* Rand Paul mocks Fox News debate over how to report war
* Wisconsin Republicans would censor video they released
* Pre-emptive suit vs. Monsanto on behalf of 60 farmers
* Photographic study of bureaucrats in eight countries
* Lives are spent trying to pixellate a fractal planet
* Solution to decade old Pioneer acceleration anomaly
* Meteors caused currugation of rings around planets
* Britian would begin privatizing prisons in October
* Letter from 18 year old later known as Syd Barrett
* Immersion baptism in vintage music and photography
* Lula da Silva more popular at end of second term
* Annexation may follow UNrecognition of Palestine
* Indiana legislature considered privatizing schools
* Paul Baran, inventor of packet switching, has died
* AMC wantsproduct placements in Mad Men 5th season
* 1st centurylead codices may have Christian origin
* Claims of US citizenship by Trump & Obama compared
* Anil Dash consults expert on dangers of radiation
* First ever image from orbit around planet Mercury
* Palin wonders aloud if Libyan war is "squirmish"
March 27, 2011
* Canadian election planned after no-confidence vote
* Account of yesterday's protest at Trafalgar Square
* Anti-Union bill published despite restraining order
* NATO assumes control of aerial bombardment in Libya
* Lady Gaga releases country version of Born This Way
March 24, 2011
* The Internet of Things: "50 billion connected devices"
* United States motto changed to In God We Trustin 1955
* American Family Association on Islam & First Amendment
* Proposed global settlement for mortgage servicer fraud
* In 1800 many people thought immorality caused insanity
* Harvey Pekar adaptedStuds Terkel oral history Working
* Book covers enhance reading experience [1902-84] [via]
* Bonds "never knew" his trainer was giving him steroids
* Palin says she is done whining about the media [video]
* Yemen suppressed northern Houthi rebellion for 7 years
March 23, 2011
* Saudis want quick & smooth transition of power in Yemen
* Law punishes references to Palestinian exodus as "Nakba"
* Canadian fighter pilots avoid collateral damage in Libya
* Maine Governor LePage ordersremoval of Labor Dept mural
* Lawrence O'Donnell on Beck's "biblical literalist piety"
* GOP bill to put "In God We Trust" on all gov't buildings
* Elizabeth Taylor dead at 79; Photographed in Iran [1976]
* Apple takes down "Gay Cure" app in response to petition
* Method for hybrid computer chips of silicon and neurons
* Karl Rove now supports transparency and accountability
* Leaked cables show US bribed lawmakers in India in 1998
* Conservative Democrat votes quick exit from Afghanistan
* Black Muslim Bakery owner on trial for writer's murder
* Repurposed next generation NASA Orion vehicle unveiled
* SJ Mercury profiles powerchair soccer coach Chris Finn
* Dalia Lama believes in separation of religion & state
* Most of radiation leak due to bid to protect assets
* Appellate court allows challenge to FISA Amendments
* Biology's "dark matter" hints fourth domain of life
* Account of 1967 death of cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov
* Earth's orientation to the sun changes year to year
* Matthew Baldwin's autistic son turned 7 February 23
March 20, 2011
* Quantico "threat advisory" regarding Manning protest
* Comic Stephen Colbert teaches Catholic Sunday school
* Argo Challenge Americas Cup team of disabled sailors
* Challengercrew died when crew module hit the water
* Live police radio in LA, NY, SF, Chicago, Montreal
* First full moon at perigee since 1993 [356,577 km]
* Tiny towns in Maine enact "food sovereignty laws"
* NPR misleadingly edited misleadingly edited video
* Netflix buys original drama starring Kevin Spacey
* History of film & television title design [video]
* US Military Facebook & Twitter sock puppet accounts
* Corporations: emergency planning not cost effective
* Emergency session of Congress to defund NPR [video]
* Ex-Goldman Sachs banker afraid of Elizabeth Warren
* No-flyzone over Libya permits airstrikes on tanks
* Obama won 78% of Jewish vote; should visit Jerusalem
* Koch Brothers hired PR firm to edit Wikipedia [video]
* Coverage of Michelle Bachmann error shows media bias
* Cato Institute: neoconservatism pushingsoft fascism
* Pepsi introduces bottles made of 100% plant material
