report directly to President
* Quietest place on Earth rated negative 9 decibels
* Head cam video from free climb of 1768 foot tower
* Life of artist Rob Pruitt as permanent Rumspringa


  September 15, 2010

* Contagious yawning linked to capacity for empathy
* Flash cookies reinstating deleted browser cookies
* Guy updates his blog from the middle of the ocean
* Obama reading Jonathan Franzen's new book Freedom
* Delaware Tea Party candidate Christine O'Donnell

  September 14, 2010

* Vatican statehood based on treaty with Mussolini
* First ever papal state visit to the UK this week
* Jacob Isom rescues Quran from Amarillo BBQ grill
* Tea Party narrative for lack of racial diversity
* Copyright holders split ad revenue with YouTube


  September 13, 2010




  August 31, 2010

* May post occasionally. Sorry for the sudden change

  August 28, 2010


  August 24, 2010

* Modern food can first used on August 25th, 1810
* N. Carolina crime lab hid evidence in 230 cases
* "Fair and Balanced" Fox News donated $1M to GOP
* Manhattan mosque funded by Fox News stakeholder
* Cat-trashing lady outed by CCTV and Anonymous


  August 21, 2010

* Lincoln wasn't Catholic, Roosevelt not Jewish
* Fire Dept opposes Outreach Center book burning
* Prosecutor facilitates character assassination
* Audio: five versions of the song Strange Fruit
* SpaceX tests capsule parachutes from 14,000 ft



  August 20, 2010

* 29 US states don't require mealtime for employees
* Most isolated man on the planet remains anonymous
* Wikileaks asked Pentagon for help with redactions
* Half a billion eggs recalled for salmonella in US
* Our City Dreams [2008] Five female visual artists

* Earth & Moon from Messenger probe sent to Mercury
* In a social system where everything must be owned
* North Korea's official Facebook and YouTube pages
* Hecho a Mano Book Arts of Latin America [gallery]
* Most string players use steel not gut since WWII


  August 18, 2010

* Portable lavatories harvest methane for refugees
* Post-independence history of Indian caste system
* Opponents of mosque appeal to bigotry, cowardice
* Pictures of area considered unsuitable for mosque
* Arizona sheriff requires prisoners to use English

* Universal grammar of numbers "lies beyond our ken"
* No consensus classifacatory scheme of temperament
* Criticism infringes on martyr's freedom of speech
* Giving psychotic Pamela Atlas serious credibility
* 69% of assholes think everyone else is an asshole


  August 15, 2010

* Obama backs freedom of religion for NYC mosque
* Encrypted "insurance" file posted to Wikileaks
* Website could make FOIA implementation quicker
* Michael Moore reports on GM's return to profit
* Genetically modified beets grown in Willamette

* 76,000,000 US cases of foodborne illness yearly
* Gulf seafood not being tested for oil dispersant
* "When you give people power they act like fools"
* Have-nots necessary for exploitation and charity
* Homo neanderthalensis subspecies of Homo sapiens

* Scott Horton: parallel between Hegel & Beethoven
* Kevin Kelly lists alltime best magazine articles
* 3rd spacewalk to restore ISS cooling capability
* Gibbs full circle regarding "professional left"
* American Imams visit Dachau concentration camp


  August 13, 2010

* Government relying on companies to set standards
* False dilemma: free market or regulatory capture
* Mountaintop removal coal mines "improve the land"
* BP reluctant to permanently seal disastrous well
* Merchants use religion to establish reliability

  August 11, 2010

* Pope rejects resignations of 2 auxiliary Bishops
* Former Mexican President backs drug legalization
* Electronic Frontier Foundation on Google/Verizon
* Replica of Gutenberg hand-powered printing press
* R. Crumb writes about inspiration for characters


  August 9, 2010

* Hawking: humanity has all its eggs in one basket
* First woman to head major US intelligence agency
* GOP would ban Congress from meeting for 2 months
* Dry pet food linked to Human Salmonella outbreak
* Car powered by CNG methane made from human waste

* Trading the power of love for the love of power
* Accounts from the hypocenter of a nuclear blast
* Tea Party members ambivalent about fundraising
* Resigned governor greets protester on film set
* Google/Verizon pact heralds Internet enclosure


  August 8, 2010

* McConnell, Cantor & Paul at Kentucky breakfast
* Fox Network's relentless effort to create news
* Gingrich unfaithful during Clinton impeachment
* GM canola flourishing along N. Dakota highways
* Owner of 1984 Suburban prefered the status quo

* Reported last words of ten well known authors
* Roald Dahl struggled to keep his family alive
* 1995 facsimile from Iggy Pop to Plazm magazine
* Perry v. Schwarzenegger defendants file briefs
* 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic and Paralympic games

  August 7, 2010


  August 4, 2010

* California Proposition 8 ruled unconstitutional
* San Francisco Transbay Terminal demolition soon
* AMA report on role of CIA physicians in torture
* Tea Party Express try to exorcise Mark Williams
* Bamboozled [2000] Spike Lee study of blackface


  August 3, 2010

* Anti-Defamation League opposes mosque project
* Jewish youth taught to view Arabs as inferior
* Music is "not compatible" with Iranian regime
* BP wants you to believe oil spill disappeared
* Sharron Angle would be friends with the press

