* Vote on US debt ceiling follows vote to allocate money
* US bill to ban private security contactors in war zone
* US bill to make ISP's document every click & keystroke
* British tabloid investigator instructed to hack phones
* Fibonacci sequence used to convert miles to kilometers
* Whale shows appreciation after being freed from nets
* Photographer captures beauty and horror of pollution
* Al Sharpton lobbied in support of Comcast/NBC merger
* 1995 story from MTV News about the internet [video]
* Fox News is "most popular", others are "mainstream"
July 27, 2011
* CBO: Reid plan cuts deficit more than Boehner plan
* Israel sues for cost of demolishing Bedouin village
* Irish PM condemns Vatican interference in sex cases
* Judge to remove ban on circumcision from SF ballot
* Bachmann minister Bradlee Dean sues Rachel Maddow
July 26, 2011
* "Superluminal light propagation" just a visual effect
* White Americans median wealth 20 times that of blacks
* Zero growth in UK economy nine months after austerity
* New theory on evolution of disgust [5 minute podcast]
* NSA claims authority to track US citizens in country
July 24, 2011
* UK teen Adam Castle taking cops to court for kettling
* World's oldest restaurant Botin in Madrid opened 1725
* Hundreds of gay & lesbiancouples married in New York
* StylishtwinsVivian & Marian Brown of San Francisco
* Health claims lead FDA to call walnuts a "new drug"
July 23, 2011
* Last minute demand to link health care, debt ceiling
* Hackers stole 2004 US presidential election in Ohio
* Credit rating agencies panic after markets rise 2%
* Apparent difference between terrorism & extremism
* Vocalist Amy Winehouse found dead today in London
July 22, 2011
* Clinton: invoke 14th Amendment to raise debt ceiling
* Rowling wanted Gilliam to direct Harry Potter films
* Rapid adoption of Google search in the late 1990's
* 20 million join invitation-only Google+ in 3 weeks
* Hyatt Hotel turns winter heat lamps on picket line
July 21, 2011
* Democrat wins first of nine Wisconsin recall elections
* Recall of Wisconsin governor Walker could occur in 2012
* Al Frankenaddresses Tom Minnery ofFocus On The Family
* Lady Gaga interview with Howard Stern and Robin Quivers
* Greenpeace activists destroy genetically modified wheat
July 18, 2011
* David Cameron recalls Parliament over phone hacking
* Scandal draws second resignation from Scotland Yard
* Rebekah Brooks' husband would reclaim discarded PC
July 17, 2011
* Antipsychotics are top selling class of drugs in US
* Profile of Manning after release of chat transcript
* Bans lead hacktivists to createnew social network
* Herman Cain: communities have right to ban mosques
* Vultures helped prevent spread of disease in India
* Lisa Schweitzer Op-Ed on the selling of the world
* Newsmax article explains why the US has a deficit
* Murdoch reporters hacked vmails of US movie stars
* Fox News guest comparesNews Corp to their victims
* Some bad behaviors may have biological explanation
* DC Court of Appeals rules TSA violated federal law
* Palin movie "The Undefeated" debuts in US theatres
* I'm watching a video of Anthony Bourdain in Azores
July 14, 2011
* FBI begins preliminary investigation into News Corp
* Mumsnet.comcontactedNews of the World advertisers
* Fox News Watch pundits comment onNews of the World
* Corporations approve "model bills" at ALEC meetings
* Pew Research Poll: GOP to blame in event of default
July 12, 2011
* Boehner: GOP didn't use US debt ceiling as leverage
* Bush tax cuts netted zero jobs in the United States
* Price of gold at record high, up 9.9% since January
* Senator asks regulator to probe Murdoch's News Corp
* Takedown notice for photo self portrait by a Monkey
Barton Fink
Being There
Doctor Zhivago
Les Miserables
The Grass Harp
Yellow Submarine
O Brother, Where Art Thou
Bullets Over Broadway
American Splendor
V for Vendetta
Smoke Signals
Dead Man