June 30, 2011

* Barbaric ancient ritual's opponents are "anti-Semitic"


  June 29, 2011

* Two videos seem to capture images of UFOs over London


  June 28, 2011

* Supreme Court to hear case on warrantless GPS tracking
* Iso Rabins works to reopen SF underground food market
* Savant picks up conversational Icelandic in one week
* Rock star sends cease-and-desist letter to candidate
* Bob Schieffer tries to interview Tea Party candidate


  June 26, 2011

* East span of San Francisco Bay Bridge made in China
* Wisconsin justices Prosser & Bradley in altercation
* Deadline for content farm nonsense every 30 minutes
* Alex Jones: elites in contact with "clockwork elves"
* Penguin swims 2000 miles to New Zealand, eats sand


  June 25, 2011

* Cop suspended after being recorded on hidden camera
* New York State Senate passes marriage equality bill
* Phone app to identify plants, build public database
* Peter Falk dead at 83; Colombo, The Princess Bride
* Archaeologist resurrects ancient alcoholic drinks


  June 24, 2011

* Phone apps to covertly record authority figures
* Rochester police harass supporters of Emily Good
* Jews, Muslims file suit against circumcision ban
* 8 of top 10 "welfare states" voted Bush & McCain
* Interview with "dyke porn pioneer" Susie Bright


  June 23, 2011

* Arizona Senate President Pearce will face recall
* Vote suppression masquerades as fraud prevention
* FBI conducting domestic surveillance proactively
* Michigan EFM law violates "separation of powers"

* LulzSec posts Arizona law enforcement documents
* US military family benefits amount to socialism
* Iceland drafts new constitution on the Internet
* Tribalism default system of human social nature


  June 22, 2011

* Dems accuse GOP of sabotaging economic recovery
* US agent shoots and kills rock-throwing Mexican
* Last US company town fires and evicts 92 people
* Woman arrested for filming police from her yard
* More captive tigers in US than wild world wide

* Chris Wallace concedes Fox's conservative bias
* Legislation would end federal war on marijuana
* Georgia immigration law leads to rotting crops
* Idaho Senate Republican John McGee out on bail
* US government financed Michele Bachmann rally

* North Carolina eugenics laws repealed in 2003
* Biggest Australian ISPs to block 500 websites
* Chinese artist Ai Weiwei released from prison
* Toronto police abandon practice of "kettling"
* High fructose corn syrup renamed "corn sugar"


  June 20, 2011

* Albert Einstein turned down the presidency of Israel
* Governor calls Wisconsin recall election distraction
* Eastwood & Redford don't have stars on walk of fame
* Sen. McCain blames wildfires on illegal immigrants
* NBC uses original version of pledge of allegiance

* Jon Stewart and Chris Wallace: unedited interview
* Vote suppression masked as preventing voter fraud
* Van Jones considers legal action against Fox News
* Bachmann praised pork in letter to Obama official
* D.H. Lawrence disparaging comments on James Joyce

  June 19, 2011

* Thomas Kuhn had Errol Morris ejected from Princeton
* 1991 British TV interview with Norman Mailer [video]
* Progressive groups endorsed merger after AT&T payola
* Conservative ideas now come from abstract principles
* Jon Stewart debates "media bias" on Fox News Sunday


  June 18, 2011

* 700,000 signatures to put anti-union measure on ballot
* 300 people rub shoulders outside Bilderberg perimeter
* Support diabetes research with purchase of large soda
* Pic of next Mars rover "Curiosity" [Fall 2011 launch]
* 10,000 year clock under construction inside mountain

* Robyn O'Brien earned MBA, then worked on Wall Street


  June 17, 2011

* Ed Schultz lures Glenn Beck into a war of words
* Democrats can feel shame and Republicans cannot
* 1945 telegram from Dorothy Parker to her editor
* NY Public Library acquires Timothy Leary archive
* Coffeehouses at churches and universities [1969]

* Ars Technica commentary on the LulzSec manifesto
* King of Morocco declares constitutional monarchy
* Saudis defy ban on driving in metropolitan areas
* Houston residents cannot vote to change ordinance
* WSJ implies AARP changed stance on Social Security


  June 16, 2011

* Bush Whitehouse asked CIA to discredit Juan Cole
* Pat Robertson used charity to mine blood diamonds
* Obama repays biggest donors with jobs & contracts
* Arrest of informants who helped locate bin Laden
* Bachmann opposes Environmental Protection Agency

