* Barbaric ancient ritual's opponents are "anti-Semitic"
June 29, 2011
* Two videos seem to capture images of UFOs over London
June 28, 2011
* Supreme Court to hear case on warrantless GPS tracking
* Iso Rabins works to reopen SF underground food market
* Savant picks up conversational Icelandic in one week
* Rock star sends cease-and-desist letter to candidate
* Bob Schieffer tries to interview Tea Party candidate
June 26, 2011
* East span of San Francisco Bay Bridge made in China
* Wisconsin justices Prosser & Bradley in altercation
* Deadline for content farm nonsense every 30 minutes
* Alex Jones: elites in contact with "clockwork elves"
* Penguin swims 2000 miles to New Zealand, eats sand
* Arizona Senate President Pearce will face recall
* Vote suppression masquerades as fraud prevention
* FBI conducting domestic surveillance proactively
* Michigan EFM law violates "separation of powers"
* Chris Wallace concedes Fox's conservative bias
* Legislation would end federal war on marijuana
* Georgia immigration law leads to rotting crops
* Idaho Senate Republican John McGee out on bail
* US government financed Michele Bachmann rally
* North Carolina eugenics laws repealed in 2003
* Biggest Australian ISPs to block 500 websites
* Chinese artist Ai Weiweireleasedfrom prison
* Toronto police abandon practice of "kettling"
* High fructose corn syrup renamed "corn sugar"
June 20, 2011
* Albert Einstein turned down the presidency of Israel
* Governor calls Wisconsin recall election distraction
* Eastwood & Redford don't have stars on walk of fame
* Sen. McCain blames wildfires on illegal immigrants
* NBC uses original version of pledge of allegiance
* Jon Stewart and Chris Wallace: unedited interview
* Vote suppression masked as preventing voter fraud
* Van Jones considers legal action against Fox News
* Bachmann praised pork in letter to Obama official
* D.H. Lawrence disparaging comments on James Joyce
June 19, 2011
* Thomas Kuhn had Errol Morris ejected from Princeton
* 1991 British TV interview with Norman Mailer [video]
* Progressive groups endorsed merger after AT&T payola
* Conservative ideas now come from abstract principles
* Jon Stewart debates "media bias" on Fox News Sunday
June 18, 2011
* 700,000 signatures to put anti-union measure on ballot
* 300 people rub shoulders outside Bilderberg perimeter
* Support diabetes research with purchase of large soda
* Pic of next Mars rover "Curiosity" [Fall 2011 launch]
* 10,000 year clock under construction inside mountain
* Robyn O'Brien earned MBA, then worked on Wall Street
June 17, 2011
* Ed Schultz lures Glenn Beck into a war of words
* Democrats can feel shame and Republicans cannot
* 1945 telegram from Dorothy Parker to her editor
* NY Public Library acquires Timothy Learyarchive
* Coffeehouses at churches and universities [1969]
* Ars Technica commentary on the LulzSec manifesto
* King of Morocco declares constitutional monarchy
* Saudis defy ban on driving in metropolitan areas
* Houston residents cannot vote to change ordinance
* WSJ implies AARP changed stance on Social Security
June 16, 2011
* Bush Whitehouse asked CIA to discreditJuan Cole
* Pat Robertson used charity to mine blood diamonds
* Obama repays biggest donors with jobs & contracts
* Arrest of informants who helped locate bin Laden
* Bachmannopposes Environmental Protection Agency
* Obama calls to extend employee-side payroll tax cut
* USGS satellite image exhibit at Library of Congress
* Voyager probes encounter realm of "magnetic bubbles"
* Heterosexual judges rule on rights of heterosexuals
* Relationship of culture, politics, war and business
June 12, 2011
* Rule by rentier favors wealthy Treasury bond holders
* Reasons people were arrested at the G20 one year ago
* Canadian chamber of Commerce makes counterfeit claim
* Wisconsin Dems strategyagainst "spoiler" candidates
* 1955 short story in which heterosexuals are minority
* Fox poll about importance of Alaska governor's email