* Missouri HCR ballot initiative is non-binding
* Wheat flour may now carry E. Coli, Salmonella
* Wikipedia refuses to remove image of FBI seal
* Microsoft quashed efforts to boost IE privacy
* Net Neutrality doesn't violate 5th Amendment

* Henry Rollins talks about Miles Davis [video]
* Delhi: pastoral enclaves, bucolic interstices
* Ragbir Bhathal searches sky for light signals
* Hottest July in Russia in more than 130 years
* Picture of Frieda Lawrence near Taos in 1938


  August 2, 2010

* US to cease Iraq "combat operations" August 31
* Resigned Governor says President lacks cojones
* Top GOP Senators want repeal of 14th Amendment
* Corporations are immortal; don't have families
* Target corporation exercising Citizens United

* Renewing Bush tax cuts would increase deficit
* Pics of Bill & Hillary before Chelsea nuptial
* Man faces jail for videotaping undercover cop
* Tor developer "detained" in Wikileaks inquiry
* Hustwit documentary investigates urban design

* Market adopts 1962 invention of Gorilla Glass
* Int'l Appalachian Trail Maine to Newfoundland
* UniTea Party rally supposed to show diversity
* Virginia AG opines on Arizona immigration law
* Turf dancing on a corner in southeast Oakland


* | * | *

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"You are who you love, not who loves you."
-Charlie Kaufman, Adaptation, 2002


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Vince Mendoza

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Public Property


Thanks to
Garrison Keillor
Howard Zinn [RIP]
Russ Feingold
Naomi Klein
Seymour Hersh
Philippe Sands
Rachel Maddow
Amy Goodman
Norman Solomon
Cornell West
Carol Mosely Braun
Jimmy Carter
Eliot Spitzer
Al Franken
Dennis Kucinich
Daniel Ellsberg
Stanislav Petrov
Cindy Sheehan
Alan Grayson
Arianna Huffington
Martin Garbus
Robert Steele
Mike Prysner
Mike Gronstal
David Harvey
Gideon Levy
Reuven Moskovitz
Tariq Ramadan
Lubna Hussein
Muhammad Yunus
Nelson Mandela
Muhammad Ali
Assata Shakur
George Galloway
Vinay Gupta
Lula da Silva
Husain Haqqani
Mo Sochua
M. Fukuoka [RIP]
Sepp Holzer
Wendell Berry
Eustace Conway
Owsley Stanley
Papu Pirtola
Paul Watson
Peter Hammarstedt
Alan I. Leshner
Denis Rancourt
Josh Marshall
Russ Kick
John Young
Julian Assange
Barbara Ehrenreich
Catherine Fitzmaurice
Speed Levitch
Jean Sara Rohe
William K. Black
Richard Sanders
Jesse Ventura
Kinky Friedman
Jim Hightower
John Zerzan
Moses Pendleton
Sally Mann
Eckhart Tolle
Clark McKowen
Swami Beyondananda
Michael Reynolds
Richard Long
Daniel Suelo
Mark Boyle
Andy Goldsworthy
Neil Young
Willie Nelson
Bruce Springsteen
Joe Craven
Marian McPartland
Stephanie Nakasian
Norah Jones
Kevin Kniestedt
Tracy Chapman
k. d. laing
Brenda Laurel
Cory Doctorow
Nicholas Carroll
Bruce Schneier
Gottfrid Svartholm
Carl Malamud
Jim Jarmusch
Werner Herzog
The Coen Brothers
Errol Morris
Robert Altman
Robert Greenwald
Warren Miller
Ken Burns
Donald Miller
Marjane Satrapi
Alan Moore
Joep van Lieshout
Oliver Sacks
Trevor Marshall
Alva Noe
Robin Williams
Jon Stewart
Scoop Nisker
Barry Cooper
Zach Calden
Nick Forster
Jello Biafra
Dave Chappelle
Whoopi Goldberg
Oprah Winfrey
David Letterman
Sarah Haskins
Brooke Magnanti
Anthony Bourdain
Max Keiser
Dylan Ratigan
Ed Schultz
Dave Ross
Jeff Sharlet
Glenn Greenwald
Matt Taibbi
Rick Steves
Bob Costas
Bill Talen
Steven Fry
Natalie Portman
Jon Hamm
Sam Rockwell
Vincent D'Onofrio
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Gael Garcia Bernal
Mark Wahlberg
Viggo Mortensen
Chris Cooper
Tim Robbins
John Turturro
Johnny Depp
Henry Rollins
Patti Smith
Thom Yorke
Eddie Vedder
David Byrne
Ben Harper
Rob Brezsny
Mitch Singer
Genesis P-Orridge
Perry Farrell
Baaba Maal
Wang Dan

No Thanks
Malcolm Gladwell
M. Night Shyamalan
Phil Collins


Fresh Basil
Lemon Blossom
Sandlewood Oil

Barton Fink
Being There
Doctor Zhivago
Les Miserables
The Grass Harp
Enchanted April
Yellow Submarine
Bullets Over Broadway
V for Vendetta
Smoke Signals
Dead Man

Cities & Towns
San Francisco
Port Townsend

What is Enlightenment?
Ether, God & Devil
Life Against Death
Genealogy of Morals
Civil Disobedience
Truth is Subjectivity
Doors of Perception
Childhood's End
The Ones Who Walk
Away From Omelas
Nova Express
and Candide


Van Gogh