* Sunspot cycle "hibernation" heralds Earth ice age
* FAA bans planes over Nebraska nuclear power plant
* Wisconsin court upholds collective bargaining law
* Republicans target HCR by trying to end Medicaid
* Proposed 300 acre resort on remote Atlantic isle

  June 14, 2011

* Wall St Journal's false promise to whistleblowers
* Italian households vote to abandon nuclear power
* Hundreds of societies have more than two genders
* Making beer & wine at home is legal in 48 states
* Rationality evolved to let people feel triumphant

  June 13, 2011

* Obama calls to extend employee-side payroll tax cut
* USGS satellite image exhibit at Library of Congress
* Voyager probes encounter realm of "magnetic bubbles"
* Heterosexual judges rule on rights of heterosexuals
* Relationship of culture, politics, war and business


  June 12, 2011

* Rule by rentier favors wealthy Treasury bond holders
* Reasons people were arrested at the G20 one year ago
* Canadian chamber of Commerce makes counterfeit claim
* Wisconsin Dems strategy against "spoiler" candidates
* 1955 short story in which heterosexuals are minority

* Fox poll about importance of Alaska governor's email
* Governor Rick Perry asks God to take charge in Texas
* List of Bilderberg conference attendees in St Moritz
* BART cop Johannes Mehserle to finish prison sentence
* Daniel Kish lost his eyes; navigates by echolocation


  June 10, 2011

* BP report: world consumes more oil that it produces
* Thatcher aides snub Palin; Limbaugh blames liberals
* Obama, Boehner, Biden & Kasich to play golf June 18
* Forty-one Senate Democrats oppose Medicaid overhaul
* US warns styrene & formaldehyde may be carcinogenic


  June 9, 2011

* NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake pleads misdemeanor
* US bill would outlaw GPS tracking without consent
* Wisconsin Republican Party's "spoiler" candidates
* Obama administration expands covert war in Yemen

* Netherlands to enact law ensuring net neutrality
* IMF's catastrophic pattern of "helping" countries
* Alex Haley interviewed Miles Davis [Playboy, 1962]
* Neil Pert recalls making of Moving Pictures [1981]

  June 8, 2011

* Americans for Prosperity posts fake eviction notices
* Chicago DA prosecutes recording of police harassment
* DNA tests show US prosecutors commonly fake evidence
* Bahrain Grand Prix cancelled after F1 teams boycott
* Fukushima breach "more serious" than core meltdown

* Picture of Sellers & Kubrick on Dr Strangelove set
* Pictures of blogroll buddy Regan's visit to Tofino
* Immune system constantly creates genes "on the fly"
* Wisconsin governor replaces painting by David Lenz
* 3-Way Street of autos, bikes & pedestrians in NYC


  June 7, 2011

* Rep. Anthony Weiner apologizes to Andrew Breitbart
* Top Republican's 2009 comments on Sanford & Ensign
* Former Cisco exec arrested during court proceeding
* Injuries will keep Yemeni president in Saudi Arabia
* Film: Alamar [2009] three generations of men fishing

* Filmmaker Werner Herzog "completely baffles" Colbert
* Ten physical gestures are patented; none by Nintendo
* Wikipedia and Conservapedia Paul Revere pages edited
* Irish expat profile of "free body culture" in Berlin
* Fecundity of the ocean before industrialized fishing

* Anonymous answers North Atlantic Treaty Organization
* Archive.org's physical archive likened to seed bank
* Cartoonist Lynda Barry likens image to phantom limb
* Dictionary of Mesopotamian completed after 90 years
* Man hides memory card in mouth as cops smash camera

  June 5, 2011

* Circumcision ban on San Francisco ballot in November
* 2600th anniversary of Gautama Buddha's enlightenment
* Nomadic sperm whales have accents, regional dialects
* CNN reporter added to no-fly list after story on TSA
* Latest book from cartoonist Joe Sacco is set in Gaza


  June 4, 2011

* Justice Dept fights demands by Wikileaks associates
* Democrats will try to recall Scott Walker next year
* Goldman-Sachs offered $3.7B stake to Moammar Qaddafi
* Jon Stewart's Nielson rating rivals Fox News average
* Lulz Security says it hacked FBI affiliate Infragard