* New species may emerge from Chernobyl irradiated eden
* Suicide rate down after iPhone factory installed nets
* Modigliani the quintessential self-destroying artist
* Security forces in Bahrain shoot people point blank
* X-ray machine from 1896 compared to modern version
* CNN on cruel and unusual punishment of Brad Manning
* Constitutional amendment to define "natural person"
* 18th century engraving of New Zealand native [via]
* Need non-corporate Wikiwitness for conflict images
* GEMark 1 Reactorwasn't designed for an emergency
March 15, 2011
* Prosperous German economy is based on manufacturing
* Saudi Arabia sends troops to quell Shias in Bahrain
* Former Clinton spokesman Crowley's father was a POW
* Governor forbids announcement of Ohio's budget plan
* 45% of signatures collected for recall in Wisconsin
* Israel urges cancelation of film premiere at the UN
* Fox News repeats "Muslim ban on padded bras" story
* Silicon Valley legislator comments domain siezures
* Private corporation regulates all Internet domains
* Verizon LTE only technology that comes close to 4G
* Lawrence Lessig to speak at UC Berkeley March 16th
March 13, 2011
* Est. 100,000 people at Wisconsin Capitol yesterday
* Clinton spokesman outaftercomments about Manning
* Glenn Beck editor reviews raw video of NPR expose
* Coal plants emit 100x more radiation than nuclear
* Fukushima Dai-ichi containment building explodes
* Owsley Stanley died in a car crash in Australia
* McCain campaign manager comments choice of Palin
* 31 member Libyan National Council would take over
* AMA would restrict personal access to genetic info
* Republican presidential candidates avoid publicity
March 12, 2011
* Huge explosion beneath sunspot prior to earthquake
* 1980 speech by Reagan in support on unions [video]
* Health risks associated with Daylight Savings Time
* Five US cities offer opt-out for postal junk mail
* Groupon becomes fastest growing Web company ever
* Survey of references by newspapers to waterboarding
* Jon Stewart: Obama's dream of closing Gitmo is dead
* Clinton spokesman criticizes Brad Manning detention
* 4chan founder is young and surprisingly presentable
* NFL players decertify union, seek to prevent lockout
March 10, 2011
* Quorum notrequired to end collective bargaining
* GOP goal is to cut government, not reduce deficit
* New "decorum" rules released for Wisconsin capitol
* People don't know when they're lying to themselves
* Dalai Lama to retire as political leader of exiles
March 9, 2011
* NPR "appalled" at comments by Foundation president
* Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker proposes compromise
* Daniel Craig dons drag for International Womens Day
* Large cave detected on moon could protect astronauts
* Covers of Psychoanalysis comics c. 1955, volumes 1-4
* Prototype US Air Force miniature shuttle lift off
* 20 lies told by Wisconsin's Governor Scott Walker
* Increase in labor organizing in wake of Wisconsin
* TL;DR minutae of rapidly declining attention span
* Congrats to my friend Feng on birth of son George
March 5, 2011
* Equity firms plan takeover of California libraries
* TSA wants to charge fee for extra carry-on luggage
* Congress renews $13B in unwanted Pentagon programs
* al Jazeera publishes negative news of home country
* Images of the Libyan civil war [AP, Reuters, Getty]
* Caracus skyscraper houses more than 2,500 squatters
* Manning faces capital offense of "aiding the enemy"
* L.A. Chamber of Commerce backs Brown's budget plan
* Panama Canal expansion to double capacity by 2014
* Kids should sleep with parents until they're five
March 2, 2011
* Supreme Court rules against privacy for corporations
* Wisconsin fiscal deficit equals corporate tax breaks
* "Union thug" videos popular on Right Wing news sites
* Congressional Democrats want investigation of HBGary
* People with full bladders better at making decisions
March 1, 2011
* Connecticut bill would recognize right to record cops
* US Rep. Rush Holt [D-NJ] defeats "Watson" at Jeopardy
* Canadian regulators reject permit for misleading news
Barton Fink
Being There
Doctor Zhivago
Les Miserables
The Grass Harp
Yellow Submarine
O Brother, Where Art Thou
Bullets Over Broadway
American Splendor
V for Vendetta
Smoke Signals
Dead Man