* Tampering charge against jury nullification advocate explained
November 27, 2011
* Afghans call in NATO airstike that kills 24 Pakistani soldiers
* Arab League meets in Cairo to avoid NATO intervention in Syria
* Author reacts to use of Guy Fawkes mask from his graphic novel
* Arrestee takes "Disorder Control Unit" guideline from NYPD van
* Microsoft convinces BSA to opposeSOPAStop Online Piracy Act
* Occupy LA invites mayor and city council to General Assembly
* PDF of "sealed search and seizure warrant" for Gmail account
* A single overdose of acetaminophen can lead to liver failure
* Studies confirm wolves first domesticated near Yangtze River
* Kerouac's "lost" debut novel The Sea Is My Brotherpublished
* Bloomberg News wins lawsuit to learn details of Fed bailout
* Endless war based on maintaining two contradictory premises
* 1968 hand written letter from Jimi Hendrix about album art
* We see our noses and eyebrows but our brains "edit it out"
* Comedy is brain's way of correcting mistaken assumptions
* I'm using Cyberduck open source software to move my website
November 24, 2011
* I am moving stryder.com to a new host; some files offline
November 20, 2011
* Memo from Wall Street lobbyists shows strategies & concerns
* News of Congress legal insider trading inspires legislation
* UC President appalled by UC Davis peppper spraying students
* Students silently watch UC Davis Chancellor walk to her car
* 100,000 voters sign petition to recall Wisconsin Gov. Walker
November 18, 2011
* Occupy Wall Street pictures Nov 17th, Nov 16th & Nov 15th
* Wall Street buys the tax code that applies to Wall Street
* Senators probe Congressional insider trading as seen on TV
* Energy Secretary Chu after Solyndra Congressional hearings
* Whitehouse.gov shutsdown petition to Free Bradley Manning
November 17, 2011
* Growing Congressional support for SOPA internet blacklist
* Polls show Congress less popular than "US going Communist"
* Robert Reich addresses thousands from steps of Sproul Hall
* SCOTUS judges eat dinner with litigants as court takes case
* Homeland Security Dept coordinatescrackdown on non-Muslims
* Timeline: judge rules for removal of tents from Zuccotti Park
* Sen. Tom Coburn: government subsidizes lifestyles of the rich
* House Committee refuses to hear concerns about blacklist bill
* Candidate Cain's meandering response to question about Libya
* Airport X-ray body scanners banned in 27 European countries
* Documentary on the internet's hidden physical infrastructure
November 13, 2011
* Arab League suspends Syria; calls for ambassador withdrawal
* Statements from arrested students in The Daily Calnewspaper
* Several presidential candidates say they are endorsed by God
* Kansas labor groups take credit for Scott Walker cancelation
* Clint Eastwood's profanity laced endorsement of gay marriage
* Panetta: support defense industry or you support terrorists
* Libya interim leader: no place for extremism despite Shariah
* US gets access to twitter account of Icelandic MP Jonsdottir
* First public tour of crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant
* Ai Weiwei accepts loan from 25,000 Chinese to pay government
* UC Berkeley police beat non-violent protesters with batons
November 10, 2011
* Far right English Defense Leaguethreatens Occupy London LSX
* Obama delays Keystone pipeline decision until after election
* Reasons why Obama won't support 0.03% tax on rich speculators
* Watch Rick Perry's presidential campaign end before your eyes
* Hacktivists help Japanese crowdsource reliable radiation data
November 9, 2011
* Ohio voters repeal Senate Bill 5 that limited rights of unions
* Arizona voters recall Senator who wrote immigration law SB 1070
* Mississippi voters reject bid to grant personhood at conception
* New Federal warrantless GPS trackers found on SUV in California
* Obama threatens veto of attempt to repeal net-neutrality rules
November 8, 2011
* Video shows Oakland police shooting man as he films protest
* Occupy De Moines marcheson Obama 2012 campaign headquarters
* Open mic catches Obama & Sarkozy discussing Netanyahu at G20
* Abramoff: Congressional staff should be banned from lobbying
* Britain lifts ban on donations of blood from homosexual men
November 7, 2011
* Occupy London responds to release of St Paul Institute Report
* Gov. Kasich anti-union referendumpoised for defeat tomorrow
* Dutch ban on shechita would be first in Europe since Nazi era
* History of religious persecution by Puritans in the New World
* How to keep encounters with police from becoming detrimental
* Interview with Daniel Domscheit-Berg of Chaos Computer Club
* UK High Court judgementon Assange European Arrest Warrant
November 5, 2011
* Ireland to close embassy at Vatican to help meet fiscal goals
* Proposed constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United
* Correspondence between Alabama sovereign citizens and the IRS
* Special session of Nebraska legislature on tar sands pipeline
* Thousands expected to protest pipeline at White House tomorrow
* Scientists seek signs of water on asteroid passing near Earth
* Cassini probe images of 2 billion square mile storm on Saturn
* Michigan GOP approves bullying gay kids as long as it's moral
* Conan O'Brien officiates gay wedding on show in New York City
* Volunteer Veterinarians check protesters pets at Zuccotti Park
* 11 members of Tibet clergy set themselves on fire since March
* Credit Unions see 10x increase in new customers since Sept 29
* Gov. Jesse Ventura will never stand for national anthem again
* Oakland Police Dept puts another former US serviceman in ICU
* Condit Dam on White Salmon River blasted, reservoir drained
November 4, 2011
November 1, 2011
* Israel to shift tax burden to the rich and corporations
* Corporation of the City of London pauses Occupy eviction
* Judge tells Tennessee to stop arresting Occupy protesters
* Robert Reich on howOccupy has transformed public opinion
* Bank of America dropping planned monthly $5 debit card fee
* Archaic Denisovan genes found in people in Southern China
Barton Fink
Being There
Doctor Zhivago
Les Miserables
The Grass Harp
Yellow Submarine
O Brother, Where Art Thou
Bullets Over Broadway
American Splendor
V for Vendetta
Smoke Signals
Dead Man