* Mitt Romney says humans contribute to global warming
* Republicans would stop TV ad on plan to end Medicare
* Free speech means forcing people to listen to prayer
* US State Department fought for lower wages in Haiti
* Big Pharma stopped giving doctors free pens in 2008


  June 3, 2011

* How the Dept of Justice takes down a domain name
* Home Depot dismisses American Family Association
* Virginia Fed Reserve building flies rainbow flag
* Bachmann plans to debate presidential candidates
* Justice Thomas admits $100k from Citizens United

* High definition video of Earth from orbit [7 min]

  June 2, 2011

* Pictures from our Memorial weekend trip to Oregon


  June 1, 2011

* Rand Paul, supposed defender of civil liberties
* Banks can't prove they own delinquent home loans
* Iran would complete "Halal intranet" by late 2012
* Louvre pyramid uses America's Cup yacht technology
* Yale rare book library walls are translucent marble

* 19 year old man elected to Canadian House of Commons
* Seniors volunteering to clean Fukushima power plant
* Heavy snowfall in the Sierra Nevada mountains today
* YouTube introduces Creative Commons license option
* Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman networks hacked

* | * | *

Contact * Archive

"You are who you love, not who loves you."
-Charlie Kaufman, Adaptation, 2002


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Mont St Michel

The Louvre


Seattle Terracotta

Saint Helena CA

Berkeley CA

Berkeley CA

Seattle Murano

Sierra Nevada


Moloch in Cabiria


Ursela K. LeGuin

D.H. Lawrence

Spherical Deck

Crossing Sahara

cut-up technique


Way of the Law

The Red Book: images

Spring 2011

Winter 2010

Summer 2009

Summer 2009

Winter 2008

Jetlag 2007

Normandy 2007

Alameda 2007

Desolation 2006

Seattle 2005

Wayne and Max

d. 2008

Henry Miller  d. 1980

Earthrise 1968

Banned Books Online


Bay Bridge east span

Henry Miller biography

Burroughs biography

Patti Smith autobiography

Dark Spring [2011]

Daniel Suelo

Edward R. Murrow [1954]