* Governor Rick Perry asks God to take charge in Texas
* List of Bilderbergconferenceattendees in St Moritz
* BART cop Johannes Mehserle to finish prison sentence
* Daniel Kish lost his eyes; navigates by echolocation
June 10, 2011
* BP report: world consumes more oil that it produces
* Thatcher aides snub Palin; Limbaugh blames liberals
* Obama, Boehner, Biden & Kasich to play golf June 18
* Forty-one Senate Democrats oppose Medicaid overhaul
* US warns styrene & formaldehyde may be carcinogenic
June 9, 2011
* NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake pleads misdemeanor
* US bill would outlaw GPS tracking without consent
* Wisconsin Republican Party's "spoiler" candidates
* Obama administration expands covert war in Yemen
* Netherlands to enact law ensuring net neutrality
* IMF's catastrophic pattern of "helping" countries
* Alex Haley interviewed Miles Davis [Playboy, 1962]
* Neil Pert recalls making ofMoving Pictures [1981]
June 8, 2011
* Americans for Prosperityposts fake eviction notices
* Chicago DA prosecutes recording of police harassment
* DNA tests show US prosecutors commonly fake evidence
* Bahrain Grand Prix cancelled after F1 teams boycott
* Fukushima breach "more serious" than core meltdown
* Rep. Anthony Weiner apologizes to Andrew Breitbart
* Top Republican's 2009 comments on Sanford & Ensign
* Former Cisco exec arrested during court proceeding
* Injuries will keep Yemeni president in Saudi Arabia
* Film: Alamar [2009] three generations of men fishing
* Filmmaker Werner Herzog "completely baffles" Colbert
* Ten physical gestures are patented; none by Nintendo
* Wikipedia and Conservapedia Paul Revere pages edited
* Irish expat profile of "free body culture" in Berlin
* Fecundity of the ocean before industrialized fishing
* Anonymousanswers North Atlantic Treaty Organization
* Archive.org's physical archive likened to seed bank
* Cartoonist Lynda Barry likens image to phantom limb
* Dictionary of Mesopotamian completed after 90 years
* Man hides memory card in mouth as cops smash camera
June 5, 2011
* Circumcision ban on San Francisco ballot in November
* 2600th anniversary of Gautama Buddha's enlightenment
* Nomadic sperm whales have accents, regional dialects
* CNN reporter added to no-fly list after story on TSA
* Latest book from cartoonist Joe Sacco is set in Gaza
June 4, 2011
* Justice Dept fights demands by Wikileaks associates
* Democrats will try to recall Scott Walker next year
* Goldman-Sachs offered $3.7B stake to Moammar Qaddafi
* Jon Stewart's Nielson rating rivals Fox News average
* Lulz Security says it hacked FBI affiliate Infragard
* Mitt Romney says humans contribute to global warming
* Republicans would stop TV ad on plan to end Medicare
* Free speech means forcing people to listen to prayer
* US State Department fought for lower wages in Haiti
* Big Pharma stopped giving doctors free pens in 2008
June 3, 2011
* How the Dept of Justice takes down a domain name
* Home Depot dismisses American Family Association
* Virginia Fed Reserve building flies rainbow flag
* Bachmann plans to debate presidential candidates
* Justice Thomas admits $100k from Citizens United
* Pictures from our Memorial weekend trip to Oregon
June 1, 2011
* Rand Paul, supposeddefender of civil liberties
* Banks can't prove they own delinquent home loans
* Iran would complete "Halal intranet" by late 2012
* Louvre pyramid uses America's Cup yacht technology
* Yale rare book library walls are translucent marble
* 19 year old man elected to Canadian House of Commons
* Seniorsvolunteering to clean Fukushima power plant
* Heavy snowfall in the Sierra Nevada mountains today
* YouTube introduces Creative Commons license option
* Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman networks hacked
Barton Fink
Being There
Doctor Zhivago
Les Miserables
The Grass Harp
Yellow Submarine
O Brother, Where Art Thou
Bullets Over Broadway
American Splendor
V for Vendetta
Smoke Signals
Dead Man