* Putsch by the US military-intelligence-industry complex
* Misinformation experts write anti-Islamic talking points
* RIP Stetson Kennedy; helped revoke KKK's national charter
* No US federal safeguards for transporting tar sands crude
* Powell accuses Cheney of taking "cheap shots" in new book
* Icelandic citizens stop attempt to socialize bank failure
* Murdoch affiliate loses contract for NYC schools database
* Final note from George Eastman, the inventor of roll film
* 19th century Ukiyo-e woodblock prints by Yoshu Chikanobu
* Longtime Slashdot editor Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda steps down
* Why the White House defends banks from investigations
* Bill would lift payroll tax cap & fund Social Security
* Romney responds to Rick Perry's position on environment
* News Corp set to air 9/11 "documentary" glorifying Bush
* Ad on cable car calls for end to military aid to Israel
August 24, 2011
* Libya intervention did not follow traditional pattern
* President protects banks from future civil enforcement
* Government missed chance to regulate financial industry
* Michele Bachmann never sponsored a bill that became law
* Rep. Chabot had cameras confiscated at town hall meeting
* Science Foundation exonerates climatologist Michael Mann
* Amy Winehouse toxicology report; inquest begins Oct 26th
* Deep fried Kool-Aid & Donut Burgers at Indiana State Fair
August 22, 2011
* Foreign & domestic banks got $1.2T from Federal Reserve
* Jack Layton dies at 61; leader of Canadian New Democrats
* Paul Ryan supported tax loopholes for his biggest donors
* Book written by Rick Perry not meant to reflect his views
* Fossils of 3.4 billion year old cells on Australian beach
August 21, 2011
* Proposed Alberta tar sands oil pipeline to Gulf of Mexico
* BART's protest position does not withstand legal scrutiny
* Pictures of BART cellphone protest organized by Anonymous
* Contributors to Perry campaign got huge government grants
* Former Reagan budget official calls Rick Perry an "idiot"
* Software companies would control large swathes of economy
* High school teacher can't be sued for denying creationism
* Civilian plane crash near annual Arctic military exercise
* German Pirate Party to win seats in Parliament next month
* Libyan rebels convergeon Tripoli; control Islamic museum
August 19, 2011
* Teen's solar power breakthrough uses Fibonacci sequence
* Ridley Scott planning sequel or prequel to Blade Runner
* Chinese researchers propose asteroid deflection mission
* Obama calls on Assad to quit; US, EU announce sanctions
* Michele Bachmann: Americans fear rise of "Soviet Union"
* Rick Perry accuses Federal Reserve Chairman of treason
August 18, 2011
* Maverick Republican candidate believes in science
* Morgan Stanley gloomy outlook based on budget cuts
* UN Secretary General's plane was shot down in 1961
* Foreign students walk out of Hershey factory jobs
* Latino activists would stay home on election day
* Why poor people support tax cuts for the wealthy
* Romney tells Iowans that corporations are people
* BART police email passwords stored in plain text
August 16, 2011
* Nineteen Syrian clerics sign petition blaming Assad
* Indian police arrest anti-corruption activist Hazare
* Letter fromNews of the Worldreporter Clive Goodman
* Daily Mailpublishes picture by wife of Cory Doctorow
* Bachmann marks Elvis birthday on anniversary of death
August 11, 2011
* I'll be away from my computer until August 16th
August 10, 2011
* Dems short of Senate majority in Wisconsin recall
* Gallup poll: bump for Obama v. generic Republican
* Bachmann sought federal aid 16 separate occasions
* Rep. Nadler introduces law to repeal debt ceiling
* Critic Bruce Schneier's telepathic takeover of TSA
* Anonymoustakes over Syrian Ministry of Defense website
August 7, 2011
* Corporate media ignores S&P blaming GOP for downgrade
* China allows UN resolution after siege of Hama, Syria
* 200,000 demonstrate in Tel Aviv for economic justice
* Police cars on fire in north London's Tottenham area
* Joseph Chetrit buysChelsea Hotel, residents evicted
* Christian Right unhappy that Tom Minnery was exposed
* News Corppaid more than $200,000 to British police
* Confirmation of geomagnetically trapped antiprotons
* Well written reviews of weird carbonated beverages
* Situations that highten arousal boost info sharing
* Investors reduce exposure to West's future production
* Suppressed 1946 color footage of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
* Obama administration wants Muslims' lawsuit dismissed
* Aliyah in Wonderland: illustration for Arabic children
* American Legislative Exchange Council and prison labor
August 3, 2011
* Court rules for validity of John Doe v. Donald Rumsfeld
* Israel's Prime Minister offered asylum to Hosni Mubarak
* Trial of Hosni Mubarak televised live across Middle East
* Former chair of Wisconsin GOP comment on recall election
* Apologist for slavery Robert E. Lee became American hero
* Sen. Wyden to block bill over Patriot Actinterpretation
* Rep. Frank praises Tea Party in cutting defense spending
* Japan buys dollars to reverse spike in value of currency
* Mayor of Vilnius crushes Mercedes parked in bicycle lane
* Google's free Androidplatform reaches 50% market share
August 2, 2011
* Rep. Giffords returns to vote for debt ceiling increase
* Koch funded ballot notices sent to Wisconsin Democrats
* Ohio GOP chairman casts aside "zero tolerance" policy
* Seats in Haskell Opera House straddle Canadian border
* Nuclear missile launch officers trained by chaplains
* Strange object on seabed between Sweden and Finland
* News of the World managing editor Kuttner arrested
August 1, 2011
* Murdoch media led call to restrict 4th amendment right
* Citizen Kane Murdoch hush money raining down on police
* Decline of unions linked to rise in income inequality
* UN plans vote on recognition of Palestine next month
* Recent NASCAR prayer by pastor Joe Nelms: autotuned
Barton Fink
Being There
Doctor Zhivago
Les Miserables
The Grass Harp
Yellow Submarine
O Brother, Where Art Thou
Bullets Over Broadway
American Splendor
V for Vendetta
Smoke Signals
Dead Man