Standing Cat

Great Lake Swimmers

Neko Case

Vince Mendoza

Liesa Lietzke

Daniel Suelo

Dom Helder Camara

Public Property


Thanks to
Patti Smith
Garrison Keillor
Howard Zinn [RIP]
Russ Feingold
Naomi Klein
Seymour Hersh
Philippe Sands
Glenn Greenwald
Amy Goodman
Jon Stewart
Norman Solomon
Bill Moyers
Lawrence O'Donnell
Cornell West
Carol Mosely Braun
Jimmy Carter
Eliot Spitzer
Al Franken
Bernie Saunders
Daniel Ellsberg
Stanislav Petrov
Charles Swift
Vaughn Smith
Antonio Taguba
Bob Rae
John Gnarr
Tom Ammiano
Cindy Sheehan
Alan Grayson
Arianna Huffington
Martin Garbus
Robert Steele
Mike Prysner
Phil Mocek
Mike Gronstal
Keith Ellison
David Harvey
Gideon Levy
Reuven Moskovitz
Tariq Ramadan
Asmaa Mahfouz
Lubna Hussein
Muhammad Yunus
Nelson Mandela
Janie Forsythe McKinney
Binayak Sen
Muhammad Ali
Assata Shakur
George Galloway
Vinay Gupta
Lula da Silva
Husain Haqqani
Mo Sochua
M. Fukuoka [RIP]
Sepp Holzer
Jane Goodall
Wendell Berry
Jacque Fresco
Eustace Conway
Dudley Hiibel
Eric Sheptock
Jay Bakker
Paula Rego
Owsley Stanley [RIP]
Alexis Rockman
Papu Pirtola
Susie Bright
Carol Ruth Silver
Elaine Brown
Susan Sontag [RIP]
Lucian Love
Robert Pinsky
Paul Watson
Peter Hammarstedt
Benjamin Potts
Christopher Aultman
Pete Bethune
Eric Schlosser
Michael Pollan
Robyn O'Brien
Novella Carpenter
Carole Morison
Alan I. Leshner
Denis Rancourt
Rudolf Elmer
Josh Marshall
Jay Rosen
David Dayen
Russ Kick
John Young
Julian Assange
Thomas Tamm
Thomas Drake
Jim Lehrer
Barbara Ehrenreich
Cara Sloman
Susan Sullivan
Chris Finn
Catherine Fitzmaurice
Marla Leech
Jim Gilliam
Andrea Foley
Vy Higginsen
Speed Levitch
Harvey Pekar [RIP]
April Winchell
Jean Sara Rohe
William K. Black
Richard Sanders
Jackie Speier
Anna Sokolova
Gordon Hintz
Jesse Ventura
Kinky Friedman
Jim Hightower
Gerald Lefcourt
John Zerzan
Alexei Plutser-Sarno
Moses Pendleton
Sally Mann
Kayla Kearney
Constance McMillen
Bill Owens
Joel Sternfeld
Iris Apfel
Yoram Savion
Rebecca Horn
Albert Pujols
Eckhart Tolle
Clark McKowen
Swami Beyondananda
Michael Reynolds
Richard Long
Daniel Suelo
Mark Boyle
Andy Goldsworthy
Hiromi Uehara
Leonard Cohen
Tom Waits
Marc Mollan
Sufjan Stevens
Doctor John
Neil Young
Willie Nelson
David Grisman
Steve Earle
Lyle Lovett
Bruce Springsteen
Ry Cooder
Natalie Merchant
Joe Craven
Marian McPartland
Stephanie Nakasian
Norah Jones
Kevin Kniestedt
Tracy Chapman
k. d. laing
Brenda Laurel
John Perry Barlow
Cory Doctorow
Nicholas Carroll
Bruce Schneier
Bruce Sterling
Gottfrid Svartholm
Christopher Poole
Carl Malamud
Jim Jarmusch
Werner Herzog
The Coen Brothers
Errol Morris
Robert Altman
Julie Taymor
Robert Greenwald
Warren Miller
Ken Burns
Brian Grazer
Robert Osborne
Donald Miller
Marjane Satrapi
Alan Moore
Joep van Lieshout
Oliver Sacks
Trevor Marshall
Alva Noe
Robin Williams
Shep Smith
Scoop Nisker
Martin Mull
Louis C.K.
Jon Favreau
Barry Cooper
Zach Calden
Nick Forster
Jello Biafra
Dave Chappelle
Whoopi Goldberg
Montel Williams
David Letterman
Sarah Haskins
Brooke Magnanti
Anthony Bourdain
Michael Beschloss
Max Keiser
Dylan Ratigan
Anderson Cooper
Dave Ross
John Oliver
Jeff Sharlet
Majallie Whbee
Rachel Maddow
Matt Taibbi
Jeremy Scahill
Anderson Cooper
Rick Steves
Bob Costas
Bill Talen
Steven Fry
Natalie Portman
Jon Hamm
Daniel Craig
Sam Rockwell
Vincent D'Onofrio
Lily Tomlin
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Hillary Swank
Gael Garcia Bernal
Mark Wahlberg
Viggo Mortensen
David Strathairn
Kris Kristofferson
Chris Cooper
Geoffrey Rush
Wallace Shawn
Alan Alda
Tim Robbins
Robert Downey Jr.
John Turturro
Johnny Depp
George Clooney
Robert Forster
Henry Rollins
Thom Yorke
Eddie Vedder
David Byrne
Ben Harper
Rob Brezsny
Mitch Singer
Genesis P-Orridge
Perry Farrell
Baaba Maal
Lady Gaga
Wang Dan

No Thanks
M. Night Shyamalan
Malcolm Gladwell
Geert Wilders
Phil Collins


Fresh Basil
Lemon Blossom
Sandlewood Oil



Blue Spruce

Cities & Towns
San Francisco
Port Townsend

Barton Fink
Being There
Doctor Zhivago
Les Miserables
The Grass Harp
Yellow Submarine
O Brother, Where Art Thou
Bullets Over Broadway
American Splendor
V for Vendetta
Smoke Signals
Dead Man

What is Enlightenment?
Ether, God & Devil
Life Against Death
Genealogy of Morals
Civil Disobedience
To Kill A Mockingbird
Truth is Subjectivity
Doors of Perception
Childhood's End
The Ones Who Walk
Away From Omelas
Nova Express
and Candide


Van Gogh

Duomo di Firenze
Palace of Fine Arts
Carlsberg Glyptotek
