* Water geysers of Saturn moon Enceladus contain organic compounds
* Sea Shephard founder Paul Watsonskips bail to avoid extradition
* Elizabeth Warrento speak before Bill Clinton at Dem Convention
* House bill to mirror Senate tax cut on first $250,000 in incone
* Romney press secretary tells reporters "shove it", "kiss my ass"
July 28, 2012
* TSA agents confront reporter as he eats dinner at Amtrak station
* Scottish legislation to introduce gay marriage as early as 2015
* Timothy Brown widely considerd first person to be cured of HIV
* Surveillance of Skype audio & video feeds remains unpractical
* Record labels won't share Pirate Bay settlement with artists
* Former climate change skeptic Richard Muller: NY Times OpEd
* Industrial project canceled after protest in China [photos]
* General Motors leavesAmerican Legislative Exchange Council
* Kubrick's 1964 letter to Arthur C Clarke lead to adaptation
* London honors Berners-Lee, NBC anchors haven't heard of him
July 25, 2012
* Romney claims Aurora shooting suspect's weapons were illegal
* Washington DC police affirm citizens' right to record officers
* La Rinconada, Peru is the highest inhabited settlement on Earth
* Archeology reveals modern brazier invented in the 15th century
* Last month there was rain in Mecca despite temperature of 109F
* FNC's Dana Perino can't explain how Bush Tax Cuts created jobs
July 23, 2012
* Letters from Eagle Scouts who stood up to Boy Scouts of America
* Ralph Rose refused to tip US flag to royal box at 1908 Olympics
* Palestinians from Gaza allowed to enter Egypt at Cairo airport
* Marijuana legalization initiative holds big lead in Washington
* Russell Crowe signs on to direct biopic of comedian Bill Hicks
July 22, 2012
* US govt outsourced assassination service to private enterprise
* Gay troops get Pentagon OK to march in uniform at Pride Parade
* PBS documentary on abuse by Southwest US Border Patrol Agents
* War shirt worn by Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce auctioned off
* Bachmann offers "evidence" of Islamic infiltration of US govt
* Girl Scouts have "don't ask, don't evangelize" policy on gender
* Investment firms seek to securitize real estate rental payments
* Verizon, AT&T, others make big bucks sharing users private data
* Since Microsoft takeover, Skype won't comment on eavesdropping
* Gunman opens fire at midnight showing of Batman film in Aurora
* Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn on Grover Norquist's "phantom army"
* Top Romney adviser wishes Obama "would learn how to be American"
* Democrats take one seat majority in Wisconsin Senate after recall
* Louis C.K. didn't defend Daniel Tosh's rape joke after all [video]
* Kampgrounds of America50th anniversary [ground & satellite pics]
July 15, 2012
* GOP Senator's legislation would create Intellectual Property Czar
* FDA tracked the legally protected correspondence of 21 scientists
* Iceland hires former policeman to find bankers who wrecked economy
* Icelandic court orders Visa to process Wikileaks website donations
* Saudi King called Iraqi prime minister an "Iranian agent" in 2009
* Study: inner solar system asteroids brought most of Earth's water
* Scotland Yard infiltrated anti-capitalist campaign at Glastonberry
* Foreign Policy magazine: can poor people open Swiss bank accounts?
* House of Representatives voted for 33rd time to repeal "Obamacare"
* Ideas are never fully realized. At times they retract.. [Fuentes]
July 14, 2012
* First direct maritime shipments from Miami to Havana in 50 years
* Devices we call "cell phones" should instead be called "trackers"
* David House's notes of Grand Jury proceedings re: Bradley Manning
* Brian Eno's Obscure Records released ten albums in 1975-8 [audio]
* Obama campaign adreleased one day after Romney demanded apology
July 13, 2012
* Catholic Church loses child sex abuse liability appeal in England
* Judge shuts "legally sanctioned extortion racket" debtor's prison
* NSFW: covers of Strength and Health magazine from 1930s and 1940s
* Monsanto v. DuPont legal battle over herbicide-tolerant soybeans
* How to use iPhone GPS for backpacking; topo and navigation apps
July 11, 2012
* Crimes of London Interbank Offered Rate LIBOR scandal explained
* Mursi orders Egyptian parliament to reconvene despite court ban
* NRO pressures polygraphers to obtain employees intimate details
* Bootes Void massive spherical expanse of apparently empty space
* Covers of magazines seen for sale in the 1982 film Blade Runner
July 9, 2012
* Lichen survived 18 months attached to outside of space station
* Microscopic worms live longer on space station than down here
* Preacher Bradlee Dean ordered to pay Rachel Maddow legal fees
* Mandela's first television interview on May 21, 1961 [google]
* Pictures of Henry Miller on Tropic of Cancer film set in 1969
July 8, 2012
* Basic overview of PPACA or "Obamacare" by Salman Kahn [video]
* "Never again put wars on credit for our grandchildren to pay"
* Former NSA employees give declarations in lawsuitJewel v NSA
* Pirate Bay founder Peter Sunde submits formalplea for pardon
* Federer defeats Djokavic & Murray to regain #1 seed at age 30
July 7, 2012
* Researchers observations consistent with Higgs boson particle
* Direct measurement of dark matter linking galaxy supercluster
* Oakland City Council demands renegotiation with Goldman Sachs
* Anais Nin letter to collecter who paid 1$ per page of erotica
* Clientless BitTorrent downloads in browser, using Javascript
July 6, 2012
* Sale of voter approved bond to build California high speedrail
* European parliament defeats Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement
* Wired article on howAnonymous picks targets & launches attacks
* Taibbi's intro to 40th anniversay edition of Fear and Loathing
* Harlem couple "professional agitators" in NYPD "wanted poster"
Barton Fink
Being There
Doctor Zhivago
Les Miserables
The Grass Harp
Yellow Submarine
O Brother, Where Art Thou
Bullets Over Broadway
American Splendor
V for Vendetta
Smoke Signals
Dead Man