* Assange loses extradition case; appeal to Euro court not expected
* Ordinary Canadians politicized by emergency legislation in Quebec
* Classe student group in Quebec has leader and general assemblies
* UK tribunal orders release of March 2003 Bush/Blair conversation
* 42,000 year old bone flutes are oldest known musical instruments
May 20, 2012
* Pics of protest at today's NATO alliance summit in Chicago
* US government asks: when can we shut down wireless service?
* United States could use copyright law to prosecute Wikileaks
* Twitter confirms support for Do Not Track feature in browsers
* 800 year old cedar tree felled by poachers on Vancouver Island
May 18, 2012
* 5000 cops guard European Central Bank & other banks in Frankfurt
* Links regarding Chicago NATO command & communications operations
* US DoJ notifies Baltimore PD of citizen right to record officers
* Federal judge blocks indefinite detention provisions of NDAA law
* US war in Horn of Africa includes air strikes and commando raids
* Einstein's 1936 response to question of whether scientists pray
* Ridley Scott says he is working on sequel toBlade Runner [1982]
* Commercial space flight company SpaceX readies for launch May 19
* 90% of corn seeds are coated with Bayer bee-desimating pesticide
* News International's former CEO charged in UK phone-hacking case
* Arizona secretary of state would take Obama off November ballot
* Police warrantless cell phone tracking now more precise than GPS
* 1929 recording of James Joyce reading a poem from Finnegans Wake
* French leaders support equal marriage & adoption rights for gays
* George W. Bush to publish book on strategies for economic growth
May 15, 2012
* JPMorgan Chairman/CEO Jamie Dimon speaks at shareholders meeting
* California ballot measure to require labeling of GMO ingredients
* Walker maintains big lead over Barrett ahead of Wisconsin recall
* Mujahedeen Khalq advocacy by Hayden, Mukasey, Giuliani, K-Street
* Rhode Island governor recognizes out-of-state same sex marriages
* Mormon Latter Day Saints longterm campaign against gay marriage
* Kuwait's seniorbook censor Dalal Al-Mutairi describes her work
* New French president Hollande: my enemy is the world of finance
* Short-term profit-taking eroding support for free-market system
* Data from Voyager spacecrafts indicate asymmetrical heliosphere
May 14, 2012
* Warren: JPMorgan debacle shows banks cannot regulate themselves
* Chicago acquires long range acoustic deviceahead of NATO summit
* Responses to Obama's states rights approach to marriage equality
* Domestication of dogs provided humans advantage over neanderthal
* Mayan wall paintings & numerical calculations found in Guatemala
May 12, 2012
* Dutch judge found corrupt after ordering censorship of Pirate Bay
* Brazilian prosecutor files criminal charges against Chevron exec
* Egypt's first ever presidential debate between two frontrunners
* BART wireless network shutdown led to FCC inquiry ending May 30
* Scott Walker on release of anti-labor "divide & conquer" video
* Tech-sector Libertarians would unseat SOPA sponsor Lamar Smith
* Yale History Dept chair on Christian rite of same-sex marriage
* Short 1945 film shows how a bicycle is designed & manufactured
* Trackingprochronistic idiom use in Mad Men and Downton Abbey
* Two exhibits in Washington DC feature works by artist Ai Wei
May 10, 2012
* Thrice divorced talk show host accuses Obama of war on marriage
* Michele Bachmann dual Swiss citizenshipdue to moral relativism
* Processed meat, but not red meat, associated with heart disease
* Human hiccoughs share characteristics of frog gill ventilation
* Fiveformer classmates independently report Romney gay bashing
* Humpback whales intervene in attack on gray whale calf by orcas
* Pirate Bay criticizes Anonymous' use of DDoS as form of protest
* First Amendment protects Republican call for armed revolution?
* Dispatch from yesterday's Bank of America shareholder meeting
* DSM-V first major update of psychiatry diagnostic in 30 years
May 9, 2012
May 8, 2012
* North Carolina voters pass measure banning "domestic legal union"
* Bank of America shareholder meeting is tomorrow in Charlotte, NC
* Milwaukee mayor wins primary to face governor in recall election
* Volkswagon hover car concept involves electromagnetic levitation
* Maurice Sendakdies at 83; posthumous picture book next February
* France electsnewpresident; France lost AAA credit rating this year
* Confiscated Jewish wealth paid for 30% of German World War II effort
* Reddit's TestPAC campaigning to defeat SOPA sponsor Sen. Lamar Smith
* RIP Adam Yauch; Beastie Boys were inducted to Hall of Fame in April
* Ian Fleming wanted Alfred Hitchcock to direct first James Bond film
* Legal actions in the 2011 Canadian federal election robocallscandal
* Japan shuts down all nuclear reactors; increases fossil fuel imports
* Heartland Instituteremoves billboard in Chicago featuring Unabomber
* Charlotte NC invokes special police rule for Bank of America meeting
* "Naked airport guy" John Brennanfights charge of indecent exposure
May 3, 2012
* Pictures of May Day demonstrations in US, Europe, Asia, Middle East
* International Workers Day commemorates 1886 Chicago Haymarket Riot
* Phillip Seymour Hoffman in Broadway revival of Death of a Salesman
* FAA put passenger on list for refusing to delete bird strike video
* Minneapolis police got Occupy activists high for research purposes
May 1, 2012
* UK Parliament committee'sscathingreport on News Corp phone-hacking
* Oklahoma supreme court unanimously rejects embryo personhood measure
* Roger Ebert discusses his choices for the greatest films of all time
* British high court orders several major ISPs to block The Pirate Bay
* Christopher Walken reads Sendak's Where The Wild Things Are [video]
* Venus to pass in front of the sun June 5, 6 [not again until 2117]
Barton Fink
Being There
Doctor Zhivago
Les Miserables
The Grass Harp
Yellow Submarine
O Brother, Where Art Thou
Bullets Over Broadway
American Splendor
V for Vendetta
Smoke Signals
Dead Man